High Magic Earth

Chapter 1579: I am also a man of fate

"my hand.."

Little Lorna made a frightened voice.

The voice changed from immature to mature, and then from mature to twilight and old. . Finally, from an old age to a childish whisper.

Yi Xiao almost witnessed the passage of time on her.

Fading the twilight, rejuvenating.

This is a miracle that humans can hardly accomplish.

But at this moment it was easily reflected in Lorna. . But again, this feeling is definitely not good, whether it is from a young to a twilight moment, or from a lifeless old man to a young and full of energy again.

From young to aging, this process needless to say, the whole process is gradually feeling the feeling of getting weaker and weaker.

But rejuvenation is actually not so wonderful.

It is important to know that it is not just thinking that controls human thinking. Various hormones and other microcells in the body, biological groups are the more important key.

As the body continues to change, whether you or you are, the thinking will definitely change passively.

This change can make people feel anxious, even desperate, irritable, and irritable.

The process of aging is physical despair, and the process of youth is torture from the soul. The rapid passage of time will only make people feel collapsed, and there will be no wonderful experience.

Yi Chou can hear the despair in Lorna's voice.

Lorna is essentially a strong person, just like her father, stubborn and upright, maybe her heart is always vulnerable, but it will never show up in front of outsiders.

Even the closest.

For example, Professor X.

What can cause Lorna to make such a horrified roar is definitely not just physical discomfort, but also a disorder of various hormones and microbial cell populations. . It would make her instinctively feel panic.

This cannot be avoided by anyone.

Perhaps some superheroes with strong willpower can endure pain, torture, etc., but the strong known cannot resist the instinct.

Otherwise, there would be no such thing as Professor X, the strongest psychic variant. . Being strong cannot resist death.

For the time being, I didn't care about Lorna. For a moment, black lightning flashed in Yi Biao's double pupils, the light jumped, and it didn't blink all around him.

The space seems to become unstable due to the appearance of black lightning. Numerous phantoms appear beside Yi Chou, making his whole person appear to overlap, and the vagueness is like a fictional existence.

"I feel---"


Countless electric currents jumped on Yi Noo's body, like a thousand birds tweeting, Lona's voice was slowed down thousands of times.

Under the blessing of the speed, Yi Xiao clearly saw the changes of each person, and clearly saw how each wrinkle appeared on Lorna's face.


But time also suppresses the power of speed, not only can't escape the shackles of the strange circle of time, but also the speed of power quickly changes, much more than usual.

Then, Yi Chou saw that it was not just Lorna.

Athena also showed signs of aging, which is reflected in her rapid decline in strength.

She is not only a god, but also undergoes the transformation of the God-creating plan. The life of the **** is long, and she does not know how much it has increased after the transformation.

At this time, even if the time is quickly compressed, Athena is not aging fast. . At least one reincarnation is not over.

But even if she lived a long life, she couldn't help the destruction of time.

The same is true for the nearby Rocky. The life span of the Asgards is not eternal, nor is it tens of thousands of years, but it also has thousands of years.

Although Loki is not a pure Asa Protoss, but Frost Giant is not bad, but it is still better than Athena. . She is obviously aging faster than Athena.

The slowest is Daenerys. The compression of the years can hardly be reflected in her, but Yi Chou can still feel the passage of time.

The reason is also very simple.

There is only Yi Chou here, which is hardly affected.

Time doesn't seem to affect him, or the changes that appear in him can be so small that they can be ignored.

"Do something----!"

In the sight of swift force, the second princess is making a slow and sticky roar.



Yi Biao's figure flickered, with a series of phantoms left behind, as if floating outside the world and floating on the surface of time.

He knew exactly what he was.

Eye of Agomo, time. . gem.

. . .

The power of time.

As one of the most mysterious forces, even with the power of silver tongue, Yi Chou did not easily touch this mysterious and unknown field.

Because this is probably the only area where there is no opportunity for repentance.

It's like regret medicine.

Many people think that time is the best medicinal material, the main material for making regret medicine, but in fact, time is the most irreparable existence.

Because if one step is wrong, there will never be a chance to recover.

The reason is also very simple, because... . There is no time.

Yi Chao does not touch the realm of time easily.

He feels that he needs to be more confident before he can intervene easily, at least to the extent that even if the time elapses, he will not die because of the passage of time.

That is eternal life.

Time has no meaning for his life, the concept of eternal life. . He may be able to touch time.

This is the minimum.

But it seems that plans often never go well.

Yi Biao did not intend to get in touch with the realm of time prematurely, but time-related enemies are coming one after another, and Yi Biao is often afraid of them. .

These second-rate guys know nothing about time themselves, so they think they know how to be complacent and misuse the power of time.

The ignorant are fearless.

They may not know what they are doing, but Yi Chou is very clear.

It was precisely because he knew that he was worried that the other party would drag himself up.

When encountering such an enemy, he is often very careful. . They rarely even show up on their own, such as letting Sadako grab the time gem.

Finally, there is no way to avoid it. . Even if Yi Chou doesn't care about the dignity, how far away the enemy is, it sounds a little embarrassing.

Under this circumstance, he really played against Rip Hunt for the first time.

It turned out that his power was more parallel than he expected.

The enemies who control the power of time appear one after another, and even time gems appear in front of Yi Chou. . Then no accident became his loot.

But Yi Chou also does not have the power to indulge in time gems.

Infinite gems are indeed his goal, but time gems are not, or temporarily not.

Because infinite gems are not as simple as they seem, it is easy to gain power, but I am afraid. . The price paid will not be less.

Time gem, an infinite gem, is not the primary goal of Yi Chao.

But even so, Yi Chao, who carries the gem of time, is also passive, almost immune to the interference of this time turbulence on himself.

Hearing the call of the second princess and asking for help, the black lightning was a few points faster again. Under the blessing of the pseudo-power, Yi Chou's movements seemed to be extremely slow, but every point was as lightning as other people's eyes.

The gem of time was taken out by him, and the green light brightened in an instant, almost dyeing the entire desert ocean into emerald green and bright colors.

The second princess was shocked.

Although Yi Biao’s movements were blessed with pseudo-spirit and almost impossible to see, the second princess was able to see after all, but in her eyes, Yi Biao’s movements seemed to be broken and changed every moment. An action was not coherent at all, and it was unclear how it was done.

From the point of view of the second princess, Yi Chou was still in a daze.

That is a magic weapon.

Eye of Agomo.

The second princess naturally knows about the infinite gem, because it is because of this that she embarked on the thief's ship, but it is not clear that this is an infinite gem. . Time gem.

But she instinctively felt that this thing was very powerful and dangerous.

In fact, if it is not necessary, Yi Chou does not want to use the power of the time gem.

The time around was originally very chaotic, and he used this unfamiliar power. . This is simply the routine of the heroes and heroines in the classic movie.

"Start the emergency plan."

Yi arrogantly said calmly in the phone conversation.

Sadako, who had returned to Neverland, was slightly surprised.

"What world have you gone to? It seems more dangerous than you think."

When he came to this mutant world and was blocked, Yi Chou threw Sadako back, naturally as the last insurance. . This is the situation now.

At least when everything is irreversible, she can rescue Yi Huo.

Having a silver tongue means that everything can be done from scratch.

"We know that we have encountered some weird things..."

Yi Xuan did not answer, but just responded casually.

In the same way, Sadako also has no sound. I want to prepare for it, magic array, scientific coordinate lock, magic anchor point and even scientific teleportation. .

Yi Biao has several backup methods for self-help, but all are similar to the Lich Life Box. By default, Yi Biao has died, or directly restarts for a short time.

If it is the last one. . Yi Chou doesn't want to use it either.

But now it's the end.

Whether it is Lorna, Athena, Daenerys or Loki, they are suffering from the erosion of time.

This reincarnation of time seems harmless, it constantly restarts every creature or substance in the circle of time, from the beginning to the beginning, and goes through it again and again.

There is no death.

Yi Biao has never seen Lorna turn into white bones, or turn into powder and dust, and it seems that it is like a naughty child in the chaotic time, from left to right, then from right to left.

Although very uncomfortable, it is not life-threatening.

But this is only temporary.

No one knows the time, maybe the next moment, everyone will be wiped out, even if Lorna is not important, but how is Athena's hard work, Loki is also very important, and Daenerys is the top priority weight.

Yi Chou didn't want to take them to risk, then. . Only myself took risks.

"Universal magic."

Yi Xiao took a deep breath, and Agomoto's eyes were suspended in front of him, with his hands interlaced slightly back and forth, the radiant lustrous yoga was blooming.

"Absolutely... control."

The next moment, with the completion of the magic, the layers of patterns on the surface of the eye of Agomoto and the magic array suddenly began to rotate.

Some rotate counterclockwise, some rotate clockwise, and some look counterclockwise, but in countless forward and reverse rotations, it is impossible to distinguish the direction of rotation.

With a hint of mysterious and mysterious atmosphere, the light gradually condensed into patterns through the patterns, and then slowly appeared in the middle of the hands of the clamor as the eyes of Agomoto revolved and rotated.


In the same way, Yi Xiao's wrist immediately popped up countless small auras like bracelets. The auras were layered on his wrist, just like. . The various shields, weapons, and light whips used by the Karma Taj group of wizards are the same.

It can be said that his painting style instantly switched to the painting style of Master Karma Taj.

It's not how clever their magic is, but Gu Yi's way and magic of controlling time gems is probably the only one that can be determined by Yi Chou, can control time gems, and determines that there will be no obvious unknown consequences.

In this case, Yi Biao will naturally not choose to use any new magic, but seek to learn Gu Yi safely. . Use her magic.

As for absolute control, it is also a preset magic in Yibiao Universal Magic, a logically perfect story.

Probably a wizard tried to decipher all mysteries of magic in pursuit of absolute truth. In the end, he did not decipher the true mysteries, but instead created a very inclusive spell.

This spell can control almost all magic items.

And Yi Xuan reads this story, and this spell naturally becomes true. In the end, Yi Xiao naturally can control almost all magic items like the wizard in the story.

For example, the Eye of Agomo.

Although its body is an infinite gem, it is now a magic weapon. Since it is conceptually a magic item, it cannot escape the shackles of this spell.

This is not the characteristic of this spell, but it is the case with magic. There is not much reason for being extremely overbearing.

The green light burst out of Yi Chou's hands in an instant, like releasing an invisible shock wave from the impact of sound waves.

With waves of invisible air, he slammed into the faces and faces of several people.

But it can be seen with the naked eye~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Whether it is Athena or Daenerys, Loki's aging immediately stopped and slowly began to reverse.

Lorna has the shortest lifespan and the fastest reversal. It has completely recovered within half a second, and is now stable. . But she was still pale, and seemed to be terrified.

Without Yi Biao's control, the sandstorm stopped long ago, and the mutant was still motionless not far away. Similarly, Yi Biao and others are now afraid to move.

Yi Chou needs to maintain the protection of Ago Moto's Eye for a few people, but few people dare not move, interfere with Yi Chou, or unintentionally break away from this protection.

Although the sea of ​​sand looks calm and calm, it is only at the physical level. If viewed from the energy point of view, it is already windy and stormy inside.

There was even a turbulent wave.

Even with this kind of energy confrontation, under the influence of the special power of time, the sea of ​​sand is still as if it is dissociated from the world when it is seen close, even a grain of sand is every minute and every second. , Changing different forms.

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