High Magic Earth

Chapter 1803: See you fellow

little fairy?

Nancy also identified this visitor for the first time, no doubt,

Maybe the varieties are different. . Well, she is bigger than Nancy’s two partners, but she is still a member of Little Fairy.

The throbbing from the bloodline can't go wrong.

But obviously, Stark and others did not know. . No one told them, because Alice had started chatting with the little fairy.

The two spoke quickly, and it was also a language I had never seen before, which sounded a bit like French.

The chaos in the magic world of fairy tales can actually be seen. Language, race, and even the same race exist. . It's like a fairy, but it's not this little fairy like Nancy.

So how big is the fairy tale magic world and how many secrets are hidden? No one knows it, and no one dares to say that he knows it.

It’s okay if no one can understand the communication between Alice and the little fairy, but if you look at them, you can guess that they know each other and are acquaintances.

So Stark did not completely relax his vigilance, but he also put his hands down.

"Okay... Can I say that I knew it would have been this way."

Unfortunately, no one ignored him.

Strange didn't say anything. He didn't just open the portal here. During this time, he was also discovered by these angels and blocked by them.

To open the portal here, to fight against the angels and to bear the pressure of the heart, Strange was also very tired, taking advantage of this time. . Is taking the time to rest.

As for Dr. Destruction. .


It snorted coldly, also silent beside him.

But taking advantage of this time, Nancy also came to Stark.

"It looks like the other side of the door is safe."

Nancy said.

Stark raised his head and looked at Nancy.

"It looks like our mysterious young lady recognizes the other side of the door."

Stark is not a fool, he is very keen, extremely keen, Nancy just talked about it, and he thought of a lot of things.

And I have to say that his intuition is accurate.

"It's better than here."

Nancy didn't answer Stark's doubts positively.

It said calmly.

Stark certainly could hear Nancy's implication.

Regardless of whether she knows there or how she knows there, the situation there is more important than here, and always better. . just now.

Now they are surrounded by enemies, and they are still surrounded.

Stark undoubtedly found out the secrets of others. These superheroes, who has no secrets at all, in fact he just habitually owes a question.

Nancy's answer immediately reminded him of the business.

"Ladies, ladies..."

He bypassed Nancy and came to Alice and the fairy, and interjected unkindly.

"It's not a good time to reminisce now... should we go now."

This is also what Nancy meant. She could feel that as the angels surrounded it, their impact and offensive momentum were getting stronger, her defense was becoming weaker, and these vines were crumbling.

It won't last long.

Otherwise, she was too lazy to find Stark.

Although Alice looks crazy, it's better to call her Alice than a crazy hat, but in fact these things she does are still very reliable.

Whether it is the so-called change of the future in her mouth, or Mr. Rabbit assisting Strange to open the portal, at least there is no irreparable consequence.

Hearing Stark’s words, she and the little fairy tweeted like a pause, but only for a moment, and then. .

She started chattering at the little fairy again.

Stark didn't think Alice ignored him, because Jarvis had already guessed most of Alice's inner thoughts through micro expressions.

Even if she didn't speak, Stark could understand her facial meaning.

. . Although there is no Stark building and network here, Stark traveled in a different world with Strange, and Stark, who has been traveling through the world for a long time, only made a small launch satellite.

In the first time when he came to this world, he used it to store and store part of his original Jarvis algorithm.

So he can still have a huge artificial intelligence as a help without the Internet or even disconnected from the original world.

Sure enough, after ten seconds, Alice turned back.

"Plow said there was no problem. She came here just to pick you up. She returned the nutcracker soldiers. Our world can be transferred. They can stay and break."


"Her name?"

Stark has a stinky mouth. . But sometimes it also depends on who is targeted. Although it is the same for most people, he still speaks well when facing some beautiful ladies.

Especially he has grown and changed a lot now.

What's more, although the little fairy is a little smaller, she is also an exquisite lady. In fact, if you zoom in, the little fairy is basically a true beauty.

Even Nancy. . also the same.

Her incarnation became a fairy and the appearance at this time is two appearances.

So Stark didn't choose the word it, but she, although the little fairy could not understand it, she could feel Stark's kindness.

Little fairy is kind. . And apparently unaware of Playboy’s sinister, she had a good first impression of Stark. After hearing Stark pronounce her name, she immediately circled in mid-air and then lifted her skirt to Stark. Ke Xing did a lady ceremony.

Stark is not slow.

He is Stark. . The famous Playboy, the American high-ranking man, although only two generations away from him and his father Howard, no one dares to say that they are upstarts and have no heritage.

After all, he is too rich.

With money to this extent, if he is not an upper-class person and has no background, then few people have a background.

Stark naturally didn't come in and out of the ball and other places, and immediately returned an innocent gentleman's gift. . Do not mind that the lady in front is only a few centimeters high.

Nancy rolled her eyes at the back, watching Stark and Little Fairy blow each other's business.

Fortunately, I don’t know if Stark is reliable. I haven’t forgotten the group of people behind me, or because the little fairy is too small to do anything so small, Stark is not interested, just a few short exchanges, Stark Just greeted behind.

"Everyone...leave from here!"

Superheroes began to gather here.

They came through the portal, and it was not the first time to travel through the world. Presumably, they were no stranger to retreating through the portal. They quickly gathered together.

In addition to the living superheroes, they also carried a corpse. . After Luke Cage's, Rocket Raccoon and Jessica merged, the two robbed his body back.

But looking at the number of people present is definitely not enough. . Obviously there are still superheroes sacrificed, and even the corpses haven't had time to get back.

The corpse must be recovered, otherwise it will fall into the hands of a caring person, maybe something can be researched, or even cloned directly.

But now there must be no one to quarrel with for recycling. . Everyone knows this thing outside. In this case, instead of recycling the corpse, we send a new past.

The venoms also had a lot of downsizing, and their eyes clearly stayed on Dr. Destruction, and after seeing it nodded, they began to gather here.

Evacuation is not a problem, Strange can guarantee that his portal will last for a long time, the problem is. .


Stark said to Alice.

"It's better to tell this Miss Plow that there are too many nutcracker soldiers...how much can't be jammed here."


While several people were talking, the Nutcracker soldiers were still pouring in, and soon filled the area almost full.

Because of this, even though Alice and Prow knew each other, Prow did not show hostility from beginning to end, but Stark and others still dared not relax.

After all, the appearance of Alice is very strange!

Even if Alice insisted that she came from the future, it was only her words. No one knew whether she was hostile or not, and what she said was true and false. . Nobody knows.

They have eaten a lot of this loss.

Alice quickly translated Stark's meaning, and then Plow in the air was just as enlightened as she had just realized it again, circling lightly, waving her arms, and the stars shed light.

"Slap! Da!"

The Nutcracker soldiers walked neatly, and with Plow's movements, they immediately stood upright, standing in place under the intense eyes of Stark and others.

. . By the way, they left a passage.

Stark and others did not have time to see this, nor did they want to continue to test whether Plow was hostile. . Stark greeted him, and the superheroes immediately rushed here.

Including poison.

Dr. Destruction and Stark's eyes collided in the air, and no one obstructed the other.

Because they know very well that the only result of turning their faces here is that no one can go.

At the beginning, Dr. Destruction still used these monsters to sit and watch the tigers without any injuries to solve these annoying poisons and monsters themselves, but now the strength shown by the angels is getting stronger and stronger. . It obviously couldn't continue to hold this idea.

So the two didn't turn their backs in tacit agreement.

Although it is retreating, superheroes and poison are also methodical. . Although the Venom Heroes and Poisons would grapple with each other when they met, they didn't do anything.

The first to enter are Jean and Opel and others, then Will and Lito, and Willie, relative to their own people, they are also considered outsiders.

Then there are Jessica and Natasha and so on. . Lady first.


In order to maintain the vine, Nancy also stayed outside. After all, she needed to pay attention to the situation outside the vine at all times. . Just like now!

The crisp sound appeared very abrupt, but was immediately noticed by everyone else.

Because it is very quiet among the vines.

Although the towering vines have little room to prop up, they are extremely firmly connected without any gaps. . Otherwise, it would have been broken by the crazy angels outside.

And I don't know whether it is magic or what the reason is. Although the crazy monsters outside roared and the metal crashed on the vines, there was not much noise inside.

At first Stark thought it might be due to internal solidity, but then think about it, it might be magic.

But no matter what, silence is inevitable.

So the sudden cracking sound was immediately caught by everyone.

"Give me good news."

Stark said to Nancy.

But Nancy just shrugged regretfully.

"sorry, we do not have that."

"They won't be able to support... half a minute."

Stark took a deep breath.

"Well, shorter than I thought..."

"Hurry up!"

He shouted at the rest.

There is no doubt that everyone heard this.

As for what can't hold up, let alone. . So the transfer speed is a bit faster again.

In fact, as superheroes, their maneuverability is very strong. Even Captain America, who can’t fly or jump, the power of a super soldier can also make him run for a long distance without knowing how far, and for a while. Out a certain speed.

Enter a portal. . It doesn't seem to take so long.

But these premises are under the condition that the superheroes have good fighting power, and they are now. . Although surviving, everyone was injured.

So I can't walk fast.

"Click, click! Bang!"

And the speed of the vines above is breaking faster than the time given by Nancy!

Just less than a dozen seconds after the first crackle sounded, the vines above began to crack, cracking out large crevices, and then under the attention of Stark. .


The bang burst out, the vines collapsed in an instant, and then the metal angels swarmed in. They turned into torrents like locusts, pouring down instantly.

"ok, I get it."

"I calculated the overall collapse time, but now their IQ is not low, putting all their strength at one point."

Yes, Nancy estimated that the entire vine collapsed, but these angels apparently put all their forces there after opening a gap.

So at this time, it poured out suddenly.

And because the vines keep them out. . There are already a lot of metal angels gathered outside. Anyway, the number is much more than Stark faced before.

Although the vines blocked them, they also gave them time for reinforcement and gathering.

The number of metal angels pouring down at this time is at least several times that of the previous ones.


Stark shouted.

There were no more people left outside. . The rest are some seriously wounded people, for example, the fighting style is still wide open, the most killing enemies are also the most wounded, and even the poison thunder **** who can’t walk on his own~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ others are lifting they.

The metal angel slammed down like a waterfall, with the momentum that swept everything. . Several people are well aware that they cannot be opponents of so many monsters.

But fortunately, this time they are no longer just themselves.




At the same time, several people heard words that Little Fairy Pluona couldn't understand, but even if they didn't understand, they could hear them from the rhythm. This is a kind of slogan.

Counterattack slogan.

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