High Magic Earth

Chapter 1867: Driving must be standardized

of course. . Not long ago, at the CIA base, Yi Huo also seemed to see something interesting, perhaps. .

"I heard some news."

"The next plan may change."

"How to do?"

Athena immediately understood that this should be caused by Yi Biao's mouth and found the so-called unexpected surprise in the CIA base.

Of course, she really wanted to know what news Yi Biao knew, but she was bothered back by Yi Biao twice, and she didn't want to ask the third time.

Unexpectedly, Yi Huo paused a little and even told her the answer.

"The mutants have begun to reverse the future."

"It seems that we are very loud in the later period, and we have forced Wolverine back from the future."

Athena froze for a moment, and immediately understood the meaning of Yi Chou.


It is not the first time that mutants have reversed the future. In the original plot, in the original timeline, the future of the mutant has come to an end, that is, the first mutant world entered by Yi Biao and others.

The world of sentinel robots.

Mankind captured the Witchgirl in 1973. At that time, Witchcraft was trying to assassinate Terrasco while he was at the time. He was the happiest among the mutants and tried to organize an anti-mutant Human sentinel plan.

The assassination was successful, but the magic woman was also arrested.

But the sentinel plan did not stop completely because of Trasco's death, but because of the assassination of the magic woman, let the human being fully aware of the danger of the mutants, and began to fully pass the sentinel plan.

The sentinel plan is a plan to develop a sentinel robot.

Trasco has actually built the prototype of the sentinel robot, otherwise he has nothing to persuade the military and greedy parliamentarians, but the sentinel robot is still a little bit worse.

Although it does not use metal, it can avoid the control of Magneto, endurance, high temperature and cold resistance materials, which can avoid related injuries in this regard, but in the face of some unusually powerful variants, it will still fall into the disadvantages.

It is still immature.

Until. . The magic-shaped girl was captured.

Her existence couldn't fill in the last piece of the puzzle that the sentinel robot lacked.

Because of her blood.

The magical woman can change into the appearance of others at will, and after her blood is analyzed and becomes a part of the sentinel robot, it becomes the power to copy the mutants at will.

This. . It is the basis for sentinel robots to crush all mutants.

Although the Magic Woman escaped later, the Sentinel robot has been developing in secret. The Magneto and the professors love each other every day. The Sentinel robot continues to develop in secret. The Magneto Wang makes trouble in the society of ordinary people. The Sentinel robot continues to develop in secret. Magneto continues to fall in love with the professor, and the sentinel robot is still secretly developing.

finally. . More than ten years later, the sentinel robot that evolved into a complete body came out of the mountain and absorbed the ability to simulate several mutants. They began to be almost invincible.

When any mutant faces the sentinel, they will find a way to restrain them. Within a few years, the mutant has fallen into desperation.

. . Also includes humans.

Sentinel robots are made to fight mutants, so they have the function of detecting mutant genes from the beginning.

In fact, most humans have recessive mutant genes, because the birth of mutants can be traced back to the Apocalypse era at least thousands of years ago.

In the long time, with the continuous intermarriage and union, the mutants have long been entangled with humans.

If you want to test this gene, almost all humans belong to the reserve of the mutants. If they have nothing to do with the mutants, they may not even reach 0.1%.

In addition to the control of some intentional people, in the later period, the sentry robot is no longer just for mutants, but for everyone.

The real end.

At the last minute, the professor and Magneto and others joined together to save the last power, protect Wolverine, and let the phantom cat pass Wolverine's consciousness through time and space to connect Wolverine before 1973.

By preventing the action of the magical woman, the passage of the sentry plan is prevented, and at the same time, the magical woman must be rescued from being caught by humans, analyzing the blood, and then reversing the end of the future.

then. . They succeeded.

The sentinel robot disappeared, because the plan was not approved at the beginning, even if Trasko secretly manufactured for a period of time, and because of the lack of continuous analysis of the blood of the magic woman, and finally no full sentinel robot appeared.

Of course, although the doomsday future of the sentinel robot was ended, in the timeline after the reversal, the mutant's end came to the end.

But this time is not the end of the world, just the mutants.

With the passage of time, Professor Charles, who is known as the world’s strongest brain, can’t escape the cycle of birth and death. As he ages, he suffers from Alzheimer’s disease, which is dementia. In the process of being confused sometimes, his psychic abilities broke out uncontrollably, almost destroying the entire Xavier College.

Including several X-Men deaths.

And although the sentinel robots are gone, and the trasco companies that make them are gradually falling, the new enemy Essex is slowly rising.

Although they did not manufacture sentinel robots like the Trasco company, they secretly made medicines targeting mutants and suppressing mutants' genes, put them in seawater, and added them to various foods.

This directly caused the declining births of mutants for decades, and even the occurrence of mutant faults.

In the end, the number of global mutants. . It has reached almost a handful.

This is also a kind of doomsday, only belongs to the end of the mutants.

although. . It seems cruel, but in a sense, it seems to be a good thing for ordinary people.

In fact, there is no need to worry about the mutants, because although it seems that the future is irreversible, no matter what the mutants do, they seem to be unable to escape the fate of extinction, but this is not the case.

Because even without Wolverine, they still have Qin Gelei.

The dc next door has the Flash, and the mutants have Black Phoenix here. The Flash restarts the timeline from time to time, and the Black Phoenix on this side is not bad.

Anxious to restart the universe directly, everyone finished playing together.

So this group of mutants has to reverse the future, which is a big event that even the clamor has to pay attention to.

Athena naturally knew the importance of this matter.

"What should I do."

She immediately asked.

"You don't need to do anything."

Yi Xiao looked at her with loving eyes, it felt like looking at his own bear child. . It seems to be true in a sense.

Athena: . .

"What kind of eyes are you?"

Yi arrogant shook his head, quiet tone.

"Actually Wolverine has returned to the present, then Professor X already knows everything. Under Professor X's precautions against the future, any actions and thoughts of you will be clearly seen by him."

"Professor X has a bottom line, but in the face of the outcome of the mutant genocide, this bottom line may also be pushed again and again."

Athena was silent for a moment, and found that Yi Chou's words really made sense.

And she also realized why Yi Biao did not want to tell her this thing at first, because as long as she knew this matter, she would be informed by Professor X that they already knew the risk of Wolverine coming back from the future.

"Then why did you sue..."

Yi Xiao interrupted her with a finger.

"I tell you, it doesn't mean you can remember."

Athena's expression was awkward. After all, the goddess of wisdom seemed to penetrate the truth of the matter in an instant, that is, what was about to happen, but she had not waited for her to express something.

Because she heard Yi Chou say, "There is no possibility between the two of us, whether it is from identity or emotion, please remember this."

At the next moment, Yi Xiao gently raised her hand and pointed her finger at her forehead at a speed that Athena could not escape.


Yi Chou whispered in the language dedicated to the silver tongue.

Athena's expression immediately loosened, her eyes began to shrug, and her head seemed weak.

"Drip! Didi!"

Suddenly a car whistle came from the front.

Yi Xuan raised his head and glanced, then put his hand on Athena's shoulder again. At the next moment, the two collapsed like a gravel, interlaced with each other along Yi Xuan's arms, and then repositioned in their respective positions. Continue to sit down.

But this time, Yi Xiao was sitting in the cab, while Athena was in the co-pilot, her head leaning against the back of the chair, lethargic.


Yi Chou calmed down the horn as well, skillfully turned the steering wheel, pressed the accelerator under his feet, and turned the head back from the almost retrograde midline.

The horn awakened Athena.

She didn't realize that she was asleep at all. In her impression, she was just like a stunned god, dazed for a short moment.

"Relax, although the plan has changed, it is not a big change. The general direction will not change. What needs to be adjusted is just some small details."

Athena froze for a few seconds before she seemed to recall the cause and effect.

Yes. . Just now Yi Xiao said that he heard some news that the plan might change, so she asked what to do.

. . Well, there seems to be nothing wrong, but, but why does it always feel wrong.

In doubt, Athena nodded silently, indicating that she knew.

There was a moment of stiffness in the atmosphere, and then suddenly, Athena asked abruptly as if thinking of something.

"Isn't I just driving?"

Yi Xiao glanced at her.


Athena immediately felt trance-free, there was nothing wrong with it, and there was nothing suspicious, because it was still the familiar tone of familiarity!

Indeed, as a god, her age is indeed very large in the eyes of human beings, and she easily crosses thousands of years, but she has not reached the level of old confusion.

Because by the standard of the gods, she can still be a beautiful young girl!

Athena gave Yi Chou a fierce glance, then stopped talking.


The off-road vehicle stopped in front of the stairs of the World Trade Center, and Yi Chou and Athena stepped down from the car. This is the last stop of the second stage, after the visit here. . But it is about to enter the third stage.

. . .

The CIA is temporarily affiliated with the mutants' base.

As Charles and others left, the base was quiet again.

Reversing the future is a matter of great importance, and more importantly, the Destiny Card Company will be officially launched soon, and there will not be much time left for them.

In the original plot, the CIA did not put much pressure on the fate card company. After all, the CIA and a company. . The two are not in a directly related field at all, and it is the business department that really manages these things.

And the business sector and some related fields did indeed bring certain pressure and some resistance to Destiny Card Company at the beginning.

But in the end, as this kind of resistance was eroded a little bit, almost all departments gradually began to defect to the Destiny Card Company, and finally the Destiny Card was completely born.

This is not surprising. After all, Charles, as the second generation of wealth, is very clear that this is a society of interest.

As long as enough time is given to the Destiny Card Company, they slowly take out their interests to win over allies, then these people will of course choose to become allies of the Destiny Card Company before they know what Destiny Card is, or their true face. Without blocking.

and so. . They need to tell the CIA the truth of the matter this morning, so that they are vigilant in advance, and once the CIA is vigilant, knowing that the senior of the Destiny Card Company is even an alien, then from the perspective of the chain reaction, the whole thing may be It will be very different.

And this matter is naturally the sooner the better.

So I didn't even care about comforting Eric's injured heart. After listening to Logan's whole story, Charles directly took Moira and the foundation manager to the CIA base.

Even thinking and finishing are done in the car.

With the departure of Charles and others, everyone else returned to their newly assigned room. After all, these things are still a big shock for them.

What aliens, future people, mutants doomsday~www.wuxiaspot.com~ These things are indeed chaotic enough.

Of course, they did not want to continue to get together, or even let Logan continue to talk about the future, such as what the future looks like, what their respective futures are, and so on. . But Logan was rushed back one by one directly.

Logan, who doesn't talk too much, isn't irritating.

In addition to these new ones, they are not very young and are completely young variants, and Magneto Eric is no exception.

He left early halfway, sulking, not knowing where to stay in the base.

Logan thought about it and didn't go to him. The boss is not a small man. He is still a future mutant, and he can't lose it! And they didn't deal with it, so he didn't bother to touch this bad thing.

After sending these young men back to the room, Logan piled his comfortable feet on the table, leaned back, took out a few bottles of beer, and began to watch TV leisurely.

His message has been brought, and the rest depends on Charles and others. . In the following, you only need to be in charge of desperation.

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