High Magic Earth

Chapter 1511: Daenerys

"Quick! Quick!"

The footsteps outside the door became clearer and clearer, which meant that the soldiers were approaching here, and Tyrion could even hear the shouts in their mouths.

Their voice was obviously anxious, after all, Tyrion had something wrong, and none of them could run.

This is the hand of the king. Although Daenerys has not appeared for a long time, for those who live in the monarchy and even see the sky and sky from time to time, they want to ignore Daenerys. That's not so easy.

She represents absolute power, and no one dares to resist her.

That huge, terrifying and terrifying figure, even one glance will lose the courage to fight.

If Tyrion, as the king’s hand, really happened, Daenerys would never let them go. I heard that the queen was not a kind guy.

Gossip is human nature, common sense, as the king who has Westeros' first dragon queen, daily gossip is even more essential.

After Daenerys ruled King's Landing and life gradually calmed down, many people began to share gossip in private. The power of the dragon queen was frightening, but it still couldn't destroy people's heart of gossip.

Many stories about Daenerys’ previous stories have been turned out, not only how to become the Queen of Dragons, but also the time when she came to Westeros, even the deeds in Erzos. Some businessmen from afar spread.

She is a fair and kind queen, but it is not that she is a queen who can easily forgive others' mistakes.

Tyrion is already a big regular visitor. The soldiers seem to have put their guard down. The enemies who can make these screams are obviously not simple guys. . All of this is because the soldiers did not have the same vigilance as before.

They thought it was safe here.

If something really happened to Tyrion. . Obviously their negligence.

I am afraid that the Queen of Dragons will not let them go.

So these soldiers ran so hard.

Tyrion, who was standing in place, gasped nervously. He was afraid that the monster outside the door would suddenly break in and start a massacre. . and many more.

Tyrion suddenly froze.

respite. .

That terrible sense of fear made people unable to move at all, let alone move, and even the tremor of the muscles could not be done, only instinctive trembling, and then shaking the eyeball.

But now he was able to breathe, breathing heavily.

Although the body is still stiff, it is much better than before.

Did it leave?

Tyrion has doubts in his heart. He thinks that his thinking may have fallen into a certain misunderstanding. Perhaps it is indeed a very terrible guy outside, but it does not mean that the other party has wisdom.

Perhaps it was also a beast that suddenly possessed special power.

It won't even hit the door.

"Adult! Adult!"


"Be careful...what is that!"

The sound outside the door became clearer, as if they were separated from Tyrion by a wall. . This is indeed the case, they are outside the gate, because they have even seen Tyrion’s imagined monster.

It really exists.


"What the **** is this!"


"Hurry away!"

There was a series of noisy sounds outside the door, and at the same time, along with the collision of the sword and the iron, the people in the house shrank in a forbidden voice, and they were scared and shivered while hiding in the corner of the room.

Fortunately, they only lost their emotions at the beginning, and then this group of medieval women are obviously better at controlling their emotions than the modern women in the future, but there is no screaming.

They shrank quietly in the corner of the room, waiting for others to save their lives.

In this noisy, Tyrion suddenly relaxed and seemed to regain control, then immediately fell back to the ground.

It seems that the crisis has been lifted.

Sitting on the ground, Tyrion gasped for breath, like a suffocator who had just landed, a stream of sweat flowing down his forehead and various parts of his body, and soon a pool of water on the ground Doubled.

Tyrion felt dry and dizzy. . Fortunately, this group of guys rushed over, otherwise they would continue to stalemate for more than ten minutes, maybe they passed out.

In any case, as a man, Tyrion’s physical qualities are higher than that of ordinary women. It does not mean pure strength, but the whole, such as resistance to disease, psychological tolerance, etc.

So at the moment when the pressure was alleviated, Tyrion just fell backwards, and his body felt extremely dehydrated, but he did not faint on the spot.

But Miao Lina next to him obviously couldn't do it. When the pressure disappeared, she immediately collapsed softly on the ground, and the whole person had lost consciousness.

Because the stiff muscles are too stiff, there are still some mechanical instincts twitching at this time.

Miao Lina's breathing is very weak at this time. Although there are still breathing and ups and downs, it is too weak to be observed. Even if you don't observe carefully, she will be mistaken for a dead person.

Obviously, her body is much weaker than Tyrion, and she is more stressed and hurt.

But Tyrion could not care about one at this time. Although he liked the woman quite a bit, it was only one after all.

Like. . Like Shirley.

Tyrion's head was lowered, and his tousled hair was scattered around him, as if he was in a state of embarrassment. He only gasped with his head bowed, as if to **** the fresh air of his life into his lungs, not to mention the next Mu Lina, can't even call out the soldiers outside, let alone take care of others.

The women in the back still shrunk together. . After all, they didn't know what was happening. It was like a silent pantomime.

Calm, weird, and revealed a deep fear.


Finally, after a lot of noise and confusion, the outside world gradually quieted down, and with the more rapid pace as if drumming, a group of guards slammed into the door.

"grown ups!"


The long sword that had rushed to the front was already held in his hand, and he was leaning slightly in front of the guard. When he hit the door, he shouted loudly.

It may be that I intend to leave a good impression in Tyrion's heart.

But in the next moment, he saw Tyrion sitting on the ground, the whole person in a state of disarray, as well as the others who were also paralyzed beside him, and others in the room. .


His head went down for half a second.

It is expected that the flesh and blood will be vague, the situation is critical, or that a war has not occurred. All this is more like a situation that should appear most in Dali.

Is it too loud now?

The guy was a little unclear whether the women were screaming for joy, or were they really screaming in fright.

But the thing I saw outside the door before. . But it is also impossible to falsify.

It is because of this that he now seems a little indecisive.

He is still a guy with a head. After all, he can know that the first one rushed in to show loyalty. It is not a fool, but it does not mean that all the heads of the guards are fast enough.

In the age of backward education in the Middle Ages, literacy and literacy are not a universal thing. When knowledge cannot be circulated, any fool can appear.

Someone next to me thought he might have encountered a good thing. . Immediately after passing by for a while, it seemed that he was planning to bow his head and quit.

Although the guy who rushed first was a little clever, but under the pull of his companion, he seemed to be leaving without any response.

Although he always felt. . There seems to be something wrong.

Seeing this group of idiots seemed to be planning to leave like this, the door had to be closed again, and Tyrion, who lowered his head, could not bear it anymore.


He exhausted his last strength and shouted hoarsely.

"Go call someone!"

. . .

Above the Genting High Platform, the snow-capped snow has accumulated a shallow layer.

The low temperature brought by the winter is getting more and more severe, and the days of snowflakes are several times that of the past. Nowadays, a little snow falls every day. Although the snow is not big, it is intermittent, but it has never stopped.

The accumulation of less and more makes the earth almost covered with snow at this time, just like the two poles of the planet, not to mention the small number of snowflakes when they are small, and most of the time, the sky is still falling.

Because of the altitude, the temperature of the high platform is several times colder than the ground, and the snow is also easier to accumulate here. Normally, when Daenerys stays on this, it is fine. The huge body can even easily flap its wings. Sweep all the snow.

But these days they have stayed near the spaceship not far from Junlin city. . Normally, it is impossible for a maid to clean the platform at such a high level.

So, I haven't seen it for a few days, and the snow on the high platform has not even passed the instep.

Can withstand the weight of the Queen of Dragons, the quality of the high platform is naturally excellent at the place of construction, and these snows are probably not heavier than Daenerys.

But as the snow accumulation continues to increase, the pressure on the entire high platform is not simply accumulated, but doubled and endured.

In other words, if Daenerys is absent for a long time, the snow may even crush the entire high platform.

This is not an exaggeration.

After all, it is not easy to build a high platform with medieval craftsmanship, and you want to keep it from tilting and collapsing when the base is slender. . It is almost impossible to do.

But fortunately, the amount of snow on the current platform should be safe, and soon, it will return to its owner.


Some sound appeared as if the current was cutting through the air. At the next moment, a little star dust appeared suddenly in the midair on the platform.

Then immediately, the light spot gradually spreads, like a sharp sharp knife, deeply cut into the air, cutting it like a cream cake, cutting off a complete arc.

The other side of the aperture changes color when the entire aperture is formed.

It is no longer the situation on the high platform, but some kind of wilderness in the snow forest.

In the next moment, Yi Ao, Daenerys and others crossed the aperture portal, and in the blink of an eye, they returned to the high platform of Junlinbao from the forest outside Junlin.

Yi Xiao did not ride Daenerys. . Dragon form.

I have to say that no matter which woman is, she is extremely sensitive to this kind of thing. Yi Chou deliberately said that the dragon form and the human form are completely different things. . But under the stare of Daenerys' death, he didn't dare to speak.

This is probably murderous. .

It turned out that the momentum of human beings that could not be described or even accurately defined actually existed, and Yi Chou felt that he had learned it again.

Fortunately, Daenerys was reluctant to contribute her spine bones, sheer clamor, and portal magic. When the aperture was pulled, everyone returned to the high platform from the wild.

"This magic... never seen it."

Gu Mo curiously observed the golden light that cut the space, and seemed to intend to touch it with his hand.

Kai Neng next to him still had a wooden face and looked serious, but he was actually curious, and unlike Gu Mo's pure curiosity, he was clearly aware of the changes and effects of this magic.

"Are you new?"

Although Kai Neng's face is even a little cold, but in fact, his character is quite moderate, especially when dealing with a few acquaintances.

"This magic is much more convenient than what you used to be... it's also more comfortable, if you use it... forget it."

Magic is a very unscientific thing, and it is impossible to understand it with common sense, so things that are difficult to change by ordinary means will be very simple in magic.

Surprised these things are meaningless. . After all, they are not the first day to know Yi Huo.

For example, Daenerys, Queen of the Dragons, she was very calm.

After taking two steps, Daenerys said indifferently.

"The high platform is about to collapse."

Kai Neng and Gu Mo felt that their faces were greenish, but they were not afraid of death. Even if the high platform crashed, they would not die if they had combat suits, and even suffered serious injuries. At most, they were slightly injured.

But this does not mean that they want to experience it once, and they collapsed just after they came to the high platform. What is this situation, not to mention that the lower Junlin is immovable, and it will inevitably cause heavy casualties.

Yi Chou scratched his hair again.

He found the crux of the problem at a glance, but the snow was too thick, and Yi Chou also fully believed that Daenerys had the ability to solve this problem.

But she just wanted to let herself do it.

At the next moment, Yi Chou's right foot gently stepped forward.

"I said, grow."

Along with a brief whisper, an invisible air wave rolled out instantly, with several people as the center, and the snow on the ground was swept up by this air wave, and it fell like a heavy snow falling in the air.

And this is far from the end~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the same time that snowflakes are flying in the sky, countless grasses have grown on the surface of the platform at a speed visible to the naked eye, and countless flowers have also bloomed.

Snow flakes in the air, but before it fell, it turned into a little bit of star dust, and finally became like a galaxy that fell to the ground, scattered on the grass.


The platform suddenly shook.

After all, the grass also takes up weight.

Seeing Daenerys glared over, Yi Chou quickly remedied again, "At the same time, be firm."

The entire high platform became shaky and firm, just like it grew directly from the ground to the sky, the magic peas of the giant.

"I reinforced the platform with magic."

"... No need to worry about being overweight anymore, unless the magic fails, no matter how much weight, it will not show any slight shaking."

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