High Magic Earth

Chapter 1692: Nothing is 1. .

"Pay attention!"

As an old fritter on the battlefield, Bakalim has been listening to the movements in the surroundings for a long time, not to mention Lito is their goal. How can he not see such a large monster pestle there.

Lito moved slightly, and Bakalim immediately caught it.

Seeing that Lito had discovered a sneak attack after him, Bakalim no longer covered up, but shouted to remind.

Of course, this reminder is meaningless to Lito, and it has been seen first, thanks to the speed of the rocket and Lito's volume. . And the small space around it, it is too late to hide.

So this reminder is mainly to warn Willie. . As well as doing things.

If the international gene technology company or Dr. Wu wants to cross the river and demolish the bridge. . And other messy things, the worst is not to deliberately murder this hat on their heads, after all, Bakalim has given a reminder, benevolent.


"Damn... this group of bastards!"

Willie didn't even notice that the mercenaries in the rear were ready to go. . Sneaking through the prepared rocket, she looked back at Bakalim’s prompt, and she looked shocked, trying to stay away from it.

In fact, she was afraid of the powerful thermal weapon of rockets, more than the monster that Lito had turned into.

Well, the strange feeling that she and Lito are not pleasing to each other is not mentioned for the moment. . Mainly because Wei Li may not know how terrible the monster is in front of her, but she knows the power of rockets.

Even the smallest explosion. . In a relatively closed structure such as a corridor, the resulting air waves and other residual waves are also unbearable for the human body.

So she hardly had any hesitation, so she ran back.


But at the same time, the two mercenaries in the rear might also be worried that Lito would evade and didn't aim much, so he pulled the trigger first. . The rocket exploded with a whistling scream, and then passed the crowd in an instant and came to Lito.

then. . Time seems to be still at this moment.

The crowds in the corridor are different.

The mercenaries who had already been prepared had scattered around. They hid behind the bunkers with bunkers, and also made very professional evasive actions to reduce injuries, Villi. . She was still running back and forth hurriedly. Her distance was actually safe. The mercenaries shunned Willie deliberately, and they were also worried about taking responsibility.

It's just that Willie doesn't know it herself. . So she is still in a state of fate.

Then during this still time, Lito's eyes turned slightly, and finally focused his attention on the rocket that was galloping towards him.

Yes, rockets.

Suddenly this thing seems to be a kind of cottage crafts, the power and scale are not so strong. . But it actually has another familiar name, RPG!

Of course, RPG refers more to the grenade booster that fired the rocket, rather than the rocket itself.

And because the power and scale of rockets are also different, there are large rockets that are fired on armored vehicles, and there are also portable rockets that only need people to resist.

Just like this now.

But don't look at it as portable. . The power and damage caused are not small at all.

In small-scale conflicts, rockets are considered to be quite over-spec weapons, if not used in wilderness but in cities. . It will inevitably cause a large number of accidental injuries, and will also cause uproar in the next.

Even in a world where superheroes and supervillains are everywhere, the existence of rockets will not be used often. . This shows its threat.

The power of a rocket is not the greatest. It has more missiles than its powerful ones. . Is there anything more destructive than a nuclear bomb.

The reason why everyone seems not to use it by default is because it is too portable, and the threat is particularly huge in places with large populations such as cities.

This is probably a kind of unspoken rule to observe each other. . Otherwise, you can use a rocket to send the other party to the whole bar directly to heaven. Tomorrow, the other party's younger brother may stand outside your site. . Also carrying rockets.

of course. . If it is in the movie world, it does not rule out the need for a specific plot.

But now, this group of mercenaries have taken out the RPG with great enthusiasm, still within the international gene technology company.

This is actually not strange, because they are a group of guys. . It is a group of mercenaries who mercilessly do anything for money.

Because of this, it is not surprising that they pulled out the RPG. . It would be strange if this group of guys didn't prepare RPG.

There is no bottom line. Priority is given to preserving oneself. As long as they can make money and ensure that they can survive, they dare to do anything and dare to use any means.

RPG is actually quite a bottom line. . Otherwise, there may be poisonous gas, chemical reagents and the like. .

These rockets were prepared for the large dinosaurs on the island, although Bakalim’s smuggling is to cooperate with Dr. Wu, not stupid poaching. . It's as stupid as poaching animals in the zoo.

But as a mercenary, it is best to consider all aspects before the mission, because everything in the mission may happen, and then it will be too late to regret, and prepare some rockets, which is naturally not a strange thing.

In fact, like the international gene technology company that was no longer at its peak two decades later, the security force of the entire team even had a powerful weapon, not even a machine gun, just equipped with a standard electric shock Guns they dry into the dinosaur wild area. . That's strange.

It's crazy.

If the security forces were equipped with rockets at that time, let alone the Tyrannosaurus Rex, even if it was a dragon, the other party would definitely be cold if more than a dozen rockets went down.

of course. . One reason why security forces are not equipped with rockets may be because they try to avoid killing dinosaurs.

After all, is dinosaur the most important property of an international genetic technology company? Human life is not valuable.

But as this group of mercenaries, they don't need to care about the property of the international gene technology company.

So in the face of a guy like Lito who had the same size as a dinosaur and looked thick and fleshy, they took out the already prepared rocket without hesitation.

Even if there is no accident, this kind of rocket powerful enough to damage or even kill the Tyrannosaurus Rex can indeed cause very serious injuries to large creatures such as Lito. If you hit the head, it is not impossible to die on the spot.

But it is a pity that Lito is not just a large beast whose volume is swollen and has nothing to do with it. He should be classified in the real classification. . Magic creature.

"Do not answer my question."

"You can't hurt me."

The huge lion Lito yawned lazily, and seemed to be very motivated. He did not put in his eyes the rocket that had already flown to his face. . He even flicked his long tail boringly.

What's even more strange is that Lito used a lazy tone, or even spit out these words at a very slow level. At this speed, don't say it will finish the whole sentence. I am afraid that even half of the words Before I finish talking, the rocket going off should explode on its face.

but. .

Obviously, without hearing the explosion, the rocket did not explode, as if the time had really slowed down. . They were still flying in the air, not falling on Lito's face.

And to Bakalim's surprise, the voice was dangling and seemingly slow. . But before it was finished, he seemed to know everything in advance, as if he had already advanced.

In contrast, a whisper like a whisper, but it can be clearly transmitted to everyone's ears, it is not so worthy of attention.

Even if it is deep into the soul.

But in the next moment, Bakalim left these questions behind, and he didn't care about the voice. . He only cares about why the weapon did not explode its due damage.

This means that they can beat each other.

His eyes fell on the rocket, and his pupils shrank slightly.

Because he saw that the rockets were really like time was still, they were steadily parked in the air, and it seemed that the power to launch them had not been exhausted, and still carried them to rotate themselves continuously. . But another force seemed to hold them firmly in the air, blocking them in place, making them immobile.

this is. . what. .

The appearance of this seemingly supernatural phenomenon had a greater impact on Bakalim than the sudden appearance of the monster in front of him.

Although this monster is huge and dangerous, it may actually be the product of a genetic experiment project. As Dr. Wu said, it may be an irreproducible existence that was born because of the accident of an experiment.

But even accidents are caused by genetic engineering. In other words, it can be explained scientifically.

And now this. . Bakalim thought for a moment, but for a moment he did not think what might have caused this strange stagnation.

Genetic Engineering.

Although genetic engineering has only just started, and is still in the stage of crossing the river by feeling the stones, many experiments also have theoretical support. . At least the concept has been sorted out and is feasible.

So some secretly conducted laboratories made breakthroughs, which is not surprising, maybe it was a coincidence or good luck.

Scientific experiment itself requires luck. . A lot of hard work and wisdom, combined with such a loss of luck, just reached the right conclusion.

Therefore, the product interviews that appear unexpectedly in the experiment are nothing more than people's luck. . Then sue them for illegal experiments.

But the scene that just happened. . It even made Bakalim think of what conceptual weapon might cause that effect.

Protection position? Or the so-called quantum defense?

It is said that these two things are no longer conceptual weapons. These are completely fantasy weapons that only exist in science fiction stories.

Conceptual weapons are not the same as fantasy weapons. Conceptual weapons are possible, but they are limited to existing technologies that are not yet perfect and mature, so they cannot be achieved, but they are theoretically feasible. . After all, one day it will succeed.

And fantasy weapons. . It is purely human imagination, and may not even have principles and basis, or even a basis that does not conform to the existing physical laws. They will be born only because they are cool and beautiful.

Just like the shields formed by various invisible positions, what quantum position, energy position and so on. . They basically belong to the level of fantasy weapons.

Because humans know too little about this, the emergence of these things is not based on any principle, it is purely speculation.

Don’t think that Bakalim, as a mercenary, is a profession that only knows how to use force, but doesn’t understand these things.

Don’t forget that in addition to being a mercenary, Bakalim is also a middleman for arms dealers. . If you don’t know the relevant knowledge, don’t you want to lose money?

And even if they are not middlemen, the mercenaries do not mean they are illiterate.

In fact, many special agents or special forces mercenaries are far more powerful than most ordinary people, even in terms of knowledge reserves.

And most of the mercenaries are smart, and they know a lot. . It's just that ordinary people's proficient occupations may be accounting, writing programs, etc., but the mercenaries may be proficient in explosive chemistry, hacking, and so on. Just like different occupations focus on different directions, it's not surprising.

No matter which industry is able to become the leader in the industry, there is no fool.

Because it requires extremely high talent and wisdom to stand out from others.

This is the case with Bakalim.

The strange phenomenon of rockets made Bakalim lose his mind for a moment. . And he began to doubt that this huge monster changed by human beings, the threat may not be just a huge body and enough power to tear the iron plate.

may. . What else? .

Although Bakalim doesn't know exactly what ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but he has this feeling, this is a kind of feeling that he is always on the front line of life and death.

Some bad things. . Maybe it's about to happen.

In fact, if Bakalim was young, he might retreat at this time, because this feeling saved his life more than once.

but now. . Now he cannot go.

Although it is said that the older the person is, the more prudent, and Bakalim now of course wants to leave cautiously, but again, the older he is, the less chance he can make money.

Smuggling dinosaurs is a big source of money, and Bakalim does not want to give up like this.

So he gritted his teeth slightly, but did not order everyone to retreat.

Although the rockets were temporarily blocked by a certain force, they were not impact-triggered explosions, which meant that they would still explode in a short time.

Until that time, look at the situation of this monster, and then retreat or stay, it is too late.

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