High Magic Earth

Chapter 1513: Cancer 1


With a grin, this guy stood in front of the gate, neither pushing the door in nor planning to leave, and seemed satisfied with his current position.

If it is not without eyes, it is estimated that it has been attached to the door, and it is aimed down the door.

Of course, as the largest entertainment venue in Junlin, especially places that pay special attention to private space. . There must be no gaps in the gate, it is destined to see nothing.

The strange guy stood in front of the door so intently, as if it were his lifelong dream.

Yi Chou even felt a very strong sense of satisfaction in it. . Some are stupid, if you ignore it, the appearance of human beings is completely unacceptable.

But Tyrion, who was separated by a gate, was obviously less comfortable.

In addition to a strong sense of satisfaction, Yi Chou can also feel a very strong fear emanating from his body, and this fear has even turned into substance. . Reached the invisible limit.

Only one step away, it is no longer invisible.

The yellow light of Yi Chou's fingertips flickered slightly, and then instantly went out again. The thumb's fingertips gently rubbed the ring face hidden on the side of the palm. This rich and substantive fear made Yi Chou think of its ring. Yellow light of fear.

It can be said that this stupid little monster is only half a step away from controlling the emotional power, but now, it still can only instinctively emit a frightening atmosphere.

This kind of fear is not a mess, not a stimulus from the senses and a stimulus from the soul. . It is fear itself.

It is a collection of fear concepts. It is a fairly high-level force. I did not expect to see it in such a strange creature, and it is so weak.

Yi Chou's gaze passed through the high platform, through the cascading Junlin Castle, over half of the Junlin, and then landed on this strange little creature.

At the same time, the memory in his brain was quickly flipping through, trying to find the origin of this thing.

Because this little guy seems to be quite valuable, for Yi Biao to study the power of fear.

Although Yi Xiao got a yellow light ring, the broken ring he picked didn't know if it was broken or what. . Although it is possible to use the power of fear to realize, but beyond that, there seems to be no other ability.

Not to mention the light beast, the deeper yellow light power, even the oath and the intelligent creature has locked this set of processes have not been carried out.

Of course, Yi Xiao cannot look down on the position of the Yellow Lantern Corps. He is now playing with the idea of ​​infinite gems. In contrast, the level of the essence of emotional power is completely different from that of pure users. Yi Xiao is now in a higher position.

But although it doesn’t look good, it doesn’t mean it’s useless.

For Yi Biao, the only direct contact in the DC world is probably the Flash Barry Allen, or the weak chicken in the TV series.

Although the dc world has plots such as comics and movies as a reference, it is only a plot.

In terms of technology, energy, and magic, it still needs substantial contact to understand and analyze, so any change in the yellow light ring is a very valuable clue for the current Yihuo.

Only by accumulating clues and references can Yi Chou know more about the power of fear, or the power of emotion.

If not necessary, Yi Biao does not want to rely directly on the silver tongue to obtain those higher-level powers, such as the universal magic of shadow energy, pseudo-spiritual power and pseudo-steel body. Whatever they are, after all, they are also very strong, But it is definitely not as good as the original.

Nor is it unique.

Infinite gems, the emotional power of Seven Lights, and even the power of Phoenix, chaotic magic, this is what is really powerful in those superhero worlds.

Perhaps they are not weaker than the silver tongue.

Therefore, Yi Xuan did not intend to rely solely on the silver tongue to get these things, but more on himself.

It is impossible to rely on the silver tongue for everything, and by virtue of Yi Chou itself, it is not entirely without chance. After all, he had nothing at first. . Even magic is self-taught.

The premise is a complete plan.

This little thing is very valuable. It is an unexpected joy. The fear power in it is very valuable. . Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes, and his heart had decided its future.

The memory is still reading quickly, and even half of it has been read, and Yi Xiao feels that he is getting closer and closer to the truth.

"Haha huh..."

This stupid guy is still standing at the door, hahaha, he grinned, because he has no face, so he can't see any expression at all.

And it has no saliva, so it stood so stupid in front of the door. . If it wasn't for Yi Biao who could feel its whole body exuded through magic, I am very happy, and I am also very satisfied with the atmosphere, it seems to be completely dazed.

But the situation of Tyrion on the other side of the door is getting worse.

Since it stepped into a certain range, it was directly locked by fear. This kind of fear derived from the essence of fear was not something he could resist.

Suffocating painful memories, the most terrible experiences, even the most terrifying existence, these things appeared in turn before Tyrion's eyes.

He must have seen the illusion.

Perhaps a terrible monster, a twisted grimace image, he may carry it with his strong willpower. . But torture from the soul is not something everyone can resist.

Everyone always has the most feared memories, nightmares that can never be relieved, even if it is easy to clamor.

You know, even those superheroes with willpower will be able to grow up in front of the emotional power of Qideng, not to mention Tyrion.

Yi Xiao knew that this guy had a disproportionate strong will hidden in his short body. . But there are things that idealism cannot resist.

His body is gradually stiffening, and Yi Chou sees that his muscles have begun to cramp. Obviously, this force has affected the actual body from his heart.

He was unlucky.

How to say Tyrion is also an acquaintance of Yi arrogant, if he is really in danger, Yi arrogant will not sit back and ignore, of course, this requires him to really be in danger.

At the next moment, the whole world seemed to accelerate in Yi Chou's eyes instantly.

We didn’t seem to be aware of the anomaly, and we approached one by one, and after three hours, everyone except Tyrion fluttered the street. The soldier found the anomaly, scared the monster, and then saved Tyrion, but he is also severely dehydrated.

But the possibility is too low, this memory is destroyed instantly.

We noticed the anomaly, but this time it did not attract the attention of the soldiers. The monster waited for more than twelve hours in front of the door, Tyrion threw the street.

But the possibility is still too low, the soldiers cannot be so alert, and the memory is destroyed again.

We noticed the anomaly. .

We did not notice the anomaly. .

Countless possible futures flashed quickly in Yi Yao's eyes, black lightning leaped in his pupils, and at the same time as a shadow of omnipotent magic, Nenglian also converged into a thumb-sized brain in Yi Yao's head Shape, as a temporary auxiliary brain.

This speculation about the future only flashed in Yi Biao's eyes for less than half a second, and then countless pictures broke like bubbles, leaving only the last one.

They alarmed the soldiers, and Tyrion would be rescued soon, no big deal.

Observing the future, or inferring the future, is also one of the omnipotent magics of shadow energy. After all, the illusion and the shaping of the future that Yi Chou displayed when recruiting the agents in the Red House are almost like real. It is speculated that a small part of the future is not. What a difficult thing.

Time is an area where Yi Chou has never been in-depth, and neither he nor Lucy bravely use the silver tongue to shape the power of time.

But it does not mean that the future of observing the future and the field of illusion still stand still. . Seeing the short-term future with the power of quickness is one of the capabilities that the silver tongue gives Yi arrogance.

The speeding person's thinking is different from that of ordinary people. When he is in a state of fast speed, the whole person's thinking will also be accelerated in an instant, otherwise the speeding people will not be able to turn at all.

Using this feature, Yi Chao endowed the omnipotent magic to observe aliens on the shadow energy. . Of course, it is more inferred than observation.

Use super-high thinking to speculate innumerably possible branches in the future. The closer the speculated future is, the shorter the time will be, because there are fewer branches, and then use the shadow energy to condense the vice brain and calculate all the branches and calculations. All concentrated in the auxiliary brain.

Although Yi Biao's thinking has been accelerated, everyone's choices, even every moment, are different, and the accumulation of such things is also very large data.

Although his brain can withstand it in a state of tremendous power, it will be dizzy, so it is better to use the auxiliary brain instead.

The combination of these forces allows Yi Biao to understand the possible future in a flash, of course, this is only the most likely future.

It seems that all of this is due to the power of magical power. In terms of magic, only the magic of the shadow plays an auxiliary role in it. . But in fact, the future branch is determined by magic, otherwise, it will take a lot of time to face so many branches even in the future after five minutes.

Using magic to filter out some useless branches, this can speed up the entire process, as for how to filter. . This is the realm of magic.

It cannot be explained by technology.


Seeing that Tyrion wouldn’t have anything to do, Yi Chou gave up his plans to draw a circle on the spot. This guy’s luck always seemed to be so good and bad, every time something bad happened, but But he was always lucky not to suffer the worst result, death.

Simply arrogant, too lazy to ignore.

But in the next moment, Yi Huo was slightly startled, because he finally found in his memory a creature very similar to the guy in front of him, or rather, existed.

Because this thing is so unbelievable that Yi Chou and Lucy analyzed that they could not exist at all, so they were pressed into the deepest part of memory.

Almost all the memories were turned over, and then they were found.


In other words, any supernatural phenomenon, supernatural existence, and supernatural beings that humans cannot understand can be called containment.

This is a unique concept setting in a certain universe. Like Chakra, the old dominator, and evil energy, are some of the iconic forces that can distinguish the world.

The containment sounds nothing special. It is nothing more than some supernatural beings. Yi Chou is also a supernatural member, but this is not the case.

The world with the containment often encounters some very strange containment, it is not just some dogs that can breathe fire, or cats that can freeze.

Of course, relatively safe containment is indeed the case, but those strong containment. .

Their existence has already exceeded human imagination, and any strange and supernatural phenomena can be easily distorted.

There are not many shelters that can destroy the world and even spread to the infinite multiverse.

For example, Fu Jiang, she looks simple, there is no danger, but she can multiply indefinitely, this proliferation is almost difficult to contain, if left unchecked, she is enough to destroy the entire multiverse.

Because the number of proliferations increases exponentially, unless it has been contained in the early stage, after a certain amount, any means will have no effect.

Containment is something like this. Although they seem to be ordinary, they may even be an ordinary piggy bank or rice cooker, but they have the power of thinking.

Enough to threaten the entire multiverse.

When returning to this world for supplementary information, Yi Chou once paid special attention to two aspects.

One is the old ruler of the Cthulhu myth series. Each of these external gods is an indescribable thing, and even one glance will fall into madness, and humans cannot directly look at their existence. . And this is just their most basic feature.

The most important thing is that Yi Chou has now vaguely come into contact with their existence. If those indescribable forces at high latitudes have nothing to do with them, Yi Chou must not believe it.

Sooner or later these guys will be in trouble, so Yi Biao paid special attention to it.

The second is the containment represented by the scp foundation. These things are as troublesome as the indescribable existence. It is simply one of the major tumors in the multiverse. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Although the indescribable things Yi Xuan have been in contact with, the containment has never appeared. Yi Xiao once thought that he would not touch their world. . But now, it seems a little too optimistic.

Of course, Yi Biao is not sure. The stupid guy in front of him must be a containment. After all, it is different from the containment marked by the scp foundation.

but. . I like to stare at people behind the door, with a humanoid appearance, no facial features and skin, only a mouth, which can make a haha ​​sound, and most importantly, it exudes a strong sense of fear that can let the other side of the door Creatures can't move even in death. .

The most similar to these characteristics, the most similar, are only contained in the spc foundation.

"It's not a terrible guy..."

Yi Huo whispered, also said to Daenerys.

"It's fun, but... also means trouble..."

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