High Magic Earth

Chapter 1548: Title The Return of the King

Daenerys kept rolling in the air, and the nine dragon heads twisted together. Although they were not twisted, they looked similar.

Very embarrassed, the degree of embarrassment was no less than the miserable Athena, who was suppressed by the sentry.

But the appearance of embarrassment does not have to go to her heart at this time. . And physical pain.

Yes, Daenerys said she is in pain now.

She was transformed by high-latitude energy to become a creature different from known creatures, but it does not mean that she lost her pain. Daenerys also has the ability to regenerate at a speed, which does not mean that she does not hurt.

Just like Wolverine, he can be regenerated by being stabbed by a knife, and can be regenerated by being shot, even if he has broken his hands and feet and his head can probably grow out.

He is almost immortal, but the pain will not go away.

But Wolverine is a tough guy, he is fearless. . At most, it was a little tough guy roar when injected into the bone marrow by Edman alloy

So it doesn't seem so painful.

But the pain has always been there.



Daenerys rolled in mid-air. In addition to being pushed by the waves and nowhere to roll up and down, a large part of it was because of pain!

Daenerys grew up so dad. .

Well, this is indeed the case.

As a queen, Daenerys did experience a life-and-death crisis several times, and even almost died, but the life-and-death crisis and feeling pain are completely two things and two concepts.

Most likely to suffer, most likely to be tortured after being captured. This has nothing to do with life and death. Whether it is assassination or death in a chaotic army, it is just a matter of one shot.

Because of the intervention of Yi Chao, Daenerys directly climbed to the top and became the queen. She did not suffer from the mess of the Milin, and she fell into the Doslak tribe and was caught by the group of rough guys.

In addition, after Daenerys has undergone high-latitude energy transformation, it is almost invincible in the world of the song of ice and fire, and there is no chance of injury.

In other words, she had never suffered real pain at all.

It is not so-called spiritual and spiritual, but it really comes from the physical destruction.

No one can hurt her, and there is no chance to hurt her at all.

Perhaps the only real painful experience was the moment when high-latitude energy transformed her, and high-latitude energy was not a kind thing. . It was also a painful memory.

In addition, Daenerys may have a strong personality, but in terms of injury, it is still a flower in a greenhouse.

Even though Daenerys is strong in her heart. . But sometimes, something is not a character of perseverance, and a strong heart can be transferred by human will.

Perhaps there are certain factors in it, but in the face of pain. . I'm afraid I still have to experience more.

Get used to it and become numb.

Daenerys had obviously not experienced enough, so when she suddenly faced an explosion of this level, a huge pain swept her body in an instant.

Even though her heart is still clear, her instincts have made her unbearable.


She kept rolling in the air, screaming.

Not far away, Yi Chou's mouth twitched slightly in the transparent energy hood. As others heard, Daenerys might just emit a series of screams of unknown significance.

Daenerys’ weird voice itself was like countless intonations. At this time, it was still a burst of roars, let alone understand it, the second princess blocked the voice of Daenerys simply with magic. Into their ears.

Others may not understand. . However, Yi Huo, who is familiar with the language of all things, heard it clearly.

So his expression was a little weird.

Because Daenerys seemed to roll in pain in the air, like a wild beast, howling, but if it was replaced by human language. . You will find that these are all normal women, or the little girls complain and cry.

As a male who has not awakened any special attributes, Yi Xiao can't describe it, and he can't retell these sentences completely.

All in all, if you don’t understand, Daenerys may look terrible at this time, with a gruesome appearance, coupled with crazy roars and whispers in the air.

It's like a demon monster from hell, it will destroy everything in the next moment.

But if you can understand it like Yi Chao. .

Well, why in some moments, Yi Chou might even feel that she is a little cute, with her grim appearance and little girl-like complaints and yelling. .

Yi Biao shook his head vigorously, and looked at the idiot's expression on the side of the second princess, shaking these boring thoughts out of his head, and then stabilized his mind and continued to maintain his magic.

. . .

"No mutants found..."

"The target threat is high..."

"Priority removal..."

. . .

The damage caused by the explosion to Danielle's ribbon is enormous.

Although it seems that the explosion with a compression nature in front of it is not as terrible as a real nuclear explosion, there is no mushroom cloud, and there is no instantaneous radiation, it seems to be an unqualified nuclear explosion.

But the threat of nuclear explosions is far more than just a nuclear word.

Like all explosions.

The explosion itself is not dangerous. The really deadly is the series of reactions that followed the explosion, as well as the high temperature, suffocation, spatter, and even the impact of the airflow that accompanied the explosion.

The hapless guy who was physically killed by a missile. . The number is actually not much.

Daenerys is now suffering a series of chain injuries caused by the outbreak.


Queen Westero, who was unfavorable in the division, once again gave a painful roar.

She felt her body was torn, her skin was melting, the blood was evaporating, and then there was the flesh and blood, and then the bones.

Daenerys feels right.

The high temperature instantly roasted its skin until it was fully cooked, thanks to Daenerys’ defense strength being greatly strengthened, otherwise the entire dragon would be cooked directly.

But even so, the continuously rising temperature will soon continue to roast its skin until it cracks, cracking the flesh and bones inside, and even some organs.

Fortunately, Daenerys has the ability to regenerate at a high speed. Even if just a part of its lungs were licked off in the air by high temperature and flames in the air, the next moment, it will quickly grow again, as if intact, You can regenerate the necessities for Daenerys' breathing.

. . Then it was burned up by high temperature again.

Yes, because the flesh and epidermis that protect the lungs have not had time to regenerate.

This is the situation of Daenerys at this time. It is very bad. A large area of ​​her body has been melted away by high temperature. Although the ability to regenerate at a high speed can allow her to recover quickly, she will not die, but the pain still exists.

And constantly regenerate and melt. . Instead, she made her pain more magnified.

Almost every second, even every moment, Daenerys is suffering from regeneration and then instant destruction. This kind of coolness can even be said to feel painful just by sounding it. . If it weren’t for Daenerys’ willpower, she might go crazy on the spot.

Not everyone is a Wolverine, because not everyone can withstand the pain of being melted by high temperature after having the ability to regenerate at a high speed, and keep moving forward for dozens of minutes.

This pain can even completely make people lose their minds.

Sometimes, it is not their ability to achieve superheroes, but more of themselves.

"Roar! Roar!"

Daenerys felt like she was going crazy.

Her whole body was melting, like being in the flowing lava. . There is no lava in Westeros, but Daenerys feels this way.

The high temperature destroyed her body, and then her body began to heal quickly, repairing the injured area again, and the temperature is still rising, and it seems to be faster and faster, her self-healing can't even keep up with the high temperature destruction Speed.

Daenerys is not worried about death.

Because she didn't feel the threat of death on one hand, on the other, she felt that she might be alive and dead before she died!

High temperature is the biggest threat to the Danieli ribbon from the explosion.

The air wave spewed her out in an instant, but the spread of the explosion's light enveloped the range even faster than Daenerys' flight.

Daenerys was still in midair, unable to adjust her body, and the ensuing explosion chased her tightly and enveloped it.

In contrast, the spatters, suffocation, and even pure energy shocks caused by the explosion around, and the hedge of the airflow, for Daenerys, the threat is not so great.

The shock came quickly.

Although it looked very long in Daenerys' eyes, it was because the pain delayed her senses. In fact, the time only passed a few seconds, at most not more than ten seconds.

But in this ten-second period, Daenerys has been instantly rolled over hundreds of meters by the air waves. The high temperature melted it nearly ten times, and she also regenerated nearly ten times. .

Her high-speed regeneration ability may not be weaker than Wolverine.

At least in front of the real threat of life, Daenerys seems to be instinctively able to explode more potential.

Not far away, Yi Huo silently recorded, and then gazed occasionally at the sky.

His movement made the second princess very uneasy. . Because the second princess of IQ Online is very clear, this is a completely strange world for them, or a completely strange world for her, but it is the home of the enemy.

The support of the enemy may arrive at any time.

As she saw, these robots may not be a problem for Odin, but in sufficient numbers, it is not a problem to deal with Timmel.

Although she didn't want to admit it, the second princess knew very well that she was not an opponent of her elder sister.

In other words, as long as the number of robots coming to the reinforcements exceeds 100, it is not at all possible for them to confront head-to-head, and even the number of more than a dozen robots is enough.

At least for her.

But fortunately, she is not the only one here, but also this brave guy.

The second princess looked at Yi Chou.

. . .

Pain is only temporary.

As the explosion gradually weakened, Daenerys was further and further away from the center of the explosion, and the pain from the outside gradually weakened.

Soon, the high temperature gradually extinguished, or reached the bottom line that Daenerys could bear. She finally didn't need to go through the pain of melting and regenerating again and again, and the impact and sputtering airflow gradually disappeared. .

The explosion was coming to an end.


Daenerys reversed her wings, and her huge body also turned around in the air, shaking, shaking, but firmly regaining her balance.

"Call! Call!"

She agitated her wings twice, and the entire dragon had stopped in the air again, moving towards the center of the explosion, which was the direction from which she was hit.

It has become flat.

There were no ruins, no gravel, nothing, as if it had been plowed once, leaving only the earth and yellow sand.

Of course the self-explosive sentinel also disappeared.

As the blast center that bears the brunt, let alone it is the target of self-detonation, if it can survive this level of impact and high temperatures. . I'm afraid it doesn't need to explode at all.

It is enough to confront Daenerys directly.

Daenerys looked away, not only that the sentry was gone, everything was gone.

Including the remaining sentinel robots, and even Athena, Daenerys looks like the only living creature at this time.

Oh. . And those guys.

Daenerys’s eyesight was also damaged. Seventeen eyes were almost wiped out. Fortunately, it was regenerated soon. Nine heads were flying in the air in a random way, as if they were algae. Clamor and others.

The energy hood is invisible, and can only be felt unless you are close, so Daenerys does not see it. . But she saw that Yi Xiao and others looked almost intact.

But it was much better than she was embarrassed.


In the next moment, Daenerys suddenly saw a sound on the ground to the right, and a small earth bag seemed to be bulging slightly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seemed like something had to be drilled out.

Yes, Daenerys saw it first, then noticed the sound.

Because there are so many heads in her head, the nine heads look in different directions, and almost all of the surroundings can be seen.

The first time Xiaotubao made his voice, he was directly noticed by Daenerys.


At the next moment, I saw a guy who was also slightly embarrassed, Jin Cancan's armor was no longer shining, but was covered with dust, but also looked like he was not injured and crawled out of it.


Daenerys stared at Athena with three heads of interest. . She was unfamiliar with Athena, or even completely unknown.

She has never heard of a series of things like Nordic mythology, Greek mythology, Egyptian mythology and so on.

Daenerys does not know the strength of Athena. After all, she is not a wizard, and she can’t get it like Yi Huo. There are various means to observe the strength of the enemy.

But it was brought by the wizard, Yi Biao, at least it wouldn't be too bad. Daenerys didn't underestimate Athena.

But she still seemed to underestimate Athena.

after all. . She survived the explosion where none of the monsters survived, just like herself.

Daenerys fell to the ground. Although the battle was not won by the battle, she survived to the last moment anyway.

This is victory, alive. .


Daenerys was about to say a few words, just like having a meeting while in Junlinbao, but at the next moment, a crisp sound as if the cork was pulled suddenly interrupted her thoughts.

A head that appeared transparent in the sun suddenly twisted in the direction of the sound, and then it saw. . It's that kind of robot.

It also pulled itself out of the soil.

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