High Magic Earth

Chapter 1545: The enemy has thirty seconds to reach the battlefield

There is no break.

Although the Sentinel did not know the terminology, he clearly realized that his attack was not effective at all. The sharp metal spikes even hit Daenerys with a huge inertia, even her skin was not pierced.

This point surprised all the clamors that were observed secretly not far away.

He had long known that Daenerys' skin might be thick, but. .

Even the Sentinel’s attacks are completely ineffective. This is not only the general skin is thick, the Sentinel has more than just the sharpness of the metal. At this time, its power has been able to contend with Athena, the huge power is super Speed ​​plus special synthetic materials.

Daenerys' defense is strange.

Yi Xiao took note of this doubt in his heart.

Obviously Daenerys is very clear about the power she has, and is not surprised.

Seeing the Sentry return without success, only a series of splashes of sparks were left on the surface of her skin, and there was a sneer in the head of her only one-eyed head, and then she rose high in the air. . With a touch of very dangerous twisted arc, at an incredible speed, he suddenly struck his head.

The other head is being sprayed with poisonous mist.


Without hesitation, the one-eyed head with a huge impact, like a meteor in the sky, slammed toward the sentry who was still falling.

Along with the brittle sound of the broken metal, the figure of the sentinel disappeared instantly, because the speed was too fast, and the second princess not far away could not even see clearly.

But the immense power can't be faked, because the head seems to be unrelenting, or even ignores the accidental injury and hits his other neck fiercely.


The head that was spraying the poison mist gave a painful roar, its neck was twisted irregularly and a very strange arc, with the screaming, the poison mist still spitting came to an abrupt end.

The sentry did disappear.

It seemed to have been swallowed by another head, but it also injured its own person by mistake. . At least the head spitting out the poisonous mist seemed to be very hurt, and his neck seemed to be broken.


The speed of Daenerys was astonishing in the distance, as if the second princess who enjoyed the visual feast froze for half a second, then it seemed to shrink the neck with sympathy.

"It looks painful."

She pouted her lips.

To be fair, she was quite satisfied with the surprise that Yi Chou brought to her.

Although so far, the main thrust of everything is fighting, fighting, and endless fighting.

The so-called mage, Asgard's drama, and the ideal second princess, Loki doesn't like fighting. Fighting is just the necessary means for her to achieve her goal.

But these things in front of her, she was barely acceptable.

After all, it was all the existence she had never been in contact with.

Whether it’s the weird energy of Daenerys, and its seemingly unusual appearance, and these robots that were actually made to fight the Midgarts themselves.

A simple dragon-shaped monster and a simple robot cannot raise the interest of the second princess. After all, as a princess of Asgard, her knowledge must be far beyond ordinary people anyway.

But after the rest of the strange properties appeared. . All this becomes interesting.

This is something she has never seen in the kingdom of the Nine Realms.

The kingdom of the Nine Realms is very large, but even the largest, as the top-level Asgard, Rocky is also very rare.

More importantly, she has plenty of time.

The long life gave her enough time to explore everything, and the entire Nine Realms were almost watched by her. . Unlike the elder sister who only knows about fighting and conquering, Loki is very curious and has magic. She will slip out of Asgard almost every day and go to different places.

Until she knew the whole Jiujie.

After that, she rarely left Asgard.

Similarly, there are very few things in the Nine Realms, which she has never seen before.

So everything in front of me is quite new, even if there is no definite evidence that this is another universe, or even another parallel world, but in fact, Loki has already believed most of it.

Next, as long as she continues to follow Yi Chao, and then find what she wants, it is also a way, just fine.

but. .

"Is she crazy?"

Seeing the dance of Daenerys' seemingly broken neck sore in the air, the corner of the second princess twitched slightly. . She didn't seem to know what expression she should use to face everything now.

After a long time, she asked directly.

Everything is not bad. The only problem is that the people around me don’t seem to be normal, and I am worried that such a group of guys, the Second Princess, have to worry about the next trip.

Yi Chou is also a bit tangled.

He didn't understand Daenerys.

In other words, he understands the previous Daenerys, but does not understand her now. She is now being invaded and transformed by high-latitude energy, and may even directly contact with the inexplicable magic dragon Daenerys.

High latitude energy itself has a very strong uncertainty. Daenerys' success is an individual case. Yi Chou also does not know the specific situation of Daenerys.

The advantage of being a wizard is that he can continue to pretend to be mysterious when he doesn’t understand.

Facing Rocky's doubts, Yi Chou showed a calm smile. . Then there was no answer.

The corner of the second princess's mouth twitched slightly again, narrowing her eyes.

. . Does this guy know?

The second princess, who is also a mage, may be thrown out of several parallel worlds by Yi Chou, but many mage thoughts are roughly the same.

She is still a **** of lies, and she likes to deceive herself, and often uses similar means to foole others.

So when Yi Chou treated him with silence. . Rocky's first reaction was that Yi Chao didn't actually know the answer to the question.

But regardless of the truth, the second princess did not intend to think more.

Because it makes no sense.

After asking for a boring one, the second princess simply stopped asking questions, but instead turned her attention back. She is now more and more interested in these sentinel robots.

This is an existence that is not weaker than the destroyer.

In fact, for now, if you can lead such a group of robots back. . I'm afraid it's enough to change something.

The second princess was thinking quietly in her heart.

At the same time, Yi Chou also prayed inwardly.

Pray for Daenerys. . Don't make any irreversible changes because of the transformation at high latitudes.

. . .



The severely hit head continued to growl.

The poison smoke sprayed out again, but this time it seemed to be uncontrollable, and it was difficult to suppress because of the pain. With the head swinging wildly, it was scattered everywhere.

"Are you crazy?"

The wounded head issued a series of angry questions, and even the strange sound was even connected. It murmured in its mouth, which sounded like a curse and a curse.

The poisonous smoke was spitting everywhere, spreading out through the air, and letting other heads hide to one side, but they forgot that they were one body together. . Not far away at all.

So it caused more complaints and curses.

And the initiator of all this, the one-eyed head, seemed to be unaware of the problem at all, or that it did not care about these things at all, and was still devoted to chewing the sentry in his mouth.

Looking at its expression, this is difficult and laborious.

It seems that the sentry did not suffer much damage at all.

This is clearly captured in the occasional sporadic picture from its chewing mouth. . Daenerys certainly did not swallow the sentry.

Although it seems indistinguishable from others, it is not stupid.

The threat from the inside is obviously more dangerous than the threat from the outside. Her skin can be very thick, and she can even bring her own magic defense and some higher latitude protection. . Daenerys sensed that this power seemed to protect her.

They didn't want Daenerys to have an accident.

And Daenerys, who has been a mortal queen for a long time, said that she realized the problem almost immediately.

Nothing in the world is for no reason.

Even if someone is on a whim and decides to do something. . It seems to have no reason, but when you think about it, there is a reason.

The reason is because of today's whim, so the following series of things appeared.

This energy is protecting her. . There must be a reason for this, but she hasn't discovered it yet.

Daenerys is a guy who likes to get through the difficulties with his own strength. In addition, Yi Huo is usually out of sight and can't see anyone within a few months, which caused it. . Daenerys didn't think of Yi Chou for the first time.

He has not yet told him these things.

Because Daenerys herself may not be clear, she may be special.

She is the first example of a successful high-altitude energy transformation. . This is her special place.

But Daenerys knew another thing.

Her skin may be thick, but its internal presence is not necessarily.

If she really swallowed the sentry, it might be easy for the sentry to break through from the inside, causing huge trauma to her.

Like countless empire once.

The real enemy always comes from within.

What's more, the sentry is not so easy to swallow, or Daenerys' neck is very thin, after all, she has nine heads, but only one body.

In order to be able to support so many heads. . Even though Daenerys's appearance is as abstract and astonishing, it still has to follow certain rules.

For example. . Slender neck.

After all, it is not really a high-altitude creature, but a kind of transformed object. It does not have the ability to glance at a glance, and it has an indescribable appearance.

But even so, the sentinel is absolutely uncomfortable.

This one-eyed head seems to have extra penetrating power. Although it does not have the very aggressive poisonous mist, it can almost penetrate the sentry in every bite, just like a broken rag doll.

Even if the sentinel turns into a liquid and repairs itself quickly, it will be too late to destroy it.

A few times later, the sentry simply gave up repairing, and the next moment, his face glowed with orange-red glowing eyes and heat.

After condensing for half a second, this heat was accompanied by a loud noise, and then burst out instantly.


The laser strike hit the throat of Daenerys' head precisely, and the scorching light vaporized its head in an instant, burning through a large hole, leaving only the bare neck.


When the sentry fell to the ground, the surface turned into an unstoppable flow, and it took a while to recover, but when it stood up again, it found that the head that was knocked down by it had a much faster healing than it. ability.

The entire head has been restored.

The lonely one-eyed stared down at it, seeming to sneer with disdain.

The other head was broken before, and the head spitting out the poisonous mist also recovered. Its neck recovered its previous soul again. The dense head shook like algae, staring coldly at the sentry below.

Although the Sentinel looked unharmed, it was the result of constant self-healing.

Although the other person's head was also pierced. . But so far, she has only used two heads.

There are also three heads, shaking around, looking in other directions.

. . .

The sentinel's attack did not work, or it was completely unsuccessful.

But regardless of whether its companion supported it successfully or not, the sentinel attacked by Daenerys under the claws was ready to attack.


The beam paused for half a second, then burst out like a slanting torrent.

But it was directly blocked by some invisible energy.

It's like the water flowing on the glass, splitting to the two sides along the arc of the glass, the invisible power is blocked in front of Daenerys, let the laser beam spread to the side wantonly, the ground is melted by the high temperature burning, There was even a lava-like fluid, but it couldn't hurt Danielle in the slightest.

Obviously, this is also the power of a certain head of Daenerys.

But not offensive nature~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but of defensive power.

It's just that although this invisible protective layer resists the energy attack from the laser beam to the outside, the scorching light still confuses the surface shining nearby.

Even though Daenerys had seventeen eyes, she could not see the surface of the body of the sentry that was constantly releasing laser beams in the deep pit of the ground, and strange changes were taking place.

It looks like an egg that is about to break out of its shell, and its surface slowly emerges with numerous red cracks, as if it can no longer hold its own energy, and as time goes by. . The number of these cracks is becoming more and more dense.

"It's really energetic."

Daenerys seemed to be struggling to resist the sentry.

After easily dispersing the laser attack around, she turned back to a dark head with interest, staring down and said.

"You said... kill it when it turns into a diamond, will it keep its shiny appearance forever."

Although not a head, the concept is the same.


"I think it is possible."

"Try it."

"Go and ask him."

Many heads felt that this sounded very reasonable, and immediately thought of Yi Chou, because if possible, Daenerys really intends to bring one or two sparkling sentries back to the collection.

Of course, the kind that has died.

The two heads turned around, staring at Yi Chou remotely, grinning their mouths, just preparing to try to ask questions. . Suddenly felt that the sentry below seemed to have some huge energy reaction.

"this is.."

Daenerys froze slightly.

Then at the next instant, the violent laser beam stopped abruptly and replaced it. . It is another outbreak of near destruction.


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