High Magic Earth

Chapter 1830: No script is indispensable for battle

"What a terrible monster."

"Yes, it's really terrible, and it's still fierce. Did you know that I once watched people fighting in the arena against lions, and the lion's eyes are as fierce as it is."

"But the lion is much thinner than it... Ha! It's like a child compared to it."

"Look at its size, it's really big."

There was another admiration next to it.

"Yeah. It has two of me so tall."

"Look at its claws, I think it can tear apart the city gate."

The gates of the Holy City are metal, a material similar to pig iron, but here is the Holy City, most of the gates are still wooden, thick wood, heavy solid wood wrapped with metal skin and so on.

Wood, metal. . These two are actually very different substances, and no matter how hard wood is, it cannot be comparable to metal.

"It's really fierce."

"Yes...very deterrent."

Almost everyone commented on this sudden monster. . It's like it's a doll that can be fooled at will, although not at all.

The height of nearly four meters is almost double for humans with an average height of less than two meters. The cross-sectional increase is also doubled, which greatly enhances its deterrent power.

Humans are visual creatures, and it is always that tall and wide behemoths are definitely more intimidating than simple tall or strong. . This effect is one plus one greater than two.

Even the Neferhot, these mutants from the temple, also set their sights on this terrifying beast.

These slaves are right, this is indeed a very scary and cruel thing, even for the guards of the temple, but. . Does something seem wrong?

Nefihot's instinct seems to be wrong, but. . What is wrong? .

He thought.

Neferhot actually did not realize that what he is doing now is a second-rate cannon fodder for people like him, which is dedicated to the daze and thoughts of death in the danger zone, and then used to set off the protagonist's wit Of ingenuity.

but. . Although Neferhot is doing third-rate cannon fodder, it is still his special mutant power, which is rare and powerful even among mutants. . Saved his life.


The slaves and guards learned to criticize the beasts without even knowing it, and even the guards of the mutants of the temple did not realize what it represented. . Instead, he is also immersed in the comments on the cards.

It wasn't until the purple card was drawn that the slave of the horror beast owner's eyes showed a touch of resentment and anger. With the roar of the beast, they finally awakened, but this is already a bit late.


Move faster than everyone else, the beast itself.

It was like a flash of lightning, a scarlet lightning, and even the blood red color exuding blood. It was rushed out of the place in an instant, and then came to the guard of the temple closest to it in an instant.

This unlucky temple guard is a mutant. . Although it is a mutant, since it belongs to the popular position of shrine guard, it is certainly not very powerful.

His ability is vision, he can let himself see farther, it is the eagle's vision.

This guy's ability must be very powerful in the military, but unfortunately as a member of the temple guards. . There are no large-scale battles here.

Because the temple has no enemies.

Ok. . Maybe it wasn't. After all, is there any apocalypse in the future? If this unlucky kid is not stopped by Athena, it's hard to say.

But even if there is no military brigade, but in ordinary small-scale operations, his ability is certainly extremely practical. Even if there are no large enemies in the temple, there are still small battles.

How to say, it will not be reduced to such a low level of ordinary guards.

unfortunately. . Although he has the vision of an eagle, what is more embarrassing is that he can't zoom freely, that is, he can see things beyond a thousand kilometers, but he can only see one kilometer, which has always been one kilometer.

Whether it is one meter more or one meter less, he will become the same as ordinary people. . It's like being blind, because you can't see anything.

Thanks to his ability to switch on and off freely, when he turns off this ability, he can see what he sees just like ordinary people.

Otherwise, if he can't even see what he sees in front of him, whether he can survive like a normal person is unknown.

Not to mention being selected as the guard of the temple.

From this point of view, he should be a three-level mutant, with weak ability but controllable. . The weaker than the third-level variant is the fourth-level. They are weak and unable to control freely, have defects, and even have a difficult life.

In fact. . There are a large number of mutants, but most of them are third-level and fourth-level mutants, which are weak and useless, even the second-level mutants are few.

For example, the laser eye, the magical woman, they are second-class mutants, they can’t control their appearance, but they have powerful capabilities.

Not to mention the first-class mutants, whose appearance is undoubtedly undoubtedly more controllable and more powerful. .

However, no matter how many levels of mutants this hapless shrine guard is, how far he can look, he certainly does not have much combat power.

After all, what is vision? . It will not be directly reflected in the combat effectiveness. He may not even be able to beat an ordinary person, let alone such a beast.

Facing the beast that was madly rushing, he didn't even have the time to react, nor did he react at all, so stunned for a moment, and then in the next moment, the giant claw of the beast had fallen on him.


The blood mist filled, almost everyone felt their eyes red, the next moment, the smell of the sky filled their noses and throats.


The beast screamed again.

It is not like the ordinary kind of beast. It is uncontrollable to kill by instinct. Each person killed may have to pause and roar for a while. Its movements have not stopped at all.

Like a whirlwind, it continued to ram forward, swiftly striking, and whether it was a slave, an ordinary bodyguard, or a mutant guard blocking it, it was like a piece of paper torn and shattered.

It's like paper.

Needless to say, the slaves and ordinary guards, they have no time to resist, nor can they resist, the monster's movements are almost lightning fast, and the unlucky egg that shattered the temple at first may not be used for a second. . Then he continued to rush towards the crowd.

At this time, there may be people who respond quickly, but even if the nerves react, their bodies can't keep up.

Not everyone has Captain America’s excellent responsive neuropsychic physique, nor is everyone like a protagonist or a speeder with superb power, always able to explode at the most critical juncture. To avoid fatal injuries. .

Human beings possess this kind of potential, but the potential is ultimately potential. Just like geniuses, geniuses that haven't grown up are not geniuses. Potentials that don't break out are not called potentials.

The reason it is called potential is because it may only burst once in tens of millions of people. . Not everyone will succeed.

In fact, most of the actual outbreak potential at the critical moment of life and death is no longer an ordinary person. For example, Yi Chou, his five senses are far more than ordinary people. After he became a free man and awakened the blood of the wizard.

At that time, he could already have this kind of outbreak, but as the five senses increased, the outbreak rate also increased.

And superheroes. . Even ordinary superheroes, after all, have something extraordinary, or some kind of extraordinary powerful force, perhaps pure faith, but even faith, it is no longer a normal field.

. . Otherwise, why would it be called a superhero.

But the guards of these mutants of the temple are obviously not superheroes.


The temple guards screamed that the slaves and guards were like pieces of paper in front of this giant beast, and even it didn't need to deliberately attack. Its brutal claws and fierce impact would tear them into pieces.

Along with the giant beast's way, there were wreckage of amputated limbs behind him, **** flesh on the ground, and dim blood stains on the ground.

And the temple guards did not hold it in front of it for long.

A temple guard who could throw out his finger as a bullet just raised his hand and tried to do something. This fierce beast had already come to him.

The next moment, it sharpened its claws for a while, and the guards around the temple saw his arm and half of his body flying into the sky, and his perspective was rotating more and more.

Another tall temple guard who can jump like a grasshopper was startled by his companion's misfortune. He instinctively bounced his legs in place. . But he was too slow.

The monster rushed over like a train, tearing him up and down in an instant, his legs still in the air, but his body seemed to rise a distance. . There was a scream, this was the last voice he left in the world, and it was something he left more than before others were torn apart.

This is an unknown giant beast rushing over like a cloud. . In a blink of an eye, it will tear all the tears in front of it, the temple guards are instantly reduced by half, and it is even impossible to tell who is who.

No one can stop it.

So there is not much obstruction. . It even rushed in front of Neferhot.

Neferhot also did not respond.

In addition to the special teleportation ability, Neferhot is not much different from ordinary people. There is no such thing as the red devil in the comics. It can be eternally immortal, and has the multi-faceted ability of energy attack and defense. . So he was too late to make any resistance.

In the next moment, he seemed to be torn to pieces like other guards of the temple!

But since as a god's envoy, Nefihot is important to have a strong place, otherwise there are so many devil mutants, why only he is selected alone.

He had no time to react, but it was instinct that was faster than the reaction.

Teleportation is his special ability and his only power. . Therefore, Neferhot had already practiced teleportation as his own instinct.

It's like walking and running on two legs. When you want to move, the first reaction is to raise your legs. This is instinct.

Nefihot changed this instinct. When he wanted to move, his first reaction was not to control what his legs did, but to teleport directly.

He did not choose to walk. . In other words, using legs is not his first choice, teleportation is.

Regardless of distance, he has become accustomed to replacing instinct with teleportation. Only after taking a step or two, he might think a little bit and choose to use his legs to move.

His instinct has changed.

And this is the instinct. . Let him escape.

Facing the galloping beast, Neferhot subconsciously wanted to escape, and if he wanted to escape, then he would be dead.

Because people obviously can't run this thing. . His former guardian of the temple has confirmed this with his life.

But teleport is different.

Teleport is faster than legs!

Nephihut instinctively wants to run, and the moment his brain sends out this information, his instinct allows him to launch his own mutant ability, instantaneously start to teleport, and then. . Disappeared in place.


Almost before the red mist had completely dispersed, the giant beast came, but its power suddenly swayed, and after making a roaring sound with a windy wind, it was suddenly empty in front of it.

This unknown monster was also stunned for a while, apparently did not expect such a situation.

"Call! Call!"

Nephihut panted to the side, breathing heavily.

His heart thumped. . He could even feel the claw that shone coldly and coldly as the giant beast rubbed shoulders with himself.

Almost, almost, he will die!

The fatal threat of life and death made him cold sweat for about three or four seconds before he reacted slightly.

And after he reacted, what followed was surprisingly angry!

"It's him!"

Neferhot suddenly looked up, the slave who had drawn the purple card!

He didn't know why this monster attacked himself~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and he didn't know why he did it, or even whether he did it. . But he doesn't need to know.

Neferhot knew only one thing, and that was all because of the purple card he had drawn.

Kill him and it's over.

Of course, you can also give a bad breath.

Similarly, Neferhot didn't care about dying an ordinary person or anything. Even if his kind died, he didn't care about him. This is not his indifference. Before this millennium without human rights, everyone was like this.

Because living in this era is a luxury.

So in the next moment, Neferhot's figure flickered and moved behind the slave, and the sharp dagger fell silently into his hands, as if he were an invisible ghost assassin. . Silently thrust the dagger into the slave's back.

Just like the countless people he killed.


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