High Magic Earth

Chapter 1551: Like on 1

This series of things may seem slow, but it only happened in a moment. The fastest update

The sentinel has changed his nature several times in a row, flames, ice crystals, even metal strengthening, rising flames and scorching high temperatures, infinitely jumping lightning, clear ice crystal air conditioning... seemingly slow, but these are actually only happening. In an instant.

Numerous colors flashed on the sentry, making it look like a chameleon out of control from afar, changing colors in the blink of an eye, struggling to survive.

But this can't change its destiny penetrated by Daenerys.

With the sharp roar, the sentry was hung on Daenerys' tail, and then galloped down with great wind pressure.


The metal on the sentry's chest made an overwhelming squeak, and the cracking wound that penetrated began to burst rapidly under the swing of Daenerys, and soon large and large cracks spread all over the sentinel's body, like a broken porcelain doll.

Although there is no ordinary creature's fear of death instinct and survival, the Sentinel's program also sets it up so that it cannot easily give up struggling and then die.

The first task of the Sentinel is to destroy the mutants without worrying about their own life and death. The second task is to collect all the existence that is conducive to killing the mutants, whether it is a special mutant ability or clues. For this reason You can also worry about your own life and death.

And the third point is to complete other tasks while ensuring your own safety...such as search and rescue and catch ordinary humans, remove humans that help mutants, etc...

The sentinel's life is not valuable, at least no mutants are valuable, so I decided to detonate without hesitation when I determined that Daenerys was a powerful mutant and had no chance of winning.

"...Wait, explode."

Yi Chou frowned suddenly.

Looking at Daenerys who was still in a fierce battle a hundred meters away, Yi Chou's hands shook slightly, and a flash of black lightning appeared silently in his hand. After half a second, he quietly re-dispersed.

Yi Chou still suppressed the idea of ​​immediate action.

Sentinel's self-detonation is almost equivalent to the power of nuclear explosion, but this seems to be wrong.

At first, Yi Chou thought that Sentinel used some kind of black technology in the field of energy during production, just like Stark’s miniature nuclear reactor. After all, the mutant world is also a place where black technology is flying around. Bolivar Trask’s It is not surprising that Trask Industries has such technology.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

It doesn't matter whether the information is leaked in the story world, but because if the sentinel's self-explosive power is really so great, then in the face of a mutant who can't win, it can just explode directly.

Although there are also a small number of mutants who may be able to withstand nuclear explosions... but after all, there are only a few, and more mutants are simply unable to fight nuclear explosions.

Especially in the face of a large number of sentinel robots detonating at the same time, even Daenerys, I am afraid that there is no absolute advantage to resist.

In this way, the sentries no longer have opponents.

Because even in the face of some powerful mutants unable to win, a series of sentries directly blew themselves up, and everything was over.

If it is because of fear of nuclear pollution or the cost of sentry... that is no need to consider at all.

The previous mini-nuclear explosion was not really a nuclear explosion, there was no mushroom cloud, no radiation pollution, the scope of the impact was very small, and the explosion ended quickly.

Only the energy erupted in an instantaneous spurt is exactly the same as nuclear energy.

It can even be said that if it were not for this energy, Yi Chou could not confirm that this was a nuclear explosion, not an ordinary explosion.

It is for this reason that Yi Chou suspects that there is a special nuclear energy technology on the sentinels...not a real nuclear bomb, so after being detonated, this effect will appear at this time.

The sentinel explosion itself is pollution-free, and it has nothing to worry about. Besides, the world is all disturbed by their disturbed smog. Human society is on the verge of breaking up. Countless humans are arrested, concentrated, and then captive.

The entire human civilization has almost ceased to develop, and it is a doomsday scene... Obviously, the sentinel will not care about environmental pollution.

As for the cost... When Trask Industries controlled the sentinels, you might also need to worry about costs. The budget allocated by Congress was not enough.

But when the second generation of sentinels appeared, they started to hunt down and kill the mutants, and even almost completely wiped out the mutants. They did not need to worry about capital and cost.

What's more, the sentinels at this time have completely lost control, and the concept of values ​​that they act independently can be completely different from that of human beings. The money in human eyes is meaningless in their eyes.

They have affected the social impact of human beings, and they have also mastered a lot of resources and industrial machines. If they were not sentinels used as war robots, they were better at fighting than industrial jobs... I am afraid that Yi Biao and others will see it now. Not the number of sentries in front of me.

But more.

Sentinels don't care about pollution or cost. Only humans care about it. Self-detonation can be a powerful means of killing them.

Sentinel of weak mutants can be taken directly, even if they encounter powerful mutants, they can completely die with each other by successive nuclear explosions.

There are not many powerful mutants capable of fighting the sentinel, and the mutants that can survive the close-up nuclear explosion are rare and almost zero...

If there were such a means, the mutants would have died for a long time, including the group of Professor X and the X-Men, how could there be so many variants left to let the X-Men escape?

For example now.

Daenerys is more powerful than Athena. Whether it is speed or strength, or even its own defensive power, it must be more than double that of Athena.

The power that Athena was truly transformed by the invasion of high latitudes has never been used. It is only one of the reasons that her strength and spirit body are strengthened.

Another reason is that, after all, Daenerys is the first creature successfully transformed by the God of Creation program, or more precisely, high-latitude energy has found Daenerys herself, and the erosion has infected her. Yi Xiao gave birth to the idea of ​​using and guiding energy at high latitudes, creating a plan for creating gods.

Instead of attracting high latitude energy, Yi Chou passively changed Daenerys.

One is that high-latitude energy finds suitable creatures for transformation on its own initiative, and the other is that Yi-cao guides high-latitude energy to carry out biological transformation, which is passive...the gap can be imagined.

Daenerys now shows a much higher combat power than Athena. In addition to the deeper and higher potential of high latitude energy for her transformation, also because the main direction of Daenerys's strengthening is the power and speed of the dragon body .

The dragon body itself is endowed with it by high-latitude energy, and it is also the power she most relies on. Unlike Athena, she possesses the divine power that she originally possessed. The high-latitude energy only strengthens it a little bit.

In terms of sheer strength and speed, Athena can't compare with Daenerys.

Because the essence of the two is completely different.

If it is not an indigenous aborigine who is a backward parallel world, and it is not a warrior profession, it belongs to a professional queen and cannot fully develop its potential. If it is the first time to fully grasp its own strength, I am afraid that Daenerys shows the strength It is far more than that.

Even so, Daenerys's power at this time is far beyond what Yi Chou saw when he first saw it.

At that time, Daenerys was not so much a dragon as a young dragon that had just learned to fly.

All actions rely on instincts, such as physical impact, strength, and biting. These inefficient physical means are her main attack methods.

The real power comes from the nine heads, and the different special powers are not used by her at all.

Now that Daenerys has mastered some special abilities from the head, combined with the powerful lethality of her own dragon body, this can be called a monstrous flame and has become a real dragon.

So far, Daenerys is probably only a part of the special power from the nine heads, but not all.

But her strength and speed have already shrunk out of Athena several streets, and her overall combat power is more than doubled.

The same is true of the sentinel's attacks. If it weren't for Athena's half-artifact armor skirt made out of silver tongue figurines, I'm afraid he would have retired early.

In the face of Daenerys, whose comprehensive combat power is far greater than that of Athena, the sentinels have evolved at a speed that may hurt Daenerys, but it is difficult to kill her completely, but even in this case, the sentries Nor did they rush up and explode.

Obviously, it is not not wanting, but not.

The black lightning dissipated from Yi Chao's hands.

If there is no wrong guess... The sentinel does not actually have the ability to explode, there is no special energy core black technology, nor is it equipped with a nuclear bomb.

It is a special mutant ability.

Yes, it is likely that the self-destructive sentinel previously copied a mutant, and that mutant has a special mutant ability.

Some kind of special mutant with strong explosive nature, which can release energy, even comparable to the power of nuclear bombs.

It is unclear how the sentinels communicate and deal with the ability of the copied mutants, but it is estimated that they are not delivered in real time and corresponding, and Daenerys just happened to encounter this time difference... The forced one was copied to this mutant. The capable sentry made a self-detonation.

I don’t know if Daenerys is lucky or unfortunate...

But the sentry that was slammed by Daenerys on the tail like a bait must be unfortunate.

At the same time, it still did not give up self-help.


Along with the sharp spur, the sentry's hands slammed Daenerys' tail, and the metal collided with her scales to make a piercing sound. At the next moment, the sentry's metal hands turned into some kind of sucker Things became flat and attractive, grabbing Daenerys' tail.



Although there was a heavy metal hanging on the tail, for Daenerys, there was no feeling at all, and it was effortless.

It swings its tail to the left and right, like a meteor hammer. The tail of Daenerys is about four or five meters in length, but its strength is extremely huge.

Even far apart, you can feel the huge wind pressure when her tail falls instantly.




Another series of crisp sounds came.

The sentry grasped the tip of Daenerys' tail, although he guaranteed that he would not be thrown away from the ground for the first time, or was directly torn by Daenerys, but it also became a weapon on its tail. .

As if hanging an iron mound, Daenerys swooped her tail to the left and right. Originally several sentries were trying to approach from the back, and now they were hit directly by it.


A whole sentinel was directly cleaned by Daenerys... Although there was no direct loss of combat power, but under the frantic sweep of her tail, no sentinel could approach here.

"Boom! Boom!"

Daenerys seems to have long eyes behind her...well~www.wuxiaspot.com~ does have an eye, because Daenerys deliberately split a head and stared at her back.

She used the sentinel fixed on the tail as a hammer, and the tail was swinging. She smashed the sentry who tried to attack it with precision. It was like playing a gopher.


The enemies behind and behind were resolved, and Daenerys would have no worries.

With a roar, her remaining eight heads attacked frantically.

Just like Athena, the high-latitude power has brought the body of Daenerys Dragon, but her most powerful power is definitely not those cheap physical attacks.


The black mist filled, and a head of Daenerys shuttled through the black mist, or the black mist was moving with the movement of her head.

Wherever the deep black mist went, everything fell into withering, even with a strong sense of suffocation in the air.

The sentry floating in the air encountered this black smoke, and was instantly pulled and attracted into it, and then the flames and ice flashed in it, and even occasionally penetrated the dense spikes from it. Obviously, it was The sentinels inside are transforming into forms to try to fight against this weird mist.

But it has no effect.

The reason why Daenerys is called the magic dragon, in addition to the ugly appearance and inability to connect with justice, also because she has many unnatural supernatural powers.

Those powers that the world's indigenous people cannot understand.

In fact, these forces are indeed not science, but magic.

The black mist sprayed by the black gray head of Daenerys is a curse, not something like an ordinary toxin, but also magic that the sentinel simply cannot resolve.

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