High Magic Earth

Chapter 1569: Mutant Day 1 Mission

But there is something wrong. .

Isn't all this right?

The world where Lorna is located is the future world of mutants, or it may be the future world of a parallel world of certain mutants. There have been Professor X, Magneto, and Wolverine, but in any case, they Are gone.

Became history, and even become a legend.

There is no doubt that the mutant world has many supernatural powers, but in the final analysis, they are all the power of the same system, that is, the mutants.

All everything, all changes, all come from mutants.

There are only two differences between ordinary people and mutants in that world. Unlike the superhero world next door, in addition to the superheroes and villains produced by various aberrations, there may also be technology routes, magic routes, and even Aliens, gods, hell, demons, etc.

In the world of mutants, there are only mutants.

Lorna has only seen mutants, and beyond that, only ordinary people are in contact.

No magic, no gods, nothing.

Mutants are not much different from ordinary people. In addition to possessing special mutant abilities, in addition to education, heart, or personality, they are still ordinary humans.

Lorna is naturally the same.

Of course, she had never attended school and had no chance of receiving higher education. . But the stories and knowledge recorded in the library made her realize that magic is deceptive, just like those fairy tales.

Magic originally exists only in fairy tales, which are used to deceive children.

Seriously, when she first landed on the island, Lorna always thought it was a gathering place for mutants. Everything was created by the mutants.

Even after seeing a series of more strange things. . She didn't think it was magic.

Now, after accepting the existence of magic, the gods appeared immediately afterwards. . Lorna's eyes inadvertently glanced over Athena and Loki.

Both of them were aware, but they were too lazy to ignore her at this time.

should say. . Well, it should be said that there is magic, then it is normal for gods to exist.

So where is all this right?

Isn't all this normal?

Lorna thought wildly in her head, but she didn't dare to say that, but just responded indiscriminately, "Something's wrong... No, no, no, everything is fine."

Yi Chou's eyes kept staring at Lorna.

"So well, it seems that you haven't noticed the existence of that one yet."

Of course, Lorna is talking nonsense, but Yi Chou did not expect her to say anything sincere.

If it was before, maybe only the spit-up agent and the uncomfortable mind-boggling thought are waiting for Lorna, but now. . The little magic controlled by the shadow energy is enough for Yi Chou to see enough information and memory in Lona's head.

Although unlike Professor X, who can read, write, and delete, only reading the surface is enough.

After all, the ability to read the mind seems simple. . But if you dig deeper, you can fully support a movie or a TV series alone.

"Who exists?"

Lorna didn't seem to realize the meaning of Yi Xuan's words and realized that Yi Xiao was reading her memory. . But maybe she realized that, because Yi Biao noticed that there was an abnormal ups and downs in her brain, but because of the situation of artificially arrogating me for fish, she wisely silently kept silent.

It's wise to pretend not to know, Lorna only expressed doubts about the existence of Yi Biao's mouth.

"Professor x."

Yi Huo said softly.

Lorna's expression was finally out of control.

Professor x. . she knows.

Of course she knows that Lorna can be said to have grown up watching Professor X’s comics, just like the x23 wolf girl, about the Brotherhood of Mutants of Magneto, and Professor X’s Fork Hanzi Tiantuan, their deeds have been adapted. It became a comic and spread in the comic industry.

In other words, in the era of x23, there are comics of x-men, and in the era of Lorna, some comic periodicals have even been almost out of print.

But Lorna, who wandered between the bin and the recycle bin for many years, still got a lot of comics thrown away by other children.

There are basically complete and clean X-Men comics, which have been cherished by her.

It's not how much she likes the X-Men or admires Professor X, but she can find the feeling of being with the same kind in this comic. . And it also made her miss enough to yearn for the golden age of the mutant.

But not admiring Professor X does not mean that Lorna is not clear about Professor X's strength. In fact, Lorna wants to know more about Professor X's strength.

Even better than Magneto, who might be her father.

The main melody of the comics revolves around the X-Men. As the leader of the X-Men, Professor X naturally has the most pen and ink.

And Professor X's powerful brain control ability is beyond doubt. . It can even be called the most powerful variant, there is no one.

Ordinary people are afraid of Magneto more, that is because Magneto's sense of existence is higher, but it is probably better than Professor X than a real threat.

This point is also highlighted in the comics, and Lorna certainly knows what it means to be stared at by Professor X.

Regardless of the distance in space, even if it is separated by more than half of the earth, if Professor X wants it, he can find you, and even use the brain wave enhancement instrument for short communication.

But what surprised Lona even more was not that she was stared at by Professor X, but that. . Professor x itself. .

"Is there Professor X here?"

Lorna asked slightly surprised.

Athena and Sadako frowned a little instinctively, and then relaxed. Since they were originally about to mutate the world of human existence, it would be impossible not to guard against Professor X.

After all, there are some things that can't let Professor X know, even if Professor X has his own principles, he will never peep at others' memories.

But even the slightest risk. . It is best not to have.

Therefore, whether it is Athena or Sadako in the mountain village, or even the rich river left behind, has been temporarily given the ability to resist the power of the soul, or equipment.

Although it is impossible to resist, at least it can isolate Professor X's memory peep and mind control in case of unexpected needs.

It's just that as people outside the box, they know the mutant world very well, and when they hear the name Professor X, they are still instinctively alert.

As the top psychic master, Professor X really makes people have to guard.

The second princess next to her was keenly aware of the momentary change in the atmosphere. Although she was still quiet, she also paid close attention to Professor X's name. . It sounds like a very important guy.

"Why can't he be here."

Yi Xiao said with a smile.

"However...Professor X should be very old."

"In fact, not only Professor X is here, Magneto... it should be."

Yi arrogantly pointed out.

Lorna couldn't calm down.

Professor x represents more than just one person. . He also represents a group. In an era, the emergence of Professor X means that the X-Men are also here. This is the golden age of mutants. . and many more.

Lorna suddenly thought Yi Biao just said that Professor X was very old, maybe. .

Wait, Professor X seems to be very old all the time. Forget it, no matter what time period, it is always better than his own time, and in other words. .

"We traveled through time?"

Lorna asked hesitantly.

This is the first time she has raised a question to Yi Huo.

But a pity. .

"I am not sure as well."

Yi Biao shrugged, "Perhaps, when I think we are in a parallel world, I remember telling her this."

This refers to Loki.

"Do you know the concept of parallel worlds?"

Lorna didn't understand very much. She only had a little exposure to the concept of parallel worlds, but it is certain that she has broken away from her terrible era, and perhaps after entering that magical island, this connection has been completely cut off.

"Are you sure."

Yi Xiao seemed to see through Lona's thoughts, and said with a smile.

"No one can completely cut off the connection with the original world, not to mention...Do you really think that your world is the worst world."

Who is Lorraine, the future Polaris, even if her situation is not friendly now, she still has the magnetism of Magneto in her character.

Unable to calm down, she had long forgotten that she told herself to be careful with Yi Chou. With her beautiful green eyes, she was violently widening and she was ready to push back.

But in the next moment, I thought of the overwhelming sentinel robot that was full of mutants. . She swallowed back the next sentence again.

There is no doubt that no matter who the world of this mutant is, it has been devastated and almost collapsed.

At the beginning, Lorna thought that this was the future of her mutant world, and perhaps the future of another mutant world. After hearing that Professor X also existed, she seemed to forget that it was a near-doom world.

Indeed, compared to this world, even if your own world is not friendly to mutants, there is no end.

Living is more important than everything.

"We have no plans to contact Professor X."

"Tell you that Professor X exists, not to ask you to sign, but to let you be careful of him."

Lorna was a little puzzled.

Although she didn't want to admit it, the wizard was looking for mutants. . In fact, in addition to being used for experiments, mutants can be of any use.

Presumably, the wizard planned this way.

Obviously, mutants can also do very valuable things, but no one has ever paid attention to it, all just want to peep into the secrets of mutants, and treat them as little mice on the experimental table.

Even if he is a wizard. . I am afraid it is no different from those evil scientists or the military.

but now. . Do not touch Professor x?

When you come to the mutant world and don't look for mutants, Lorna thinks magic is magic, and the wizard considers things that are completely different from normal people.

"I will stay in your head... a layer of defense."

"You can avoid Professor X's memory exploration."

"I suggest that you also don't try to let Professor X see your memory, it has no effect, and it may cause irreversible damage to the world's timeline."

"This world is indeed devastated and nearly broken, but it is not without room for recovery."

"The way to save is time."

"And yours, once our memory leaks out, it is likely to affect the world, and even affect the future of the entire mutant."

"You also don't want your companions in this world... get that kind of ending."

Yi Chao's magic does not require Lorna's cooperation, but cooperation is always better than resistance.

And Lorna is worthy of being the daughter of Magneto. Not only is her personality and variant ability very similar to her father's, but even the purpose and concept are very the same.

Value companions, at least the current Lorna, already value the compatriots who are also mutants.

Hearing Yi Chou's explanation, Lorna immediately fell silent for most of the time.

Although cooperating, Lorna doesn't want Yi Biao to move any of his hands, no matter whether he is malicious or not, I believe no one will like others to move their heads.

But Lorna is very sure that at this point, I am afraid there is no room for her to refute.

"Relax, Professor X... but it's just not time for contact yet."

Without waiting for Lorna's return, after arranging everything herself, Yi Chou gently reached out and grabbed Lorna's head in front of him with an unquestionable attitude.

The black and dense mist emerged from Yi Chou's hands, like a ghost hand drawn from a nightmare. Even if Lorna didn't want to avoid it, her instinct made her shrink back.

But she immediately realized that her body couldn't move again, even trembling.

. . Damn familiarity.

The next moment, the black mist penetrated into Lona's head along an invisible gap, and then a cool feeling emerged.

And unexpectedly not much discomfort.

You have to know that Lorna is ready to be fainted by the pain.

As for whether the memory is seen by Yi Chou. . Seriously, in the case of a disparity in strength, Lorna has long cut off her resistance, and has long cared about it.

The black mist seemed to wrap her entire head~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but she could still see the outside world clearly.

Lorna felt a bit silly now, like a plate of dishes waiting to be served on the table. . This is really uncomfortable, like a cruel dish.

Fortunately, it all ended soon.

It only took about ten seconds or so, and Yi Biao's hands receded back.

"We are leaving."

Yi Chou clapped and said.

"I will close this space, and then I will directly prepare for the next transmission. Of course, I have to wait for a few specimens, but this will not take too long."

"This defense can resist attacks from the mind and memory for at least half an hour."

"...Professor X will not treat the fellow mutants with the attitude of the enemy, in time, it is enough."

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