High Magic Earth

Chapter 1553: When there is a festival, there is a title


Flowing flames filled Athena's eyes, surrounded by Daenerys' angry and mad roar, and the metal shells of the sentries hit the Daenerys scales in a cold, crunchy sound, and weary tiredly poured into Athens Na's heart also began to erode her nerves and thinking.

Raising a knife, chopping, wielding double-edged blades to resist the sentinel's attack, and then taking advantage of the strong counterattack to return, relying on the defense of the semi-artifact, Athena does not evade, stepping on the body against the sentry's attack, Jumping high, he slashed heavily and took the opportunity to kick a sentry trying to sneak attack to the side, then fell back again.

Resist, counterattack, and then raise the weapon in hand to fight.

At the beginning, Athena still maintained her skills, trying to solve more sentries and more enemies with flexible combat skills.

But soon she realized that compared with Daenerys, who was huge in midair, slammed, clawed, clawed, tailed, and even wings, her kill rate was obviously lower.

Even very low.

Athena's strength is not weak, and she also has tons of gravity under a full blow, but the enemy sentry she faces is also not bad, and their power is completely comparable to Daenerys.

And the defensive power of the shell made of special synthetic materials is not like the half-artifact created by this silver tongue, which is blessed by magic and is almost rule-based, but it can also withstand tons of blows.

When the two cancel each other, it is no different from an ordinary woman's chest with a small punch.

Unless it is like Daenerys, it is once again a level and level higher in power, and it will take a long time for the sentry to even catch up...

After all, for the pure attributes of power and speed, the sentinels cannot evolve as flexibly and quickly as the ability to copy and evolve ordinary mutants, they can only squeeze their own potential, and they will soon reach their limits.

In this case, in order to be like Daenerys, even if it can not be crushed, it can cause extremely considerable damage to the sentry.

Soon, Athena began to give up her combat skills and skills, because she found that she could not do anything like Daenerys, just two claws, she could tear a sentry into pieces.

But fortunately, although a bit bleak, the half-artifact armor that was still scorching and glowing could also protect her from being almost impossible to break through the sentry.

It's like two tightly wrapped iron cans beating each other, it won't hurt each other anyway.

So Athena decisively gave up the so-called war dance and used more capable and deadly attack skills.

No skills.

Do not waste a trace of extra power, and strive to cause the deadliest injury to the sentry with the most suitable angle and the most suitable strength.

The attack from Athena seemed to return to the original moment, giving up all the rules of fighting and the defense against itself. It was completely transformed into a simple action that exists only for killing.

Bias, slant, puncture...

Without the complex moves of the war dance, there is no protection for herself, because Athena feels that she no longer needs it.

Before the Half Artifact was destroyed, the sentries could not hurt her.

The problem now is that she also cannot effectively kill sentinel robots.

Unless she uses...

But Yi Xiao apparently would not agree. Daenerys' sudden intrusion and the subsequent nuclear explosion attack interrupted Athena's sanity that was once flushed away by anger.

Similarly, she also heard Yi Chou's stop at the last minute.

Whether as a father-daughter relationship, or as a silver tongue and being created, Athena will not be rebellious, especially in front of key things.

She naturally does not use those forces.

And Athena, who calms down, as the goddess of wisdom, knows better than Yi Chou. It is indeed not a good time to use those powers.

It is pure waste.

So if you want to actually kill the sentinels... you must use more effective means.

In the beginning, Athena used the war dance because she could protect herself to the maximum while attacking the sentry.

War dance is a unique combat skill of Athena. It is also a war that she has honed in countless large and small wars, a war against mortals and a war against gods.

And now...Although she didn't want to admit it, Athena knew she was not an opponent of the sentry.

If it wasn't for her half-artifact armor.

The original Athena did not have such good equipment.

Zeus is not a generous deity, even if it is to treat his children's descendants, another reason is that although the Olympus gods also have gods of fire and equipment, but most of the artifacts these gods possess are very Weird and strange things.

It is really used in combat, with an attacking or defensive artifact... a handful of numbers.

It didn't fall on Athena's head.

Even if it falls, it is not a good thing. It is inadequate. In the face of truly invincible enemies, the so-called artifacts are as thin as paper, but it is more than the bottom. It is no problem against those very weak enemies, just Enemies of that level, even without those so-called artifacts, Athena will not be injured.

So Athena has long been accustomed to fighting on her own, rather than relying on foreign objects.

But the clamor with silver tongue is obviously rich.

Regardless of Athena’s opinion, on Lucy’s suggestion, he provided Athena with a suit that could match her identity as Goddess of War

Of course... there is still a considerable gap from the real artifact, and it is also inadequate.

When facing the Scarlet Witch at that time, this so-called half-artifact armor did not play a role at all, and even if it did not persist for half a second, it was directly destroyed by the Scarlet Witch and became a powder.

This also caused Athena did not pay extra attention to this half-artifact armor, she still thought that the thing she was wearing was the same as before.

But... at least more than that.

At this moment, in the face of sentinels of almost the same tonnage as Athena, this half-artifact armor showed extraordinary defense.

In this case, then Athena felt that she had nothing to worry about. She simply gave up her defense completely and tried her best to kill the enemy in front of her.

anger? Athena certainly feels very angry, but as a god, does she feel so ashamed of using equipment to bully a group of robots, naturally not at all.

Athena is not a pedantic god, nor does she insist on the so-called godly arrogance.

As the goddess of war, she admires the use of all means to achieve victory, and the equipment itself is part of her strength.

Using it, Athena didn't feel any discomfort.

Abandoning the dance of war and the protection of oneself, this simple but fast and efficient killing technique immediately showed its effect.

After entangled with a sentry for a few minutes, Athena used a wound-to-injury method, and the double-edged scimitar quickly traversed a few sharp cold lights in the air, slashing towards its shoulder.

The double-edged scimitar just stuck in a gap in the shoulder of the sentry, allowing the sentinel to take a meal. At the same time, the sentinel's body immediately froze repeatedly, and began to change towards freezing of the whole body.

But Athena, who had abandoned her useless tactical moves, apparently would not let it do what she wanted, and the other double-edged scimitar tilted violently, and she immediately followed.

Once again, it stuck heavily on its shoulder.

The wound was instantly enlarged... At the next moment, Athena exerted her hands and violently broke the frozen sentry shoulders.



At the same time, the sentry on the side launched an energy-level attack. The sentinel mask on the left suddenly opened, and a beam of laser beams suddenly sprayed out. The sentry on the right was a foot on the ground, and the body leaned forward slightly. Make a movement suitable for exertion.

Then without seeing any substantial attack from it, bursts of sound waves began to oscillate in the air, spinning and whistling toward Athena.

The sudden impact made Athena take a half step back, but that's all.

Against the attack in all directions, Athena ignored her, and the double-edged scimitar was quickly cut by her, almost pulling out the flashing silver light in the air, and quickly slashing to various parts of the sentry body.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!"

Between the light and shadow, a series of crisp noises appeared on the body of the sentry. At a speed that could not be caught by the naked eye, Athena had removed the other arm of the sentry.

Then Athena stepped forward and stepped in front of the sentry, tumbling abruptly, the double-edged scimitar crossed, and instantly cut her head together.


Immediately at the moment of landing, Athena stepped out with a violent kick, directly penetrating the sentry's chest, destroying its energy core and kicking it a few meters away.

Turn over and land.

The companion's exit did not shake the hearts of the other sentries nearby. In their eyes, they only saw that a new position had been vacated. Almost in a blink of an eye, two sentries made up again. Hold Athena imprisoned.

The anxious battle started again.

But Athena, who finally succeeded in killing an enemy, was obviously relieved and calmer. She also paid attention to the sentry that had been removed for most of the time... There was no trend of self-healing, no action, even The signals seem to be broken.

It is indeed dead and completely destroyed.

Realizing this, Athena rested her mind. Although she was still far behind the efficiency of Daenerys, she also destroyed one.

Not too ugly.

The fierce fighting continued.

There are more and more collisions of buzzing and dongming in the sky, which means that the sentinels are coming constantly, and Athena has very intuitively seen that only three or five sentinels initially pinned it, which has now been increased to Eight or nine, and are no longer satisfied with containment.

There will only be more enemies on Daenerys.

The dragon's roar through the world exudes anger and crazy killing intention.

The sentinels also showed no signs of weakness, and turned into a hot fireman, with a fatal high temperature spread outward, and the burning flame and the dazzling light danced in the sky.

The cold and icy crosses are abnormal, forming ice cones in a blink of an eye. In the same countless coolness, they sent themselves into a large piece of ice crystal sentry, and scratched the silver flash in the air.

Sonic waves, vibrations, energy shocks, pressure cutting... More and more sentinels rushed over and showed more and more rich power.

Although Athena successfully resolved a sentinel, she didn't care much about the situation.

After all, Daenerys has already killed dozens of sentries, which is not of great significance to the victory of Libra.

More and more sentinels are gathering... Even the pinned Athena is beginning to feel heavy pressure, because tons of attacks and power cannot be ignored.

"Boom! Boom!"

The fists or laser beams of the sentry hit the Athena's armor defense, although they still can't break through the defense, but the light flashed by this half-artifact... is real and slowly dimmed.

Although weak, it can still be observed.

Athena doesn't know how long it can support, but she has nothing to worry about, because... the Father is not far away.

Raise a knife, swing, clash and kill.

Athena could not remember how many double-edged scimitars she had wielded, nor how many brutal attacks from the sentinels she had resisted, and how many times she sent sharp double-edged scimitars into the fragile shell gap of the sentry, or The power core in front of you.

A strong sense of numbness wrapped Athena, causing her to fall into numbness completely.

This atmosphere reminded her of the last battle, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is also the last battle of her memory, the battle of the gods against the Titans in that scene... the most tragic battle...

She was almost ripped apart, and although she wasn’t dead, it was almost the same... Her memory stayed near that time.

The rest of the memories, alive to return to Mount Olympus... Athena was a little confused as to whether it was real or an illusion before death.

Think of it as your last battle.

Now, it is her new life.

But the sense of numbness did not completely overwhelm Athena, making her lose her fighting power. Although she began to feel tired, although she began to feel able to overcome these tide-like enemies... But the more so, Athena became more calm, even far away Countless times calmer than the beginning of the battle.

This is due to the numerous battles she has experienced.

As the goddess of war and wisdom, and the main fighting force of the Olympus system, Athena has experienced hundreds and thousands of battle suits of all sizes over a long period of time.

Countless wars have long tempered her nerves and heart. Athena has fallen into life and death desperate times and extreme danger, even worse than it is now. This danger is nothing to her at all.

It's nothing more than a dead fight.

When a soldier is not afraid of death, then she is invincible.

The roar was roaring, the burst was lifted beside her, the flame was rising and burning, and the earth was splitting in the shaking... Daenerys mechanically raised the double-edged scimitar in her hand, waving, chopping, blocking... ...And slash again.

She finally felt a trace of effort, a trace of tiredness... and...


Athena's movements suddenly took a slight pause, and then the next moment, a voice appeared clearly in the hearts of everyone present.

Everyone's heart.

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