High Magic Earth

Chapter 1643: So I thought of the title Jun

But in the next moment, a damp and cold suddenly appeared in the sandstorm that was supposed to be hot and dry. . It's like suddenly falling into the water in your sleep and being entangled in floating algae.

There was a creepy forest.

Then immediately. . These scattered figures blown away by the wind reappeared.

In other words, it just appeared.

Because they may not be the original ones.

"Click, click!"

It's like breaking the bone hard, an arm swept by the storm and spinning wildly in the air suddenly grabbed the gravel on the ground while taking a chance of falling.

It ignores the intensified sandstorm and scrapes off the skin on its surface, even revealing the bones of the forest, frantically grasping the ground and pointing at the ground, crawling forward like a spider.

The storm raged, and there were not many choices, because the gravel on the ground seemed to be peeling off the ground, and it was being stripped off quickly, and then gathered into the yellow sand dragon flying in the air. . It's like a hundred rivers entering the sea.

In fact, the rushing hands. . Adding a wrist and arm did not hesitate at all, and it quickly ran straight to a body that was being swept down by the storm.

Then at the moment when the opponent is about to get close to the ground, he jumps from the ground. . It's like Lego bricks, Transformers robot combination, Dinosaur team fit, Avengers set. . Sorry, it usually stuck to the wound of the broken arm.

This is the body of a young man, but this hand, it can be clearly seen that it once belonged to a twilight old man.

But after the combination of the two, they grew up as if they were originally together, and no matter how the storm was torn, they could not be pulled away from the broken wound.

Obviously they just touched together casually. . Even the direction of the joint is reversed.

Yes, the arm is turned upside down, it is not bending backwards at all, but bending forwards.

But the storm could not tear them apart.

And this is just the beginning, just an arm.

Then there is another arm and one leg. . Another one. . Then came the head. Almost in a blinking time, a dangling, trembling, full of twists and weirdness. . And the grim figure, they regrouped in the sandstorm.

Its limbs are folded irregularly, some forward, some backward, and the directions of the two legs are not consistent at all. . It can't even walk normally, it can only jump one by one, hopping forward like an antelope.

Continue to move closer to the apocalypse here.

Tearing, grouping, combining, tearing. .

The wreckage of the amputated limb quickly found its place, and they crawled out of the gravel again, as if resentment coming out of **** one by one. . In addition to them, there are those flesh that have been destroyed into powder.


The roaring sandstorm seemed to turn the world upside down. All the things I saw were yellow sand and mudstone. What I heard was all roaring by the storm.

But just after this roaring roar, a sound as if the breeze was blowing passed clearly.

Like a sigh resounding in the soul. . People can't help but tremble.

Then with this strange sound, countless small black particles were stripped and separated from the golden sandstorm. They seemed to be adsorbed by countless magnets, and they ran smoothly and quickly in the storm, and quickly reunited together.

Immediately afterwards, like the backflow of time, the black particles gathered into a tower, and in a few blinks of time, countless tiny flesh and powder reunited a person.

Or. . A body shaped like a person.

No joints, no wrinkles at the joints, its eyes fell on its arms, and its nose fell on the soles. . As for the face, several fingers protruded protrudingly.

It just looked at someone. . But it is definitely not human anyway.

The black figures seemed to grow out of the ground, rising up one after another, and quickly gathered a lot of numbers.

It doesn't seem to be much less than before. . Or it seems that there is no shortage at all.

The apocalypse was not sure if any of them were actually killed, but anyway, these shaking figures still looked black and sluggish, slow and shaking, but they continued to walk towards themselves firmly.

His face twitched, and Tianqi's right hand touched the earth with a slight force. It seemed that some invisible force spewed out again, and the raging sandstorm became even crazier at this moment.


Weird laughter appeared again.

This time, along with the simultaneous appearance of laughter, there is a more special and weird figure.

It appeared so abruptly at the forefront of countless shaking shadows. . Maybe it's not abrupt, but it's too fast, and it's almost too fast to see exactly how it appeared.


"So what?"

The laughter was gone.

It was replaced by a strangely tuned voice.

The voice could faintly hear a woman, but it was abnormally distorted, like it was. . Countless out-of-tune ensemble was forcibly compressed into a tone.

Just sounding, it makes people goose bumps, and even the bones have an unbearable soreness.


Like a wind whimpering, like a desert crying.

The storm stopped.

Just at the moment when this strange figure appeared, the sandstorm stopped, and around the figure, it extended about a few kilometers.

There was no peace within the range, there was no sandstorm, no gust of wind snarled, and even showed a silence, which was terrifying.


Countless gravel lost their strength and the diameter fell from midair.

A large amount of fine sand fell to the ground and even made a crackling sound like raindrops. The apocalypse watched quietly and felt quietly. . The piece of sand lost control.

He could no longer continue to control the gravel in that area, and he could not even feel the presence of the sand. Obviously, the gravel was right in front of his eyes, not far away.

"Because... they are dead."


Seems to see what the Apocalypse was wondering.

The figure laughed weirdly again, then tilted its head, and answered it very kindly.

But unfortunately, the answer does not satisfy Apocalypse.

died. . What is dead, sand?

"Sand, the sands are dead."

I don't know if I can see what Tianqi is thinking, or if I don't see it, the voice continued to say very cheerfully in its weird tone.

"Nothing will not die."

"Everything will eventually be attributed to death."

His eyes flickered slightly, Tianqi half-kneeled on the sand, his right hand hung down, stroking the rough gravel gently, he lowered his eyes slightly, his voice still firm and confident.

"I am eternal."

"and so..!"

At the moment when the voice of Tianqi fell, the image of the person was stretched instantly, like a tight rubber band, turning into a black silk thread in the blink of an eye, and came to Tianqi.

It prolonged the tone, and the weird voice even resounded in place at the last moment. Then, before the next word spit out, he came to the apocalypse and came to his ear.

"If I kill you."

The apocalypse was taken aback.

After the shadow stopped. . If you look closely, you will find that it is not a so-called black silk thread at all, but a long neck and a skull that have been pulled.

Yes, neck and head.

His head was right in front of the apocalypse, facing his face, and his neck became as thin as a finger, connected to his head and the body still in place, and in an instant, he lengthened nearly a kilometer.

And it's not the kind that has a curved edge, the slender neck is tight, and it even makes people worry that it will be cut off as if it will be the next moment.

"I'll... No, often, happy!"

It was a beautiful face.

Yes, even the face on this strange and extreme neck is so beautiful, as if the most perfect crafts in the world are also the most dazzling jewelry.

The long blond hair is so dazzling even in the dim sandstorm, as if the light in the human heart can illuminate everything.

Water-like eyes stared at the apocalypse, a pair of beautiful eyes that people will never forget at a glance. . The nearly perfect arc separates them gracefully, like the miracle of the creator.

These eyes are so beautiful, staring closely at the apocalypse, it is his honor, even in these eyes. . It is filled with countless cruelty, tyranny, and madness, as well. . death.

It is Athena.

Tian Qi calmly looked at the beautiful head in front of him, but his forehead had actually left cold sweat unconsciously.

The head seemed calm and even smiling. Although the voice was strange and unbearable, it seemed that it was not impossible to communicate.

But all this is just an illusion.

Athena said the last sentence. . At the beginning it was quite normal, but her tone became more and more intense. When the last four words, she even shouted out one by one.

And as soon as the voice fell, her head rushed forward, trying to bite into Tianqi's face directly.

Maybe it's the throat, maybe the eyes, or maybe the nose. . Not sure what it is anyway.


But Apocalypse's response was not slow.

He seemed to have expected that before Athena rushed in, he was ready. Athena rushed straight in, and he had disappeared in place instantly, or just a pile of dummies made of sand left in the place.

Athena hit the sand with one head, and instantly shattered the pile of sand. The sand was full and the sound was muffled.

At the same time, the figure of Apocalypse reappeared a few hundred meters away.

He can already teleport a short distance through the sand.

At the beginning, of course, the apocalypse was certainly impossible. Even on the normal timeline, he did not have the ability to move quickly through the sand and teleport. . He has mastered another variant of the space door.

but. . War, or battle, is indeed a catalyst for progress.

In this short period of time, the apocalypse was forced to control the sand more finely, making the power of the sandstorm even greater, and even learned to use the sand to move quickly without a teacher. shift.

Because he cannot learn, he is dead now.

In the face of the enormous pressure of death. . There is no difficulty at all.


Athena didn't seem to mind if she didn't bite the apocalypse, she made a strange giggling laugh again, and then her body stuck in place suddenly loosened.


In an instant, as if suddenly tightened by the tight rubber band, Athena's body rose from the ground and flew down the neck in a blink of an eye.

Her slender neck continued to shrink and recover throughout the process. Until the end, it had become the same as the normal person. At the same time, her body also came back, so that she no longer looked like It's the feeling of separation.

but. . In fact it is still weird.

Because in the whole process, her head was immobile, like an invisible wall in the air, and then nailed her head to the wall.

Using his head as the focus, he dragged the whole body. . Her head even looked at the pool of gravel left by the apocalypse, keeping her neck tilted.

Of course, it's also weird to pull the head over with a little effort, but it seems to be better than it is now.


Athena, who brought her body back again, did not rush to chase the apocalypse, just stood there and continued to stare at the apocalypse with strange laughter and eyes.

Behind her are countless shaking shadows, slowly coming out of the storm, slowly, but steadily moving closer to here.

"What now."

"What now."

"What now."

Athena repeated, she repeated this sentence constantly in that weird tone, it sounded like a ballad from hell, cheerful, weird, with a hint of joy, but with pain and despair .

This is a sound and intonation that makes people feel tortured on the soul.

Then Athena shook and walked slowly towards the Apocalypse again step by step.

The Apocalypse not far away took a deep breath again, and the harsh noise and strange tone of voice were like sonic weapons. . Pervasively trying to drill into his ear~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He frowned slightly uncomfortably.

Apocalypse feels like he has never been so tired. He has extraordinary strength, super speed, and also has amazing self-healing power and physical strength.

No matter what high-intensity battle he has been able to support, in fact, there is no one at all, who can force it to a near-draw situation.

But this time, but now. . Obviously something is different.

Looking at the countless dark shadows that were still tirelessly walking towards him, Tianqi lowered his head slightly, pressed against the ground with one hand, countless gravel began to shake again, and seemed to be about to form a dragon again.

In the face of such a group of enemies that can't get rid of it, tirelessly, and can't kill, the only thing Apocalypse can do is to use a large-scale clearance method to experience procrastination.

He does not believe that the other party has no weaknesses, nor does he believe that the other party can really continue this way. . He firmly believes that if he can stand up and fall first, he will definitely be the other party. 2k reading network

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