High Magic Earth

Chapter 1799: So blackening is a killer in a sense

Outside monsters are staring at them, those bloated ugly monsters, and the Metal Corps that they joined later.

  Not only do they have a strong hostility and a large number, but they can't beat these guys.

   Therefore, any sensible person, in this case, will definitely choose to cooperate with each other, at least to survive the difficulties in front of him before turning his face.

   But this premise is rational. . people.

   This article does not apply to symbiotes, and never overestimate the symbiosis of symbiotes.

  Nancy’s fears are likely to happen. The relationship between venom and poison is so fragile. If an enemy is face to face, they will be killed by a step before they can join forces.

  Wait for them to enter the safe area inside the vines, without external threats, they might hit the next second.

   Even if the threat is not in contact, even if these terrible monsters are still entrenched in the vines, these poisons and venoms will want to tear the other side.

  Nancy knows these symbiotes well.

   is not that she knows these symbiotes very well, but as a free person, I am afraid that everyone will understand these different worlds and different movies. . these things.

  The origin meeting is even more so.

   After all, they are about to attack the world of these superheroes, so they have repeatedly studied the plot of each superhero, even every detail and every dialogue.

  Whether it is an upset or a hot world.

   Regarding these things, no matter how careful you are.

  Venom and poison are of course the same.

   It can even be said that Nancy knows them better than poisons and venoms themselves.

  . . A group of symbiotes.

  Will joined the Origin Conference, but related materials were all sent to his hands. I don’t know if he read or not. Anyway, he didn’t realize the seriousness of the problem at this time.

   But Nancy has realized it.

   "Really fucking..."

  Nancy muttered.

   "I am not their nanny."

  Mary Jane is still walking around in curiosity. I don’t know if everyone who has become Spider-Man will inherit some kind of amusing personality. Mary Jane was originally very docile. . Uh, a lady of my mind, at this time, she was also curious, looking around, and had a lot of guts.

  Natasha sat quietly on a raised ruin stone.

   Unlike guys like Little Spider, even with the help of Venom, Natasha still has a big gap with Mary Jane.

  She has venom, Mary Jane also has venom, and Mary Jane itself has the blessing of Spider-Man, and venom can bring more improvement.

   So Mary Jane can move around curiously at this time, but Natasha can’t do it even if she is curious, she must restore her energy as soon as possible. . Mary Jane's physical fitness, she can not envy.


  Natasha's eyes suddenly fell to Nancy's side.

As an agent, vigilance has been integrated into her bones for many years of agent life. Sometimes, even Natasha may not know what she wants to be alert, and why she is alert. Instinct has sent a signal to her in advance. .

It's just like. . Sixth sense.

   Her eyes were locked on Nancy's body, which was told by her intuition.

  Nancy, who controls the vines, is not as relaxed as Natasha looks, especially her vine magic is constantly feedback to her, there are more venoms and poisons approaching here.

  Nancy felt more pressure.

  Venom and poison hit her to death. She had no feelings, and it was not her business to die. . But first of all, the venom superheroes won. Fortunately, if it were poison, the won poison would certainly not let Nancy and Will, who are innocent passers-by, pass.

  Secondly, poison and venom are both defeated, do the angels outside leave?

   These angels obviously came towards themselves, towards himself and Will and others. . The poison and venom superheroes were nothing more than shields that were forcibly pulled in.

   Superheroes and poisons don’t know, don’t Nancy know?

  I don't need such a good shield. Isn't she stupid?

   So how could Nancy let the poison and venom fight?

   But they really have to be put in, so. .

   "I really don't want to be like that..."

  Nancy took a deep breath and raised her right hand.

   Almost instantaneously, the starlight flew down Nancy's arm like a flashing firefly, drifting into the sky, her hand seemed to be empty, but in fact she had pinched her unique transparent wand.

  And. . This wand also seems to be no longer transparent, it seems to be gradually revealed.

   Yes, gradually solidify.

  Nancy waved again.

   The invisible starlight spattered with her movements momentarily, twinkling like a galaxy. Although it is daytime, even during the daytime, they seem to be exceptionally bright, like a bright white star.

  Although Nancy is swaying downwards, these strange starlights seem to be completely contrary to common sense, and they rise upward along the face, and the number is increasing.

  Okay, all that is happening now is not in the common sense, so don’t be entangled with anything that is counterintuitive.

  Nancy's movements were uninterrupted, she continued to wave her arms, countless stars began to spread and rose, and soon this film was completely diffused.

   The magic wand in her hand gradually appeared. . It is not a regular wand, like the shape of a bare little wooden stick, but more like some kind of magic wand that only appears in fairy tales and is often depicted in words for the little fairy. .

   The main part will still be a small wooden stick, but the top is made up of an invisible light group, like a five-pointed star, but it seems not. . All occupied by the flashing luster.

  Nancy's movements did not stop, and the continuous light shone down. . The movement here naturally attracted the attention of others, such as Mary Jane, as well as Jean and Will.

   But from the beginning, she paid attention to Nancy. When she saw Natasha from the beginning, her eyes were slightly drawn. . She always felt a subtle feeling.

   It seems that there is something wrong. .

  But no matter what other people think, Nancy suddenly flashed all over her body, a kind of inferior special effects gloss that only existed in movies and cartoons wrapped her, and then suddenly brightened. .

  When the light dissipated again, Nancy had disappeared.

   is not called disappearance, but the original Nancy is gone. Instead, it is a reduced version that has been reduced by a dozen times.

   Only the slap-sized mini Nancy.

   This strange operation saw Will also be stunned, and then seeing Nancy after the transformation, he suddenly realized, "... This is really the blood of the goblin."

   or a fairy.


  Will was known by Lito, but others didn't know, for example, Mary Jane, who was very curious, she looked at the shrunken Nancy in amazement, but she didn't venture forward.

  Natasha's eyes are also very interesting, she has no malicious intentions, but the agent's instinct allows her to collect all useful and useless information, maybe when it will be used.

  . . She is simply the king of the most gossip. I believe in Stark and others. She must have filled a small book in her heart.

  Nancy didn't care about other people's eyes, because after returning to her ancestor, she felt better than ever.

   Yes, return to the ancestor, just like Toby before.

  But unlike Toby, who was forced to administer the potion and turned into foxfire, he was an uncontrollable and irreversible change to his ancestors, but Nancy was free to control and had a dominant change.

   In fact, the inspiration for the Ancestral Elixir was that Mianlong obtained this ability from Nancy a long time ago.

   But it was only recently realized.

  Nancy had this ability a long time ago, long after the establishment of the Origin Conference, but she did not dare to use it often.

   Not dare, not not want.

   This is a special ability belonging to her. . Instead of little fairies, little fairies themselves are little fairies, and there is no need to deliberately change them.

   But little fairies can be turned into other things. In most fairy tales, they have such abilities, not only can they become various strange magical animals, but they can even grow larger and smaller freely.

  Nancy has actually inherited their magical transformation magic.

   is now this one.

  Yes, Nancy inherited the magic of transformation, but she couldn't change herself. Instead, she directly changed her into a fairy. . Not only is it similar in appearance, what Nancy can feel, this is the real fairy.

   But the problem is exactly the same.

   Just like the magic world is often used to warn newcomers, don’t believe anything that can’t see where the brain is, that is, don’t believe any non-living things, feel the same thing.

   But when you feel something, this feeling actually finds you.

   They will affect you in turn, or even erode you.

  Nancy felt as if she had become a real fairy. . She was almost close to becoming a real fairy and could not return.

   was also Mianlong at the time and several other companions who were proficient in metamorphosis, forcibly awakening her back.

   Although the fairy is very powerful, the unknown magic is even more frightening.

  Nancy had a feeling at that time that she would indeed become a little fairy, but she may no longer be her, but a brand new one was born. . little fairy.

   Of course, this is not to say that this is an evil magic, but Nancy is still too weak. Whether it is the so-called magic or proficiency or some kind of abstraction such as spiritual power, she is not strong enough anyway.

  It is not that she is dominating magic, but that magic is dominating her, so it will cause such a result.

   There are many companions in the origin meeting, and the advantage of having a large number of people is that they can bother a person's problems and make a person scratch their heads to think about the problems for more than half a year. Maybe someone else came up with another idea.

  After Nancy made a mistake with this magic for the first time, she saw the problem clearly in the discussion with her companions.

   Since then, she no longer uses this magic.

of course. . It was only when she was still weak that she no longer used it.

Although it was only a short time, the power of the little fairy still made Nancy remember deeply. She didn’t know why she would suddenly have such a powerful power after becoming a little fairy, but magic was not incredible, she No need to explore. . Although she wanted to explore, she could not explore anything after all.

   So she only needs to use it.

   Power is undoubtedly strong, so Nancy will not give up the power of this transformation, at most, she will not try when she is weak, so as not to be controlled by magic.

   But after Nancy is strong, she will of course try gradually.

   After about a month. . Don't underestimate one month. As a free man, even if there is only one month, Nancy's growth can be several times the original.

  Nancy tried it for the second time with the help of the companions of the origin meeting. The result was still not very good. She was still controlled by magic in turn, but it was not as serious as the first time.

   With the second time, there will be the third time and the fourth time, and finally at the seventh time, Nancy has been out of control and can be put over to control the magic.

but. .

  No one knew that it wasn’t necessary to rob Nancy from being under control at that time, it would actually affect some other places.

   For example. . After seven times, even though Nancy is no longer controlled by this magic, something has been born called the dark side.

  Dark fairy or something?

  Nancy didn't know how it appeared, it was originally a little fairy, what each little fairy would have experienced. . But the two things happened very close here, she didn't think it would be a coincidence.

   can only put them together.

   This time, this problem appeared~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They have no way to solve it.

Fortunately, the so-called blackening process is very slow, as long as the return to the ancestral magic is not applied as much as possible, there will not be much growth. Mianlong guesses that as long as Nancy is more powerful, after a certain condition is triggered, all this will end and disappear.

   So before that, if you can not use it, don't use it.

but. . I really have to use it now.

   Because in any case, the strength after returning to the ancestors is undoubted.

  Nancy's eyes seemed to be a bit dim, with some kind of invisible black gloss, but otherwise, what was visible to the naked eye was the surrounding vines, and the movement suddenly slowed down.

   is not a stop, but a delay, but a kind. . More detailed control.

   "Really a group of nasty guys..."

   Nancy's tone rose, her hands slightly raised.


With her movements, the surrounding vines started to roll up in an instant, like boiling water splashes. It was slow, and the huge but clunky vines were coated with even grease. Their movements were in one. The moment became very smooth, and very quickly, even quickly. . After making Kun Kun, the sound of whipping air.

   And the vines in front of Nancy are also like pulling silk and peeling cocoons, flowing to both sides like flowing water. . Soon a beautiful arch was formed.

   opened without scruples in front of those low-level angels and metal angels.

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