High Magic Earth

Chapter 1604: It's time to show the title again

Athena broke free again.

The gravel on the ground is very firm, and it is wrapped around her feet. This is the apocalypse's favorite ability. It is estimated to be the most commonly used and best. .

Just like the people in the scene like Wan Wan who likes to collect the tatters, what Tianqi is good at and likes is probably to build a house, so large that the pyramid is so small that it can use gravel to grab others' ankles.

Athena felt that her feet were heavy. She could still move forward under the restraint of gravel, but the speed had been reduced to the extreme.

Not to mention being unable to keep up with the original speed, not even the speed of ordinary people.

And the gravel is not only heavy but also dangerous. . Forcibly breaking free may hurt yourself if it is not Athena's armor protection.

After two temptations, Athena felt that she might be able to pull herself out of the gravel, but the gravel was permeable, and she could hardly guarantee that she would not be controlled again.

Unless the apocalypse is directly killed. . But that is obviously impossible.

Yi Xiao did decide to let go, but it did not include the killing of the Apocalypse. He was very important, maybe even more important than expected. . So at least until everything is confirmed, he can't be okay.

Athena decided to temporarily slow down the offensive, just not to force the apocalypse too tightly.

Apocalypse not far away did not know the activity of Athena's heart, he thought his attack was effective. . Take a deep breath while letting go of your heart and raising your hands to dance the storm of gravel more quickly.

"My master."

At the same time, several black dots appeared on the farther desert horizon. They seemed to be looking for the location of the apocalypse. When they discovered the apocalypse, a burst of red mist appeared beside him.

Three people appeared on the floor. As soon as the three appeared, they knelt half on the ground and called out respectfully to the apocalypse.

The leftmost person. . Unsurprisingly, he is still a scarlet-skinned red devil, a demon-type mutant. He is much stronger than the guy who was shot by Athena before, and his smart eyes are obviously more alert.

In fact, only the demon-type mutants possess this very iconic way of instantaneous, and only they can bring people over in an instant.

The other two are also men. A guy with a weird pattern on his body may be the mutant who previously hated poisonous insects, because at this time a centipede is still wrapped around his wrist and a spider is entangled in his hair.

The last guy didn't seem to show anything special, but it looked fierce. . It is likely to be a variant of the direction of the body's variation.

Tianqi lowered his jaw slightly, looked at them, and said nothing, but nodded.

But this arrogant response was enough for the three of them.

"My master, she..."

The Red Devil stood up first, trying to get some instructions or orders from the Apocalypse. . How to deal with this guy behind, Athena.

But Apocalypse simply spit out two words and said.


The three immediately got up and backed up, and came to the back of the apocalypse without any hesitation.

Regardless of the apocalyptic IQ, the position, or the success, at least in terms of personality charm, he must not be low.

This is also a characteristic that most villains have.

No matter whether they are full of malice to this world, whether they are anti-human or not, they always seem to be full of some kind of personality charm that can confuse some diehards.

Although most of the villains of the villains rushed away when they encountered something, some of them were more faithful than any servant in the world.

Apocalypse is the same.

In the original plot, the apocalypse’s last transfer occurred unexpectedly. The rebels directly collapsed the entire pyramid. When the external energy supply was insufficient, the apocalypse’s transfer was halfway through. His consciousness had not yet awakened. He was still sleeping, and the pyramid was already Completely collapsed.

At this time, the Apocalypse can be said to have no self-preservation power. Although his defense is amazing, in that chaotic situation, any accident can be fatal.

but. . But he has the most loyal subordinate, a mutant with the motivation to read.

When the whole pyramid collapsed, she not only attached the armor used to transmit energy to the new body of the Apocalypse, but also used the power of thought to form an invisible protective net on the appearance of the Apocalypse when the gravel fell.

The gravel continued to fall, but it hit the body of the apocalypse, but was blocked by the invisible power of thought, and it shattered directly until the entire pyramid was buried. She was also directly pressed by a fallen gravel, leaving her arm, It was only after a moment that the energy output was suspended.

The entire pyramid collapsed and did not hurt the apocalypse at all.

It left him a chance. . In the twenty-first century after the millennium, see the light again.

Then he was violently hammered by Black Phoenix.

Not to mention the last thing, Tianqi has a lot of loyal subordinates. The mutants themselves are a very special group. Because of the oppression and discrimination, anyone who gives them fairness and attention may harvest it. Unexpected surprise loyalty.

At this moment, the loyal younger brothers around Tianqi seem to be vaguely visible.

but. . How important is the younger brother Athena.

So the apocalypse did not hesitate to throw the mutant boy who felt he was in danger, and hurriedly hurried to the side, and the whole person opened the mouth again to Athena.

"The era of false gods is coming to an end, you will witness..."


The apocalypse controlled the gravel and bound Athena in it by virtue of the feeling. The strength and speed of Athena showed the apocalypse secretly. . So he didn't let his guard down a bit.

Because, as Athena judged, it was these three younger brothers who rushed over without care, using the nasty things like poisonous insects to disperse Athena's attention, which gave the Apocalypse a breathing opportunity.

Otherwise, Athena, who keeps catching up and punching like this, is likely to die directly from the apocalypse who can't fight back in the future.

So Tianqi didn’t dare to relax at all. This kind of nervous feeling hadn’t been encountered in decades. While nervously controlling the gravel, he was preparing a thin mouth gun, but at this time, again A loud noise and roar came from afar to see the location. . Look near the holy city.

And it seems that it is not some kind of illusion and feeling, but that it seems to exist in reality. Such a sudden explosion even scared the concentrated apocalypse almost trembling.

fortunately. . No.

Otherwise, in order to maintain the dignity of God, the three excellent men behind him will be forced to sacrifice in this battle.

The roar came from a distance and sounded one after another.

The sound was not as loud as it was at the beginning, and the tremor on the ground was also very slight. Only a short moment later, it was calm again.

but. . But not calm in the sandstorm.

Because at the moment when Apocalypse reacted to the apocalypse, Athena, who was under control, had slowly stepped out of the sandstorm again under the storm.

The golden armor shone in the sandstorm, and the gravel hit the surface of Athena as if it had hit an invisible stratospheric protective net. It had not even hit it before and was bounced away from a distance.

If it weren't for the gravel still firmly trapped in Athena's feet, every step forward, the gravel would dissipate again and then quickly entangled, I'm afraid Athena would rush out again at her amazing speed.

"Stop her!"

Apocalypse realized it was bad.

He knew that if he was freed by Athena again, he would never have any chance and would be beaten to death by Athena unilaterally like a ball again.

And the apocalypse of this period has not experienced a long invincible time, nor has he considered himself invincible in the world.

In other words, he doesn't value face so much.

Upon seeing this, he directly gave orders to the youngest mutant mutant who looked the most fierce behind him.

And this guy doesn’t even know what he is going to face, or, if he knows it, he doesn’t mind. After all, this kind of variation in their body’s direction of change seems very reckless, either it’s either brainless or even The brain is too lazy to use.


With the command of the apocalypse, he suddenly tore the clothes that were originally a piece of cloth, and gave a wild wolf-like roar to the sky. The whole body instantly showed dense black hair, and within three seconds, it will melt. As a huge human-shaped wild wolf, he ran wildly towards Athena on all fours.

"Worgen again."

Athena said impatiently.

"What about your ideas."

This mutant is very similar to the werewolf. . Even it looks like a werewolf, but it is estimated that he will not have the terrible spread of the werewolf that is not weaker than the vampire.

Because if you can really infect other people into werewolves, then there will be more than one non-human race in the world.

I'm afraid he only has the appearance of a werewolf.

This is not surprising.

In the world of mutants, the original setting is the prototype of many legends and myths, all of which are mutants. For example, the prototype of God is the apocalypse of the Almighty and Almighty, the prototype of the demon is a mutant of the demon type, and the prototype of the angel is also an angel. Types of mutants.

Then the prototype of the werewolf is the guy in front of him. . It's nothing strange.

It is not known whether he possesses the terrible infectious nature of the werewolf. At least in terms of combat effectiveness, he does not seem to be weaker than many werewolves usually set in legend.

He was very fast on all fours, and he ran from the distance of a few hundred meters in less than a few seconds. He did not hesitate to break into the sandstorm at all, accompanied by the yellow sand rising in the sky, He jumped suddenly, and his two forelimbs, which had been transformed into wolf claws, grabbed at Athena with both hands.

Turn around and hack.

The golden double-edged scimitar appeared in Athena's hands in an instant. When everyone could not react, a golden light appeared, and suddenly fell in front of this werewolf.

If he continues to move forward, all that is waiting for him is to be split in two.

Like all previous mutants who were in front of Athena.

but. .


As one of the variants that can be most relied upon by Apocalypse, this guy obviously has two brushes. At the end of the crisis, he seemed to be very calm and seemed to have a momentary stagnation in the air.

Suddenly leaning back, his speed of advancement was suddenly slowed to the extreme, and it looked like a sudden stop.

But although this prevented him from being divided into two, the two claws were inevitably touched by Athena's golden double blades.

Even if you can't directly cut this guy into two sections, it's good to cut off your paws.

Athena's idea was good, but with a crisp sound, his pair of werewolves' claws hit the golden double-edged blades, instead of being directly cut off, they suddenly bounced off.

Then this force, the huge wolf body jumped back suddenly, and at the same time twisted the body in the air, the moment of landing has adjusted the angle of the attack again, and after falling, without stopping, he rushed towards Athena again.

This mutant. . Or the eyes of this werewolf are full of madness.

It was not the madness and glory of the death fight for the apocalypse, but the complete madness, the real madness, it seems that all reason has been lost.

"It really is a lunatic..."

Athena was sullen.

Most werewolves are irrational. In many legends, this is the common denominator, so as the prototype of the werewolf in this world, obviously there are some similarities.

Obviously, this mutant will lose his mind after being werewolf, and will be completely lost.

And Athena clearly saw that although the sharp nails on his claws blocked her double-edged scimitar, the other party was definitely not so comfortable.

There were three or four cracks on his claws, and his hands were trembling slightly. I'm afraid it's still a question of how much power he can use.

failure. . Failure is only a matter of time.


There was another crunch, much smaller than before.

Although he lost his mind, the opponent's fighting instinct consciousness seemed to be very strong. After finding out that he was not an opponent of Athena, he quickly began to wander away quickly.

Use the advantage of speed to conduct sneak attacks without colliding head-on with Athena.

Of course, his so-called speed advantage is naturally slow and ridiculous in Athena's eyes, but at this time Athena is constantly disturbed by the gravel controlled by the apocalypse, and the sand piles in the footsteps hinder her progress again and again. . Can't get up at all~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Naturally, the slow speed of the werewolf temporarily prevailed.

Not only was the opponent not disturbed, the Apocalypse seemed to be able to control these gravels to avoid the werewolves. Although the sandstorms raged around, there was still not much wind around the werewolves. Even the collision of the gravels seemed to have no power at all.

In contrast, the werewolf is indeed much faster than Athena.

But even if he has an advantage in speed, it does not mean that he can win, because Athena not only has thousands of times of combat experience and fighting skills, but also is not comparable to this guy in terms of lethality.

Although the werewolf seems to have the upper hand to tempt to attack, but in fact he is carefully avoiding Athena's counterattack.

The attack from the werewolf has not even broken Athena's defense at all, but in the face of Athena's attack, only one was accidentally hit. . I am afraid it will be the result of a serious injury immediately.

Although the beast is irrational, the instinct to seek benefits and avoid harm still exists, in fact, only after the first collision. . He already knew exactly what a terrible existence he was facing.

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