High Magic Earth

Chapter 1608: The earth is fooling you

Werewolf. . Werewolves don't count.

It has always been at a disadvantage when it fought against Athena. In fact, even if there were procrastination delays by these mutants, as long as he dared to appear, Athena was still sure to cut off his head.

As a new loot. .

He is not qualified enough to advertise honor or something.

"I caught her!"

"Quick! Kill this guy who disrespects the gods!"

Although the annoying colloid could not contain Athena, it limited her speed in an instant. Taking advantage of this opportunity, several variants were posted like brown sugar, some hugged Athena's thigh, some Holding his arm, he can't shake it.

. . Because even a guy who grabbed Athena's right leg turned into a stone at the moment of landing.

The discovery made Athena's eyes twitch, and she tried to lift her legs, and found that this guy was really like a large block of cement freezing herself inside, heavy.

but. .

Athena shook her head.

Mutants are brave and courageous. They are like the most fanatical believers who can dedicate everything for the gods they believe in.

But meaningless.

Many people do not understand the existence of such fanatics, why are some people so persistent, even foolish.

Since it exists, nature makes sense. Humans are inherently a complex creature. The degree of development of civilization, the surrounding cultural environment, and the perception of this world all affect the heart of a person.

Perhaps on the timeline after the twentieth century, the existence of fanatics is very strange, because humans after the twentieth century have obtained enough information, enough knowledge, enough to laugh at the past. Yourself.

But to put a human born in the future into the past to cultivate from urination, the education and environmental education received has nothing to do with the future, then. . Another fanatic was born.

It has nothing to do with people, only environment and knowledge.

In the ignorant age when science has not yet been enlightened, it is easiest to have faith, because human beings cannot understand many things in this period, and can only hope for those illusory existences.

But maybe. . These incomprehensible things are really incomprehensible.

After all, the legends and stories of the mythological era have been separated by a century and a thousand years. From the twentieth century onwards, they continue to advance one thousand years into the thirtieth century. Perhaps there are aliens. It is not equally incredible.

What's more, the world of mutants does have supernatural powers.

That is the mutant itself.

However, relative to the population of the entire world, the existence of mutants is still a minority. Even at the peak of the mutants, the total number of people occupied at this time before the millennium and the golden period after the millennium. . Nor does it exceed 1% of the global population.

This is why humans always treat mutants as aliens.

Their number is too small, and the main theme of the development of this world is still technology. Unless the number of mutants continues to increase, it is possible for them to gain a place, or use their own capabilities to integrate into the world.

Otherwise, for the vast majority of people in the entire world, they will eventually be aliens.

Only those relatives and friends of the mutants may accept them, but the number of these people. . Even calling it small is not enough.

Many times the mutants seem to have a very large number, but it is because they are close to their gathering place, or they have contacted the mutants' circle.

For example, now.

For these mutants, the apocalypse is their god. As a believer in God, even if the gods of faith are only insulted, they will be able to dedicate their lives frantically and perform endlessly.

What's more, it was at this time that the Apocalypse personally ordered.

Even if Apocalypse did not want to kill Athena. . But at least there are nearly a thousand variants here. Unless direct communication is made in advance with the use of psychic powers, otherwise this command will be passed on, and in the end you will not know what it will become.

After all, for believers, nothing is more important than the dignity of God. They may value the dignity of God more than God himself.

And these people are also mutants, although they may be some influential delta-level cannon fodder mutants, but they are still a member of control of extraordinary powers.

Based on this mentality, they actually regard Athena as a more powerful mutant.

Although it may be very powerful. . But with such a large number of mutants here, it is impossible for them to be alone.

Athena suddenly stopped struggling.

"You did bring me some surprises."

"But the farce should be over."

Originally thinking that Athena had no strength, the mutants who were preparing to take advantage of the opportunity suddenly froze, a coolness came from the depths of their hearts, as if they were reaching the soul and freezing them in place.

That's because the instincts from the body are stopping them, nailing them to the spot, they can't move, just like human eyes will be closed with tears when they are exposed to strong light, and they will collapse when they don't sleep for a long time. This is the most primitive instinct.

Shivering, icy, as if buried under the deep sea.

At this moment, everyone is still.

Then in the next moment, Athena was originally still, and it seemed to be fixed on the painted oil painting. The figure suddenly tightened up, with a sense of extremeness from static to movement. The whole person was like a hunting bow.


A huge roar sounded politely, and the powerful force from Athena's feet directly cracked the petrified mutant who imprisoned her.

The gravel splashed and burst out, and even the rustling sound of the roar came from the raging sandstorm.

They still underestimate the strength of Athena. The stones transformed by the mutants are naturally different from ordinary stones. His weight is heavier, and he also carries the strength of the mutants. The original stones of the same volume and density are more heavy and hard. Several times.

But for Athena, it was still like a joke.

After breaking free, the stone mutants had no resistance at all, and they were directly destroyed by Athena. Then Athena did not pause, and her liberated right leg collapsed instantly, drawing a residual image in the sandstorm. Kick out.

An unlucky mutant happened to stop in front of her. . Even Athena didn't see the other party herself, and the terrifying strangeness had instantly kicked him into a blood mist.

And this is just the beginning.


When the right foot hit the ground, the wind direction of the sandstorm suddenly changed, and the strong wind blew Athena's body to the side, but she did not have any confusion just to take the opportunity to move the body's center of gravity downward, and at the same time, her right hand slammed fist straight out.

With a loud muffled noise, another mutant seemed to be hit by a meteor. The whole person flew out more than ten meters away, and disappeared into the sandstorm.

There are too many mutants entangled in Athena, so she did not choose to use a weapon scimitar, but her slender body directly shocked, her fists and legs exhaled with a murderous murderousness, and the surrounding piece The mutants swept out.

"Boom! Boom Boom!"

Waving his arms, punching his fists, staggered legs in the air to create a trace of afterimages and broken sounds. Although Athena looks very slender, everyone has already realized the amazing power.

Whether it's a fist or a leg lift, Athena's every move contains amazing power. As long as it is rubbed, it will be instantly ejected like a cannonball and fly out a distance of more than ten meters.

. . This power is enough to kill most mutants.

Even the mutant ability of partial metallization or turning into stone only delays the death time by a few seconds.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Athena seems to be transformed into a gyro, and her fists and arms can always swing freely from the most effort-saving and direct angle. With an efficient speed, all the mutants who are trying to come here and are already close to it They flew backwards one after another.

Some were ejected more than ten meters away, while others were ejected a few meters away.

Seen from above, the center of the sandstorm is Athena below, and she is like a huge vortex, bringing all the mutants close to it at their original speed. . Or it can be called back at a faster speed than the original one.

After a few blinks and ups and downs, there were no more living people around her.

Athena's surroundings have become empty again. Those mutants who have tried to interfere with her are either lying in a sandstorm and waiting for the sandstorm to bury it, or they have been broken into several sections by strange forces, or even directly Blood mist.

The surrounding openness made Athena breathe, and at the same time, the golden light, like a meteor, re-cut the sky.

. . .

"Woo! Woo!"

Sandstorms are still raging, but only sandstorms remain.

There are no mutants around and dare to continue to approach here, because at the feet of Athena, there are intermittently filled with the bodies of at least hundreds of mutants, and even a furry arm, that is the arm of the werewolf mutant.

Sure enough, he still tried unsuccessfully to sneak attack, but it was a pity. .

The desert was stained with blood, and even a monstrous sandstorm could not sweep away the blood and mud. Even the sandstorm seemed to be brought with a pungent **** smell.

Amputations and debris, the body covered with gravel.


The noise of the sandstorm gradually decreased, and the raging sandstorm also began to weaken. In the end, the sandstorm that raged for an unknown period of time slowly stopped.

Athena inhaled slightly, hanging the double-edged scimitar on both sides of her body.

There was not much blood on her body, the golden armor was still shining, and the glowing glow seemed to shake people's eyes, crooked her head, and Athena's eyes fell to the front.

This large desert is flat, without hills, waves, or even any undulating angles.

The raging storm wiped it out and blown it away. Only a large area of ​​barren land was flat. Apart from the corpses and blood scattered all over the ground, the rest were only densely surrounded by mutants.

Although at least a few hundred compatriots were slaughtered by Athena, there are still hundreds of mutants left for this huge team, and they will encircle the city. . The most central position of the circle is Athena.

On the surface of the sandy ground at the forefront of the entire encircling circle, a high sand platform is raised. . A short distance about a few meters above the ground, Apocalypse was standing on it.

It was still the very ordinary linen cloth, with a few patterns and embellishments, and there seemed to be a confusion left in him that was beaten by Athena. . But there was no such anger in the expression. Instead, it was a kind of arrogance overlooking the cheap creatures.

Athena is familiar with this look, after all, she also looks in the mirror.

"Woman, your struggle is pointless."

Tian Tian said in a slightly bland tone, making Athena frown slightly, she just used this sentence on this group of mutants, and the result is now being returned.

Raising a hand slowly, along with the apocalypse's movements, the gravel on the ground began to boil, and a variety of meticulous villains soon appeared.

These gravel villains are about the size of normal human palms, densely burrowed out of the ground like ants, and soon they began to line up, pushing huge pieces of wood or stones to build huge buildings.

Within just a few seconds, a huge sand pile pyramid made entirely of sand was built under Athena's eyelids.

Then the pyramid collapsed, the scattered gravel turned into more villains, and swarmed outwards. They carried more stones and wood, and began to build more exquisite buildings. .

"The existence of God will always be stronger than you."

Apocalypse shows his fine control of new abilities, and the surface is calm. . But my heart is still a little proud.

Honestly, he was not Athena's opponent half an hour ago. He has super power, speed, including regeneration and reaction ability, but they are much worse than Athena.

Just like the gap between sprint champions and ordinary people, even ordinary people can run fast and slow, but fast is fast and this cannot be changed.

He couldn't counterattack Athena at all, because he couldn't hit Athena, even if he could control the gravel, but it was easy for Athena to break free.

but now. .

After that inexplicable transformation, Tian Qi has felt that everything is under his control.

His strength has become stronger, his speed has become faster, and his thinking has become more acute. He even feels that he is not tenuous for ten days and ten nights without eating. www.wuxiaspot.com~ The most important thing is He is there.

He had never felt this desert so close, even the flow of every desert, the existence of every grain of sand, he controlled everything in this desert.

Apocalypse knew that he was not a god, he was the original mutant.

When the **** stick has been around for a long time, he has indeed confused his identity a bit, but now it is not a thousand years later, he has not been confused by time.

But at this moment.

When he was faced with the choice between life and death, he suddenly gained strength and allowed him to despise everything again. . Just like the power he initially gained.

He is God.

Apocalypse thinks so.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain this delicate luck and favor.

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