High Magic Earth

Chapter 1660: We are all dragons. .

God knows how much perseverance Norman used at that moment to restrain himself without screaming.

You know he is just an ordinary person. . Although it is no secret that the International Gene Technology Company has dealt with mercenaries, and even has its own private armament, he has no access to it. He is just a poor little executive in an ordinary living area.

The last time he was exposed to militarization was in the era of boy scouts, and he was still at the bottom of the game.

. . At this time, Norman remembered that he was just a little executive, and when he coaxed the girls, he didn't think he was small at all.

But after all, he is a middle-aged man who has seen big winds and waves. He never screams like a little girl, although his face is ugly as if he swallowed a fly by mistake.

The calves were trembling, but Norman kept his last calm.

Of course, a more important reason may be that the other party's suspected dinosaur monster didn't rush up the first time it appeared, but it was still calm and kept moving forward. . It even holds a tablet in its hand.

What does this mean, the first day this monster appeared, it evolved to the point where it could understand the tablet?

Norman slandered in his heart. . He had long complained about the madness of the people in the research department and knew how crazy the scientists were, but he did not expect this group of lunatics to actually do it.

What is this, some kind of advanced cloning transplantation technology, or a simple mutation?

Norman silently, cold sweat left behind his forehead, he did not know what to do now, but instinctively told him that the best way is to do nothing and continue to move forward.

Nancy behind him was a little nervous.

Not really how loving he really is. . A female college student who is an intern just wants to be in front of life and death. He cares whether the other party is dead or alive. The little girl behind him is frightened and turned to the monster.

After all, the psychological endurance of a girl is far inferior to him.

But it may be because his eyes or expressions were too weird and deliberate. Although he still kept moving forward, Nancy didn't attract the other's attention. . He attracted the attention of the other party.

"what happened?"

Norman shuddered.

Because at the moment when he also realized that he seemed to attract the attention of the other party, he suddenly saw this monster with a dinosaur head turned his head.

Then he even asked himself what happened.

. . Wait a minute, this monster is still a female, because its voice is a female voice, and the human female voice is still a familiar language, and it's pretty good.

But no matter how good she was, Norman felt that his legs were shaking and even the muscles on his face were trembling.

Facing this monster up close is even more terrifying than imagined.

Fortunately, when passing by, Norman only glanced vaguely. After all, he didn't dare to look closely. He just thought that this guy was a man with a dinosaur head. . I don't think there is anything.

But as the monster turned his head, the two had a pair of eyes, and the head of this grisly monster immediately reflected clearly in Norman's eyes.

Painted yellow, with skin like crocodile skin, erect pupils like cats, and sharp fangs protruding outward, as if weeds were growing, Norman could even see its dripping saliva.

The breath of death came. . Norman didn't even know what to do.

Whether to run or stay, Norman's head was confused, but after all, the monster across from him didn't pounce directly, so Norman said almost instinctively.

"No... nothing."

His voice was sharp and slender, like a woman.

Norman never thought that he would make such a sound one day, he felt that this moment must sound very ridiculous. . But if he can survive, he doesn't mind even if it's ridiculous.

But obviously, even Norman himself knew that he looked too ridiculous at this time, not normal, so the monster with the dinosaur head on the opposite side naturally realized it.

. . Wait, why does this monster notice this, and why does it know these things.

Norman was not a researcher and he did not know the answer. Similarly, he did not want to know that his only prayer now is that he can leave here alive.

Lucky seems to have favored him.

The monster opposite seemed not interested in killing, but stared at Norman strangely, and even looked at him with some disgust. After touching his face, he found that there was nothing wrong with him, and he threw a sentence. Then, he turned and walked away quickly.


But Norman was happy that if he could live, he didn’t mind becoming a real neuropath.

Staring at the direction of the monster's departure, he didn't breathe until he was sure that the monster really left here.

Then disregarding the legs that had been completely trembling, he used all his strength to start running forward. . I don't know if the survival instinct is supporting him. The legs that had been weak for a long time actually stood up again and took him all the way.

Norman was not afraid of the monster attacking himself from behind.

Seriously, that thing does not have such a high IQ.

Although Norman is not an expert in dinosaur science, but as a member of the International Gene Technology Corporation, and is always worried about the crisis of dinosaur escape, although he is the director of the living area, he also learned some knowledge about dinosaurs.

He felt the dinosaur head that looked familiar just now. . Probably will not attack yourself from behind.

If the dinosaur's habits remain after it becomes a dinosaur.

But no matter how, humans rarely confront head-to-head with dinosaurs, so it is basically the same to escape and be attacked.

As for Nancy who still follows. .

Although Norman didn't know why she didn't make a noise just now, she was scared or stupid, but now he had a chance to escape. . The ghost still cares about her, so Norman ran out almost as soon as she twitched, and almost immediately pulled away from Nancy for a short distance.

. . .

At the same time, Norman did not know what to do behind Nancy, but she was very happily jumping, like stepping on some kind of light dance, rotating one step at a time, humming a pleasant tone, not slow or slow Followed behind Norman.

Regardless of his speed, how fast or slow he ran, Nancy kept a close step behind him, and even her footsteps were exactly the same.

But whether it is Norman or other people passing by. . Dinosaurs seem to instinctively ignore this.

Nancy is like a happy dancer.

She hummed some unknown minor key, and the whole person seemed to step on the jumping note, as if she was continually moving on the ground.

Nancy's movements are light and elegant, although it is only the simplest jump and rotation, but she has rendered a kind of agility floating in the air.

But her hands are even more noticeable.

It was like a kind of source, a steady stream of stars shining down her hands, spreading all over her along the way, as if the stars in the sky were falling, like a flowing galaxy.

These stars are not a splash of Mars, but a small light source, just like the stars scattered on the earth.

And these light spots did not fall to the ground, but when they had not landed and floated in the air, they disappeared as if they were melting.

But in fact they did not really disappear, but turned into some kind of faint light like a star, floating slowly in the air, like a ribbon, floating softly behind Norman's head.

. . It was like wishing him a good dream.

"La La~"

Nancy, who was following, was still humming an unknown minor happily, and the steps under her feet were getting faster and faster.

. . .

"Call! Call!"

Norman felt that he broke the record again.

How long did he use the sprint of nearly 100 meters just now? . . There is no half a second, of course, it must be an exaggerated description, but Norman is absolutely sure that he has just exceeded the limit of the human body.

I hope no researchers noticed themselves, otherwise international gene technology companies might catch him as a mouse and work out a realistic version of Captain America.

Norman thought while thinking, while leaning against the wall, gasping for breath, without hesitating to reach the corner, a small exchange area on the side, and the other was Warehouse No. 2.

There should be many people here. .

Norman didn't know whether he should call the police or ask for help. . Because such a big person, walking in the work area with the head of the dinosaur will certainly not be ignored.

Perhaps the situation may be more serious than you think, for example, international gene technology companies suddenly have no bottom line to conduct mandatory experiments.

Once that is the case, your own warning will only make things worse, and even put yourself in danger.

Norman hesitated and decided to ask someone about the situation first.

"Hey, you know..."

But in the next moment, he lifted his head, his smile froze in place, froze in his face, and he didn’t even finish what he said, and the remaining half came to an abrupt end, as if eaten by him. It's the same in the throat.

The reason is actually very simple.

That was when Norman looked up and saw a dinosaur again. . It is still the face of a triceratops, about five or six meters away from him.

Perhaps he heard his call, and he raised his head in confusion, a round one. . The triceratops face is constantly swinging left and right towards itself.

Norman's eyes widened suddenly, his head back. . An expression of frightened disbelief.

"Hey, what's wrong with you."

Obviously, Norman was terrified, but his expression seemed to frighten the triceratops on the opposite side. . people.

He was a little puzzled and worried. He took a step forward and tried to see if something went wrong with Norman, such as something uncomfortable.

But Norman dare to bring it close.

After all, Norman was also a middle- and high-level manager who experienced the storm. After thinking that the previous dinosaur did not attack himself and showed maliciousness, he quickly calmed down.

"It's okay."

He shook his head at the triceratops.

"I have a toothache."

Norman covered his face. . He really hurts, and it hurts everywhere, especially his headache. What's wrong with his world?

The triceratops on the opposite side clearly believed that he did not continue to approach, but continued to ask, "Do you need any help."

"It's okay, the old one is sick, it will be better in a while."

Norman's answer is watertight. . Worthy of being an old fried dough stick.

"Toothache is not so easy."

Triceratops probably realized that toothache is not an emergency, so he stopped shouting, shrugging, and then raised his coffee cup to Norman.

"Happy afternoon."

Norman squeezed a smile again.

"I hope so too."

Triceratops left again.

But the monster who encountered this dinosaur head twice finally made Norman realize that something was wrong. . I just hope it's not as bad as I thought.

With the last glimmer of hope, Norman looked up slowly, in twos and threes. . Or dinosaurs, all staring at themselves nearby.

It may be caused by the reminder I just gave, but when I saw that I was just having a toothache, they soon dispersed in twos and threes in the next instant.

But their dinosaur heads will not disperse.

Norman wailed in his heart.

His eyes slowly glanced at this small work transfer area. . Then, without surprise, all he saw were dinosaurs.

Triceratops, Spinosaurus, Tyrannosaurus. . There are even Canglong people. .

Norman shook his head vigorously and rubbed his eyes. Although he thought it might not work, he did so.

Then this group of dinosaurs still lingered in front of their own eyes, communicating with oneself, talking with oneself, and doing the work that should belong to human beings. . Maybe they are the original humans?

Norman didn’t know how he got back to his office. It’s muddled along the way. There are dinosaurs everywhere, but fortunately, they don’t seem to realize that they are also abnormal. There may be other reasons. Anyway. Dinosaurs came to find their own trouble. .

and many more!

It seemed that Norman suddenly realized what he was doing. He jumped up from his chair and turned around in the office several times before finding the vanity mirror left by a female college student. When he opened it, he was relieved.

Fortunately, he did not become a dinosaur.

This route was not disturbed. He even suspected that the International Gene Technology Company had sprayed some unknown mutation drugs, and then turned them into mutant dinosaurs, including himself, while everyone else was not paying attention.

Fortunately~www.wuxiaspot.com~He didn't.

Norman let out a long sigh of relief and collapsed on the chair.

Then a new question is coming, not to mention why these dinosaurs let go of themselves, and the more crucial question is why this phenomenon occurs.

Almost everyone has become a dinosaur. . So is this a leak of some kind of virus, or is there some kind of problem in my own eyes, causing hallucinations.

Norman was a little uncertain.

He was meditating in the office. . Of course, the problem of going to warehouse No. 2 has long been left behind by him, and he hasn't reached the level of death.

But in the next moment, a voice suddenly came behind him.

"Aren't we going to the warehouse, how did we get here..."

Norman was taken aback, and then he was shocked, because the sound sounded familiar, but it wasn't. . The voice of that Asian girl! 2k reading network

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