High Magic Earth

Chapter 1610: You are strengthened, go quickly. .

Athena's expression disapproved.

This group of cannon fodder variants is meaningless, and the gap between them is simply not to be compensated by the number. . Even if it can be made up, these numbers are not enough.

The effect of the half-artifact armor still exists. Although the previous sandstorm forced Athena to appear a little embarrassed, in fact, she is still the same as before, with little damage.

Even the sentries failed to kill her. . Not to mention this group of mutants.

Mutants like them, a sentry can fight a group.

"God is watching us!"

"Kill her!"

The mutants were agitated in an instant, their expressions were crazy, and they swarmed forward. . They were very quiet when they were around, like zombies wandering consciousness.

But at this moment, it seemed that some fresh flesh had awakened them and the zombies came out of the cage.

"Their idea is to learn from you, right?"

Seeing the meaningless slogans again in the mouth of this group of mutants, Athena was quite bored.

There are only so many tricks for Apocalypse in exchange for it, either to play with the sand, or to the death of this group of mutants, single and boring, the same is true of this group of mutants. . I only know a few words that go back and forth.

God? God is too lazy to ignore them.

But Athena's heart is not as casual as it seems, because the state of this group of mutants is not right.

They were fanatical before. . But they are not crazy. They are foolish and loyal, but they are not losing their minds. But obviously, now they occupy the latter two.


The strongest mutant screamed loudly while squeezing spikes all over his body, turning himself into a monster like a hedgehog. . The old ragged linen cloth was instantly punctured, and the whole person formed a ball, seemingly planning to roll towards Athena.

Of course, even if he is the fastest, Athena looks slow like a snail.

This was originally a group of cannon fodder mutants. The group that was barely good before was dead in a sandstorm. It is estimated that only the red devil and the werewolf did not know where to hide.

Now rushing to the front. . It can only be said that it is a high-quality cannon fodder, but it is still a cannon fodder, meaningless.

Athena could even watch what happened to him at leisure. .


This was Athena's first thought when they saw them. Their eyes were full of desire for destruction, and they seemed to be purely trying to destroy everything in front of them, not for their gods or the like.

They may have lost their minds.

The second is that their abilities seem to have been enhanced.

This is not a good judgment, because Athena has never seen them before, did not fight, and naturally there is no prerequisite for judgment, but. .

This can actually be seen.

Because it is very simple, Athena does not feel that a mutant who can be counted as a quick in her eyes will not be able to break through the previous sandstorm.


Some kind of gray light flashed in front of Athena. At the next moment, the sharp knife light flashed at the same time. At the moment when no one could see clearly, a mutant had crossed with Athena's knife. . Then he fell heavily to the surface of the desert.

Still two.

This is a mutant of speed variation. . Fast silver, but it must be much slower than fast silver, and even a few afterimages can be captured in the eyes of normal people. In Athena's eyes, it is just a little faster.

His speed is completely enough to break through the sandstorm blockade, and he can even come to himself in the first place.

But he stayed until now.

Maybe he didn't recognize the apocalypse at all, just mixed in the apocalypse team, but secretly played other ideas. . This is the most likely cause.

But Athena's instinct was telling her that he. . It should not have been so fast before.

Apocalypse strengthened him, just like all the people here, and this group strengthening seems to have side effects, and it is a very strong side effect. .

Loss of reason is the best proof.

But there is no clue to this, it is just Athena's guess, and whether this guess is correct does not make much sense, because the enemy in front of her is something she must face.

but. . The four knights of the Apocalypse were born because Apocalypse possessed certain abilities that seemed to enhance the abilities of the mutants, and perhaps urge their potential.

It is not surprising that he possesses some means.


This hedgehog ball is still rolling on the ground, rolling and rolling. . Athena wasn't going to let him lean over, and it was undoubtedly stupid to fight it with her fist. Athena didn't plan to do this, she didn't even plan to use her scimitar to touch this thing.

It's so stupid.

Turn yourself into a hedgehog ball?

A step forward, Athena suddenly stepped on one foot, a huge force formed a sand wave on the surface of the desert, and suddenly passed forward with a shock.

Athena's strength is also calculated in tons. Even if this does not directly kill the person, it can shake him far away.

The air was surging, and this unlucky guy was a sphere. . Immediately, he was shoved and rolled backwards for three or four meters. The unconscious man hadn't waited to find his way again. A large army of rear mutants had swarmed over.

"Poop! Poop!"

As Athena said, crazy, several variants continued to swarm forward without stopping, and stepped directly on this huge spike.

Spiked sphere half as tall as half a person. . Not as simple as stepping on a fairy ball.

The first unlucky egg was penetrated directly, then the second and third. . It was like a stack of arhats, until a series of four five mutants died on it, the corpses were pierced and accumulated to block the road behind, so that no new mutants hit here.

They are crazy.

Then there is nothing to say.


Athena stepped forward again, accumulating on one leg, and then kicked the other foot violently forward, taking the initiative to attack, directly kicking the mutant who ran in the front.

His ability. . Not shown, maybe not suitable for fighting, maybe not effective for Athena, anyway, he flew straight out a dozen meters away, hit the mutant crowd still rushing over, and was instantly submerged.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!"

Then next. . It's a new round of whack-a-mole game.

Athena's movements were so fast that she turned into a gyro again, and the mutants at any angle were kicked back directly with one kick or punch.

They were directly overwhelmed by the later mutants, and they never fell under the feet of the crowd.

In fact, even if they were not trampled to death, Athena's direct power was enough to break them instantly.

"Boom! Boom!"

But there are too many variants.

At the beginning, Athena still had a lot of contacts, because the speed of the mutants was uneven, she could completely kick them back one by one while taking advantage of the emptiness.

There is a diameter range of about five meters around Athena. Any mutant who crosses this range will be momentarily surprised by the sudden appearance of Athena.

Looking down from above, you can see the front, back, left, and right, and every moment, there are mutants from all directions, directly thrown out by Athena.

But soon, with the increasing number of mutants, their speed has not shown much difference, almost people crowded, people flocked over, often appear on the left side On the right, there is a whole group of mutants on the right.

Even if Athena's combat skills are abundant, her speed is limited, and she has only two fists and two feet.


"Kill her!"

This group of mutants has been completely mad, and some mutants have turned into small hurricanes. They slammed left and right in the crowd. They directly hit the mutants with bruises and bruises on their faces. Of mutants trample and bury in an instant.

There are also variants who directly divide several of them, some lacking an arm and some missing a leg. . It just appeared and was pushed by the nearby crowd to stand unsteadily, then. . No more.

Some mutants grow more arms, and some mutants have patterns on their faces. . At this moment, all the mutants have released their strange powers. None of the nearby, farther, surrounding Athena, swarmed the mutants to look normal.

Various weird abilities surround. . There seems to be a strange and magnificent grandeur.

It's like being in a monster kingdom.


But at this time, Athena's fist was not hard enough. She hit the mutant with a single blow, and even after a few meters away from the exit, she was already pushed back and crowded back by the mutants of course, of course, The mutant had already vomited blood and apparently could not survive.

just. . They are too many.

The five-meter circle around Athena has long since disappeared, and even her range of activity is getting smaller and smaller. . Even now, it is difficult to turn around.

Then the next moment. . Athena disappeared, covered by the mutants who swarmed in.

Apocalypse did not know when to return to the gravel-built stone platform. Looking at the crazy mutant below, there was no extra expression on his face.

Even if Athena was buried by the turbulent mutants, his face did not change much.

He didn't think Athena would be defeated so easily, but even if Athena failed. . That's actually nothing.


Sure enough, in the next moment, the violent mutants suddenly had a meal, and their center position, where Athena was buried, seemed to be pressed the pause button.

The movements of all the mutants stopped, and the time seemed to stay briefly for half a second. . Then a flash of golden light flashed over, and the bright red sky was followed.


The blade fell, and blood spewed out instantly, filling the sky, and it seemed that even the sky was red.

Facing more and more mutants, Athena double-bladed the scimitar again without hesitation, and at the moment when it was about to be completely buried, the scimitar turned into a circle. . Suddenly, these irrational mutants who have fallen into madness stay in place.

Blood swelled down their necks, or spurted in front of them, and the sharp scimitar took their lives in an instant.

The movement stopped, only a short moment, they tried to move closer together in the last moment, but the next moment they have stopped their movement forever.

It's like the time of this crowd disappeared forever.


"Kill her!"

But the rear mutants didn’t know it, or they didn’t care. They still crowded forward frantically, shouting incomprehensible slogans in their mouths, shoving their companions or their corpses, and blooming their mutants. Ability, then crowded towards Athena.

Next, Athena slammed on the corpse, and the whole person jumped high, stepping on the heads of several mutants as a lever to rush out a few meters in a blink of an eye.

Then immediately behind her feet, the head on which she stepped on suddenly seemed to become plasticine and could not take advantage of it, suddenly let her body tilt slightly and fall back to the ground again.

While tumbling and falling, she saw that the mutant who had been stepped on by her feet as a borrowing point softened her body like no bones again, turned into a mud, with a crazy face, ready Creeping here.

Athena pouted.

"It's disgusting."

Without her hands, this guy hadn't even moved forward half a meter, but was squashed by a giant mutant who seemed to be close to three meters. The blood was splattering, making it sticky and grossly disgusting.


Immediately after this huge mutant aimed at Athena, he snarled with his mouth open and raised his arms all the way into fists. . Slowly, with a roaring and breaking sound, he fell towards Athena.

"Too slow."

Athena threw out two words coldly, grabbed the shoulder of a mutant behind him and flipped upwards at the same time as the arm was about to arrive, while the arm fractured the mutant who was caught by Athena. , She already had her feet on her arms.

Three meters in height. . It's actually not amazing, but Athena's movements are very light, and the whole figure is walking on the arm all the way like no weight.


The giant mutant slowly raised his other hand as if he was about to grab Athena, but just lifted it up. Athena had come to him in an instant, the scimitar flashed, and there was a red line around his neck.

His movements stopped instantly, and the whole person slowly stood still for about two or three seconds~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then began to shake again.

The huge body slowly tilted towards the ground, but the variant of the falling position still did not know to dodge. Athena stood on his head, blood stained her skirt, and then at the moment when the little giant fell, Athens Na started to accelerate in the opposite direction.


With the last bang, the little giant's body crashed to the ground. While overwhelming the unknown variants, Athena also rose slightly, and then fell to the ground again, sliding a half-step distance, and once again stood firm .

At the next moment, while more mutants hadn't come around, Athena began to lean down slightly, and started to run forward like a cheetah.

Two sharp scimitars raged around her. Almost no mutants could stop her attack. Although only a short distance of more than ten meters, she was left with a **** path.

It's just that the mutants are not afraid of death, and this madness seems to be intensifying. . Even under the tremendous pressure of Athena's crazy slaughter, they still slowly pressed it over.

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