High Magic Earth

Chapter 1583: You seem to be on the wrong set

What a familiar sentence, what a familiar saying, how familiar. . What a ghost!

Yi Xiao slowly retracted his hands, clenched his fists, and clenched his fingers one by one, slowly, extending from the thumb to the little finger. His fingers even made a rattling bone crisp halfway.

Loki clearly saw that the expression on Yi Xiao's face was strange.

And she is very familiar with this strange expression.

It was she who had prepared a perfect prank, and she was about to lose her face because of a little accident when she was about to succeed.

At that time, she looked similar to Yi Huo.


"Does it feel like things are beyond your control."

Loki would not let go of any chance to ridicule, and provoked Yi Yi's provocation.

The relationship between the two is very strange. The second princess is very sure that she can't be an opponent of arrogance. In terms of strength, and there is no outside factor that can make up for it, except for catching up with strength, it is not IQ, tactics can replace, that is Absolutely suppress the difference.

According to the cosmic survival rule that Rocky hits, but when there is a clear difference between the two strengths, either one becomes a servant of the other, or one surrenders to the other.

Even if there is no relationship between superiors and subordinates, and the strength is weak, there is no way to refute the existence of a strong presence.

This is the everlasting truth.

But I don't know what the reason is, Yi Chao seems to have some attempt on himself. . This made him look much better than he thought.

It is for this reason that Loki keeps testing on the verge of death.

But what is the specific reason, and the clearer details, she has no way of knowing and can’t judge. Loki keeps trying on the edge carefully, in addition to trying to get Yi’s bottom line, there are also a large part of the reasons. Want to figure out why.

Why take her into different universes, different worlds, in order to fight against hegemony together?

Regardless of whether it can succeed, Loki feels that it is not impossible to fight against hegemony alone, and she is still very self-aware.

She is not worth the price.

Her power is very weak, even worse than her elder sister, and even Timmel is vulnerable like a child in front of the tyrant.

Perhaps it is because of Asgard.

Because of her second princess identity.

Only this possibility is the most likely reason that Loki thought of.

God king, Odin, her father.

God King Odin was very powerful, and how powerful it was. As the second princess of Asgard, in the early years he didn't feel war with God King, and Loki realized more deeply.

When the number of sentries reaches a certain level, it may be able to threaten Timir and the princess Thor, but it is absolutely impossible to threaten Odin.

No matter how many sentinels there is, it is impossible.

Odin's strength is no longer compensated by the quantity of the sentinel level.

Now Rocky is still dying, in addition to relying on Yi's arrogance to test his bottom line, there is also a big reason from Odin behind.

Even the power that Yi Chou now shows is still not as good as Odin in Rocky's eyes.

Although it is not far behind.

The existence of Odin is her true strength and the reason why Asgard can occupy a place in the universe.

In fact, at the beginning, Loki was not clear about Odin's strength.

She is like a child who has never walked out of the house. She doesn’t know what the outside world looks like. Odin, the house owner, has absolute majesty in the Nine Realms, but in Rocky’s eyes, he will always be just a house owner. .

The outside world is big and exciting.

Rocky has always had the idea that the outside world is more exciting and better than Nine Realms.

This is also the experience and thoughts of the male version of Rocky in the normal plot. He did not know Odin's strength, but directed a series of plans that may be naive to ridiculous in Odin's eyes.

Then, unsurprisingly, he failed.

Even if he finds a new way to kill the bully, he is just a guy who knows nothing about Pyroki returning to act as a cannon fodder, and he dare not reach out to Odin himself.

Odin is very old, but even the old Odin, who wants to drag out the bully and lose both sides, can completely do it. The young Odin, the bully dare not dare to provoke.

He has more important things to do. . And there is nothing more important than what he has to do.

Perhaps the current domineering is inferior to Odin, but as his plan continues to succeed, that is, the infinite gems scattered around are constantly being collected, the more infinite gems he masters, the more his strength will increase.

Perhaps two pieces can only be equal to Odin, but wait until he masters more than three pieces. . Odin could no longer stop him.

What Rocky didn't know, he didn't know how terrible Odin's true power was, and he didn't know what position Odin had in the universe as a **** king.

But now the Rocky knew.

This is the second princess from Asgard.

Because of the arrogance of Yihou, Loki knew a lot of future news in advance, and Loki, who has always regarded the nine nations as his back garden, realized that the future might not belong to her. . Immediately, he became restless.

But after all, she wasn't Timmel's reckless man, regardless of killing the past and talking about it, she left Asgard silently to gather more information.

And the more comprehensive news she gets, the more she realizes that the future is not optimistic.

She has turned to records from many ancient books in Asgard. The evening of the gods is inevitable. Whether you follow it to push it or resist it to terminate it, the evening of the gods will come.

It cannot be avoided, and it cannot be avoided at all.

And besides the gods at dusk, the more information collected in the universe, the more Loki knew the existence of Odin, what it meant for Asgard.

Asgard is not only the strongest among the nine nations, it can also occupy a place in the entire universe.

By virtue of it, Odin alone.

Nothing about her, or even something about Timmel.

Everyone in the universe knows Asgard and the **** Odin, but who is the princess and who is Thor? No one knows at all.

The arrival of the gods at dusk means that the fall of Odin is inevitable and ending.

Regardless of whether Loki believes that as soon as the gods arrive at dusk, as Odin falls, Asgard will instantly fall from the top of the universe to a piece of fat that many people can nibble on.

Without Odin, they are not even much stronger than the Shandars who are good at collective combat.

The fact is so cruel, Asgard is completely supported by Odin alone, and his fall will cause the entire Asgard to be destroyed.

It is also for these reasons that the second princess in front of him knew exactly what Odin's existence meant, as well. . He is powerful.

At least the current Rocky is probably impossible to plan the things in the original plot, because even if Odin fell into a deep sleep, his remaining eyes were watching everything.

. . If it's a plan, it's better to be smarter.

Only the existence of Odin will make the wizard in front of him so important to himself, not himself.

So Rocky was very confident to test on the edge of death, but of course, she was not really death, and she still had a bottom line in her heart.

At least he wouldn't blatantly betray Yi Chou and touch some restricted areas or something. That was no longer a trial of death, but a provocation.

Just like the dignity of the gods, Cheng Tian will not offend the dignity of Loki who hangs his mouth, and know more about the consequences of provoking the other party.

Yi Chou just twitched his lips and didn't do anything to Loki.

Because Yi Chou's heart is now messy.

The mutant, Egypt, or the era of ancient Egypt, this will make people think of what is definitely the first mutant, the original mutant apocalypse that goods.

In the movie, only the mutant of the ancient Egyptian era is the only ancestor of this mutant.

Naturally, Yi Chou thought of apocalypse.

He occupied the position of Pharaoh and became Pharaoh. . In ancient Egypt, a person who would not die near eternal life would easily become a pharaoh.

What kind of messenger he is is the mutants he has selected and formed a guard.

As the ancestor of the mutant, Tian Qi is undoubtedly a pure mutant humanist like Magneto. He regards the mutant as a man and is superior to the ordinary people. The choice of the guard is naturally a mutant.

And in this era when hot weapons have not yet appeared, and science has not yet developed, mutants indeed have almost godlike power for ordinary people.

Apocalypse's ability is very special. As the first variant, his ability is undoubtedly strong.

The apocalypse in the comics is omnipotent and omnipotent. He can control the body perfectly until the genetic level. He can produce the superpowers of the mutants at will, and any mutants’ abilities are invalid for him, but only through the mutants’ ability. Harm, such as Professor X’s mind control.

Similar to the control of the magnetic field by Magneto, and the secondary physical damage of hitting him with an iron ball, Apocalypse cannot directly be immune by ignoring the ability of the mutant.

And he can also give and seize the ability of other mutants. . The oldest God was fabricated and spread based on him.

But of course, he was not so powerful in the movie, and was accidentally cut into a dog.

He is not omnipotent and omnipotent, nor can he control the gene to change the x gene to create the ability of mutants at will. The most important thing is that he cannot capture and empower other people.

Apocalypse must use a special machine and use science to transfer from one person's body to another.

And the abilities of the mutants will be retained as the consciousness shifts. . The more you accumulate, the more you copy.

In addition to the necessary abilities in the movie, such as flying, space transfer, and cell regeneration, he can also strengthen the abilities of other mutants.

It is not known whether this reinforcement was captured by him, or whether it was in itself.

In fact, the apocalypse in the comics needless to say, it is not simply a few X-Men that can be sent casually, at least the Avengers and even the ultimate team need to exist, and the X-Men can be defeated by teaming up, even the one in the movie. Apocalypse is not so easy to deal with.

if not. . He unfortunately encountered the host of Phoenix, and this power even surpassed the existence of the mutant creator, most members of the Tenjin group.

Maybe it will be apocalypse in the end.

But strength is also relative.

Compared with the X-Men, the Apocalypse is very strong. In the eyes of Phoenix Power, the Apocalypse is too weak, and it is easy to change. . Perhaps the omniscience and omnipotence in the comics will be a bit troublesome, but it is only troublesome, because all his attacks and defenses are directed at the abilities of mutants. For magic, he is just a powerful superpower.

Not to mention in the movie, in the face of the clamor, Apocalypse does not have much possibility of resistance.

After seeing Shane, a weak variant of the ancient Egyptian era, Yi Chou made a further determination. The power of the apocalypse was deprived of other variants by machines. The weaker the variants of this era, the more representative the apocalypse is. Where might it be?

At least far behind the sentinels of the previous world.

But everything is there. . Pharaoh is really the premise of apocalypse.

Conqueror Kang? What the **** is that.

. . .

"Outsiders, I have been following you for a long time."

"Where do you come from."

Conqueror Kang, also known as Kang, or Pharaoh Rama, he stepped forward, and the whole person slowly floated in the air outside the high city walls, facing them, holding his arms in his arms, his head slightly raised, The face under the helmet could not be seen clearly, but he could feel that he was speaking to everyone in a predominant posture.

"Or, when did you come from?"

This guy, Yi Chou, also made it clear that although he was surprised that it was not apocalypse, it did not mean that he had never heard of Conqueror Kang.

The same can be understood. . The opponent is not an unknown soldier.

Conqueror Kang, also known as Kang, whose real name is Nathaniel Richards, should indeed exist in this world, this era, because he was originally a villain in the storyline of the mutant Apocalypse~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Kang is a Time traveler comes from another earth, parallel world in 3,000 AD. . Time is a thousand years ahead of the eruption period of the superhero.

And as a person with a story. . He was not accidentally bullied by others when he was a child, and even torn his throat because of bullying.

It seems that the technology of 3,000 AD is indeed developed, and the tears of the throat can be saved.

He likes to study history, the stories of those heroic times. . That is the deeds of the superheroes, and then when he was twenty-five years old, he discovered a time machine and officially started his journey.

Conqueror Kang, as a future human, does not have any superpowers. . In addition to everyone in the future will get a slightly enhanced lifespan, he is an ordinary person.

But he is good at using technology, and has a lot of technology of future technology, weapons of future technology, and future high-tech armor and many tools.

He should be considered. . The existence of the technology side.

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