High Magic Earth

Chapter 1572: I don't need a title today

Professor x is not magical enough to discern what is preventing the invasion of thought, but there is indeed something that blocks the brain.

In Professor X's eyes, this is probably done by the opposite soul mutant.

Although he was slightly puzzled, anxious, and even secretly annoyed, Professor X could not blame anything.

Professor X is very clear that thinking intrusion is an extremely impolite thing, so Professor X seldom does so. Although it is a special period and special methods are used, it is plain, this is no different from robbery.

Put another way, Professor X is like a very powerful and heavily armed robber, but Professor X is very moral and never threatens anyone. . I have been staying at Xavier Talent School for one-third of an acre.

Because Professor X knows that no one can restrain himself at all, and he can restrain himself, only himself.

Now because of the total destruction of the mutants, even humans are near the end, Professor X has to come down in person, unite the last hope of the entire humanity, and retain the human kind of fire.

But to put it bluntly, it is still Professor X who has toughly captured everyone together. Although he is not imprisoned, he is also in command regardless of the other party's wishes.

It's just that from the material level to the thinking level.

And ordinary people simply do not have the slightest resistance to mental abilities. . This makes Professor x do whatever he wants.

But not all humans have the ability to fight back.

For example, a mutant who is also a psychic mutation.

So in the face of such resistance, Professor X can say nothing, there is no force on the opposite side, Professor X can toughen everyone together, protect, dispatch, or other things.

But I met someone who could protect himself. . No wonder others rebelled.

Just understanding to understand, Professor x is still very helpless.

Because the situation at this time is really too bad.

There is no need to mention the global crisis anymore. The Yi Chou side itself is also precarious. At least with the experience of Professor X for so long, it is impossible to see how they can escape the chase of the sentry.

In other words, there may be space variants who can take everyone to jump in an instant and escape from that neighborhood, but then.

After that it is the most critical.

At this time, there are not many mutants left in the whole world, and even few humans. Most of the wandering outside are sentinel robots, searching for humans without letting go of any gaps and corners.

This group of people is like a fragrant cake delivered to the door.

Even if they are gone for a while, the sentries will continue to surround them, which is also the most worrying place for Professor X and the most terrible place for the sentries.

They are too many in number and still very boring.

That is, there is no task.

It is rare that a group of mutants who are fighting against it and dare to escape appear, and I am afraid that the sentinel robots in most of the states will go all out to pursue them.

It's like chasing down their surviving X-Men.

To know. . Professor X can take the X-Men directly away from the Americas, through most of the earth, and to this distant eastern continent.

Although it is also under the horror of sentinel robots here, the situation is always much better than it was originally, and the number of resistance forces is also larger, so there is a chance to breathe.

And humans are not robots after all.

Even the mutants.

Even though there may be mutants of spatial variability who took them to escape for a while, but then, they could never escape forever.

As long as it is human, there must be time to relax.

At that time, it was fatal.

Just like the X-Men, their powerful variants are not rare, and maybe a Wolverine who can only make himself immortal is useless. . But there are Blue Devil, Flash, Storm Girl, Magneto. .

But the X-Men has not been chased everywhere, and even traversed most of the earth.

They have a lot of mutants of the space system mutation, but in the end, the blue devil died, and the space system mutants were almost dead. Only a blink of the door opened at close range.

Sentinel is indeed a big weapon against mutants.

In addition to this, they are robots and have all the mechanical advantages that humans do not have.

Tirelessly, strictly execute the order, as long as the order is issued, there will be basically no problems, but there is also a lack of flexibility and adaptability. These settings that often appear in science fiction.

But of course, they are now not just science fiction, but living reality.

They can't escape, even if they may have some means to resist, even after they can't resist, they will fly away, but they will eventually be caught up by the sentry, encirclement and suppression, and fatigue tactics will bring them down. .

X-Men were able to escape by chance, that is because of the sacrifice of countless mutants, even so, it was only a fluke.

Not every mutant can become an X-Men, not to mention that even the X-Men did not escape from the Sentinel's siege at that time. If it were not for the power of the Phantom Cat, new abilities were developed again. .

Their chance of escaping is almost zero.

In other words, Professor X was watching them waiting for death and struggling to die.

In fact, Professor X, who is used to life and death, should not be so excited. The upheavals since this time have made Professor X have seen life and death farewell.

Although Professor X will not easily give up any mutant, even if he knows that it is a dead end, he will guide the other party to stick to the end, but after all, there have been more life and death of mutants.

Even ordinary humans, the struggle and demise of the human resistance.

What's more, Professor X is very old, even if there is no sentinel robot, I am afraid it will not be long, and the older people are, the weaker they look at life and death. Even if several important variants are about to die, Professor X should not be So excited.

And this is probably because of Lorna’s special identity as well. . What Professor X guessed, it was incredible.

Magneto Wang, Professor X's many years of friendship.

Magneto is not married, Professor X is very clear, no, but whether Magneto diverged when he was young. . Professor x is not so sure.

After all, Professor X himself is not good, everyone has a ridiculous time.

After Professor X's legs and feet are still flexible.

It's just that Magneto has a child. . Professor X felt that it was impossible.

Because even if there is, I am afraid that Magneto will be trained as a baby. . Of course, the premise is that a mutant rather than an ordinary person becomes the second in command of the Brotherhood of Mutants.

What's more, Lona's magnetic field control is almost exactly the same as Magneto's ability, and it is completely printed by a model.

If it is really the child of Magneto, then Professor X cannot possibly do not know, even if Professor X does not know, it is impossible for everyone to not know.

This era is not when the mutants become the cross-street mice and everyone calls and fights. Although this is the attitude, there are mutant brothers who will do things in the future, and the X-Men will suppress the front. It is just an attitude.

Now in the golden age of mutants, there may be sporadic ordinary people who dare to do it alone, but there has never been a trend of attacking mutants.

Lorna didn't need to be abandoned, and Magneto could not hide it.

but. . Professor X is very clear, no one knows, no one knows the existence of Lorna.

No problem here, then there is a problem with Lorna.

But Lorna's memory was explored by Professor X personally. Although it was just a glimpse and few things were seen, Professor X was still not so old that he was dizzy and could not tell the true and false memories.

After all, it is a master of elaborate spiritualism. I am afraid that Yi Chou personally falsified, and it may be seen by Professor X.

Lorna's memory is not fake, but the memory of these people is not wrong, not to mention Professor X himself, Professor X can guarantee it. . No one can move their memories.

Then. . Only the last possibility remains.

Professor X, who is a part-time student, has naturally seen Holmes. Even if he hasn’t, Professor X’s wisdom is enough to firmly believe in the final truth.

Lorna is the daughter of Magneto, but not the daughter of Magneto.

It sounds incredible, but it is also very simple. In the future, the past, or the parallel world, no matter which one, this Lorna is not the daughter of Magneto in this world.

And if Professor X's inference is true, it means that the latest plan is complete. .

But guessing is ultimately guessing, everything still needs to know the truth of the matter thoroughly, so Professor x is so worried about the safety of this pedestrian

Or rather than worry about this pedestrian, it is better to worry about Lona alone.


But while Professor X was still thinking, the voice of the storm girl beside him awakened Professor X back again, and the daze was a bit too long.

At least it looks like this from the outside world.

"Why call us all together."

Since finding the sentry to hunt and escape to this eastern land, the remaining X-Men and mutants have been fighting each other for most of the time.

It is dangerous to gather together, and it is easy to be swept away by a net.

But now, Professor X personally went out. . This is undoubtedly a big deal.

Hearing this sentence, Professor X finally put aside his worries for a while, presumably those things, or the predicament in front of him is more important.

And even if they prove the existence of the past, the future, or the parallel world, then their plan must be successful.

It's just proof, but it can't bring a little help to their plan.

Cheering up, Professor X's extremely beautiful and beautiful eyes fell on the Phantom Cat, and the little girl grabbed the Iceman's hand with some nervousness and pride.

"That kid may be our new hope...and the last hope."

Professor X seemed quite relieved.

But the next moment, the storm woman next to her suddenly turned her eyes white, and then interrupted Professor X again.

"Not good, Professor, they came after."



The higher the altitude, the more suitable for the storm girl to play. The top of the mountain is her home. Even if she is only on the mountainside, she can sense all the storms around without stimulating too much force. Scope.

So she first noticed that the sentinel robot was flying. . The arrival of the iron coffin.


The storm woman's white eyes seem to be more intense. . It was almost time for a new force system to awaken around the blue tendons. Her body rose with the gust of wind, and the surrounding storm swept over in an instant.

Even the people around the shave were somewhat unstable.



The effect is also obvious, and the storms in the distant place, under the control of the storm woman, instantly increased from a fairly stable to almost hurricane.

The fierce storm of Cyclonus even the iron coffin carrying the sentry was blown to pieces.

Along with the sound of iron and steel, these iron coffins collided with each other in the air, and occasionally hit the low mountains and cliffs next to them.

There were even sentinels that didn't have time to start, and were slipped out of the rift that crashed out of the iron coffin.

Although they don't just fall to the ground. . But I am afraid that it will take a long time to catch up again.

Seeing the storm woman instantly enter the wartime state, the others responded quickly.

"Go! Go in!"

Wolverine, the most experienced on the battlefield, was the first to move. It might be that Professor X's flying wheels were too slow. Wolverine grabbed the handle on the back of the wheelchair, and he resisted Professor X halfway, running fast.

The target is the interior of the cemetery. . An artificial cave near the mountain.

Although it cannot be resisted for too long, it can be at least a dozen seconds. The most important thing is that the professor may need a quiet place.

Also running along was a slightly nervous and panicked Phantom Cat. She knew what role she was going to play, not to mention that she was not suitable for fighting. Even if it was suitable, she would also follow Professor x.

Magneto walked at the end.

The old Magneto is a bit old, but the rich experience of human beings is okay, but Magneto let his hands be for a while to tear the plane directly to pieces.

Part of the debris is ready to be attacked, and part of it will start to seal and block the gate of the cave.

Others may not know Professor X's plan, but Magneto is very clear.

This time is the last chance. If you are unsuccessful, you will be benevolent.

No retreat.

"Dang! Dangdang!"

As everyone pushed into the cave, Magneto waved his hands, and some of the plane’s wreckage was like a magnet buckling up near the gate of the cave, falling down one by one, and finally the gate was tightly blocked~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then Magneto stood alone in front of the gate.

The others did not move. They did not know what the professor’s plan was, but they believed in the professor and since he was not allowed to stay to make a difference. . Then they have only the last purpose left.

Hold the sentry.

at all costs.

Just hope. . They procrastinated long enough.

. . .

The second princess also hopes that Yi's defensive magic can last long enough.

So she watched Yi Chou open the new portal while worrying about how long the defensive cover above seemed to be able to survive the violent output of the sentry. . I also wanted to keep the wind and clouds calm, as if I didn't worry about anything, and asked indifferently.

"The next world...it's more interesting than here."

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