High Magic Earth

Chapter 1576: The error seems a bit large

Daenerys's expression remained unchanged, and the expression of the second princess was impatient. Only Lona, who is a modern man, was very keen on the expression of the times.

"Again... isn't it my age."

Lorna didn't know where Yi Chou's destination was.

But with her, I want to come to her world after all.

The previous world is the future, or a parallel world, the time is not right, it is impossible to be her world.

Now, times seem wrong.

Before Yi Biao reminded, Lorna may just think that the people around him were poor, but heard Yi Biao say so. . Lona, who was not stupid, naturally realized that it was not because of poverty.

It is because of backwardness.

Not surprisingly, they are in ancient times. . At least it will not be now or modern.

Lorna’s history is not well studied. She did not finish school. The rare knowledge is from the library or self-study. She reads some practical life books. Naturally, she has not studied history. . This kind of tall knowledge, but not very useful knowledge in life.

Humanities and culture are also the same. These things are not used in life. Only people who don’t have to worry about survival, food, and which bridge cave to sleep tonight can have time to learn.

Lorna didn't know much.

But she can also see that they should be in central Europe. . That is the desert.

Regarding this, the only countries she knows about are the more famous ones, Rome, Greece, and Egypt. . Most of these people have heard of these.

More, she didn’t know.

But she does not need her to consider these issues.

"Where are we..."

Princess II gently knocked the ground with her scepter, like a little kid who didn't get the candy she wanted, and was curious and excited to continue asking questions.

She didn't embarrass people nearby, because she simply turned a blind eye to the ordinary people crawling below. . The second princess is proud. In her eyes, the nine nations are all ants. Now such surrender is really normal, and she is completely unnecessary and will not embarrass a ant.

Yi Chou raised his hands again.

With his movements, repeated breezes emerged from below, rolling his trousers and gently shaking, and then a small amount of gravel emerged silently, forming a line of text in the air.

The text stayed for a moment, then disappeared again with the wind.

"Ancient Egypt.."

"Two thousand five hundred years ago BC..."

"What?" x2

The previous sentence was Lorna.

The little guy thought that they might have come to ancient times, and came to Egypt, but did not expect such a distant ancient Egypt.

B.C. . It sounds like a very distant word, not to mention more than two thousand BC.

The second sentence is the second princess.

Rocky made up for Midgart's culture, and was naturally familiar with the unit of time such as AD, and this period of time in thousands of BC. . Asgard just disconnected from Midgart soon.

Of course, there is no Rocky at this time. Although her age is also over a thousand, it is not so old.

Daenerys didn't know what BC meant. She didn't understand it at all, and she didn't react. Naturally, Athena communicated with Yi Chou from time to time, and got more news.

In fact, at this point in time, Yi Chou has roughly guessed what world he came to. .

Of course, the premise is that he did not guess wrong.

If there is no guess, the danger level of this world immediately drops by more than one grade. Although it is still somewhat dangerous, it is far less than the superhero world of the comic series.

Even worse than the previous sentinel doomsday.

"This is a period of time...a familiar time."

The second princess is familiar with this period of history, of course not the earth, but the other nine countries, because soon after Loki was born, and then gradually grew up, followed by Timmel under the leadership of Odin, the southern war .

The history she has personally experienced is naturally very familiar.

Thinking of this, she stared at the surrounding with interest, and observed the ancient Egyptians by the way.

The Midgart 4,000 years ago. .

But the next moment, her heart was suddenly startled.

Four thousand years?

Four thousand years. .

They actually spanned four thousand years.

Although it sounds powerful in the field of magic across time. . But it’s familiar to everyone. It’s not surprising that some people did it. It just spanned four thousand years in an instant. This is a bit too long.

This is almost invincible. .

The next moment, the second princess calmed down immediately.

Time is a mysterious field. She does not believe that Yi Chou really spans time. She feels that the world here and the previous world are relatively parallel worlds.

Anyway, she couldn't tell whether it was a parallel world or through time.

Even Yi Chou doesn't even think that it may be a parallel world.

Loki thought about it.

Yi Chou, after considering them coming to this world. . What exactly should be done.

This is an ancient world.

Regarding several worlds of mutants, Yi Chao has considered it. The world of Sentinel Doomsday is undoubtedly the least useful, because it is not only about to be on the verge of restarting, there is not much time left to say, but also need to be careful not to interfere with the timeline.

The only value may be the sentinel robot itself.

Yi Ao had just frozen a few of them just now, and was locked up with the Deadpool.

The second is the world of mutants before time restarts, where the mutants are relatively weaker. . Deadpool's mouth was sealed.

But the advantage is that there are many variants, for example, there are out-of-print kings, flicker without color effects, and so on.

And anyway, the time of that world will be restarted, and some hands and feet can be released.

Finally, the world that Yi Chou intends to reach is the mutant world after time restarts.

Black Emperor, White Queen, Red Devil, Lady Viper, Silver Warrior. . The varieties of mutants in this world are equally comprehensive and much stronger than before the restart.

At least in terms of potential.

And the sooner the timeline is, the better, because it is late, including Black Queen, White Queen and others. . I'm afraid it will be hung up directly.

But now. . Somehow too early.

. . .


Perhaps a group of people stayed in place for a long time. Several ancient Egyptians prowling nearby did not know the reason why Yi Chou and others stopped. .

Yi Xiao heard what they were whispering. . From the pronunciation, it is ancient Egyptian.

Although there is no universal translator for the golden hourglass, Yi Chou itself is a pseudo-learning master, and with the help of the silver tongue it becomes a real master.

Don't speak ancient Egyptian. . In the Cree language, he can say a few words.

The unlucky egg clearly thought he offended Yi Chou and his party because he kept mumbling words in his mouth asking for forgiveness.

Roughly means. .

"Please forgive me, angel of God, please forgive me, angel of God..."

very funny.

They did not panic when they saw themselves.

You know, in the backward, closed, and ignorant ancient times, just because of the abnormality of the dress, outsiders often cause panic, and even cause unreasonable killings.

Anything, as long as they cannot understand it, must mean a disaster. . For ancient people, there is too little they can understand.

Although these people have put on local costumes, they did not consider that they came directly to more than two thousand BC.

At this time, their clothes look not only gorgeous and simple, but completely out of place.

In this era, there is simply no characteristic clothing. . Or for the poor, it would be nice to have a rag on them.

Yi Chou even saw that most people didn't even have rags.

These people are definitely different.

They should be afraid and panic. . But more should be the inexplicable hostility and maliciousness, that is, the kind of hostility that is unfounded and unreasonable.

Rather than being like this, although fearful, he directly identified himself as a messenger of God.

Devil from **** is more likely.

unless. .

There have been other angels.

. . .

In the desert, a raised line suddenly appeared on the calm gravel.

Like a marmot walking, the lines flashed quickly on the surface of the gravel, like a long snake, and immediately reached the top from the bottom of the sand dune.

Its speed is very fast. I am afraid that it only takes more than ten seconds at a distance of 100 meters. If it is on the surface, I am afraid that most animals in nature can do so.

But if it is under dirt and gravel. .

I am afraid that even those animals such as insects and crabs living in the lower soil layer cannot have such a rapid movement speed.

Then quickly, the long snake-like line stopped and turned into a small round bump, about the size of a human head.

It paused quietly on top of a sand dune, carrying the sun. .

But in front of the sand dunes, it was the poor village where Yi Chou and his party arrived.

The next moment, the bump shook, and then a bald head covered with strange patterns emerged.

Is a person.

To be more precise, it is a mutant.

He only exposed half of his head, not even half of it, only a small part of his forehead, and his eyes were straight and exposed.

He observed the front silently, that is, staring at the village where Yi Chou and his party had settled.

Yi Xiao and others did not know when they were being targeted, but apparently, he has been staring all the way, and he intends to continue to stare, unless. .


In the next moment, before everyone responded, a loud noise suddenly came from above the distant sky, accompanied by the swishing air and rumbling sound, a huge fireball, and countless small fireballs, Falling down from the sky like a meteor shower.

Meteor shower. . Or call it, meteorite rain.

The meteorite that came from the sky came very suddenly, and the sound was also abrupt, and even scared the bald head buried in the mud directly shivering.

The meteorite rain was rolling, with a red and hot breath, and fell to the sky far away, and after continuing to glide for about a few minutes, accompanied by a loud noise, it fell to the other side of the horizon.

It even seemed to shake the ground.

For ancient people, such a meteorite did not see okay, saw it. . That is the gift of the gods and the most important thing.

The bald head under the gravel hesitated for a moment, then decisively gave up the stranger that he had accidentally discovered in Yi Chou's line, and turned in another direction, heading straight to where the meteorite fell.

Soon, he pulled a straight line on the ground again.

. . .

"I think something is following us."

The second princess turned the scepter in her hand and didn't care much.

"Aren't you going to solve it."

In Rocky's eyes, these are the general existence of mice. . The stronger ants can be pinched to death.

Yi Biao discovered it earlier than Loki, but it was not discovered at the beginning, if it wasn't for the bald head suddenly left the gravel. .

Obviously, he has a special power.

When there is gravel to cover up, even the magic that is easy to arrogant, looking for it if it is not available, did not notice that there was a guy who followed them.

At the moment when he left the gravel, Yi Chou realized it.

As for the second princess, she was shocked when the meteorite erupted, and the guy who followed a few people was also taken aback. This was directly seen by the second princess with her eyes.

Don't underestimate Asgard's vision. . For ordinary people, it is definitely an extraordinary field.

Seeing Yi Xiao did not answer, the second princess did not give up, but continued to ask.

"So... shall we go over and see."

Meteorite rain fell so loudly that it was naturally seen by several people.

The second princess refers to exactly where the meteorite rain landed.

At this time, this barren village was already in a mess, and everyone was crawling on the ground, some were chanting words on the top of the head where the meteorite rain fell, and some were pointing in another direction. . Yi Xao thought that it might be their ruler, that is, the direction of the Pharaoh.

Most of the meaning is also asking for forgiveness.

As for the unlucky ones around Yi Chou. . It seems that the so-called messengers of God are indeed scary. Even for such a big thing, they didn't move a bit, they still crawled motionless, only knowing to tremble and ask for forgiveness.

but. . These people don't know about the meteorite rain, maybe Rocky doesn't know.

"It's just some meteorites. What can I see."

Yi Xiao said.

"Are you sure~www.wuxiaspot.com~The second princess still has those unpredictable...but a nasty smile.

"My magic tells me that it is not as simple as a meteorite."

Yi Chou did not deny it.

Because his magic also tells him that this thing is not so simple, and he knows more than Loki.

It may be troublesome to get together in the past.

In addition to the same mouse who had already traveled, the meteorite itself also gave Yi Chou a strange sense of familiarity, which was the same as when he was prevented from entering the world.

And probably because of the proximity, he can already tell what this is.

Some kind of energy from high latitudes is regular and vaguely controllable. There is no longer any kind of uncontrollable terrible destructive, infectious, and assimilating energy, just like it is. . The creation after the creation of God. 2k reading network

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