High Magic Earth

Chapter 1647: I have been lost for many years. .

Athena had no pupils and no big white eyes staring at the uninvited guest.

Her eyes seemed to contain innocence, as if she was a baby, ignorant of ignorance, but in the deepest part of her eyes, there was a deep maliciousness.

It is so rich that it has almost turned from the extreme of evil into pure white.

This is also one of the terrible places of high-latitude creatures. They are constantly spreading chaos, even disturbing the common-sense thinking of normal creatures, and using this kind of distorted and huge messy information to overwhelm their reason.

For this kind of almost god-like existence, the information they possess and disseminate is too large. Even if it is received normally, few creatures can bear it.

Because if you can bear all the information of a god, then you will become a god.

Do not look directly at God.

This is common in many parallel worlds, and it is about the setting of gods.

Those indescribable existence can not be directly looked at. This is a taboo recorded in their sacrifices for many reasons. The two seem to be very similar.

Not knowing, not looking directly, or even directly calling its name.

In addition to the respect for the gods, a bigger part is that ordinary creatures can't bear the fluctuations and messages that these gods inadvertently emit.

Many gods themselves are made up of countless information, a collection of information born naturally, or when the gods truly become omniscient and omnipotent, they will lose their emotions and become a kind of existence similar to data and programs.

Pure, omniscient, everywhere.

And they are spreading a lot of information to the outside almost every moment. . Whether it is useful or not, whether or not they are intentional.

Ordinary people simply can't bear such a large amount of information shock. The best ending is that the brain turns on self-protection and then goes crazy.

As for those indescribable existences, they deliberately distribute malicious information. Such information cannot be parsed and learned at all. Even those creatures with more mental strength than regular existence will also be infected by these information, the consequences are more than Going crazy is more serious. . That is assimilation by them.

That is, erosion from high latitudes.

Athena is one of them, or that is the case with all the members of the entire creation plan.

As long as it is properly controlled, even dangerous things such as high-latitude energy cannot be transformed into their most beneficial existence. . At least for now, Yi Chou feels like this.

And thanks to Athena, it's just an infectious body infected by a little high latitude energy, not as terrible as those truly indescribable things, this is just to make the apocalypse. . A little discomfort.

Of course, this must be related to the apocalypse is the ancestor of the mutant, the origin of the mutant is a very powerful mutant, after all, in a sense, the mutants are no longer human, they are individuals who are detached from humans, the apocalypse , Is one of the best.

Strong. . There are privileges everywhere.

Weak meat and strong food are one of the most basic rules that make up countless worlds.

For an ordinary person, he must not be as relaxed as Apocalypse when facing Athena. . Just feel sick? It is the end that ordinary people should have to fall into madness completely.

As long as Athena has been in contact for a long enough time, perhaps no contact is needed, as long as she stays with her long enough, the whisper that seems to be a whisper of the evil **** will appear in the ear. . This is the most classic kind of evil spirit pollution, and it even drives many madmen.

Naturally, Athena, as a small fluttering street only infected with a little high latitude energy, is certainly not as terrible as a real indescribable existence.

But the two channels of transmission are different.

The indescribable thing is difficult to enter other worlds, so most of the time is honestly staying in place, waiting for the dead guy to glance at it, nothing, but Athena is different, she just In this world, it is. . By the side of the dead guy.

This kind of direct contact is much more powerful than the evil gods who have nothing to look at.

But at this time Athena was using drips, as pure as a baby, even pure to some weirdness, and even the almost horrifying eyes stared at the black shadow in the air, but the black shadow seemed to be unaffected at all, still self-care Bumped into this group of seemingly pitiful bodies.

Its movements in the air are very flexible, and there is no trace of jerky in the whole. Wherever it goes, it is like a rushing train. If it has not really touched the corpses, they will be impacted in an instant. Four scattered.

It seems. . Something is wrong.

Athena stared at her opponent with her **** eyes for about half a second. After finding out that the method of killing you with her eyes was not easy to use, she no longer stared hard at her eyes.

After glaring for so long, the desert was dry, and weeping.

Seeing that the shadow was not affected, Athena was not surprised, after all, she was just an infectious body, and not really an indescribable thing.

Even the real infamous, Yi Huo still has a chance to break free of influence. Even Tianqi sees that he just feels a little uncomfortable. The really powerful guy is not without resistance against the evil gods.

This world here. . But it is very weird, and there is no way to judge whether there is a big guy here, maybe when a very powerful guy will suddenly jump out, it is not surprising at all.

In contrast, Athena was more curious about why the shadow could deal with her warriors so easily.

You should know that these so-called warriors, although they look like zombies, are not different from ordinary zombies in science fiction movies, but they are essentially different.

The biggest difference is. . It is immortal.

As long as Athena is not dead, they will never dissipate. Instead of saying that they are moving corpses, they are part of Athena itself. . Attached to the body.

Since she is a part of Athena, she controls these little guys naturally without pressure, which is why they can strangely form a wall of corpses, and even the bottom layer of corpses can lift their companions and run around, Newton The main reason for the coffin board to become refined.

They are alive themselves, they are Athena.

So no matter what shape, even if they are connected in a straight line, there is no difficulty under the control of Athena. No matter how strange and incomprehensible the combination can be changed in a blink of an eye.

Yes, in an instant.

The slow reorganization under Tianqi’s eyelid before was nothing but the taste of Athena, and wanted to give Tianqi some psychological pressure.

It doesn't take so long.

but now. .

These corpses, which claimed to never die, were impacted under the unknown shadow.

Athena focused her gaze on the shadow. . It soon became clear from the changes in the corpses that they were not repelled by the impact, but by them. . Going backwards.

To be more precise, instead of the black shadows hitting them, it is better to say that when the black shadows appear near them, time begins to rewind backwards.

The corpses are going backwards, a little bit, following the trajectory gathered back into the stream, like a vintage cartoon with broken frames.

this is. . The power of time.

. . .

Athena frowned.

She is twisted and cruel in appearance, but her proud wisdom has not disappeared. She is well aware of the difficulty of time and power.

That's the area that even dare not dare to touch easily.

More importantly, in the world of mutants. . Who can touch time.

Like the dilemma faced by Rocky in Asgard, the superhero world has a high combat effectiveness. . That's a real sense. Skills are absolutely full in combat effectiveness, but in other areas, they are overpowered and underdeveloped.

Like many humans imagined as a deformed magical medieval, the power of magic is endless, but few people use magic in life and make the entire civilization more advanced.

Of course, there are also magical worlds with magical civilizations that see magic as a second science, intertwined with other brilliant technologies. . But definitely not here.

Superheroes are destructive. Most of the inventors and scientists have created battles supplemented by wars.

Even if the original intention is not. . Eventually it will also be twisted into these directions.

This is true on the science side, as is mysticism. Karma Taj serves as a magical holy place, but in the movie they have become a combat force.

Magic only knows destruction, and has no use in other fields at all. . This is true even for Gu Yi.

Healing, creation, and even other simpler areas, no one seems to have thought about how to use magic in life and do things other than combat.

The only area of ​​time that comes into contact. . It is also a fighting method developed by Gu Yi in order to fight against Dormam.

In other words, these heroes are amazingly destructive, but other means are basically zero, such as healing injuries. . A slightly more serious injury, if their black technology can't be recovered, they can only wait to die.

As often seen in movies, a superhero who flew into the ground the previous second will be shot in the next second and then die in the arms of others. . Used to inspire more people.

The typical attack is high and the defense is low, but it is a world like Naruto.

But if this question is changed to Yihuo, even if it is the simplest method, he can bring people back with a bottle of potion. . But Yi Chou estimated that Gu Yi would definitely not be refining medicine.

It's not that superheroes are all fighting madness, but their means are indeed more suitable for combat. In the field of time, who can touch other than Guyi. . Still a mutant.

Fast silver?

Athena thought of Quicksilver for the first time. Although he is no faster than the Flash, he can't talk about time restart as a simple file-reading archive, but if he tries his best, he can also reverse time.

Only this shadow looks. . Not like it.

The reason is very simple, fast silver is silver, otherwise why is it called fast silver.

Or is it a phantom cat? This little guy can pass through the wall in the early stage, and even can take people's thinking through time in the later stage. There is a great potential mutant, but. .

Her ability to manifest is great, it is not so easy to travel through time.

After excluding the Phantom Cat and Quicksilver, Athena's pale face was a bit ugly, because if it wasn't for the ghosts of these little guys, then the rest would be the big guys.

For example, Franklin, Jaspers, etc. .

These guys are not something she can fight, or even Yihou can fight, but more importantly, once these mutants appear, it means they have broken into the comic mutant world.

As a result, the risk factor has not only increased by a factor of a thousand times.

But soon, Athena didn’t need to think about these things, because after impacting a pile of corpses to the state where they had not been resurrected by Athena, or possessed, they scattered scattered on the ground into a pile, The black figure stepped on a corpse and appeared in front of Athena in a very contradictory state of extremely fast and extremely slow.

Extremely fast because he is extremely fast, and extremely slow, because the time around him is slowed down. . Enough to let him jump from a height without falling.

In the next moment, the shadow was no longer a shadow. He took off his hood and did not block it. It seemed to be the real one, standing in front of Athena.

"It's impossible...it's really you, my sister."


Rao is a confounded Athena who is also confused by this sudden situation. She instinctively stunned and said after considering it.

"I know... I like messing around, but I'm pretty sure that I have never seen a sibling like you. I have no impression of you and I don't know you."

Her former creator, Zeus, his life. . Almost no one knew that his illegitimate children were all over the world. Suddenly a illegitimate child of Zeus came to the door, and Athena was not surprised at all.

But most of the illegitimate children she knew, even if they didn't know, they knew that there might be this person, and once they appeared, they would immediately be identified.

. . Even if the illegitimate child is half human and half god, then half of them are gods, Athena can see.

And this one in front of him. .

Athena looked at each other.

The bald head, with tattoos on his body, seems to be very powerful and somewhat sturdy. . Is it Kratos?

More importantly, what was painted on his eyes.

"I know I'm a bit confused now, but I don't think I'm as stupid as that."

"What you painted on your eye~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If I read right, it is the eye of Horus."

"The sun **** pull... what has to do with me."

"Considering your next sentence, uninvited guest."

After all, Athena is a god, and she is very proud of this identity. Even if she is now in a state of appearance, she immediately takes her heart seriously when she hears news and conversations about God.

"Because it will cause a holy war."

Seriously, if this guy said in the next sentence that he was the illegitimate daughter of the sun **** La for many years, then Athena really does not mind fighting a magical war.

But unfortunately, Athena did not expect that the other party's next sentence would give her a bigger surprise or shock.

"I know, kill the goddess."

"Even if you are in a state of appearance, you are still the most wise of us."

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