High Magic Earth

Chapter 1539: Title Jun's Sentinel Skin


Athena screamed.

There was anger in the roar, as if the hot magma was slowly burning, and there was also reluctance, spouting with the angry lava.

There is no pain or fear.

The scorching laser beam hit Athena's face in an instant, and the beam with a huge impact almost turned Athena up.

The flowing heat seemed to vaporize everything around, but Athena didn't melt away.

However, this high temperature is burning Athena's heart at all times.

She felt angry.

Angry after being offended by ants.


The two sentries exhaled the coldness, and wrapped Athena in them from left to right, as if they were executed. The remaining sentry continued to increase the power of the laser beam and blasted towards Athena like an ion cannon. Trying to wipe her out directly.

This is their usual method.

In fact, except for some special mutants, such as Steel Lux and Wolverine, which need to be torn into pieces or wiped out more thoroughly, most mutants cannot withstand this high-temperature laser attack.

The laser beam comes from the laser eye and is also one of the mutant human genes collected by Bolivar Trask.

At that time, there were not many abilities in the mutant gene pool. This powerful laser beam attack was naturally listed as the main attack skill of the sentry.

He even deliberately reserved an attack position on his face.

The laser eyes in the comics are connected to the door of a different world. When his eyes are opened, the door of the different world will open instantly, and the energy in it spews out.

The energy diffused in the different world is a special wave band. When this wave band enters the real world, it will turn into a very destructive and possess a substantial laser beam.

This powerful convection can even destroy the sun.

But there are still many more powerful beings that can ignore this energy, such as the power of Qin Gelei’s Phoenix, she can first intercept this special band and not convert it into a laser beam that can affect reality, and It is directly supplementary food for Phoenix.

Of course, there are not so many scenes in the laser eye in the movie, he only has a pair of eyes that can emit rays of destruction.

Even so, this mutant ability with both high temperature and powerful energy attack is enough to wipe out most creatures.

Including mutants.

After all, many mutants are no different from humans in terms of vulnerability, except for Wolverine, Steel Lux, and Red Tanks, which have defensive abilities.

Otherwise, as strong as Magneto or Professor x, will also be killed by a bullet.

The laser beam of the laser eye has exceeded the power of most human weapons, and can naturally become the most conventional means of killing of sentinel robots.

But a pity. . This seems to have little effect on Athena.

The laser beam was fiercely sprayed on Athena's face, and the scorching heat even gradually formed a layer of ambiguous fluid on her surface.

Various chaotic heat waves and rays flowed down her cheeks and long blond hair, like a melted gold solution, dripping to the ground, the potholes that melted the entire ground, and fell into a high temperature mud. in.

These scorching energy fluids converge continuously, and they quickly gather into a lava field. The scorching heat even distorts the nearby air. From a distance, it looks like it is caught in a fire illusion.

The two sentinels holding Athena were also unable to withstand the heat wave, but they quickly gave up the ability of icy mutants, and turned to the same heat wave as if they had fallen into the furnace, exuding Flame and high temperature.

They switched to burning mutant abilities.

The three sentries were all wrapped in flames and even burnt red. They could no longer see the clear human form, only the vague humanoid figure.

But even so, Athena did not suffer any harm.

"You need to work harder, but..."

It was a twisted protective net.

It clings tightly to Athena's surface, very irregular, but it blocks the laser beam hitting her effortlessly.

This kind of thing comes from her armor.

Because if you look closely, you will find that all parts of her armor are shining, golden luster. Although her armor covers a small area, it is even called a war skirt rather than a war armor, but this is distributed. The gloss that comes out is obviously the key to forming that invisible protective net.

It was it that blocked the laser beam of the sentry.

Then in this dazzling light, Athena slowly raised her head against the hot laser beam.

"... your effect is achieved."

She said slowly.

At the next moment, although still a little rickety, Athena still stood up slowly and firmly, under the enormous pressure of the laser beam attack and the suppression of the power of the two sentries.

"Ability performance: Super strength."

"Machine damage: none."

"A preview of the response plan..."

The flames of the two sentinel robots, which were burning like flames, flashed violently in the eyes. They found that Athena's power was more than doubled than before.

Almost in an instant, the sentinel robots also began to increase their strength, but they soon discovered that the increased force could no longer suppress Athena, even if the metal arm started to creak after Athena's breakaway, it could not be suppressed. Live the goddess of war in anger.

The new plan is still in preview. . Therefore, before then, the sentry could not complete the targeted counterattack and evolution.

"Click! Click!"

"A preview of the response plan..."


"A preview of the response plan..."

As Athena's body slowly stood upright, the arms of the two sentries kept cracking, and even made a crunchy sound due to the strong sense of squeeze.

The Athena they press is like a human body, like a piece of equally hard metal, the strength from the sentry and the squeeze from Athena, and even their arms are gradually twisted and deformed.


Realizing that the situation is not good, although the response plan has not ended yet, the sentries still instinctively attacked.

They let go of the other arm that held Athena's double-edged blade, and the arm deformed like a stream of water in mid-air, and then turned into a sharp spike, slamming toward Athena's heart.

But at the next moment, in a crisp sound, Athena's armor suddenly burst out of a yellowish luster, and then the attack from the sentry was firmly blocked from the body.

"...Your success angered me, then..."

"Kaka Kaka."

The armor is completely activated.

As the equipment matching the goddess of war and wisdom, although Athena’s double-edged blades and armor are not top-level artifacts, they are still exposed by the silver tongue. They still have one of the hardest metals in the world of superheroes. Hardness of Edelman alloy.

And not only that, the above blessing from Zeus also gives it a certain resistance to attack.

Not magic, but blessings.

Of course, Zeus does not exist, and Yi Chao can’t really be Zeus. The so-called blessing is nothing but a silver tongue that comes out directly. After all, whether it is a **** blessing or the **** itself. . For the silver tongue, it is nothing more than a few words.

only. . When facing the Scarlet Witch before, the gap between the two was really too big.

If it is the scarlet witch in the movie, Edman Alloy may not be able to be wiped out by her, and even Athena can completely slap each other.

But the other party comes from the settings in the comic. .

The chaotic magic mastered by the Scarlet Witch comes from the top ancient magical existences in the Marvel world, mixed with her ability to modify the probability of the mutant itself, a wonderful and powerful, even unpredictable terrible change.

Modify reality.

Random, permanent, and even real-world modifications that affect countless multiverses.

The gap between this power and Athena is too big, not to mention just Athena in a state of brute force collision, even if she is full of high latitude energy, it is completely impossible to be the opponent of the Scarlet Witch.

So even if the battle skirt is stronger than the Edman alloy, it doesn't make much sense, and it is still just a way out.

But replaced by a sentinel robot with a gap, but the gap is not large, the role of Athena's double-edged scimitar and battle skirt immediately became apparent.

The battle skirt resists almost all attacks from the sentry, whether it is a pothole that melts the ground, even a hot laser beam that is enough to melt the gold, or a physical attack from the super power of the sentry and super speed blessing.

Even her double-edged scimitar, after being scorched around the laser beam for so long, was still not melted and tired.

To some extent, they have surpassed Edman alloys.

With the help of the armor and resisting all attacks from the sentry, Athena had no worries.

"Dangdang Dang!"

With the rain-like attack and buzzing of the sentry, Athena was under tremendous pressure, and then a little bit, she stood up again.

"Now, you should bear my anger."

She said coldly.


The voice just fell, and the next moment, Athena's figure had disappeared in place, and she disappeared at the same time, as well as the double-edged scimitar that just thawed.

Because her speed is too fast, she continuously increases the power of the laser beam, so that the sentinel with other attributes has not responded for a while.

The laser beam did not stop after losing the target of Athena, but still sunk into the ground.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the scorching beam of energy dissolves the ground into a huge crater four to five meters deep.


At the same time, they didn't need to look for it at all. Athena's figure had appeared again behind the sentry, and then stepped out, kicking the sentry with a stagger, and then waved the knife up. Cut to the neck of this sentry.


With the sound of melting metal, the sentinel's neck was directly cut by half of Athena.

With a high-intensity laser beam attack, Athena resisted for at least a minute, including her double-edged scimitar.

Even if the double-edged scimitar is a special half-artifact made by the silver tongue, it was burned to a red under the erosion of high temperature.

But this just happens to increase its power.

The machete, with a scorching heat, was like a knife cutting tofu, and there was no pause in the running water and it slashed down the sentry's neck.

Originally even the metal shell had been difficult to break open, at this time, the neck of the sentry was directly cut by half.


The neck was cut off, and the head of the sentry was twisted ninety degrees instantaneously. The ferocious laser beam hadn't stopped before it stopped, and it immediately circled around the spot with the rotation of the sentry's head.

Not only did they directly fly the two sentinels around them in a huge bang, they even nearly burned the crown of the second princess, and wiped their heads obliquely toward the sky.

Like a meteor, a golden-orange laser beam draws a dazzling arc in the sky and slowly falls to the distance. . The eyes of the sentry who seemed to have lost contact with the power core slowly extinguished.


Then the tall body of the sentry shook twice, kneeling heavily on the ground in a muffled sound and falling down.

Then Athena rolled over to the floor.

In a light sprint, she broke through the two sentinels that she came back to and intercepted. She immediately came to the sentry that fell on the ground. The double-edged scimitar waved, and she was about to cut off the sentry's head completely.


But the rear sentinel arm suddenly stretched and stopped under Athena's double blades. Although they were cut off by the double blades in an instant, they also stopped for a moment.

This moment is enough for them to catch up again.

"Dangdang Dang!"

There was a series of metal collisions between Athena and the two sentries, accompanied by fireworks, the sentry's arm was continuously cut off by Athena~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But what made Athena frown Although they are made of a group of materials, the parts where the sentinel was cut can still grow continuously.

Like a living creature, a gecko.

I don’t know whether it is because of the ability to reproduce some kind of super-regenerative mutant, or some other special reason. . Athena thinks it may be the latter. After all, the sentinel is not a creature at all, but a robot. It is a special material. Even if it replicates the ability of super regeneration, it should not be used.

Not only that, except for the regeneration ability that made Athena feel tricky, the Sentinel's attacking method began to make a big progress than before.

The amazing defense of the skirt and Athena's sudden eruption caught them off guard.

But it was just off guard.

Athena had no time to sneak attack to resolve a sentry. . The remaining two sentinels seemed to have redesigned their response plan and became more difficult.

Their speed is gradually catching up with themselves, and their strength is continuing to increase. Even the combat skills seem to have become faster than the learning speed just now.

After tangling for about half a minute, Athena clearly felt that her advantage was declining.

It was like returning to the original feeling.

and. . It's not just that.


During the fierce battle, Athena's ear suddenly moved slightly. She caught an unusual voice. While still having the spare power, she quickly locked the target along the voice, that is. . The sentinel, whose neck was cut open, lay in a ruin, and seemed to have lost his fighting power.

Its neck is exuding some kind of high-temperature melting sound, the hard metal has turned into a red metal melt.

Gathered slowly to everything like lava.

It is being repaired.

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