High Magic Earth

Chapter 1739: I have special skills

For this big-hearted girl, Lito was speechless.

But Lito may not even realize that his patience with Willie has actually far surpassed others.

But Lito knew another thing, not to mention that Willie's face was pale, even his own heart was a little hairy.

Because they faced the Hulk.

That's Hulk.

The ranks of the superheroes are definitely the first echelon of combat effectiveness.

In fact, apart from the hilarious genre of Deadpool slaughtering Marvel Universe, the punisher slaughtering the Marvel Universe genre, there should be a brutal **** realistic genre of Hulk slaughtering Marvel Universe.

Yes, he did this too.

And it was some time after the time point of the first battle of New York in the movie, Dr. Banner was exiled himself, and then was captured by Gao Tianzun into the arena, but the treatment of Hulk in a certain universe is not like this. .

It was Stark who exiled him, then. . He came back to get revenge.

Deadpool can slaughter the entire Marvel Universe. He is immortal, and his ability is not too weak. Even if his mouth is too broken, he is too cheap. In any case, he will drag the painting style to the bloodless style of all ages.

The punisher can slaughter the Marvel Universe, which is definitely a story written by his true love editor. . It is estimated that it relies on the same ability as a hero who did not want to be named, "I am Batman." "I am the punisher." Then he killed everyone.

As for why? My punisher, isn't this reason enough?

The first two are not serious enough, because their ability is not invincible, but Hulk. .

He is also called invincible Hulk.

Hulk’s power stems from gamma rays, but many people say that it is angry. In any case, in theory, the more angry he is, the stronger the power is, and there is almost no limit.

That is to say, in theory, Hulk doesn't need to punch the planet with a punch, even if it punches the universe with a punch.

The premise is that he should not be blown away.

Hulk did this in the Marvel Universe.

Hulk can kill the Marvel Universe, and he has the ability to do so. With his power, he can indeed tear off those heroes.

Therefore, in the massacre of Marvel Universe, his story is the bloodiest and most realistic.

Against him, Lito was really not sure.

And the Hulk in front of me was obviously not quite right.

There are many colors of the Hulk family. What are green, green, green, red and the like, but there may be differences in color, but there is not much difference in essence.

They are all fat after inflation, and all are bulging muscles or something.

But in front of this. .

There are edges and corners, yes, edges and corners, Hulk's shoulders are protruding, like scales, the chest and back also show some irregular corners, and all the joints are protruding large and large like fish scales The presence.

It's like wearing an armor.

And this armor is not pure light green, but still a little off-white, and off-white and green combine with each other, which does not make Hulk more kind. . On the contrary, there is an increasingly strong killing breath.

Poison Hulk.

Unlike the venom, which is also round and smooth, it has ribs and corners, and it is attached to the surface of the host as if it were armor. . It is the characteristic of poison.

Although poison is not venom, but. . It's a stronger increase to the host!

Lito moved the position of his feet silently, and changed into a more prone position, and by the way, slightly protected Wei Li in her arms.

If the big guy on the other side was really going to charge them, Lito had the confidence to defeat him, even to block him, but he still had the confidence to escape with Willie.

Willie may be aware of Lito's movements, or maybe not, but Lito didn't pay attention to these details, and his entire attention was on Hulk.

Sphinx's combat effectiveness is not low, but it is not a combat unit after all. . Compared with the Hulk of pure power output, there is a world difference.

Lito had to be nervous.

But fortunately. .

"Go to hell!"


With a loud drink, the ruin of the collapsed wall next to Lito suddenly burst and exploded, and then a figure galloped out of it and went straight to Hulk.

It was Logan who had just been punched into the ruins by Hulk.

Lito's expression was slightly loose. . It seems that there is a shield going up.

But his slack did not last for half a second.


There was another dull crackle in the air, and I saw that Logan was again the same as before, even a few points faster than before, how to rush out, and then how to be beaten back.

Do not. . He even flew back faster than before.

Lito watched the corner of the mouth as Wolverine plunged into the ruins again. Large pieces of rubble were rearranged by his collision, but he was still buried.

This guy is funny. .

Lito had to think this way, because it seemed to tease him. .

For the rest, Lito has no intention to think about other things, and his personality is straightforward. . Or in fact, it was simply reckless Logan who went straight and was hammered back by Hulk again.

The beautiful girl Laura, who was corpseed, quietly seemed to be cold, but Lito noticed that she was silently dragging half of her body to the other half of her body, but depending on the severity of her injury, it was estimated that Half a meeting can't be expected.

So next moment, Hulk. . Poison Hulk had turned his eyes in an instant, and then stared at the only creature still standing now.

Willie, and Lito.


"Don't move!"

Hulk made a mad roar, and at the same time, Lito suddenly turned sideways to hold Wei Li in his arms, only to have a word, and the whole person rushed away like lightning.


At the next moment, Lili, who was held in her arms by Lito, felt as if everything in the world had become a blank, as if the world had come to a halt, and Weili only felt a buzz in her head, in front of the whole person. It was also black, white, and even dizzy.

Few people can face the shock of Hulk.

It is not just because of the gap in power, the momentum from the crazy shock, instinctively with great fear.

Most of the time, the strength displayed by Hulk is amazing, but it is not too amazing. At most, it is comparable to large machines such as trains and planes, and even the two are fighting each other. Hulk may not be able to stop these. Large machinery.

Humans will of course be afraid when faced with such a large device, because of the force that comes with it, volume crushing and the like will directly kill them.

So after the last sentence of "ohli" is often scolded, it is basically the last word.

Hulk is different.

Although Hulk can have the same speed and impact force as trains and airplanes, it differs from the real large machinery by a volume.

The sensory impact on humans is much weaker.

But this is just a shock in the sense that human beings can imagine and understand.

If it's not a train, it's a faster speed, such as subsonic speed, or even the speed of light.

That kind of momentum, even just a sonic boom, is enough to stun the human being involved.

At that moment, Wei Li felt this way.

It was like she had lost color between heaven and earth, her ears were deaf because of a sonic boom, and her eyes were blurry.

That is all kinds of undesirable consequences caused by human beings because they cannot withstand such a strong impact.

But fortunately, Lito could keep up with Hulk's speed, or rather. . Come back one step in advance.


Gravel splash.

The exploded gravel was like small bullets that hit the roof of the surrounding walls, not only leaving a lot of pothole marks on it, but also instantly splitting again and again into the surroundings, turning into smaller pieces. Cracked stones.

Having escaped this wave of shock from Hulk, Lito whispered to Willie.

"are you OK."

Of course he was aware of Willie’s anomaly, but Lito had no good way. In the face of Hulk, it was good to be able to avoid it, especially the poison Hulk. . Even if you want to defeat the opponent, you need to think of other methods, which are the so-called tricks to defeat the opponent from the side.

Positive resistance? Lito didn't want to be the second Logan.

I thought Willie should be afraid this time, because her face was ugly. . The pale was a bit scary, as if it had just fallen from two hundred floors.

But unexpectedly, just a few seconds after Lito's words were exported, Willie said again in a very firm tone, although weak.


Lito's mouth twitched and decided to be too lazy to ignore the neuropathy.

Hulk, who couldn't hit it, didn't give up. It turned its head and looked at Lito in cold eyes like diamonds. Even if there was a distance away, Lito could feel its anger converging.

As mentioned before, the host parasitized by the poison is equivalent to death at the moment of the parasitic success, and the surviving version of the poison superhero cannot communicate at all.

Even if you can communicate. . It doesn't make sense.

The only purpose of their existence is to parasitize and then parasitize.


Poison Hulk seems to only speak these two words. It yelled out its name aloud, then charged up in its legs, and went straight to Lito again.

Lito's response was also not slow. . In other words, his reaction speed is much faster than Hulk's movements, even before Hulk has not completely rushed, he has flashed sideways.

Just like it was predicted in advance.


Hulk suddenly broke a wall again.

Seeing that most of his body had fallen into the wall, Poison Hulk, Lito didn't relax much, but continued to stare at each other with a cold face.

Even if you carefully observe his eyes, you will find that his eyes seem serious, but in fact there is no focal length.

He didn't stare at Hulk at all, but just turned his eyes to it and then thought about other things.

"What is it going to do next."

Lito asked himself.

Launch the attack from the left side and pounce on itself. The area affected may reach several meters. It is recommended to do it now. .

Lito did not hesitate, hugged Willie again, and suddenly flicked to the side.


There was another loud noise.

The Hulk embedded in the wall did not stop at all. When he saw that the two little bugs were still alive, he pulled himself directly out of the wall and jumped more than three meters in an instant. Then he took the pressure of Taishan. Suddenly fell towards Lito.

But at this time, Lito had already taken Willie and hid to the side.

The ground was cracked, centered around Hulk's falling point, and the surrounding ground was smashed into ruins almost instantly.

"This is more powerful than I expected..."

Lito muttered secretly.

"Do you think I can win."

He asked himself again.

It's difficult unless used. .

Well, the answer is very simple, it is almost impossible to win, because Lito will not use that.

Like Will, Lito certainly has his own cards, but his cards are not venom, but more in line with their style. . magic.

"Then its next attack."

Lito asked another answer casually, and then took Willie again, first stepped away before Hulk's attack arrived.



Seeing that the two little bugs provoked themselves three times and five times without knowing their lives, Huo Ke also became anxious.

It became more angry, and the roar became crazier.

But Lito was unimpressed.

He just stared at Hulk, and kept thinking, thinking.

In fact, Logan did not make a mistake in a certain sense, Lito could indeed predict, or that his ability was close to predicting.

Sphinx can understand all knowledge, and this knowledge is not a narrow sense of knowledge, but a broader definition, more like. . problem.

It can get answers to all questions.

This gave Lito a similar ability to predict.

For example, he can ask Hulk's next attack method, what direction to attack next, and even what kind of attack to make.

These questions can be answered by Sphinx's ability.

And these small questions don't need to waste too much time for Sphinx ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Even in a time that may not be reached in a second, Lito has already got the answer.

This allows him to seek answers in this way even in a fierce battle.

It is this ability that makes Lito seem to be predicting, always taking a step forward every time, and easily avoiding Hulk's sniper.

"Boom! Boom!"


If it is a normal person, there will be more or less doubt in the face of enemies who seem to be able to avoid their attacks first.

But what existence Lito faces is Hulk, will it have such an idea, obviously not.

At this time, the only thought in his heart was probably to tore the two little bugs jumping around in front of him to pieces. Besides that, he had no other ideas. Gaomo Earth

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