High Magic Earth

Chapter 1587: Self-confidence is a good thing


The door of the temple was taken by a square mutant whose height and body width were almost the same. His mutant ability seemed to be a power-type mutation. This need not be inferred from the two stone gates of the temple close to a few tons. , Just look at his figure to guess.

The internal space of the building is large.

Because this temple can be regarded as a typical Egyptian style building, it is almost the same as the temple owned by the gods of Rome, Eastern Europe, and Northern Europe. The high ceiling is at least ten meters above the ground. After entering, ordinary people face the surrounding walls. On the magnificent mural paintings and the idols built by the wall, you will feel your smallness and lowliness.

From a visual perspective, the most direct experience is the gap between the gods and mortals.

Then comes pressure from the mind.

Huge objects often bring torture and depression to the human mind, because humans are visual animals, and so are huge spaces.

Discomfort will be magnified infinitely in a huge space. Similarly, in the face of the worship of gods, it will also grow more luxuriantly from the bottom of my heart at this moment.

Although humans in the past did not do much research on psychology, the architecture of theology often pointed directly at the human heart.

The same is true of the Egyptian temple.

This temple is not a pyramid building, nor a lion statue beside the pyramid, but an independent temple.

It is a temple with a roman column standing on the outside. It is much smaller than the pyramid next to it, but it is still more than double the size of a modern building and looks very magnificent.

Whether it is ancient Rome or ancient Egypt, or ancient Greece and Babylon, these countries of the Nile River Valley like giant buildings. . Kang also inherited this habit well.

No, perhaps it should be said that Kang likes giant buildings, which in turn affects the whole of Egypt, the whole of Rome, and the whole process of humanity.

In the present world, there must be no such thing. Travelers have changed the history of humanity in a more joke-like manner. It is surprising that what is known is that the history should be a joke or a preference. .

But this world may not be.

In the world of superheroes, anything can happen, especially next door where there is a large family of speeders. . Whether it's the speedster who can be called the destroyer of the timeline, or the time squad of Rip Hunt, even the natural stay of Ray has done the job of replacing the round table knight to become the new Gaowen.

Time is very fragile in these worlds.

Everything here seems to be considered to affect and change, as long as there is enough power. . Or you are a sufficiently important character.

In fact, the Roman column outside the temple does not seem to be the product of this era. Since it is called the Roman column, it is obviously related to Rome, but here is Egypt.

Still ancient Egypt.

Research on architecture and Kang the conqueror's personal preferences, Yi Chou feel that it is better so far, there is no need to continue to study what is the conqueror Kang's preferences.

With a slight glance around, Yi Chou and several people followed Kang to sit in the middle of the hall.

The area of ​​the temple is huge. Although there is no statue of the sun god, Anubis or La because it belongs to the conqueror Kang, it is still as wide as a football field.

Surrounding ceilings and walls soar into the sky. . Yi Biao even feels that if he wants to clean this temple every year, it is estimated that many people will be killed, but maybe there are mutants here.

The original pattern should be that the conqueror Kang sat on the throne of the same high ten meters, and then looked down at the fools of ancient Egypt below, but in the face of Yi Huo and others, he obviously did not dare to do so.

This may be a partial hall, or it may be that Conqueror Kang used technology to pull the throne into the ground in an instant, and by the way, created the internal space of this conference hall pattern.

Either way, it's easy for Kang.

Such a meeting hall, including Daenerys, is also familiar.

Because Junlin Castle also has such a place. . It has only been shrunk countless times.

"This place is very nice."

But at this time, when he first came in, he changed his normal situation, looking left and right, instead of the very numb Dalenis who looked behind him after Yi Huo suddenly exclaimed.

And more importantly, Yi Chao can feel that Daenerys is really praising. . Instead of being polite.

Hell. . right. .

It is easy to sorrow and find that there is another member of the team of giant construction enthusiasts, because Daenerys' dragon-shaped body is not weaker than this temple if it is fully expanded.

Even this temple is even bigger than her body. Compared to the high platform above the King’s Land where the air is thin and condensed with frost all year round, the temple is not only magnificent, but also bigger.

Although Daenerys will not be affected by air and temperature, as a residual human heart, she still likes this kind of architecture more.

And this magnificent yellow earth brick building seems to remind her of Esos.

So she is the Queen of Kings, the Tangerian family dynasty is also located in Westeros, and Daenerys’s obsession is also to fight back to Westeros from Esos, but really, she Luo, there is nothing that I like particularly about everything about King's Landing.

Relatively speaking, she even felt that Esos was more familiar.

After all, she grew up in Essos and grew up in Misin in Essos for the first time.

There is the beginning of everything.

It was also the place where she first saw Yi Huo.

Several people were seated on the stone chairs in the meeting hall.

Kang still wore a mask. . It might be a mask. Yi Chou didn't know much about Kang. Seriously, he didn't think he would meet Kang the conqueror here.

The understanding of Kang is only a few stories and pictures in the comics, and most of them are not comic stories with him as the protagonist, and they are all written sideways.

Yi Xiao only knew that he was a purebred human, but he didn't even know what he looked like. He said. . Did he transform himself with this mask?

"My time is running out."

After sitting down, Kang used a very normal and old-fashioned sentence, but it appeared very abnormal when he appeared on him, as the following concise opening remarks.

Daenerys was still full of admiration, looking at her as if she was going to write down the surrounding buildings, and then returned to Junlin to rebuild a temple.

But the conqueror Kang here has technology and is still one of the open races, the ancient Egyptians. . They can even build pyramids, and building a temple is naturally very simple.

The Central Asian nation was originally excellent and excellent in terms of industriousness, but counted Westeros's inclination towards the Westerners of this world so hardworking. . Basically, Daenerys has no hope.

Princess II's face is slightly more serious. As long as she does not attempt to conquer the world, her IQ is always online. She can easily extract the clues she wants from the causes and consequences of Yi's conversation with Kang.

That's about the future. Maybe she can't get an accurate answer from Yi Chou, but she might get the answer from the conqueror Kang.

Loki's body didn't know when it had come back here, replaced the phantom again, and then dispersed all kinds of deceptive magic magic.

It was she who was sitting in the chair at this time.

But Rocky thought he was seamless. . But I never thought that whether it was in Yi Biao's eyes, or this conqueror Kang, who played technology and was far underestimated on the technology side, he very directly saw her small movements clearly.

It's just not debunked.

Yi Xiao understands well, Kang's purpose. . Even everything he does now, whether it is true or not, cannot be judged.

Lorna is still confused.

From the beginning of the journey until now, she has never lost her confusion. She feels that she will never have more bizarre experiences and adventures in her life.

Fortunately, she was like her dad Magneto. She was an adventurous guy who couldn't sit back. She was full of vitality. . Otherwise, it is really hard to say whether the acceptance ability is so strong.

As for Athena, she and Sadako communicated with the spirits used by the three of Yihou, and they had entered the shadow mode long ago.

No speaking, no sound, no action, just like a ghost behind the clamor, try to reduce your sense of existence, as if you are a shadow.

This is how Athena is now.

But Kang seemed to know her because Kang pointed out the two goddesses from the beginning.

Just seeing that Athena seemed unwilling to speak, Kang also ignored her directly, as if she really didn't exist.

In fact, in the original plot, Athena in the God of War is indeed invisible, but it is still not Olympus’ magic, but it seems to be given by the cloak, and because of Zeus’ preference, she may be better than others. Brothers and brothers know more.

As long as Athena flicked the only robe on her body to the ground and stood in front of a corner wall, she could quickly become transparent. . It's like a Timo!

When needed, the cloak was pulled up again, the golden light flashed over the cloak and turned into a fitted skirt, and Athena's figure was revealed again.

But this ability was deleted by Yi Chao.

It is true that breaking clothes can enhance combat effectiveness, but there are too many people breaking clothes around, and there seems to be something wrong with gender.

There is already a Daenerys that turns into a magic dragon. Nothing works, even if the Hulk’s trousers are changed to women’s styles.

Because the volume of the magic dragon is too large.

Hulk is about the size of a head compared to the dragon.

The expressions of the people present were different, but when he heard the words of the conqueror Kang, Yi paused and said directly.

"As a time traveler."

"I thought your time was enough at all times."

Conqueror Kang's voice is still cold, but still not hostile, it seems that his voice is like this.

"Most of the time is enough."

"For example, now, I have enough time to tell you everything I can tell you. I don't need to worry about half of what I said. Just arrived at the most critical thing. I suddenly died. This kind of thing happened."

"But that's all."

"Soon, my time is coming to an end."

Even when talking about cold humor, Kang the Conqueror still maintains a lukewarm tone, neither salty nor light. . It sounds more tired than Daenerys kept her queen majesty.

"What can be said, what cannot be said."

"It's half dead with what you said... It's annoying to be in parallel."

"There is nothing to say."

Yi arrogant tone is also faint.

"Nature is something that really cannot be said."

Conqueror Kang still had no annoyance and continued to explain slowly.

"It's not something that refuses to tell you, it's something that can't be said, because maybe you can get deductions and answers from other questions."

"What really can't be said is that even related things are banned."

"The future is not static, but in my experience, the future tends to get worse and worse, at least from a human perspective."

"And now what I have done, what I tell you and what I don't tell you, is to make sure that time is moving towards what I see and the best route I think."

Conqueror Kang paused again.

"I see more in the future."

"I can always pick the best one."

This is true.

As a time traveler, Conqueror Kang can live very comfortably, and has lived on all the time, which has proved that he chooses the timeline very accurately.

Those time travellers who can't tell which future is in their own favor, don't know which age they died in.

"what about me."

Yi Chou didn't refute, at this time, Loki suddenly asked.

"What about Asgard."

Rocky never shy away from the future.

Because she believes in herself more than she believes in prophecy.

It's not that you don't believe in prophecy. In fact, as a mage, Loki is more aware of the fact that although such things cannot be explained, they are indeed very reliable.

It's just that she believes in herself more, and believes that even if she knows the future, she can reverse the future before it comes.

The future is for change.

So at this time she asked without hesitation.

Loki didn't feel that he could get the answer. Perhaps even if he got the answer, it was just some ambiguous answers and predictions.

This is the consistent method of those prophets.

But I never thought that in the next moment, Loki heard Kang the Conqueror seem to be very accurate, and firmly answered.

"You are dead~www.wuxiaspot.com~Asgard is also destroyed."


Loki almost uttered a curse almost without pause.

Being able to make such a question, she was naturally prepared for everything, but when she really heard that she would die, she couldn't help but scold it.

Even the fact that Asgard was going to be destroyed was temporarily put in the back of the head.

But in the next moment, after entering the calm, Loki did not think that this future would definitely happen, because she knew nothing about herself.

Perhaps in other respects, she has no strong place, but in escape, deceiving these skills. . She is definitely a master figure.

She didn't die so easily, and she didn't feel that she would have no resistance or choose to die.

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