High Magic Earth

Chapter 1509: The one who comes should always come (2)

Tyrion's life has experienced a lot of fear, between life and death, pain and torture, even the heart and no substance.

But there has never been such a clear, that kind of. . Deep into the bone marrow.

Like what he can imagine, the terrible existence in the limit of fantasy, everything he feared, the most terrible scary monster, the invisible nightmare, and the memories that tortured his life.

Fear enveloped him, occupied him, and tortured him. .

Tyrion's forehead was swelled with sweat of large grains of rice, like an infiltrated sponge, which oozed out and flowed continuously. He was stiff and unable to move, as if his body no longer belonged to him.

Outside the door. . who is it. .

Or. . What is it. .

Tyrion shuddered slightly, clenching his teeth, widening his eyes, trying to see what was outside the door through the gap in the door.

Fear seemed to fix him in place, making him rigid and unable to move, but he did not completely deprive him of his right to control his eyes or breath.

It is a pity that Dajun did not suffer much damage during the **** night of King's Landing. Although the same were attacked by the werewolves, the blood that was almost killed was shed into the river, but the building was not damaged much.

After the restoration, the once famous *Golden Cave was quickly restored.

And Tyrion, as the most distinguished person at present, is of course the best room. There is still a gap between the doors? There is no such thing.

Even if he popped his eyes out of his eyes, he couldn't see anything useful.

Not even a ghost.



The sound of the most terrible nightmare in the depths of the nightmare appeared again, as if the wooden strips were torn apart, or as the hoarseness of the shredded wood, like a demon squeezed out hard.

Tyrion felt suffocated, and the sound was like a fog, tightly holding his throat, even making him feel breathless.


Indescribable fears, indescribable fears, and even insurmountable fears.

Tyrion was trembling.

What this fear looks like, as if death is approaching, Tyrion can feel his heart pounding, and it is like the most terrifying memory, as if he once again saw the cold and full of Duke Taiwen A face of disdain and contempt, and like the most ruthless monster in the world, Tyrion seemed to see that ruthless night of killing, countless werewolves rushed towards himself and James, and after shattering James, Tear yourself to pieces.

What a terrible fear.

Tyrion is definitely a group of people with top willpower. He is short and naturally born as a gnome. Although his face is not ugly, he is definitely not hooked with handsomeness. He can only be regarded as ordinary, but he has ordinary people. Something that I never had.

Wisdom, and strong.

No matter what kind of predicament, he will not give up his last hope. In difficult adversity, he seems to be able to look forward to the last **** path.

It was this kind of firm willpower that kept him awake and not swallowed by fear.

Otherwise, now he doesn't say he can't move, I'm afraid even his thinking will be rigid.

Time elapsed for one second, two seconds, half a minute. . One minute. . Then three minutes. .

The sense of stiffness is getting stronger and stronger, and fear is gradually eating into Tyrion's heart. His ability to resist for two minutes or three minutes does not mean he can fight forever.

And the beads of sweat on his forehead were constantly rolling off, and he even suspected that he would soon faint because of lack of water.

Indistinctly, Tyrion seemed to feel what was outside the door.

"Haha huh..."


A nightmarish voice kept coming out.

It was a person, a vague figure, he was standing outside the gate. His ordinary height was neither thin nor excessively strong. It seemed to be an ordinary person.

But Tyrion felt vaguely that this was not the case.

He is not alone. . In other words, it is not human at all.

This guy seems to have no face, no eyes, and no nose. The whole face has only one big mouth. The big mouth is boxed under the face. The part of the mouth is not large, and there is no unconventional opening to The biological limit is not terrible or terrifying.

But it seems to bring inexplicable fear.

His whole body was crimson, and his skin was better than naked muscle tissue. He could not distinguish between men and women. There was no other part of his body except his mouth. From the shape, it was a humanoid.

"Haha huh..."


The appearance of this thing appeared in Tyrion's head.

But he didn't know what would appear in his head.

But what can be determined now is that the strange sounds appeared not for other reasons, but because of its gasping sound, with some kind of fear of deepening into the bone marrow, even if it did nothing, just stood there, inexplicably Fear swept everything.

The people on the other side of the gate.

. . This is the end. . What a monster.

Tyrion's heart gradually began to shake, and he clearly realized that fear was eroding himself. . He was not sure how long he could persist.

Or, the monster will break in the next moment.

. . .

Mu Lina is a *girl, and a *girl originally in a small town.

Her name is beautiful, and not only that, her people are more beautiful than the name. . More attractive to men.

Many women change their names after entering, and then re-use their original names when leaving, just like this, they can cut off the past and ignore everything that has happened.

Of course, more women haven’t even left almost at all.

It is impossible to use the original name for a lifetime.

But Mulina did not.

She didn't give herself some weird names, more like the names of men, she felt that her original name was very beautiful, and she didn't feel that she needed to cut off the past like those women.

It's just a pity that she was born in a small town.

It’s not remote, but it’s definitely not a big city-state. The nearest King’s Landing will take at least half a month.

During this period, you will spend time in forests and plains, encounter mercenaries with no bottom line and morality, meet greedy robbers, bloodthirsty barbarians, and so on. .

For a woman trying to travel, all this is too unfriendly.

Yes, Mu Lina doesn't want to stay here. This is just a small town. Even if she can accurately name every man in the small town, she can't save too many gold coins.

You can't even save money to hire an escort.

There is only a big city, Junlin, or whatever big city, even if it is not Junlin, it doesn’t matter. Mu Lina believes that men will be crazy for themselves, no matter where they are.

Whether it is a small town or a city with rich opponents.

Soon, she will become the most popular woman in Junlin.

But all this must be after she arrived at Junlin.

It is a pity that there are too few people in the town. With her current income, she can accumulate another three or five years, but she can slowly drop a bag of gold coins, enough to buy her own items. Through the terrible wild.

But three or five years is too long, for women, especially for women.

The peak period of their lives is probably in these few years.

It must be as soon as possible.

Miao Lina has been thinking about it, but unfortunately there are only these people in the small city-state, and there are only a few hundred people in total. The income will always be so much, it will not increase, but it will not be reduced much.

In the end, Mu Lina even felt that she should take a risk and call a carriage directly, then went on her way to Junlin alone.

Luck arrived successfully. . Bad luck, naturally died on the road.

Seriously, being trapped in a small city-state like this, and spending your life in a hurry, it is better to die.

Mu Lina is beautiful, not only her name, but also her people, and not only that, she is also lucky.

Not long ago, a group of nobles unexpectedly came to this small town that was rarely visited by people. The town is located deep in a forest behind the mountains, because the road is difficult to twists and turns, although it is a large town marked on the map, But few people came at all.

Even merchants rarely pass here.

But this group of nobles appeared.

Not surprisingly, as the most popular woman in the town, she was mixed with them that night, and Mulina learned a lot of news from these people.

The change of King's Landing, the legendary monster, the return of the Dragon Queen. .

In fact, Ms. Lina didn't care much about these things. She only knew one thing. Junlin now lacks a population. It seems that the entire city-state is dead and injured.

Not only the lack of population, but also the lack of soldiers, and even the nobility are missing, not to mention that like yourself, every city-state is an indispensable and popular woman.

I must go to the King's Landing.

This is the only thought of Mulina.

Today seems to be her lucky day. . Because she succeeded.

She seemed to be liked by an aristocrat, and when she tried to ask them to take everything to the King's Landing, she was agreed without incident.

She didn't even need her gold coins, and she didn't need to pay anything unexpected. . Everything is simpler than imagined, countless times simpler.

Three days later, they set off.

Then seven days passed. . They arrived at Junlin smoothly, and thanks to the blessings of the werewolves, let alone the entire population of Junlin was almost killed. Even the surrounding robbers and barbarians and even mercenaries were slaughtered and cleaned by them. . As food.

As Mullina thought, the entire Junlin had nothing. Her competition was weaker than expected. The only drawback was that the number was also small. Sometimes Mullina even felt that she was still in the lifeless town.

Maybe it's the same for the big city-state, Mullina has vague doubts.

Fortunately, the majestic city cannot fake, and the lack of population in the city is also her personal experience, but I believe that all will soon get better. . By then, all men will become the ministers under her skirt.

Fortunately, it seems that she still has not left Miao Lina. Everything is as she expected. More and more people are coming to King’s Land, and they are being repaired. Women like them soon flood in. Although there are more opponents than before, but Mu Lina still stood out easily.

The beautiful and delicate face makes people unable to look away and a heart that pleases men.

She became one of the big signs. Although the number of people who came to her was decreasing, the quality was gradually improving. Even in the end, even the king’s hand Leon, every time he came, named his name. Get on her.

Miao Lina, no man does not know her name.

She finally earned a lot of money, more gold coins than before, and even gold coins that could not be spent, but she also found that compared to these charming and terrible gold coins, she actually prefers fame and those men to themselves The feeling of being obsessed.

So Miao Lina did not choose to leave, but planned to stay here.

And in the recent period, Miao Lina is not like before, and she can hardly refuse anyone who finds her, because she now has a solid backing, and is one of the strongest backings in Junlin.

The king's hand is Leon.

The entire King's Landing, and even the entire Westeros, at least no one dared to defy the little man's advice on the bright side.

Otherwise, Daenerys will let them know what is the dragon's anger and why she can become the king of the whole kingdom of the seven kingdoms.

Miao Lina's life is very moist. Tyrion doesn't have a home in Junlin. He likes to stay in the university day and night. Then he calls a lot of people to accompany him. Of course, there must be Miao Lina.

But Tyrion couldn’t just focus on Mu Lina alone, so she seemed much more relaxed. She only needed to eat exquisite snacks and fruits every day, and then stay with Tyrion wholeheartedly.

Mu Lina enjoys this kind of life very much.

Similarly, she is also very clear who brought it to her. Without Tyrion, although she is also the most popular woman in Junlin, she is definitely not as laid back as she is now.

Her attention to Tyrion may even exceed Tyrion's attention to her.

So it was at the first time that she realized that Tyrion's state seemed a bit wrong.

"Sir Tyrion..."

"What else do you have?"

I noticed that Tyrion stopped, and first woke up, leaning on the head of the bed, her face full of lazy women, that is, Mulina sat up from the bed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ asked strangely.

Tyrion did not answer.

There was a bad feeling in Miao Lina's heart. She hesitated, but finally decided to take a look in the past, after all, just look at it, and there would be no danger.

She came down from the bed, and put a tulle on her by the way, and walked slowly towards Tyrion.

As she got closer to Tyrion, the strange unease in her heart became stronger, but Mulina was very strange. After all, she only saw Tyrion standing in a daze. . How can it be dangerous.

But the next moment, even if she was only half a step away from Tyrion, the hand stretched out in the air was about to grab Tyrion's sleeve. . An inexplicable fear suddenly swept across her body.

When fear made her thinking blurry, she seemed vaguely aware of why she was afraid.

It was some kind of unknown creature. It seemed like an endless nightmare, standing on the other side of the gate, using fear to freeze everything nearby.

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