High Magic Earth

Chapter 1581: The long-disappeared title Jun Rescue

It is a thousand years less than 4,500 BC.

Thanks to magic to help timing. . Otherwise, in this ancient era, time records are inherently inaccurate, and there is no means to confirm time in the turbulence of time.


Yi Chou noticed the surrounding pyramids. . Is active.

But at this time, Rocky, who didn't consider a group of triangle-shaped buildings and put himself as a god-worshiping atrium in his eyes, stood up with great care.

Under the reminder of Yi Chao and personal experience, the second princess may be alert to the existence of mutants, but it should naturally look down on, or look down upon, the ordinary Midgard people.

"Perhaps what we are waiting for is a grand sacrifice..."

"But I still prefer the party more."

Rocky shook the ground again with a scepter, and suddenly felt the whole person refreshed a lot. The more she used the scepter, the more comfortable it was. Yi Yi, who had no explanation, seemed to be like putting Rocky's things there. It’s the same as the custody for now.

Then Loki was naturally happy to ask nothing.

The scepter will never return. . But if she was asked to thank Yi Chou, she felt very uncomfortable.

She is well aware of Yi Yao's power. To live, she doesn't mind surrendering to Yi Huo, but she surrenders for life and prays for greater power. . That's two different things.

Loki still has her own arrogance in her heart.

"Although it has always been Timmel's idiot who likes to eat, drink and drink."

"But sometimes, although she is stupid, she is not stupid."

"At this time we need a grand welcome to relax."

"Do you think they will be prepared."

Loki seems to have defaulted to discovering that their atrium would worship them as gods. They built a towering triangular building to worship the top of the god's mansion.

But in the face of Rocky's leisurely complacency, Yi Chou seemed puzzled.

"This is a pyramid."

Yi Xiao said.

"Don't you know?"

The pyramid, as one of the iconic buildings in the atrium, has a very early history, and more importantly, it may be related to gods.

Whether it was the magnificent reason for the building that was almost impossible at the time, or the role of the pyramid itself.

Rocky, as a god, seems to have heard of the pyramid. After all, its establishment time is likely to be during the time when Asgard is still active and atrium.

But look at how Loki looks at this moment. . She had no idea what the pyramid was.

"what is this."

Rocky naturally understands the meaning of Yi Huo.

This seems to be a very famous building, she should know. . So, is it really used to sacrifice gods, so she should know.

But since it was used to worship the gods, Yi Chou asked in a wordy manner, that is to say, it was not her, or the Asa clan, who sacrificed here.

Loki instantly understood the causes and consequences.

but. . She doesn't care.

She didn't know her already.

"Should I know."

Loki said in a natural tone.

"OK then."

Yi Chou didn't refute anything, but stared at Loki's feet with weird eyes.

"Then I will remind you."

"The atrium may have worshipped the Asa Protoss, but that was only a small part, and it was very long, and the more important thing... that was not in this world."

Then at the next moment, Loki's face suddenly changed when he was about to make any suggestions again.

Because she found that her body seemed to be under some kind of control again.

Immediately after that, Loki saw a shadow. . Jumped out of the shadow under her feet, then grabbed herself violently, trying to pull her into the shadow.

But this shadow underestimated Loki's power.

As a frost giant, the second princess may not be as good as the future Asgard to carry the thunder god, but the physical quality is also far better than other Asgards, such as the Four Warriors and the like.

Compared with ordinary humans in the atrium, it is even more different.

Although controlled, the shadow caught the second princess. . There was no tugging at all.

The shadow was also stunned for a while, apparently did not anticipate this situation, but it responded quickly, it only controlled Rocky alone, I do not know whether it is limited or other reasons, whether it is Yi Biao or Danny Liz is in a state of freedom.

Afraid of being under siege, the shadow could not hold Loki, so he immediately jumped again and instantly got into the shadow of Loki on the ground again.

It disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"So apart from the banquet and welcome."

"Perhaps you will have an attack."

Loki's expression was suddenly difficult to see. The tip of the scepter became sharp like a flowing golden solution, forming a deadly sharp and small spear tip.

She grabbed the scepter in one hand, and then spurted it toward the ground quickly and quickly.


No accident, the tip of the scepter penetrated the ground directly, and did not enter it more than half a foot deep, but also not accidentally, she did not hurt the shadow man at all.

Rocky's face was even more ugly.

The moment the shadow man returned to the shadow, she immediately regained control of the body. . A very unpleasant feeling.

When the Shadow Man appeared before, Loki felt that he was in a state of weightlessness. This weightlessness is not only external, but even internal.

She can't obtain external force through gravity and inertia, so as to generate power. She can't even move her arms and use her own power.

As if her internal strength was also offset.

But the external power is almost zero, and the internal power is still some, and because of this, even if the powerful power of the Rocky Frost Giant erupts only a little, it is not the mutant who has no power mutant power. Contend.

So that mutant couldn't move Loki at all.

Although the mutant's plan eventually failed, it still made Rocky very unhappy and even very angry.

When is she a god? . Everyone can try to challenge her majesty without authorization.

Loki decided to wake these atrium people to respect themselves.

At the same time, Yi Chou's eyes were right.


In his heart, Yi Chou's voice appeared directly in Athena's mind. . The unacceptable Yi Chou has no doubts in this regard, because the former Shadow King is really strange.

Its style is not like a mutant at all. . And brain holes like containment seem to exist.

There is no logic to be small and broad. . Sometimes a very obscure little function can shake the foundation of the entire universe.

And they have encountered one before in the Song of Ice and Fire.

Tyrion, who caused trouble by the protagonist, seems to have not been recruited by the protagonist, so it is not surprising to see a containment here again.

But Athena shook her head inwardly.

She likes reckless fighting style and hard-fought fighting, but she is still the goddess of wisdom, and her reserve of wisdom and knowledge is still not to be overlooked.

When Lucy was away, she helped Yi Chou deal with these trivial matters.

Isn't it? .

It is still a mutant.

Yi Chou is not surprised. After all, here is the strangest ability of the mutants in the most glorious years of BC.

The contents are not strange, mutants. . The same is true.

Then Yi Biao's eyes suddenly turned to Lorna.

Lorna seemed to finally recover from the torment of time, and suddenly saw Yi Chou's eyes, she was slightly stunned.

The vigilant little guy seemed to realize something, but the confused thought made her forget for a moment.

Until. . She found that she could not move, and a dark shadow rose from her shadow.


At the same time, Yi waved violently.

Lorna's shadow also came to life in a flash, just like two people. The person composed of Lorna's shadow followed the shadow man closely, and his hands and feet were entangled unkindly, directly throwing the shadow man Fall to the ground.

The shadow man has a good idea.

This group of guys trapped in the Holy Land really has something special. . At first, it was impossible to determine, so it was only a temptation to do it directly with Loki.

No one knows about Yihou, so it is the same for everyone who chooses them carefully. Those who can fight can definitely be able to fight, but they can’t beat it.

So it chose Rocky, it seems that she might be bullied better.

But obviously, the shadow people chose the wrong target.

Even if Loki was controlled, it was still not capable of shaking, so the situation was not good, and he gave up Loki directly and fled back.

And the second goal. . It locked Lona directly.

It is still not certain how strong Yi and others are, but what is certain is that it is not low.

Therefore, it is not ready to try one by one, and it will directly deal with Lona who seems to be the best to deal with, and has no threat.

Obviously, unlike most villains, it knows that it can't beat it, and it has to be stubbornly tempted. When it sees things beyond its own expectations, it directly locks on the weakest target.

Unfortunately, it still picked the wrong person.

The wrong target was chosen from the beginning.

The whole shadow man was entangled by the shadow man and could not move at all, let alone attack Lorna. Seeing the bad situation, he was just about to continue to flee. . But I realized that my entrance was gone.

Because the entrance has become a shadow man, it is now hanging on its back.

Yi arrogantly stared at this guy with interest. . By the way, I also want to see the shadow when it comes on the ground is gone, it can disappear through other shadows.

And obviously. . It can't.

Because ten or more seconds have passed, it is still in place, motionless.

What traps it is Yihou's expert magic, shadow energy, and even the omnipotent magic do not need to be used, but more control over the reason than the shadow man, it is the shadow man itself.

Yi Chou has been staring at it for a long time.

Ever since it disappeared in front of Loki, Yi Chou has been paying attention to Lorna.

Because Lorna is the easiest and the best target to attack, if the other person has a brain, he will definitely choose Lorna.

And in fact, other people don't need Yi Chou to manage at all.

Loki had already experienced it for himself, and the worst thing was that he was imprisoned in place, and the remaining two people. . Daenerys and Athena.

Yi Chou felt that it was absolutely the unfortunate of this shadow.

Although Daenerys does not have the ability to eavesdrop on her soul, she has a very strong defensive ability. After hiding in, even Professor X cannot see through it.

Although Daenerys does not have many abilities, but at the same time, they are all fire-spitting, ice-spitting, and toxin-like. The enhancement of the ordinary dragon's ability is like a few strange abilities, but it seems not to be high. The name of the latitude creature.

But in fact, perhaps Daenerys' offense is average, half strange, but the defensive ability is almost surprising.

She can almost resist most attacks.

No matter what the Shadow Man is, I am afraid that Daenerys cannot be really hurt.

Not to mention Athena, she does not know how to spell, but her body is full of real spell runes, the real kind, just use it when you need to use it.

For example, at this time, she launched a solidified magic text that countered the phantom shift of the enemy. . As the name implies, the runes are permanently solidified on Athena.

When used, directly using it is equivalent to adding a passive skill.

Whether it is Athena or Daenerys, the existence of the shadow man has little meaning, as for Yi Chou itself. . So Shadow Man went to attack the last target, Lorna, and was **** without accident.

The shadow man trapped in it is also a magic of arrogance, he is already very good at shadow magic. . This is the innate talent given to him by Neverland.

It's a pity to not use it well.

But his magic is clear in his heart, and Yi Chou feels that it is not the shadow man who traps this guy, but the shadow of the shadow man himself.

It seems that this dark guy can't just jump into everyone's shadow, just like a door, wherever it comes from.

But now there is no shadow, and all shadows are condensed into shadow people by Yi Chou, and become a completely different kind of existence, and naturally there is no way to leave.

Loki realized that this guy was caught, sneered and shook the scepter in his hand, the sharp spike was still on the end of the scepter~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So many people's eyes gathered in the past, it seems that the eyes are also beams As if it were able to transmit sunlight, a little rainbow soon appeared slowly, and the visual effect was just at the tip of the Rocky Scepter, just like the rainbow she called.

Loki's request was rejected without hesitation.

At least until it understood the necessary clues, it could not be handed over to Loki. . And the reason is still as a punishment for offending a god.

After a few minutes of stalemate, the shadow man seemed to be unable to support it, and the black mist on its surface began to dissipate slowly. . A strangely dressed ancient Egyptian came out.

His body is covered with people of this era who feel that they can pray for protection. People get more and more brave, but in fact there are no strange patterns for their uses.

With a little ornament on his face, it looks no different from an ordinary Egyptian. . But it is certain that he is one of the mutants.

Ancient Egyptian mutants 1500 years ago.

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