High Magic Earth

Chapter 1542: Thor who lives forever in the background




The sentry only had time to spit out half a sentence, and even the first program preview did not end, he was slammed out by Daenerys.

With a bang, the two made a loud noise in the air, and at the same time burst a wave of air, like a burst of air water polo.


The sentry, who was suddenly hit by the giant force deep into the ground, made a sizzling sound, and occasionally a little spark was spattered from his body. It seemed that under the blow of Daenerys, he was directly hit into a short circuit.

As an extremely powerful and perfect war robot, Sentinel is naturally difficult to short circuit, but it does not mean that it will never be damaged.

After all, it is just a robot.

Sentinel can absorb the damage caused by the mutant's ability, can continuously improve itself, or even directly copy the mutant's ability, it is almost deprived, but it is not that it will never be damaged.

As long as it is a machine, it must follow the physical properties of the machine.

The metal deforms when heated, becomes brittle when it is cold, and completely collapses when damaged. The sentinel is also made of metal, but its ability to absorb mutants allows it to withstand stronger external impact and better absorb heat, even Better withstand low temperatures.

This makes them less vulnerable.

But everything has limits.

Just as the Fireman was extinguished by the lower temperature of the sentry or even killed by freezing, the iceman was burned and melted by the high temperature of the sentry until it melted.

This is the limit.

When things reach the extreme, the relationship of mutualism and mutual restraint no longer exists, or, even if it does exist, it is not an order of magnitude and a level. The mutual relation is not so important.

Both Athena and Princess II have a common question, that is, whether there is a limit to the evolution of the sentry.

Although it is still unclear whether the potential of the sentry has a limit, at present, the evolution of the sentry is faster than Athena, or at least, the limit of the sentry is not so shallow.

But even if the limits of the sentinel may be farther away than imagined, it takes time to develop it thoroughly.

And if a sudden burst broke through this limit, it would obviously be unbearable for the sentry, just like when Athena had prevailed several times.

It was only that she was powerless and did not take advantage of the opportunity to completely scrap a sentry before she was gradually chased back by them.

And now, the power suddenly shown by Daenerys not only surpassed the ability of the sentry, but even exceeded it. . Athena.

. . .

"Angle collection, 90..."

"...According to the rate..."

"The power is more than 35 tons and not more than 40 tons. The power that erupted in an instant is hovering between 35 tons and 40 tons."

Squinting his eyes, Yi Biao's eyes quickly flew over the magic dragon Daenerys, and he had already penetrated through the cracks of the ground and the depth of the sentry, and calculated the approximate size of Daenerys. power.

The impact force that erupts momentarily does not wait for the real power, but with the data, many things can be calculated directly.

This computing power is not magic. . Yi Chou itself is enough.

Whether it is the strengthening of the brain and mental power, or the rapid thinking under the pseudo-power of fastness, the clamor after having the silver tongue almost fills all of his shortcomings at once.

If the highest wooden board that constitutes the easy bucket of water is magic at the beginning, everything else is dragged by magic. Even if the short board's defects are not so obvious, the highest level cannot exceed the magic height.

Then, after having the silver tongue, Yi Chou instantly pulled all shortcomings to the same level. Not only did the height of magic rush to the forefront, but most importantly, there was a qualitative leap in comprehensive strength.

Unfortunately, there hasn't been much opportunity for Yi Chou so far.

Just entering the world of superheroes, I also plan to find Stark's wickedness. . Tony Stark turned into Tolia Stark.

It is not a gentleman to beat a woman.

Although Yi Xiao does not consider himself a gentleman, he does not consider himself a villain who beats orphans.

Then began a short dormancy, continue to integrate strength, and plan the next step. . After all, we have waited for thousands of years of salted fish king, the friend of the traverser, and the most screaming 666 fans of the US team. . Ah no, it should be Han Phil Coleson, who is obsessed with Stephanie.

But before he and Mei had installed a complete x, the entry and exit administrator Gu Yizun opened the door.

The power of time is somewhat unsolvable.

Even if the power of Yi Chao is very comprehensive, in the face of time and space specialization, and the power of time itself is very special, it is difficult to get any benefits.

Even so, he was almost the same as Gu Yi in the end, forcing Gu Yi to give up expelling him, and even defaulted on ignoring the promise of not doing anything.

Unfortunately, the power of time is too mysterious.

I don’t know if Gu Yi still put him together in the end, or that Gu Yi didn’t completely control the time gem, and Yi Biao’s short superhero journey didn’t start, so it came to an end.

Back more than ten years ago, I accompanied a group of old antiques that fell into the historical garbage dump.

Yi Chou hasn't tried his best for the time being, Gu Yi's power is too special, there is no frontal battle at all, and in the face of the super hero of the fish level, he does not need to mention the full force.

The most important thing is that those real enemies, such as the Scarlet Witch who shows that she needs to do her best. . The gap during the period is too large.

Even if it is shot with all strength, I am afraid it will only be more than half a minute.

Finally, it is necessary to restart with a short time of convection and restart.

In other words, just like Daenerys, after gaining new power, although Yi Xuan has a rough estimate of his own strength, he has not completely understood how far he is.

He can count Daenerys. . But he can't count himself.

Even calculating Daenerys' combat power is only rough data collected through various clues, such as the tonnage level of power, the instantaneous rate of speed, etc. .

Combat power is the most inestimable thing, especially in the field of magic.

Even the existence of Daenerys, which is biased towards the physical direction, trying to observe combat power is a very unreliable thing.

At most as a rough reference.

But some data is still very valuable, such as the power of Daenerys, this thing cannot be faked, and the power of 35 tons is more powerful than 20 tons.

Even though other factors may affect the outcome of the battle, the advantage is the advantage, and this cannot be changed.

The second princess next to her looked slightly.

She is not a fighting maniac, and she still takes the mage route.

Seventy years is not a long time for the Asa Protoss, and it can even be said to be fleeting. At this point, it seems difficult to learn anything. . But it also needs to be divided into time periods.

For example, in the early years, the Asa Protoss, even after seventy years, has only grown up, and may have passed in the midst of playing, playing, and playing.

The **** of hammers, Timmel, may have been the best animal snake turned into a favorite animal by her good sister, and then took a jump, and then began to shadow the snake.

But seven decades from now. . That is, the period when the US team is asleep is the peak period of growth.

Whether it's Thor Thor, or Princess Loki.

It was during this time that Princess Two learned her identity, her secret from the Frost Giant, and realized that no matter what she did, Odin could not pass the throne to an outsider.

It was also during this time that she began to really hate her sister, even wanting to kill her, taking the throne desperately, not just trying to prove herself. . More like a obsession.

As for Timmel, she became more warlike, even thinking that force could represent everything, and it was during this time that the two sisters knew about the existence and secrets of infinite gems, as well as the destruction of the bully.

It can be said that this period of time is crucial. They have grown a lot and changed a lot.

And now. . The second princess is obviously not at that level. Whether it is vision, experience, or even combat effectiveness, it will be much worse than the future.

. . Although she will not be so powerful in the future.

Yi Biao instantly calculated the value of Daenerys' power to surprise Rocky, but what surprised her even more was the value itself.

As a Scandinavian myth, I have read all the major myths, and even started to confess that I am Uncle Thor’s Rocky. Naturally, it is impossible not to know the unit of measurement.

She once estimated the power of her elder sister, although much stronger than Athena. . But almost to this degree.

As for herself, she is a mage, isn't she?

Athena is also a god, and after all it is a little worse than Thor, which is nothing but. . In front of this guy.

A backward queen, who didn't know that she ran out of that foolish world, had power that was not weaker than her elder sister.

Although it is only a simple power, it is enough to surprise the second princess.

She originally thought that Yi Biao took Daenerys, perhaps just because of the special status of Daenerys, even if she was a little powerful. . I am afraid it is also limited to self-protection.

But unexpectedly. .


Yi Xiao closed his eyes slightly, recalling Daenerys' previous actions, and countless data streams floated in Yi Xiao's eyes and mind. . Like a slow-motion scene replay, every second of Daenerys' action, every moment and even every tremor of muscles, were clearly seen by Yi Chou.

"...Around Mach 2."

This is a very good data.

At least judging from the huge body of the magic dragon Daenerys, Mach 2 can even be said to be a completely incredible data.

But the relative arrogance is still too bad.

At least it's not an opponent who is prone to arrogance when Pseudo-God fully opens, and may not even see the shadow, let alone Kuaiyin or even Superman and Flash.

The normal speed of Fast Silver is five times the speed of sound, which is Mach 5, and the peak state can reach six, as for the Flash. . How much is he? .

I can't remember the specific value, but it is important or not important, just look at the unit.

Don't think that all are speeders, how can there be a situation that even the other party can't see, Mach 3 and Mach 4 may only differ by only one Mach. . But it was this Mach that caused the world's surprise.

Speed ​​can be offset.

But after the speed is equalized. . Three Mach and four Mach can become a situation where ordinary people try to catch a Mach moving object.

This comparison is immediately clearer.

It is difficult for the naked eye to see the existence of that speed, let alone to catch up.

but. . Daenerys is also much faster than Athena, even nearly doubled.

Even though Athena used all her speed, she was just close to Mach 1, and it was still far away. At least in the circle of speeders, even the newest ones are not counted. . Maybe it didn't get into the circle at all?

In the face of Daenerys, whether it is power or speed, it must be a level higher than Athena's creatures. I thought that I was only facing a group of ordinary sentinels that assisted the mutants, and naturally suffered a big loss. .

and. . It's not so easy to get out of the pit.

. . .

"Bang-boom hh!"

Sudden mutation suddenly made the two sentries unable to respond~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But they are war robots that exist only for killing. There is no concept of hesitation in their minds. After realizing that they have been attacked, although they are still It is also impossible to detect the presence of the x gene in Daenerys, but he still does not hesitate to consider it as a variant.

And after the body detected the damage, the sentry that was hit by Daenerys and embedded in the ground tried to break free as soon as possible, and the other one began to return quickly.

But at this time, Daenerys, who had followed, had come to the ground next to the sentry, then stepped on it with a fierce foot, stepped on the body of the sentry, and directly pressed it just to try to get up. go back.

"Capability table..."


The weight and strength of Daenerys instantly caused the ground to collapse again, and even the entire cracked ground shook fiercely, and then fell into a large piece.

The Sentinel had no time to struggle or fight back, and there was a rattling sound again, and a series of Mars splashes, the shell had been deformed a little, and it seemed to be directly scrapped by Daenerys.

But the next moment, I saw the surface of the sentry change suddenly.


Like the sound of numerous pearls, diamonds and other glazed bodies colliding, the sentry immediately became shiny from top to bottom in less than half a second. . Completed the diamondization.

Since the ordinary shell can no longer withstand the strange power of Daenerys, you can only increase the resistance to shock before you continue to improve your own abilities.

The diamond is undoubtedly a harder substance.

Especially the special diamonds transformed by the sentinel's ability from the mutants. . It is more special.

It is also harder.

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