High Magic Earth

Chapter 1755: The plot of the lost soul is in control

Every free man is well aware of the importance of the plot. Once the plot is out of control, then they will lose the most advantageous advantage, the conditions of the prophet and the consciousness.

This is true even for Sphinx.

Now, Lito feels that the development of the plot has completely exceeded his knowledge.

According to the original story development, Dr. Strange, after discovering that the venom superheroes are not all poison superheroes, finally decided to pull a strong foreign aid. . venom.

That is the most well-known, and the venom that was made into a movie, Eddie Brock.

Although I don't know why Strange thinks that this venom is the legendary protagonist, or that this venom is different from other venom superheroes, but the whole story line really started and proceeded from him.

After all, although the Poison Universe is called the Poison Universe, it is because the poison is unique to this universe, and the issue defined in the comics is still the Venom family.

The protagonist is Eddie Brock.

Strange tried to get Eddie to help them fight the poison, and he had a good idea. . Unfortunately, the facts are not as good as imagined.

It's not that Eddie doesn't cooperate, but Eddie is not an opponent of the poisons.

Eddie had just entered Strange's poison world, and the poisons attacked a lot. Then Captain America was unfortunately captured to rescue his companions and cover others.

Captain America, who was captured, naturally lacked the power to resist. At the base of the poison, the small poisons of the poison prototype tried to parasitize him, and they used one of their best strengths. . Mental attack, and created an illusion in the mind of Captain America.

Sharon Carter.

In the eyes of the captain, she was as charming and chic as ever, and slowly walked towards him, like the last glimmer of light in the darkness. The illusion made Captain America unable to detect the abnormality of Sharon. She walked fast and left quickly. It is not safe here.

But Sharon told him that he would not abandon her, nor would she abandon him.

The captain looked at Sharon's eyes and felt the long-lost peace. Sharon gradually approached the captain. The captain also couldn't help but approach Sharon.

But at the last moment, Captain America broke free of the mental interference with his strong willpower. His head slammed back and realized. . This is a lie, a trap.

The little poison became angry and shy. It faded Sharon's appearance and reverted to that weird big-headed creature. Then, in the next moment, countless little poisons went forward and succeeded, rushing towards the captain who had no resistance.

The poison Captain America was born.

At the same time, the situation of Eddie who first entered the world is not very good.

With the instinctive attraction, although they do not belong to the same world or even cross the two worlds, Venom Mite and Venom Eddie are still together. . Run away together.

Although Captain America's failure allowed most of the Venom Heroes to successfully escape, the Venom Heroes were still stared at by many poisons during the escape.

For example, Eddie and the little spider are chased by a head with lion-like hair, but they are all chased by octopus tentacle poison.

Poison Doctor Octopus.

It seems to be the fate of fate.

Venom Eddie from different worlds and Venom Spider-Man got together. Similarly, Dr. Octopus, the enemy of Spider-Man, is not far behind.

Despite the influence of the host, the poison is undoubtedly stronger than the venom, and even suppresses the venom, because it can not only release the mental attack that the venom can't defend at all, but also has the ability of sonic attack. It is indeed like a natural nemesis of the venom. general.

In addition, the combat effectiveness of the poison Dr. Octopus itself is also not weaker than Spider-Man.

After all, they are rivals.

Although Spider-Man and Eddie got together, there was no tacit understanding. . There is no tacit understanding in combat, but the mouths of each other are quite tacit.

So in the face of Dr. Octopus, the two are far from exerting the power of one plus one greater than two, and even one plus one is less than one.

So they were chased around by Dr. Octopus.

Venom complained that Spider-Man had already gotten Dr. Octopus in normal mode. Why was it not working now? The little spider responded with a mouth gun without hesitation, telling him that they could no longer be seen in the original way.

Running away all the way, the two were still stopped by Dr. Octopus.

Almost in the same face, Venom Eddie was pressed on the ground by the poison of Dr. Octopus, who had miscalculated his strength, and penetrated his chest. Eddie left first.

But Eddie did not leave, but took advantage of this opportunity, grabbing everything around him that could be used as a weapon without hesitation, and slammed Dr. Octopus.

Eddie triumphed, and the poison Dr. Octopus died. . Eddie did not know the existence and terrible of the small poison prototypes.

When he turned his head and tried to show off to the little spider, the one who faced him was already a spiderman with white as the main color and black as the embellishment.

When the little spider was seriously injured by Dr. Octopus and was unable to resist, the poison prototypes entered.

Poison Spiderman was born.

. . .

The poison universe seems chaotic, but it is not.

Because its story line is actually very short. First, the Venom Eddie arrived, but the situation did not improve, the Venom Heroes continued to sacrifice, and then under the unbearable Dr. Strange, he summoned all the symbiote nemesis.


He tried to make the massacre solve the poison.

This time the effect was good, and the fighting power of the slaughter was really strong. It didn't take long for the world to enter the world. Ao Jiao helped the venoms to solve many enemies. Later, they even directly killed the poison's nest.

However, in that battle, Dr. Strange was unfortunately captured. The captured Dr. Destroyer saw the poison destroyer, and even saw the poison destroy the hegemony.

Through the mouths of the two, he learned a part of the process, that is, he constantly dragged the venom superheroes from other worlds. In fact, to some extent, it was precisely because of his approach that he continued to have More venom superheroes are parasitized, and more poisons are born.

Cause and effect are really difficult to define.

Dr. Strange, who was caught in self-doubt, did not realize that this was a conspiracy of poisons, and also a mental attack by the prototypes of poisons, and then quickly. . Dr. Strange Poison is born.

As Dr. Kiwi also became poison, it was not the venom's patent to open the multi-dimensional portal, and the poison quickly invaded into a new world through the portal and opened a new invasion.

It was in this world that the poison met the female Thor, suffering from cancer, but held up Thor’s former girlfriend Jane Foster, the hammer of Thor.

The poison Thor is born.

In the later period, there is also the emergence of poison phoenix female and poison laser eye.

Even in the end, even the hope and slaughter that Dr. Strange once placed were paralyzed by poison, and became a more terrible poison slaughter.

Of course, on the non-poison side, endless superheroes have emerged, such as anti-venom, which can also be called serum, and monster kid.

There are many unpopular heroes, after all, the emergence of the unpopular universe is to give them more opportunities to leave the country.

As for the end of the story, it is a Marvel version of the timeline that is comparable to the restart of the Flash next door. The first big hit forced the Phoenix woman to forcibly erupt and solve all the enemies.

The timeline of the story is not long. It can be attributed to the fact that poison and venom have been in love with each other. After involving countless superheroes, they were directly opened by Phoenix Girl to solve it.

So it's not complicated.

Secondly, there are not many people on the scene. Although a lot of unpopular heroes such as monster boy, anti-venom, Thor, and so on appear, similarly, there are not many popular heroes.

The lack of hot heroes means that the story is thin, there is no too rich story line, and there is no need to consider some logical issues.

This is indeed the case. The main story of the entire poison universe is that the venom heroes appear, and then they are parasitized by the poison to become poison, and then a new force emerges again, and then they are parasitized again. .

All the unpopular heroes have changed their faces.

There is no plot at all.

From this point of view, even if the plot deviation, there seems to be nothing to worry about, after all, the main line is that poison and venom continue to kill each other in love, and finally the Phoenix female washes the floor.

In fact, Lito may not really worry if there are guys like poison naughty, poison falcon and the like.

Because these second- and third-line heroes do not have much influence on the plot at all.

but. . Iron Man is really different.

In the past, he may not be well-known, but only appeared to correspond to a second generation of dc next door. Even the steel suit worn by Iron Man in the original comics is a Michelin mascot with a lot of tires!

Only with the great success of the film, his status went straight to Fulian.

As the head of the Avengers, the core member of the Illumination Society, the appearance of Iron Man does not only mean a fighting power.

His own meaning is different.

So Lito suspected that this was no longer the poison universe he knew. . Even if you don’t mention the status, if Iron Man exists, then will the Fantastic Four also exist, and the swallowing star will also exist, as well as those powerful Omega variants, Professor X and so on. .

Their presence will instantly increase the fighting power of the entire world, and will also allow the plot to go back to the old road again, such as the four heroes against the swallowing the stars, the civil war of the mutants and so on.

This is why the popular world will not have hot heroes, and it is necessary to create a different story.

Not only that, but the response from Sphinx also shows that Lito’s suspicion is unjustified. . This world does deviate from the poison universe he knew.

The most intuitive performance is that it is normal for the venom to open the portal, because there is Dr. Venom Strange, but since it is Dr. Venom Strange, then how did the poisons track down.

. . So Lito was so eager to leave.

Without Wei Li as a drag. . Well, in fact it is not a drag, mainly because she is not nagging, Lito all the way and fought back, and soon came to the edge of the battlefield.

It's not that he was noticed by the poison, and the poison deadpool let go of the mouth gun more than once here, and the poison iron fist was also a bit tempting. . But none came.

Because each of them has his own opponent, he can't get rid of his body at all.

Only Erica. . Her opponent is Lito, and only she has been blocking Lito.

During the period, many prototypes of small poisons noticed here and ran over to help. Even the prototypes of small poisons were the most, but it didn't make much sense.

The small poisons mainly rely on illusion and deception caused by sneak attacks or mental attacks to force parasitism positively. . In the time of this meeting, Lito had already shot at least four or five small poisons.

Seeing Lito farther and farther away, and even about to evacuate the battlefield, the poison Elika also gave an angry roar.

"Coward! Don't run!"

The venom will become stronger because of the host's strength, and so is the poison. So whether it is a poison or when the venom is parasitic, the host is selected.

And for the cruel, symbiotic creatures that follow weak meat and strong food. . The host that can parasitize the strongest host is naturally the strongest and craziest symbiote.

Like the one in Thor, it should be the strongest in the symbiosis.

And Erica has this. . It is estimated that in the symbiosis, it is the symbiosis belonging to the second and third class.

At least in terms of the degree of viciousness between words, she is far inferior to the one in Thor.

After such a long period of language interference from Willie, Erica could not affect Lito at all, and also saw that she was about to leave this land of right and wrong, and Lito's words increased slightly.


He laughed.

"I may be a coward, but... you may not be able to keep me as a coward."

Things are smoother than expected~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lito thought while shifting.

But Lito probably doesn't know yet, not far behind him, one of his friends has been pitted fiercely by himself, and he is now standing upright. .


With a muffled sound, Lito seemed to raise his foot suddenly, and then Erica staggered back a few steps instantly, even flying backwards, hitting the back wall fiercely, even hitting some. The lumpy rubble.

And at this moment, Lito also turned around and ran. . Even blinking, just disappeared.

In fact, Lito has been avoiding Erica's attack because he needs to fight and retreat. . So Lito has never fought back.

But this does not mean that Lito can't beat Erica. Regardless of whether Lito's appearance changes, he has the power and defense of Sphinx, not long ago. . He can still deal with Hulk.



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