High Magic Earth

Chapter 1790: Because it is a mage. .

"Damn things!"

The most grumpy is Luke Cage.

The angel who was going down quickly also chopped sharp metal wings on his body. . The unfavorable steel body did not play its due role this time. His chest was cut and unfolded almost instantly, and blood spewed out, directly infiltrating most of his body.

Fortunately, although the name of his steel body sounds exaggerated, it does not insult the word after all.

The metal angel did less harm to him than other people. The sharp metal wings just cut his skin, and blood spewed, which seemed to open the skin, but it was just a wound outside the skin.

Otherwise Luke Cage will not be so full of breath.

His defensive power is very strong, claiming to be invulnerable, but his self-healing power is not different from ordinary people. For example, this kind of skin-opening injury, not to mention Wolverine, even Will can recover in a few breaths.

But Luke. . But it didn't mean much healing.

Even a small blood loss had made him feel slightly dizzy.

But it also aroused his anger.

Luke Cage wasn't surprised that the metal man who had fallen from the sky could hurt himself. Even the ugly monsters almost made him overturn the boat, not to mention the ruthless guy who looked like he was cold.

It was precisely because he was prepared in his heart that he did not flinch in the face of the menacing metal man.

The tumbling venom gradually wrapped Luke Cage’s wounds, so that it no longer bleeds, and at the same time a large amount of muddy black venom flowed along Luke’s right hand to wish you a congregation, and soon enlarged his fist to several times the original, Then he waved hard at the metal angel.


Although his punch seemed to be sudden, it actually gathered the full power of the venom, and even hit a short sonic boom in the air.

Luke Cage is not strong in strength. He has no other place except the so-called invulnerability. Of course, he is also a very strong one. . Black people are still very powerful, and because of their large size, their speed is slightly slow.

But all this was made up after having the venom, and the power blessing that the venom brought him was not weaker than others. . Certainly no less than a small spider, the ability of venom will be enhanced by the enhancement of the host, but for ordinary people it is also a monster that is impossible to defeat.

Not even ordinary firearms.

So in a sense, Luke Cage finally has his own extraordinary attack power. . But from another point of view, Venom can also be regarded as neutralizing his invulnerability.

Because the venom covered him, Luke Cage’s extraordinary thing was his outward defense, and the venom wrapped up his defense. . It's good or bad, not easy to say

Of course, these angels at this time are indistinguishable, because their special magic allows them to resist abilities such as strong regeneration and immortality, and easily break the steel body of Luke Cage.


Luke's fist violently exploded in the air, his expression full of anger. . Of course, his heart was not overwhelmed by anger and lost his mind.

The previous monster has used blood to teach Luke to realize their danger and difficulty. In the face of new enemies, he certainly cannot be taken lightly.

Even if the other party does not look like a monster, but more like a person. .

Because of this, Luke showed such anger, and inevitably did not confuse the other party's intentions. Although he looked like a standard stupid big man, he was not stupid.

Of course, this may have been the case when I first debuted, but it is not long ago now.

But in the next moment, Luke Cage's face changed dramatically.


Because the right hand he waved out didn't hit the opponent at all, but was squeezed in his hand by this weird metal man.


Luke Cage's face was suddenly changed under the venom suit.

Of course, it is not impossible now. . Because whether he believed it or not, things had already happened, and Luke realized at the first time that he was in a terrible situation.

Sure enough, in the next moment, he felt a huge force passed along the metal man's arm instantly, as if to break his arm, and drag him forward.


Of course Luke Cage did not dare to relax. He summoned the strength of his body to fight against it, and the venom on his body was not to be outdone to continue to squeeze his own potential.

But the gap in strength was not made up by so-called beliefs. At the next moment, Luke Cage felt that his feet seemed to be off the ground. . Soaring into the sky.

This is not good news. .

"Asshole! Get away!"

Fortunately, his luck was not bad. He was in danger twice, and he met the help of others. The first time was Stark, and this time it was Jessica.

Just as Luke fell into the downwind, there was a sudden burst of hoarse voice, Jessica Jones, who seemed to be unable to lift forever.

As early as Steve called them to vigilance, Jessica approached here, and at this time, as the first batch of metal angels descended from the sky, she also just caught up.

In many parallel world plots, Jessica and Luke Cage have had a period of time. Seeing that her old lover is in danger, she immediately exploded with extraordinary power, rushing away from everything, and then a heavy one Punched on the face of the metal angel.


The explosive version of the sound exploded out of thin air. . Even with his voice alone, Luke could feel this amazing power.

There was no accident. After the face of the metal angel touched Jessica's fist, the hard metal face seemed to be deformed instantly. . Then the whole person flew out directly.

"Boom! Boom Boom!"

It even knocked down four or five low-level angels preparing to rush up. . Then it stopped slowly.

Jessica is much stronger than Luke Cage.

Although the title of her hero does not sound so domineering. . What kind of treasure is she, a knight or something, and even in the end she still prefers others to call her Jessica.

But her overall combat power is almost several times that of Luke Cage.

In addition to defense, Luke is not good at attacking, but Jessica has turned the other way around. She is very powerful, even close to Spider-Man, and can also fly briefly. . Or jump very high, can stay in the air for a long time.

Although Jessica's ability seems to be very simple, but the best defense is offense, she alone is much stronger than Luke.

Just like now, Luke is hardly able to cause any damage to the metal angel, and can only be beaten passively, but Jessica can be hit with the venom. . The metal angel is directly deformed.

"What the **** are these monsters..."

Jessica shook her face with a frown.

Her hand hurts too. . After all, the metal angel looks very strong. Although Jessica's strength is great, her physical strength is no different from that of a normal person.

In fact, her hands were not broken on the spot, she was already very lucky.


The low-level angels were not disturbed at all.

As a group of god-like zombies, things that have the characteristics of zombies but are a hundred times more powerful than zombies, will not stop at all because of the appearance of metal angels.

In just over ten seconds, Luke and the metal angels were back together.

With a gasp, Luke stood next to Jessica and said calmly.

"Let's solve these monsters first."

. . If you didn’t see that Luke Cage had just been chased by the angels, you might really be stunned by his calm performance at this time. I feel that this is a big brother who is not weaker than Stark. .

But after Jessica and Luke Cage joined together, the fighting power did turn several times, far more than when they were fighting each other.

Jessica’s strength is extraordinary, but her defense is still insufficient. She is still an ordinary person. She will bleed when injured, and she will die if she loses too much blood.

Although these low-level angels and metal angels restrained Luke Cage's ability, he was still stronger than most ordinary people, at least stronger than Jessica.

Luke's attack power is not strong, and Jessica can make up for this, and he does not need to do anything else, as long as he concentrates on helping Jessica resist attacks from all sides.

This was the case when the two teamed up. Although these monsters may be more troublesome in their ability to restrain Luke, they can still exert a fighting power greater than two.

"Boom! Boom!"

Even quickly, they teamed up to clear a small area of ​​relative safety. . Even the seemingly endless stream of low-level angels was beaten by them.

But whether Luke started Jessica, he did not relax his vigilance.

Because before that humanoid metal monster is only one, and above the sky. . There are countless densely scattered countless numbers.

. . .

Will and Lito saw metal angels for the first time.

Although they have already seen it in the information.

Looking at the sky, Will swallowed a spit.

"...Do you really think we will survive in the future?"

Nancy was calm.


She said.

"It's not the last time yet."

It's a pity that flags can't stand upright. . Just like responding to this sentence, Nancy’s voice just fell, and the dense metal angels above were agitated. Like the metal angels that suddenly fell down, they flapped the metal wings behind them, giving off some rhythmic metal. The sound finally galloped down.

This time, they fell between the low-level angels and poisons and venoms who were still in chaos, and they were dense metal angels. They found Stark, Dr. Destruction who tried to watch the drama, and Dr. Strange Mr. Rabbit and Nancy.


The metal angel that fell from the sky made Will and others dare not carelessly, so there was no time to continue talking with Nancy.

The battle erupted instantly.

. . .


Seeing that they had already hit the door, of course Dr. Kiwi could no longer stand by, nor could he stand by. Fortunately, he was not without combat effectiveness.

Dr. Strange's combat power is not weaker than Stark, and it is in the field of magic, but it was just dragged by the opening of the portal just now.

But now, the metal angels fell directly to them, and Dr. Kiwi couldn't do anything without it.

. . It's just that his most commonly used magic, portal and mirror space, temporarily lost their effect.


But as a mage, Dr. Strange's melee is not weak.

Four or five metal angels galloped down, their wings rolling in the air, cutting like a sharp blade, and the staggered airflow even lifted the tornado-like air waves.

But Strange was not in a hurry. He waved and threw out several invisible magic shields. The shields formed some kind of foothold entity in the air, which was just stopped on the descending route of these angels.

Strange's magic is so strong that even these metal angels can't knock away at a speed.


Then, of course, it was as if the falling person hit the iron plate. . After the metal angel made a loud sound, let alone continue to maintain the cutting angle of the wings, even its entire angel was refracted to the side by this sudden obstacle.

The placement of Strange's magic shield is very subtle. It almost stopped all the metal angels, but left one alone, and still let him go straight to Doctor Strange.


Then the sharp blade sound crossed, and the wings of the metal angel did not hurt Strange. . But this metal angel also successfully landed.


The rabbit next to him was startled.

Yes, the metal angel didn't find Strange directly in the first place, but stared at Mr. Rabbit next to him.

Because it fell beside Mr. Rabbit.


Of course Mr. Rabbit does not have much combat power. In the face of the metal angel who pulls his sword instantly, it can only be chased and run around. . Screaming constantly.

"Ahhh! Help! Help! Help Mr. Master!"

Of course, Strange would not let it go. He left a metal angel just to try the water.

"Don't worry... I remember the rabbit running fast."

He casually coped with it, and Strange, with one hand, was a long whip flashing Mars, which he pulled out of the air out of thin air.


Then the long whip rolled violently. . Immediately after being wrapped around the metal angel's neck, Stranche dragged it back with one hand again.


There was a creaking sound between the magic whip and the neck of the metal angel~www.wuxiaspot.com~ seemed to choke its throat in an instant. . Although the metal angel can still see that he is still struggling, the extent of the struggle seems small.

Even small, almost static.

Mr. Rabbit was relieved.

He pulled out his pocket watch, lifted the lid in his hand, glanced at the time, and immediately began to mutter like a nervous voice.

"Time is up, time is up, time is up..."

But before waiting for it to continue to repeat the machine, the metal angels who had been bounced off by Strange also landed one after another, and then quickly rushed towards here.

Dangerously pulled Mr. Rabbit out of his nervousness, scared it again and ran away, and yelled.

"Help! Help! Mr. Master!"

Please remember the first domain name of this book:. Nine Heavens Emperor

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