High Magic Earth

Chapter 1613: Really fancy

"Poop! Slap!"

The dragon, like a gravel like a snake, has not yet fallen, and the fine gravel has been smashed down like a raindrop.

They are no weaker than bullets. They fall on ordinary people's bodies and are completely enough to be seriously injured or even half-dead. Even for Athena, the invisible defenses on their bodies are also crackled.

The galloping Athena continued to maintain the impact of a female leopard, and then she reapplied with her tricks. Her right foot slammed on the soft gravel on the ground, and her body had turned in the opposite direction.

Even when the whole person is moving at a high speed, she still maintains her balance, as if ignoring the interference of various external forces such as inertial resistance, without changing the direction without any delay.

Her speed is much faster than the impact of these sands. The overwhelming desert tide swept through. Although it seems huge and thrilling, it actually can't touch Athena's side.

Her dexterity is like a swimming fish, and she can completely avoid it before the gravel drops, and still has the leeway.

If there is nothing unexpected, she can even avoid the continually hitting sand waves in this way, and then go straight to the apocalypse.

Like the protagonist of a movie within the bomber's range, no matter how dangerous or dangerous, the explosion will not directly fall on him. Athena is also surrounded by constantly blasting sand balls, and the high gravel is even four and five meters high, but She couldn't touch her side.

It's just different. The protagonist in the movie often relies on luck, but Athena, she relies on reaction and super speed.

Unfortunately, accidents are accidents, and they are unimaginable existences.

In the next moment, when Athena turned around to draw a curve, and then straightened into the apocalypse again with a curve, she suddenly felt a stagnation in her feet, and a sense of pulling came. . The familiar feeling immediately made her mouth twitch.

Sure enough, looking down, I saw the sand on the ground slowly flowing, like some kind of living body, swallowing Athena's right foot in it, burying it, and the coarse grit of the wrist was entwined like a vine, and soon Just wrap Athena's ankles and calves completely.

Athena's right foot was dragged down hard. . Fixed in place.

Athena in the gallop suddenly lost the power of her right leg and almost turned over with her head. Fortunately, she responded very fast. While she was leaning forward, she vigorously supported the ground with her hands and flicked upwards. Kneeling halfway on the sand surface.

Then Athena had another meal, because in this half a second, she felt her left foot wrapped around the quicksand, and also held her other foot in place.

This is another trick. . Athena's inner lip curled, but no matter what, it worked.

Especially in this desert, it is almost the natural home of Apocalypse. Any creature, as long as it steps on it, is under his control.

Athena's movements were blocked, but the roaring gravel snake would not stop, with a fierce breath, it continued to crash towards Athena.

Apocalypse is very aware of Athena’s strength. He didn’t keep his hand at all. Although the whistling gravel snake looks like a cluster of sand, the power contained in it is not small, comparable to a gallop. Train.

But at this time, he must not be able to hide, nor can he avoid it. In desperation, Athena can only raise her double-edged scimitar, showing an X shape, and crossing it in front of her.


The whistling sand wave covered Athena in a flash, as if it was overturning a pot of sand from the sky, and the gravel directly buried Athena. The diffuse smoke and even the eyes could not be opened.

"Get up."


The sky started standing still, but raised his hand constantly, and saw a pile of gravel long snakes and dragons appearing on the ground, like springs spewing from the ground, roaring in the air and turning into one Dark shadow, can't stop hitting Athena's location.

Many small sand dunes have now accumulated.

The desert is boiling and roaring, just like the earth dragon rolling under the desert. At this moment, the ubiquitous gravel in the desert turns into the sky of death, like the feathers on the scales of Anubis. The slowness of Mount Tai was pressing on Athena.

It seems to be buried completely.

"Boom! Boom!"

The rumbling and roaring sounded for a few minutes, until a small dune with a spire of three or four meters tall piled up in front of the apocalypse, which slowly stopped.

The earth was quiet again, just like the anger of the desert was finally subdued.

Tianqi's sparse brow raised slightly, and his eyes fell on the spire of the small sand dune. . It seems to be ready to penetrate it with eyes.

Naturally, Apocalypse could feel the presence of Athena, and the gravel was his eyes, and he could clearly perceive that Athena was buried under the sand dunes.

But if death is alive, he is not clear.

If Athena doesn't move a bit.

Maybe it seems to be dead. Apocalypse was puzzled in his heart. He felt that Athena was not so vulnerable. Athena was the most powerful variant he had ever seen, and there was no one.

In fact, Kang, the conqueror, as a pharaoh, ordinary people are not qualified to see it, and naturally the same is true of the apocalypse, which is half a slave poor.

He only saw it once when a conqueror Kang went on a tour. . He sat on the high pyramid-shaped triangular throne, below which hundreds of slaves lined up with force.

Apocalypse never saw Kang the conqueror shot, even his face was not clear.

But the Apocalypse consciously and his conqueror Kang should be separated. . It is not surprising that Apocalypse, as the original variant, was originally of the Alpha level, not only the plural ability, but also the abilities of other variants, even the top level of the Alpha level.

Alpha-level variants are few and far between, and those that can surpass Apocalypse are almost non-existent.

The mutants I meet every day are weaker than myself, even far weaker, and even the messengers of the gods under the pharaoh’s command are not so strong. Tianqi naturally gave birth to Laozi’s first thought in the world. Conqueror Kang is more powerful than other mutants, and it is also very limited, at least it should not be better than himself.

Apocalypse relied on speculation about the strength of Pharaoh's conqueror Kang, but Athena and Athena are the most powerful variants that Apocalypse has actually seen so far.

Unparalleled speed, ultimate power, superb fighting skills, and even some kind of quirky defense, Tianqi knew she must have something else to show. . Otherwise, it is impossible to get tangled up to now, she just consumed her physical strength, and looked a little embarrassed, even without injuries.

It is another plural variant.

Apocalypse thought this way in his heart. Although he was an ancestor of mutants, he did not know much about mutants.

he. . Do not even call the mutants mutants, but like Kang the Conqueror, think they are messengers of God.

As for who the God is, it must be him.

Apocalypse later knew so much about the mutants because it was after thousands of years of precipitation, coupled with his strong learning ability, this seemed to know everything.

But now, let alone the accumulation of apocalypse itself, the development of civilization is not enough, and the overall environment is still much worse.

Apocalypse doesn’t know much about mutants, and can’t see what way Athena is. It's also the ability of plurals or the variation of pure body direction.

Because mutants with pure body direction variation are rare, mutants with multiple abilities. . There is basically no.

Apocalypse did not judge with reference to the goal.

In any case, Athena's invincibility is unquestionable. The pure power speed and defense seem to be a bit monotonous, but when these three reach the extreme, that can cause destructive power. . At least Apocalypse felt that he was not Athena's opponent before his abrupt growth.

Not at all. Once the speed is dropped, he can only fall into a situation of passive beating, even backhand.

That's really bad.

Fortunately, as a god, how could there be other variants overtaking yourself, so you have the situation now.

Anyway, Apocalypse felt that with Athena’s speed and power, and other eccentricities, she should not die so easily.

Sure enough, in the next moment, Tianqi suddenly felt the gravel under the sand dunes began to move.

It was a kind of pressure, starting to crowd from the inside out, about to move, and it would burst at any time. .


The top of the dune burst suddenly, countless sand splashed around, the smoke was filled with gravel, the figure of Athena jumped out from the dune, and then fell suddenly again, feet fell on the **** of the dune, sliding down For a distance, he stood firm again.

"and so."

"What now."

Looking far away, Tian asked in a calm tone.

In fact, when Athena was still under the sand dunes, Apocalypse could control the surrounding gravel, and when she sensed that Athena was about to break free, she could control the gravel and limit her movements again. As a result, Athena It is definitely not so easy to break free.

But Apocalypse did not.

Although he said that he had a second grade, it is also the final boss of an era. Some necessary villain literacy is still there, for example. . Blind self-confidence.

Of course, to speak nicely is to have a broad mind.

He felt that Athena was not the kind of person who hit the wall and did not look back. Since her ability was far from her opponent, she would not repeatedly struggle uselessly.

Surrender or death, this is her only choice.

In this desert, even if Athena wants to escape, that is a luxury, because every grain of sand is the eyeliner of the apocalypse, and every grain of sand is under his control. . Without exception.

Stopping hands now not only highlights his tolerance as a god, but also avoids self-defeating.

Of course, all of this is based on the apocalypse's absolute confidence in his own strength. He has absolute confidence to defeat Athena, and he will not be killed by the other party and escaped successfully.

In this case, the Apocalypse has automatically brought in and changed her identity when she looked at Athena. Every time Athena showed a point of strength, as long as it did not exceed the apocalypse, then the apocalypse would be happy until the end.

But of course, once it exceeds the apocalypse, then. . It's hard to say.

"Now... I'm surprised."

Athena's voice was also indifferent. There was no sense of tension from beginning to end. Apocalypse knew something was wrong, she must be hiding something, but Apocalypse was confident, he was confident to solve all problems.

Even now his strength is not good. . His strength will do just fine, so confident.

"But it also makes sense."

"After all, after thousands of years, your strength can still threaten the entire world. Although it is still far from the destruction of the world, in the Alpha mutants, it is also close to the existence of Omega."

"Is it."

Tian Qi's eyes narrowed, but his expression remained unchanged.

Although the apocalypse was a little bit out of two, and even claimed to be a god, it was not stupid, and even the apocalypse with great learning ability had far more knowledge than this era.

Although limited by the civilization level of ancient Egypt thousands of years ago, Apocalypse’s knowledge may not be as good as an ordinary person, but cleverness is clever. This cannot be changed. For the same thing, ordinary people may just listen to it and then pass by Then it passed, but the apocalypse could perceive it keenly.

There are many vocabularies that he does not understand, and he cannot understand the meaning, but he still grasps the point.

"I didn't expect that I could live that long."

Apocalypse was thinking in his heart, and of course he could hear Athena's implication, but was this credible. . Be aware of such things in the future. . But when he thought about the bizarre abilities of these mutants, Apocalypse did not feel much surprised.

Athena's response is not salty

"It was a long time, but not necessarily alive."

The corner of Tianqi's mouth flicked slightly.

He just thought that the abilities of the mutants are weird, and it is not surprising that there are any abilities. . As a result, Athena told him that he was not necessarily alive.

Seriously, it sounds a bit cold inside.

But all results. . None is as significant as it represents.

Apocalypse's eyes fell on Athena, and for the first time there was a sense of admiration beyond looking at prey, which was greed and desire.

Foresee the future. . What a desirable ability.

Even if it is apocalypse, he can’t help but feel more emotional, or he is more emotional than the average person. Most people hear the first reaction of predicting the future is that if they can see the future, then they are invincible, all wonderful and wonderful things Will happen to yourself.

But Tianqi~www.wuxiaspot.com~ his first reaction was. . This ability is prepared for yourself.

He is a god. As a god, if it is just powerful, purely powerful, it sounds a little too unqualified.

But if he has the ability to predict the future, everything will be different, completely, different.

That's foreseeing the future, knowing everything and omnipotence.

Apocalypse even felt his heart beating and thumping.

At the same time, the opposite Athena also said again, "I am seeing something bad in your eyes."

The apocalypse was silent, still holding a bland smile, as if the person Athena was talking to was not herself.

He didn't speak slowly until more than half a minute later.

"Then do you think I will succeed."

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