High Magic Earth

Chapter 1616: Don't panic, it's not a big problem

Neferhot's head is still dizzy, he feels like he has fallen into a strange dream that has been woven, dreamy, and unbelievable.

And the most important thing is that the dream seems to be over, but he has not yet awakened.

He followed Yi Huo hurriedly out of the rooftop of the temple and returned to the corridor leading to the inside of the temple. Some cold cold winds excited him, which made Neferhot sober.


But before spitting out a word, Neferhot lowered his head again and continued to keep his silence, following the shadow behind Yi Chou's side without saying a word.

He found that sometimes he was awake and might as well continue to be confused.

Because even if you are awake, you can do nothing. This sober sense of powerlessness is more depressing and hopeless than when you don't know anything.

As a predecessor, Kang's assistant's assistant part-time mobile tool, the red devil Neferhot had the longest contact with Kang the conqueror, he knew what he should do. . That is to say less and look less.

This will allow him to live longer.

Now it's changed to Yi arrogant, then before clarifying Yi arrogant temper, it is Nephihut decided to continue to keep his silence.

In a sense, he is a very conservative character, preferring to miss this time of opportunity to please the new owner in advance, rather than unknowingly die.

In this ancient era, human life is arguably the least valuable thing.

Even if they are mutants, even if they are the messengers of God above, it is just above the eyes of ordinary people, in the eyes of God. . They are still just lambs that can be grazed.

At least Neferhot thought so.

Conqueror Kang is a person with a clear reward and punishment. He never kills innocent people and will not harm his people. But Neferhot is not a group of stupid people who don’t know how to retreat. He thinks that God is kind and gradually forgets himself and others. Just a servant of God.

he. . He knows his position very well, and he is still cautious.

Cunning and treacherous, even in this backward era, the struggle between the hearts of the people is the most complicated and the most capable of learning without a teacher.

Demon-type variants generally live long. . Not without reason.

What's more, at this time Neferhot was still in a dizzy state, and his ears still seemed to echo the kind of beautiful and quiet singing voice, which is a beautiful music that he has never heard in his life, and it also brings to He had never experienced before. . Peace from the soul.

Even if I can't hear it now, I still seem to feel vaguely as if they still surround my ears, the beautiful and beautiful singing voice. .

Neferhot recalled the peace of mind. .

It was a feeling that made him forget everything. Neferhot had never felt it. At that moment, he seemed to have forgotten all his worries. He no longer worried about life and safety, no longer worried about life, no longer worried. future. . He didn't need to think about anything.

Just need to enjoy absolute relaxation. . Relax. .

"Calm down young people."

"It seems that you have too much trouble on weekdays."

Then in the next moment, a cold palm fell on Neferhot's shoulder. The biting cold even made him tremble, but he also instantly woke up from that kind of memory and loss.

The woman wearing a golden horned crown, Neferhot saw her beside him. . It was she who awakened herself from that loss.

However, after realizing that she woke up, the woman did not speak again, but lifted her half chin, the angle was almost parallel to the neck, and she walked away without squinting.

Neferhot hurriedly lowered his head and said softly but respectfully, "Thank you...adult."

He didn't know what to call each other, but respect was necessary.

Naturally, he received no response.

The brief exchanges in the rear did not attract anyone's attention, whether it was Yi Chou or Daenerys, because Daenerys was observing with excitement around, seeming to be really thinking about how to transform this temple.

Even Yi Yi's interest seems to be low.

This caused Loki, who was following, to roll his eyes. . A bunch of idiots, wherever her teammates are.

The corridor leading to the interior of the temple is short and delicate. The walls are dry semi-golden stone bricks. Every few meters, there will be a whole blank wall of about one square meter. This blank is painted with exquisite reliefs. . They are all characters in mythology.

It's not just Conqueror Kang.

It seems that for the ancient Egyptians of this era, their beliefs were not unique, only that the conqueror Kang might have penetrated deeper into their hearts and were also the actual rulers.

And the gods in those stories and myths have greater symbolism than actual meaning.

Anubis, for example, is in charge of death and conqueror Kang. . He certainly will not go everywhere to announce what he is in charge of, which is not only meaningless, he certainly will not do such things that easily affect the future.

His eyes fell on these embossed walls. Yi Biao thought deeply, he felt that the experiment might make decisive progress in this world.

but. . Hope it will not have devastating results for the future.

Yi Xiao knows that what he is doing now will surely affect the future. He just hopes not to affect it too much, but in fact even if the future becomes really uncontrollable. . That doesn't matter, after all, this is just the world of mutants, not the superhero worlds he valued.

It doesn't matter if it crashes.

It’s not my own world, I don’t feel a sense of burden . It's really good.

Several people quickly returned to the interior of the temple along the corridor.

Returning back to the hall illuminated by torches, Yi Chou snapped his fingers, suddenly letting the stone ceiling above the temple exude a sky-like transparency.

But the stone roof above still exists.

This strange effect gave Nephihot a few more glances. . Then of course I can't think of a reason.

Yi Chong said while walking.

"A new magic laboratory will be established here."

"You won't be experimenters...but maybe you will be the first experiencers."

A glance back and found that Daenerys and Loki are still a wooden face, a cold face.

"Okay, you guys seem...not as excited."

Rocky & Daenerys: . .

It’s still cold, but Yi Chou doesn’t mind, but continues to say, “The laboratory covers a large area, but I will also expand here. In fact, this temple is big enough.”

"So the rest of our space will be very rich."

Even Yi Biao has to admit that the ancient Egyptians did have a hand in the construction, and they are really too much in favor of giant buildings. The internal structure of this temple is certainly not less than one ten thousandth of the red castle, but the scale and size. . In fact, it is even bigger than the Red Castle.

And this is just a temple above the medium scale. . The real giant pyramid is even more than twice the size of this temple.

"So, do you have anything you need?"

Yi Chou asked.

Daenerys and Loki still didn't answer, and they didn't have high requirements for accommodation. . Some can live, but of course there are better choices, and they don’t have to choose the worse.

In fact, Daenerys was more curious about another thing.

"Is your laboratory dangerous?"

She had been exposed to Yi Noo's experiment, just in the time of Mi Lin, but at that time Yi Noo's magic level and the current silver tongue were simply the difference between mortals and the creation god. . Naturally much worse.

At that time, Yi Biao's experiments were mainly blood and consumption. Any progress was accumulated on a mountain of data and wreckage, and there were many magics that even Yi Biao could not completely control.

Fortunately, they have been controlled very well, and have not exploded like a biochemical test, and even threatened Daenerys, but Daenerys still heard from her own unmarked secret agent.

She has always been curious about magic experiments. . Also stay away.

Now Daenerys has become a magic dragon. In a sense, she is a product of magic experiment itself, and naturally will not be afraid of magic experiment. . But curiosity is inevitable.

Of course, in the final analysis, it was the strength that strength brought to her.


"There are certainly dangers. There are no dangers in experiments, or in other words, there is no danger in this world."

"I don't need these chicken broths."

Daenerys said with a face.

Yi Chou suffocated, paused, and continued as if nothing had happened.

"Relax, everything is under control."

"hope so."

At this time, the Rocky next to him seemed unwilling to cross in with loneliness, and said coldly with a cool voice.

"... everything will really be under your control."

Yi Xiao spread his hands and made an unexplained expression on her, and did not understand where the second Princess Asgard was looking at her.

"Don't you think your singing is good?"

"That's not my singing, I created it, but... Thanks for the compliment?"

"It seems to be too good."

Loki sneered.

"They will become an addiction."

"It's ok."

Yi Chaod does not mind.

"I will then invent another thing to counteract this addiction."

Rocky sneered with a blank expression.

"Really everything is under control...right."

She shook her head slightly and murmured.

"I understand why you don't like to use this method." Then there was no more words.

Yi Xiao clearly understands Loki’s meaning, because his approach is completely a way to quench thirst by drinking a bird, using a special silver tongue effect to suppress another silver tongue. Although it seems to completely solve the problem, it is only temporary. .

The only problem is that it gets bigger and bigger like a snowball. . One day, it will suddenly explode, and by then, it may not be as simple as the beginning.

And Yi Chao is naturally very clear.

But he has confidence in the silver tongue. Secondly, this is not a big problem, but a group. . It’s just humans, and the last and most important point, here is the world of mutants. . Not his target world.

Neferhot remained silent, he dared not speak. . There is nothing to say.

The area of ​​the shrine is very large. Except for the hall of the hall where Conqueror Kang originally used to entertain them, as the depth of several people continued, he soon saw more things.

Magnificent buildings.

This is the temple. Even if the conqueror Kang might not like the sounding things, his followers and mutants will try their best to make the makeup as perfect as possible, because this is the dwelling place of their gods.

What's more, who said that the conqueror Kang had a very simple life.

He may not want to change the future. . But as the Pharaoh of this era, he should have reason to enjoy everything and enjoy the best.

Because the original Pharaoh was like that.

Therefore, during construction, he may be able to provide some technical support from the future technological construction. . It's impossible to stop, let alone, there are mutants in this world.

It is too easy to build a beautiful temple.

The top of the temple is a kind of hollow carving. The sun does not know where it is drawn and refracted from. It not only shines the entire interior of the temple from all directions like daylight, but also continues to maintain the overall stability of the temple. Its ventilation is done Also very clever.

The structure of the entire temple looks very rigorous, without any gaps, but there are hidden vents everywhere in the hidden places. Although the sunlight is refracted, it does not feel hot and sultry at all, but it is very refreshing for cold and hot.

In addition to the overall structure, exquisite reliefs and patterns are sculpted everywhere in the temple, including corners around the walls and the edges of the walls, and even some sculptures in the center.

There are huge statues of gods, there are also imitations of the conqueror Kang, arranged on both sides, and the names of some brave warriors and mortal heroes who can't match the arrogance. They are like guards or heroes. After having the opportunity to enter the temple , But it needs to be the guardian of God.

"Nice project."

Yi Huo admired.

If he does not use magic, he has no confidence in creating such a thing. . No, the most difficult thing should be the overall initial design, which is difficult to complete even the design.

"But it doesn't meet my magic needs."

Stayed for a while in front of a relief wall, where the stories and legends of feathers and hearts were recorded, and then Yi Chou continued to raise his feet to the side.

There are sculptures of warriors and heroes, holding a round shield, short sword, short spear, even stones, axe and various symbolic weapons, some of them shout, some roar, some are roar. .

And Yihou~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He is like the new owner here, with an unexplained look, slowly, in the impatient eyes of Daenerys and Loki, walked through this hall Every corner.

next moment. . Along with Yi Chou's route, some kind of cracking sound appeared slowly.

"Click, click."


This is the sound of debris falling on the ground. . It is a fragment of sculpture.

Cracks appeared on the stone sculptures that stood on both sides of the wall


Another small piece fell down the gap, and the sculptures were shattering. . No, it's not broken, because in the next moment, a female hero's stretched arms suddenly look like a real person, very smooth and smooth, twisted through an arc, and fall back to her waist again On the weapon.

Not broken. . It's alive.

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