High Magic Earth

Chapter 1815: This is actually a prototype

Yi Xiao and Athena continued to rise.

The body of the big guy who was suspected of the Tenjin group has been collected by him before. If it is usually, Yi Chou must definitely study what is special about this wreckage, but now...the heart of the universe is in front, Tenjin Group The wreckage is less important.

The Tenjin group is created by one of the five gods forever, and the heart of the universe is more than several levels of existence than the five gods themselves.

Even if there are some ancient gods in the gods group, it may be equal to the five gods in combat effectiveness, which is not comparable to the heart of the universe.

As Athena said, it is too strong, so strong that it is necessary to get it in any way, even if there is an unknown risk, even if it may not be controlled.

And if you can’t get it, you can’t let it go easily, at least you can’t leave it for the tyrants.

How this thing will be ignored in other worlds, in the Marvel world, it is God.

So there is nothing else to say, take the two men to the heart of the universe before talking.

Yi Xiao began to slow down the ascent, because he had felt that the energy boundary was getting closer and closer to himself, closer and closer... until it seemed only a few meters away.


Although there is no real performance, Yi Chou still has a moment, and feels as if he has broken through some invisible obstacles, or is like an energy protection net.


Yi Chou's voice stopped suddenly.

Because he didn't need his reminder, he felt that the two of them must know that the situation here has changed again.

The crimson color enveloped the sky and devoured the earth, everything around it was crimson.

If the space underneath is just dark red elements, as if it feels like a fog in a rainy day, then the upper space has been completely shrouded in crimson.

Crimson is the main color here, and the front, back, left, and right are enveloped by crimson, even making people feel like they are in a huge fireball.

The sky is red, the earth is red, the air is red, and there are red and red patches everywhere. The whole world seems to be only red, except for the red, it has no other colors.

And there is one above...


Yi Xiao raised his head, his pupils dilated, and whispered praise... At this moment, even he couldn't believe what he saw.

this is……

He took a deep breath... "Cough!" Then Yi Biao suddenly closed his mouth halfway because he felt choked.


Yi Huo underestimated a whisper, and then fanned the wind in front of him in disgust. With his movements, the red energy drifted slowly like a satin, and then gathered again.

Some are like melted chocolate. Yi Chou watched it change and sucked his mouth.

The energy here is too rich, or it can be said that everything here is composed of this red-red energy, they are everywhere, and they have already materialized.

The cotton-like energy entities floating around are the best proof. Not only that, there is no real meaning of up, down, left, and right in this upper space. The original Yi Chou can also see the blurred ground and see the surrounding blurred The horizon, but as he breaks through that invisible energy at this time, everything below it disappears.

It's like being in the void and looking around, no matter which direction is red, endless, and in the upper part of the whole space, there is a huge...

"what is that?"

Athena asked.

Yi Chou shook his head.

"I'm not sure, but... I think I have seen it somewhere..."

This thing is not in the superhero world, and certainly not...because Yi Chou didn't remember it all of a sudden, it will not belong to the superhero world.

For this itinerary, Yi Chao almost printed the information about superheroes in his head. It was very comprehensive. Before leaving, he also updated and turned aside. It can be said that if it is related to superheroes, Yi Chao does not May not remember.

He will think of it the first time.

So it's familiar but can't remember... It can only be a world other than superheroes, and it's a very unpopular world, so even if I have read it, I can't remember it for a while.

Yi Yao's memory has indeed been qualitatively leap and improved, but at the same time, there is also a memory that needs to be stored.

These memories are so huge that they are so large that they even require specialized magical intelligence to process them, so even if his memory grows, some unpopular memories cannot be quickly turned out.

For example... this amazing existence above.

Yi Chou raised his eyes.

It was a giant, a crimson giant, echoing the crimson energies around it. It seemed that these energies were nurturing her, or she spread them unconsciously.

Yi Xiao and Athena are diagonally below her... but only a vague shadow can be seen, and the more detailed situation can't be seen.

Do not look directly, this is the first reaction of Yi Chao.

This might be... some kind of extremely powerful, god...

Well, it doesn't need to be easy to say, probably every creature that comes here will be deeply aware of this just by instinct.

Fortunately, it's not an evil spirit, otherwise it's more than just not looking straight.

In addition to not being able to look directly at her, another characteristic of her is that it is large, incomparably large... It seems to be larger than the world that is even larger.

Yi Biao instinctively took Athena and them back a distance and stretched a little, but soon realized that this had no effect at all.

Because this thing is still the same in Yi Biao's eyes, unable to see its full picture, as huge as a god.


Yi Xiao raised his eyes, blocked his brain with all his strength, and then carefully observed her.

"Let me see... the true face of this thing."

He looked serious.

This existent body is very huge, and it is not the ordinary huge, it is more like a conceptual, no substantive definition.

Because even in Yi Biao's eyes at this time, he gradually felt that he was as small as a ant, peeping at the existence of gods... such a huge **** as the whole world.

Yi Biao's brows grew deeper and deeper, and he even started clenching his teeth, closing his brain more frantically.


Then he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Even with the protection of magic, this existence has not changed in Yi Biao’s eyes. She is a god, a world, her body is as magnificent as the universe, and her light is as charming as the most mysterious mystery in the universe, even if it just stops. Here, there are endless mysteries.

She is the world, the world... even if she...

she was……


Yi Chou suddenly coughed up a small sip of blood, then suddenly looked down.

Athena, who was looking away from the other side, also turned her head suddenly, but she didn't ask much, she saw what Yi Biao was doing.

"Damn something..."

Yi Chou took a deep breath.

At the same time, her appearance can not be directly looked at, so that people can not be explored... It is also a kind of protection, and more importantly, it is to protect gods other than her.

Because mortals cannot look directly at the gods.

So to the outside world, she is just huge, immensely huge, and huge beyond all existence and cognition. With this power, all creatures will appear to have a thought of worship.

Needless to say, this is a god, an extremely powerful being.

Yi Biao's magic is still somewhat effective. It shields a part of the influence of this thing on his mind. At least Yi Biao sees that it doesn't want to pay homage...but just thinks she is boundless and huge.

So with his magic, Yi Biao wanted to try to peek at what she was.

This... I think a little bit more.

Although Yi Biao's magic is enough to protect himself, he can only protect him. If he wants to rely on these magics, he can peep into the true face of the gods, even the secrets of the gods...

A mortal cannot look directly at God and peep at God's secrets at a price.

Fortunately, Yi Xiao had expected this, so the magic was cut off regularly.

Otherwise, there may be an accident, even if Athena is by the side, it may not necessarily be able to rescue him in time.

Although Yi Xuan can resist her, it does not mean that Athena is enough. The presence above can be resisted by Yi Xiao, which does not mean that she is weak. It can only be said that... Yi Xiao is also the group of people standing, although Still at the bottom.

Athena is much worse.

She didn't even dare to look at her too much. After a few glances, she immediately lowered her head, because Athena realized that she even seemed to have a tendency to worship.

As a god, she naturally knows what it means... This is a more powerful god, even if it is a god, it must be called something.

So she bowed her head decisively.

Although Dastan next to him is claimed to be the third generation of the God of Creation, it does not mean that it is worse than Athena, or even stronger than Athena of this period.

Because the God of Creation plan is constantly updated, it cannot always be updated, the worse, it must be to enhance the strength of the God of Creation products. The three generations of gods have been updated three times from the version of Athena. Dastan is naturally more comprehensive than Athena. Make up for a lot of details that Yi Chou didn't think of at first.

And it is obvious that Dastan, who has experienced a world war, is naturally rich in combat experience. He also bowed his head long ago and did not look directly at the above existence.

Yi Xiao wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and allowed his skin to reabsorb it... There are always many crazy scientists in the superhero world. They are crazy and even afraid of Yi Xiao, he will naturally not let his blood go easily. Exposed.

"The gains are not great, but... somehow I probably know what this is."

"Gods may be of the level of creation."

Athena and Dastan pouted at the same time.

How does it feel like saying it is the same as not saying... Yi Biao probably consciously said a nonsense, this is not to blame him, this thing is indeed beyond his imagination, he almost did not resist the invasion of the other party, let alone put Come and spy on each other's secrets.

But you should not lose face in front of your daughter and subordinates.

"I don't remember Ooa being this imagination..."

Yi Chou tried to remedy himself.

"...Is there any other well-known creator?"

"Willn't that be..."

Yi Biao was suddenly shocked. He thought of his ultimate enemy. He wouldn't accidentally hit him. He broke into the boss' nest directly...the next moment he regained the idea.

It’s not because here, it’s a superhero world, oaa is more likely, but in the midst of it, Yi Chou has such a feeling.

This is not it, but another existence... Well, probably not the intuition in the middle of the world, but the ghost that the guy above did. She obviously does not like Yi Chou to recognize her as another existence, so in A hint was given.

It is not surprising for a guy like her to do such a thing.

"what is that?"

But just thinking about it arbitrarily... In fact, when he was seriously thinking, Athena suddenly asked again.

This made Yi Chou a little puzzled... How did this guy get out of his heart after entering the pyramid, and how did he feel a lot more stupid, is there really a problem with the plan to create God? No wonder several versions have been updated.

"Did I not say that this is the existence of the level of creation, so I don't know who it is, whether it is sleeping or something else now."

Yi Huo replied.

"Do not……"

Athena shook her head and raised her hand.

"I mean that."

Yi Xiao looked in the direction she knew...and then the corners of her mouth were slightly drawn.

"It's drum by drum, I always have a bad feeling."

Athena said.

"Why didn't you say it early?" Yi Chou nodded.

"I said it long ago."

"I asked at the beginning, what was that, but there is only the big guy in your eyes, and I think the problem with this thing is not small..."

"Of course not small..."

Yi Xiao took a deep breath and rolled his eyes inwardly.

Athena...It was definitely derated~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seems that there is not much time left for him, so Yi Chou took the two to fly there instantly, and came here almost in the blink of an eye In front of things, the crimson energy seemed to leave a channel behind them, condensed into a curved horizontal line.

Yi Xiao floated above this thing, observing it.

It looks like a scar.

It is more like a scar with a scab, the surface is crystal clear, like a ruby ​​crystal, but its area exceeds any one on the earth, even the largest red crystal, because Yi Chou feels that this thing has at least ten Area of ​​a few square meters.

And it is not staring and hard, it is like a life of its own, the surface is slowly and regularly undulating and beating.

The crystal is crystal clear and smooth, like a jelly, trembling slowly, shaking gently, and resembling some kind of existing breathing, undulating and swelling.

More like... a heart?

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