High Magic Earth

Chapter 1801: Do you still have to think about the title, Happy New Year!

Nancy didn't know what the future looked like, but she wouldn't think it would be worse than it is now, because Alice knew herself, so the future self survived at least.

If nothing unexpected happened, it was probably Strange who opened the portal. . No matter where the other end of the portal leads, they must be temporarily safe.

But now, there is no sign that Strange is about to open the door!

"So... what do you think of our odds."

Stark unlocked his faceguard.

The venom armor squirmed like running water, flowing down his head to his neck, exposing his entire head. Although the venom armor as a biological armor is far more suitable than any generation of Mark series, there will be a kind of Unnaturally depressed, Stark still habitually put his head out to breathe.


Nancy said without hesitation.

"Please feel confident."

Stark said with a sigh, but judging by his left-and-right look, he obviously didn't have much confidence, just casually.

"That's because you don't know how many of them are there."

"Give me some time... I can solve them all."

Not many people spoke. The weak venom or poison that survived was breathing desperately. Those stronger superheroes and poisons were also taking time to rest.

Or did not interject. . For the time being, only Stark and Nancy questioned and answered.

Nancy believes Stark has this strength.

Even if he was thrown into the desert, he might be able to use sand scorpions and cacti to make the first machine for the Mark Cactus Warframe, not to mention the complete materials.

It is not difficult for him to make such an atomic bomb, so given Stark enough time, he can indeed make a weapon that will blow up all the angels.

but. .

"That's the problem."

"Do you think these are all outside now?"

"They are just the beginning."

Stark didn't speak.

He has learned the troubles of these things outside. . To be honest, they are not so powerful, but their number is indeed too much.

Once the number is increased, even Stark, it is difficult to get any benefits.

"Then brother also has a problem...you have been talking about this for so long, what is this group of monsters outside."

At this time, there is still a lot of noise, no doubt there will be only deadpool.

He still broke the atmosphere here with a careless tone. . Then he shrank suddenly, and whispered, covering his mouth with his hand.

"Of course, we all know that Brother really knows what the little cuties are out there, but... Does the plot need it, does the plot need it."

Nancy saw the weird little movements of Deadpool.

As a person outside the box, she knew the skill of the deadpool. . Breaking the fourth wall, he can communicate directly with his readers, and even slaughter the entire editorial department. He often complains about how the **** plot has gone away, and he doesn’t follow the common sense at all.

"what are you saying."

Nancy asked.

If it is in peacetime, this strange ability of Deadpool may still be interesting. Nancy doesn’t mind chatting with him, digging into the secret.

but now. .

"Brother's Big* is telling me its loneliness, sweetheart, you want..."

Nancy turned her head away and ignored him.

Deadpool's ability to break the fourth wall is really interesting, and even very important, but compared to life. . Life is gone, and it won't help to know more.

So Nancy didn't ask at all, and didn't bother to care about the full mouthful of Huang Duan.

"They are angels."


The little spider Peter Parker was not there, but the new little spider Mary Jane succeeded Peter and became a new support. . Originally a little vanity in the Spider-Man world, Mary Jane, the little rigid lady, replaced Peter and became Spider-Man in the world where she lived, and there was a little activity between the words that belonged to the little girl.

It's just like tuberculosis and curiosity of Peter Parker. . But only the latter, not the former.

No one is immutable. Anything, any time, anything can completely change a person.

Mary Jane is clearly like that.

But there is nothing bad about it. . Anyway, it is not getting worse.

Mary Jane's doubts actually represent the doubts of other superheroes and poisons present. . Nancy's previous explanation only told Stark that someone might have heard the contents in some way, but the others certainly didn't know.


Nancy said again.

"The monsters outside are angels... not the name is angels, they are angels, those angels flying around everywhere."

It seemed that she wasn't clear enough, and Nancy still had a fan action. . Some cute, but the people present did not pay attention to this point.

"In various senses, they are the angels mentioned in religion... It's just that their image may be slightly different from the imagination."



Sure enough, Nancy's words caused unanimous discomfort among the superheroes, the cause of discomfort. . Naturally, it is also very simple.

Only the rocket raccoon is not a creature of the earth, so I don’t know what an angel is.

But in addition to discomfort, there are also many superheroes, even poisons who don’t believe in it. God’s Word has a thousand-year history in the West, and it is deeply rooted in people’s hearts. Even if it is not a believer, most people’s hearts are detailed.

Although they wouldn’t be angry like a fanatic, just because Nancy thought it was a defamation in one sentence, the most basic doubts still exist.

"You... what evidence?"

"If they are angels, not you just call such a name...you understand what I mean."

It was Natasha who spoke.

My widowed sister is worthy of being a widowed sister. In the face of this little shocking news, she was the first to calm down. . By the way, those who are still clamoring about this impossible, this is not scientific, this incredible man expressed contempt, whether it is poison or venom.

"I have no evidence."

Nancy said.

"With this situation, I can't prove anything."

"But there is no need to prove it. In any case, they are monsters, just a name. Without this name, they are still monsters."

Natasha nodded.

Nancy is right, now there is no need to prove anything, anyway, the other party must be the enemy. . This point is absolutely not run.

If you can’t survive, it’s useless to say anything. If you survive, you can think about other things.

"As for angels..."

"I'm not sure if God exists, but angels do exist, including demons, they are just one of them."

"You can think of them as an alien creature, Asgard or something...you understand."

Nancy glanced at the poison thunder **** next to him.

"It's okay to be anything else, because of demons... well, there are angels, they are magical, and may also be related to the soul and the like."

"So the monsters outside are actually aliens?"

Natasha finalized.

Her gaze flicked towards Strange.

Nancy immediately realized.

She also worried that the people here could not accept magic. . But in fact, she thought it was wrong. Strange was obviously magical, so after a round, they still attributed the monsters outside to aliens.

Okay, superheroes fight aliens, this is standard.

"As long as the devil is not transformed by the human soul that fell into hell..."

Natasha said lightly. . No, heuristically said.

Then she saw Nancy's complexion and immediately raised her eyebrows.

"It really is?"

Nancy shook her head.

"We are not sure."

"But the coming of demons is weird. They do seem to have some monsters with human souls. Because of this, we can't tell whether they are alien creatures or something else."

The superheroes looked at each other.

In fact, most people already believe that these things are angels, and the thought of the swelled, twisted and ugly monster outside is actually an angel. .

Well, thanks to the fact that they can be regarded as aliens like Asgard, it makes me feel much better immediately.

But Nancy said later. .

Natasha seems to be very interested in this topic, because Nancy reveals a lot of things, including the angel and the devil, but also herself.

Natasha, who is good at and likes to dig up secrets, will soon be questioned, but Dr. Destruction is interrupted coldly.

"Say something useful."

Dr. Destruction said hoarsely.

"You don't need to know what they are... just destroy them."

Okay, it's very Dr. Destruction style.

but. .

"They have no obvious weaknesses."

Nancy said helplessly.

"You also see that they are a kind of biological weapon, cannon fodder, and even if there is nothing particularly outstanding, there is no weakness that can be particularly exploited..."

Dr. Destruction snorted coldly.

Nancy felt that what he meant was probably a waste of time. .

But similarly, Nancy also thinks that Dr. Destruction will not give up so easily, don't look at him standing still, but his biological armor or that excellent brain, or something, may have begun to think quickly, thinking that it is solved with biological viruses The enemies outside, just like Stark, blow them up with brute force. .

Stark spoke again.

"What about our savior... I will go and see him."

Nancy pointed to the side. Strange was drawing a circle in a corner not far away, where he opened up a part of space to avoid being affected.

But unfortunately, Strange's work has not made any progress. He just futilely painted circles and portals again and again, trying to open his teleportation magic.

It's just that the circle that appeared different every time did not appear, and even the circle itself didn't exist. Mars splashed a few centimeters in the hands of Strange, and then dissipated in the air instantly.

Absolutely not. . Have. .


Stark looked in the direction Nancy pointed, and then saw Strange turn with one hand, an aperture appeared in front of him instantaneously, and then continuously expanded and expanded, and in a blink of an eye, he was more than one person tall. Height and width.

The air wave blows out of the aperture, blowing the dust off the ground, and then a scene completely different from the surrounding ruins and monsters everywhere appears in the aperture.

Green trees and dense forests. . There is another world, this is the portal.

"So... I read right, he succeeded?"

Stark asked Nancy slightly in a daze.

And Nancy apparently did not expect such a result.

"It seems so..." she said.

Strange's sudden success is beyond everyone's expectations. If the only one who is not surprised is probably Alice who is jumping and jumping next to him.

"Successful! Successful!"

"Mr. Strange really succeeded!"

"It turns out that the door to home can really be opened!"

It's no surprise that Nancy listened to Alice's cheers. . But only for a moment, because the more she listened, the more she felt there was something wrong.

Listening to the meaning of Alice, she knew that Strange would succeed, well. . This is no problem, because in Nancy's expectation, the reason why they fled from here in the original history may also be the opening of Strange.

But there seems to be something wrong behind, Alice. . Did she change something, she opened the door to a certain world and was replaced by her, and replaced it with another world, so Strange opened it for so long.

even. . Alice herself was not sure if the door was opened?

Hell. .

But Nancy knew it was not a good time to confirm.

In any case, Strange has already opened the portal, and since the portal is open, they do not need to think about so many other things.

Just leave through the portal!

The other superheroes and poison apparently also reacted. . Look at what they mean, probably the same.

On the other side, Strange was also relieved.

Everyone's comfort was on him. Although he did not directly participate in the battle, he was also under great pressure. . It's even bigger.

Now, he finally opened the portal before things became worse.

only. . I want to be different from what he expected.

Where does this portal lead to? What about him. .

While Strange was wondering, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the other side of the portal suddenly heard a clicking sound, which sounded unusually neat and very similar. . The footsteps of countless people were unified.

Nancy, who was very close to the portal, also heard it. She frowned slightly, but before she could speak, she saw the rabbit next to him suddenly running up and down.

"I know what it's going to say." Deadpool suddenly whispered to Mimi.

"But don't get me wrong...it doesn't have the ability to break the fourth wall, everything is for the plot."

Mr. Rabbit held his pocket watch high, jumped in front of Nancy, and then shouted loudly.

"Time is up! Time is up!"

"happy New Year!"

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