High Magic Earth

Chapter 1767: So I have to think about the title again

?When not a police officer, Will is actually quite a normal person. .

Well, it seems a bit too much to say this, that in addition to commuting time, Will is no different from other people, the police are also human.

To know that he still has a girlfriend.

Ok. . It is still too much to say.

In fact, even as a free man, Will's life seems to be undisturbed. . The premise is that if he quits the job of the police, it is not counted.

After all, to become a free person, you have to go missing from time to time for a few weeks or a few months. It is no longer suitable for any job.

Not even suitable for special occupations like the police, Will naturally can only resign.

But beyond that, he didn't have much influence.

As a family of policemen, his father has not retired yet and has no time to manage him, and Will, although somewhat upright, is not stupid.

On the contrary, he knew the politics and darkness hidden in his country better than anyone else, so he didn’t tell anyone. . Perhaps the existence of the free man will be exposed someday.

But he wouldn't say it anyway.

Despite the excessive integrity and professionalism, Will is actually a very cheerful person.

Integrity, love and justice, good looks, police background. . Such a guy is completely the role of the protagonist in the movie.

Of course no one hates him.

As for Nancy. . Nancy looks pretty good, with the petite and exquisite peculiar to Asians, and the kind that meets the tastes of Europeans and Americans but does not look very ugly in Asian eyes.

Otherwise, Toby wouldn't always remember her.

Facing a beautiful woman, Will instinctively slowed his tone, and there seemed to be a more cheerful atmosphere in his voice.

This passive sultry skill is also a talent for the protagonist.

It was inexplicable that Dr. Wu had pulled him out of the latent state. . Ghost knows why a genetic company needs to put in so many layers of protection. Well, when Will thought of being a police officer himself, he received some business cases about big technology companies like Google. In fact, their internal defenses are also rigorous. exaggeration.

Then he met the angel again and was bitten by death, and then Dr. Destruction appeared. . Will wondered if he was in a bad mood for years.

Of course, he didn’t know the word bad for years, but he suspected he was cursed!

Curse of the Goddess of Doom.

At that time Will had decided to sacrifice himself. Although he had thought about this day, he did not expect it to be so early. He also hesitated to sacrifice the value of himself for a so-called origin meeting.

but. .

Now he obviously didn't have that much to hesitate.

No one is afraid of death, even a protagonist like Will, so he feels relaxed after discovering that he does not seem to have to sacrifice.

The tone becomes a little easier.

But Nancy's inner uneasiness is getting heavier.

"and many more."

She ignored Will's relaxed tone and said hesitantly.

"We can't move forward anymore."


Will frowned slightly.

His tone changed from easy to dignified in a flash, and the style of painting almost became serious with naked eyes. . This is also one of the essential skills of the protagonist.

Stopping here is not a wise choice, because the chasers behind will not let them go, and the guys chasing behind are not good people to deal with.

Will, like Nancy, doesn't think Toby can hold Dr. Destruction for as long as he may even hold the poison Storm Girl and the Poison Green Devils.

He didn't even think Nancy was an opponent of those guys.

They stopped here. .

Seriously, it's looking for death.

He didn't have to die anymore.

"I have a bad hunch."

Nancy said again.

Will didn't speak, but he obviously didn't take it seriously. Is that true? . Women's intuition? It doesn't sound very reliable. If it's a fairy's prediction, it's okay.

But the little fairy does have the ability to predict, but it is not very accurate.

But no matter how Will will protest, Nancy has taken the lead to stop.

"Very wrong..."

She said.

Will wanted to drag her to continue walking, the problem is. . What's wrong, is it even worse than facing Dr. Destruction?

But Nancy didn't need to explain, and at the next moment, the whole ground seemed to start shaking.


A long roar came, like some terrible ancient creature reappeared, and with this long and long time, it seemed to collapse, the building cracked, and the earth began to howl.

This time, no longer reminding Nancy, Will shouted first.

"Be careful!"

His leg structure was deformed in an instant, and it turned into a kind of flea-like leg, which is very consistent with the muscle structure that increases the jumping force.

At the same time, his wand had also fallen into his hand, and with a slight wave, the whole person became fluttering.

The Origin Conference was not so unique about Harry Potter's pulse of magic.

In fact, it cannot be said that there is no displacement ability. The displacement skills of the Harry Potter world are actually very powerful. Not only is there a portable fixed-point unlimited number of multi-person teleportation arrays such as door keys, but also the phantom shift and phantom display are so close. The displacement magic necessary for home travel.

But they cannot fly.

In other words, few wizards can fly, and most wizards can only use the flying broom that is very unfriendly to women and men. . Okay, there is a seat on the wizard's broom.

If you don’t like a stick, you can install a seat.

But then you can't go to the Quidditch field, just like a modified bicycle can't enter the bicycle race.

The second is that the forward movement of the phantom shift is too slow, and it is not as fast as most of the necessary master flashes in the film, the middle, or the game.

And this is actually the most critical.

The free men from the present world know how important displacement is to a wizard. It is not so easy to improve the phantom shift. After all, the phantom shift itself must be used very carefully. . It is a dangerous magic that is not perfect.

So in the origin meeting, there was a sword going slant. . It was the magic of Harry Potter's novice spell, the idea of ​​a floating spell.

There is no weak magic, only magic that cannot be used.

Similarly, unless the nature of the spell is changed, there is no spell that cannot be improved, and there is no ever weak spell.

After a period of big brain explosions that only free people had, the floating mantra was changed beyond recognition. . It became an existence similar to a light body spell.

After using this spell, you can become vigorous in a flash.

And it's not like a normal floating mantra. . Weightlessness can indeed make people lighter, but if there is no power, it is also unusually slow.

This spell does not directly affect people, but everything but humans.

For example, clothes, hair accessories, watches, and even hair.

But people still have weight.

The floating degree of the floating mantra is also very important. It can't be too light, otherwise the clothes worn on the body are completely enough to directly pull people up, like a hydrogen balloon or something.

It can't be too heavy, otherwise it won't work.

Only at a perfect balance point can the weight of the person be reduced, but at the same time, it makes people feel as if they have learned light work in a flash, and the effect of walking vigorously.

Will also studied for a long time before he found the right degree for himself.


He slammed on the ground and jumped out of the height of four or five meters.

The ceiling had already left at this time, to find an opportunity and a gap, Will instantly drilled out of the building and stepped on the outside wall, he had the energy to pay attention to Nancy's situation.

If Nancy didn't come out, he could still use magic in the outside world.

But obviously, Nancy didn't need him to worry.

The fairy is a flying magical creature. Although Nancy is not a real fairy, her traceability to the origin of her bloodline also makes her extremely talented in flying and mastering flying magic.

She possesses a variety of magic combined with phantom shift and blood talent.

But at this time, she did not show her talent magic.

The kind of talented magic with phantom looks cool, but in fact it is still a bit slower, which is not suitable for this situation.

In fact, if the Death Eaters jumped out of the world and looked at them, they could only be regarded as inexorable wizards, but they did have some desirable magic.

For example, the kind of magic Nancy uses now.


Nancy responded much faster than Will.

After all, she had a hunch.

The moment the ground cracked, she instantly turned into a plume of smoke. . Then the whole person thought about walking in the space like a flexible ball.

Variant magic of Phantom Shift.

It is also one of the favorite magic of the group of Death Eaters.

This is not Voldemort, that is, Tom Riddle improved, before him, in the era of Grindelwald, the wizard had mastered this method.

Even earlier, there was similar magic.

Magic is passed down from generation to generation and improved from generation to generation. . It is more likely that the wizards also suffered heavy losses during World War II, both in the French and British magic worlds, or in the German and American magic worlds.

It was almost faulty, and a lot of magic was lost, before some spells became magical.

But the living library, Dumbledore, obviously had little experience.

Tom Riddle is at most an improvement. . It is not original.

He may have found some magical materials left by the previous generation of wizards.

And Nancy, Nancy did not learn more from Death Eaters. . How the improvement of magic was born is actually very difficult to explain.

Just like how human inventions came about.

Because human beings are lazy, there is a need, so there was an invention.

Then many inventions have something in common. . Because to satisfy human laziness, many of them are naturally similar in terms of inspiration and needs.

The invention is very similar.

The same is true for magic.

If you want to improve on the same basic magic to make the magic faster and more convenient, then the resulting effects are likely to be similar.

For example, there is also black smoke now, and there is no fairy at all. The appearance of the elf is completely a Nancy from a black wizard.

She was quickly moving through the gravel and cracked walls.

This magic is still not suitable for teleportation.

Because its starting hand, that is, the pre-action forward shake is still very slow, but it is very flexible after use, and it is not weaker than the flying spell.

Even better.

Because it turns people into a cloud of smoke, although it is not without entities, it will still be shot down, but it reduces a large part of the area.

You know, humans are not only deadly with a heart and head, but limbs are also very important, and even the lower limbs can cause whole body paralysis.

Turning into a cloud of smoke and reducing the area, it is naturally safer.

It is a pity that it is difficult to master, even if it is a meeting of origin, it is just some flying talents, and wizards with special bloodline blessings in space talents can find out by themselves.

Others still need to learn which way to eat Death Eaters.

Far less flexible than Nancy is now.

Did not hit anything.

Like a ray of blue smoke. . Black smoke, Nancy sprang out of the cracked building in a blink of an eye, even a step earlier than Will.

She reshaped into a human figure in the air, and then jumped to a treetop, so that she had a chance to see what was disturbing her. . There is still such a great power.

Then at a glance.

"...Damn it!"

Nancy scolded.

"This idiot has injected all the potions?!"

That is one. . The huge lion? A lion with wings?

Perhaps others are a little strange, but Nancy, one of the veterans of the origin conference, is absolutely clear that it is Sphinx, the blood of Sphinx of Lito.

When he joined the Origin Conference, Mianlong told Nancy some of the information.

At the same time, Nancy was well aware of the existence of Godzilla Elixir.

Mianlong gave Lito the potion. . And is this idiot all used? !

Synthetic potions, potions that can activate their blood, come from technology, but this potion with Godzilla gene is a combination of half magic and half technology.

. . General technology can't do anything that can go up by nearly a hundred meters without a needle.

But magic can.

This is also an experiment for the development and transformation of new agents. . And since it was handed over to Lito, there must be no sequelae.

Of course, it is too big a sequelae.

How much should still be influential ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But. . Is he all used?


With a bang, Will's shadow moved to her side, and then. .


Because the ground was cracking, the big tree soon began to tilt and collapse, and Nancy gave an expressionless look to Will's innocent face.

"Pap!" "Pap!"

Two crisp sounds, the two's voice came to the ground not far away again.

The tendency to collapse has not spread here.

After all, it was just that Lito had just begun to swell, and it only affected the surroundings. . Because the two were very close to Lito's location, his expansion only affected the two of them for the first time.

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