High Magic Earth

Chapter 1807: It's time for the cute headline again

"So... what else do you want to say."

Athena raised her head, her long blond hair rolled up and down with the sand and dust, and the golden light shimmered under the crisscross of gravel and sunlight.

Dalstein's gaze flickered for a moment. . A long time ago, a long time, a long time ago, when even time had long forgotten it, every generation of gods used to be like this. .

"It's really worthy of slaughter..."

Gazing slightly, Dastan shut his mouth decisively.

Because he saw that the red mist that appeared on Athena became more intense, more like the color of blood.

It's been a long time, and he has forgotten for a long time. The original body of the goddess in front of her is known as the goddess of wisdom and war.

She is synonymous with killing and blood. . And his temper is not good, and he has no patience.

So Dastan's next sentence went straight to the point.

"I have no ill intentions."

He said.

"Trust me.."

"I'm a little bit malicious, and I don't have any bad thoughts for you and your master."

Athena's eyes were indifferent. Although she didn't take advantage of her height, she still stared at Dastan with a dignified dignity.

"So... do you still stick to your statement?"

"What do you come from the future, you are one of us, right? What?"

Dustan seemed to feel the pressure too, he took a deep breath and said softly.


"But this is a lie."

Athena said.

"There can't be a betrayal among us, so you with malicious intent cannot be one of us at all."

Dustan spoke calmly.

"I am not malicious, so I am."

Athena's eyes were silent on his eyes.

Then she shook her head.


"This is not the case, and..."

"I don't want to continue to tell you that these are useless."

"You're right, I can't tell if you are one of us, but my father certainly can."


The word suddenly seemed to catch the attention of Stan, and he repeated with a little surprise.


Athena's voice was slow and suspicious.

"He is my father... don't you know?"

"I really don't know."

Dastan admitted.


Athena shrugged.

"It seems that you are one step further from the destruction of your lies."

"Now, see me with him."

Although Dalstein and Athena did not specify their names, both knew that he was referring to the same person in the other's mouth.

That is, their creators created the plan for creating the god. .

"no need."

With the appearance of Yi Chou's voice, the breeze swept the ground and raised dust, and then the dust settled, and Yi Chou stood not far away.

"I have come."

. . .

Regardless of Athena, Yi Huo first looked at another stranger.

Ok. . This time it was really strange.

Although Kang, the former conqueror, hadn't met before, he was actually an old acquaintance. Yi Chou knew his materials very well and easily matched the number.

But this one in front of him, never seen, no information.

There is only one possibility for this to happen. He is a non-plot, perhaps a free man.

There is no such thing as an unpopular superhero or supporting role that is forgotten by Yi Huo, because he and Lucy used magic to deepen related memories before entering the superhero world.

It's like a search engine. . That can be retrieved automatically.

Moreover, Yi Xao also smelled a familiar smell on his body.

"Should I know you."

He looked at Dustan and said.

Yi Xiao did not know Da Stan, but obviously he knew Yi Xuan, and his reaction was far greater than Yi Xuan thought.


Dastan suddenly knelt on the ground.

His knees seemed to tremble slightly, and he slowly bent down, touching the gravel on the ground with his forehead, as if worshipping a god. . Offer everything he is most loyal.

Yi Huo frowned.

He raised his hand slightly and drew a few twisted symbols in the air. At the next moment, the gust of wind that swept up the large waves of sand from time to time disappeared.

The surrounding became a calm, peaceful desert surface, even exuding a kind of silence. . Only Dastan remained kneeling on the ground.

Yi Chou gazed at him calmly.

"Don't you have anything else to say."

"Great host... I didn't expect to see you again one day."

Yi Chou is still calm.

Like Athena, Yi Biao has now used silver tongue to fully arm himself, and even more than most divine creatures, such as Athena.

Because even Yi Biao can't think of it, there are various auxiliary magics that can help Yi Biao quickly analyze the results. . It's like carrying a brain with you, but it's a magic version.

After thousands of changes, Yi Chou has been like Athena, guessing most of the things.

"It looks...my future is bleak."

Yi Chao ridiculed.

He smelled the creation of God's plan on Durstein.

And when this guy was lying on the ground, Yi Chou had checked it aside with his own magic. He was indeed the product of the God-creating plan.

Although the God Creation Project sounds like a plan, the essence is always genetic engineering using magical means.

As a creature created, Yi Chou cannot leave many backdoors.

For example, the means of mandatory control. . Even if they can guarantee loyalty and have a guarantee at the beginning of creation, they still need to stay.

Then there is the detection method like now, just like the serial number of the product, Yi Xuan can tell whether the following guy is really a member of the God of Creation program.

Athena knew it too, so she was ready to take Dalstein to find Yi Chou.

And now, it is obvious. . This guy is indeed a product of the God of Creation program.

So Yi Chou chose to believe.

Even if the last trace of doubt remains in his heart, Yi Chou still chooses to believe that if he doesn't even believe his magic, then he still has something to believe.

And when the condition that Dastan is really a product of the creation of God is confirmed, there are many things that can be associated with it.

In the blink of an eye, Yi Chou knew part of the causes and consequences.

Dastan comes from the future.

Only if he comes from the future, he will know a lot of things, so familiar with her and Athena. . The most important, only in this way, can explain why there is an appearance of God who has not been created by Yi Noo.

And the traces of time magic on his body can prove this point.

Like Athena, after going through everything instantly, Yi Chou can infer that his future prospects may not be so wonderful.

Otherwise, if you look out of time, you won't be able to travel long distances to the past.

And listening to what he meant, the future self might seem to be dead or something, because he didn't feel that he could see himself again.

Yi Chou scratched his head a little.

He has always felt that he has always been cautious, is it his future. . It would be so bad?

Yi Choudao is not defeated by a so-called future, and he doesn't think that future is his own future, but the problem is that he wants to know what exactly is the reason for his future. . There is nowhere else he has not considered.

"The reason is here."

Dastan does seem to understand Yi Chou very well.

He has been standing on the ground silently, but the first sentence after his opening was exactly what Yi Chou thought.

"Is it."

Yi Xiao raised his eyes.

"Tell me carefully..."

"Also, in the future, do I like people talking to me on my knees?"

Dustan stood up.

He looked at Yi Chou slightly excitedly.

"Great master... The timeline has been disrupted."

His first sentence made Yi Xiao frown.

Yi Xiao can understand that the timeline was interrupted, but the problem is. .

"This is the first time I have seen you, or to say, you have already begun to influence this timeline."

Dastan's voice sounded.

As an appearance with the ability to shuttle time, he has a deeper understanding of time than others. He knows that when someone shuttles time, it is only him who can affect the timeline.

Everything else is already there on the timeline.

unless. . Others have shuttled the same timeline.

But Dalstein didn't think anyone else was here, and the only means to stop him, or the way Strange left on the time gem, had been solved by him.

And that was encountered before falling here.

Dastan did not know how to explain this problem. . But Yi Chou just skipped it.

"carry on."

Yi Xiao said.

Even him, he does not know much about the mystery of time now, so any situation and accidents are entirely possible.

Dastan nodded silently.

"Originally... You and Master Athena shouldn't be here."

"You should still be in the world of superheroes."

"Isn't it here."

Yi Chao rhetorically asked.

Dustan thought about it.

"If you need to be more precise, it should be New York. Iron Man was born soon."

"Not here...the age of the apocalypse."

"You only intervened here later."


Yi Chou shrugged and motioned for Dalstein to continue again.

"And when you came to the Age of Apocalypse...you gave up something."

Dastan spoke slowly.

"I don't know what has changed in the timeline, but since you have come here, you should not give up that thing again. So, I brought you in."

"It's right in front."

Dustan pointed to the Great Pyramid.

There is a dead silence between heaven and earth. The Great Pyramid is like the most arrogant tomb. It stands quietly on the sea of ​​sand. I don’t know if it is the reason for Dastan’s story. Unusual place.

But what is the specific, Yi Chou can not say.

Looking at the Great Pyramid, Yi Xuan looked at Dalstein again.

"I believe... as a member of the plan to create God, you should know me well."

Dustan nodded.

"Then I gave up that thing at first, there must be a reason. How do you know that with it, you can change everything in the future."

"Say... what the **** is that?"

Dustan's tone was somewhat supportive.

"I can't say... Master, I can't say its name, but believe me, you must get it."

Yi Xiao chuckled.

"Seriously, if you are not sure of your identity as a member of the plan to create God... I even think there are any traps waiting for me."

At this point, Yi Chou suddenly looked at Dastan with a suspicious expression.

"It can not be."

"I know that the members of the Chuangshen Project can't betray me, but I also believe that I must have my own reason for not picking up that thing at that time. Are you doing this now, isn't it betrayal?"

Yi Dao whispered to himself before Dastan answered.

"Okay... The situation outside of time may indeed be special. It seems that the original rules could not form an effective constraint on you."

"Either you think you are not betraying me, or even for the sake of my consideration, you will not be counted as a betrayal."

But after talking, Yi Chou shook his head again.

"I thought about this situation at the beginning...it shouldn't be."

Faced with such a thing, Dastan dare not interject easily.

He was a three-generation god. By his time, the Chuangshen plan had been perfected twice again. The most he communicated with Yi Huo was what he had accomplished brilliantly. Then he saw Yi Huo and communicated.

There is nothing he can say about the plan of creation.

and. . This is the origin of the God Creation Project! Dalstein was also a little bit excited, he could even participate in such a thing in front of him.

But Athena next door didn't have so many concerns.


She cried slightly worried.

Yi Chao stopped the two with gestures.

"Forget it... I will consider and change this matter again. The top priority is not to consider the problem of Chuangshen's plan."

"This thing in front is the biggest problem."

Yi Xiao once again looked into the Great Pyramid.

Then he asked Dastan.

"What the **** is that, really can't say?"

Dustan shook his head.

"Master, me..."

"The reason, can't, don't want, is it because of a certain rule, or because of some limitations...

Dastan suddenly closed his mouth, a gesture of silence.

"so smart."

Yi Xiao said.

Dastan clearly knows exactly what kind of existence Yi Chang is, even if it seems to be irrelevant questions, after a few inquiries, Yi Xiao can sum up a lot of things.

Maybe he can guess the answer~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so he simply closed his mouth.

"Then I will go and see for myself, to see what it is..."

Yi Chou snapped his fingers, and then Da Stan suddenly felt himself stiff, and his body was no longer under his control.

Then, Yi Chou looked in the direction of the Great Pyramid.

"Father, really going there? There might be..."

"Why not."

Yi Xiao said.

"If it's really dangerous, it's better to know as soon as possible."

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