High Magic Earth

Chapter 1903: Intermission: Mr. Glass (33)

Kevin froze for a moment.

The beast Kevin's personality has no IQ, just like a nine-year-old child, but as the master personality, his IQ is absolutely no problem.

It is a little weaker in character, and belongs to the type of abandoned house that is bullied by the campus.

He soon realized that Ilya was coming out of the black box...not surprisingly, according to that person, this was just a weird transformation experiment, not that they were kept in the black box like prisoners, so Ilya After all, he will come out of the black box.

Of course, the premise is that the experiment is successful.

And now it seems that the experiment is undoubtedly a success, but Kevin does not know whether he should be happy for Ilya or something...

But the good news is that Ilya still looks like a person.

Yes, Kevin feels that his description is not wrong. After all, David has a lesson in front of him. He came out of the black box and turned into a monster.

Then there is death.

Kevin didn't have much contact with David, and it was far from being an elder friend for more than a decade like Ilya and David. David only had a brief encounter with him in order to stop the beast Kevin.

But that was also an acquaintance, watching the familiar person was so familiar at the last moment, and turned into a completely strange terrible monster the next moment, and then completely disappeared in this world... This is not a good experience.

Kevin was afraid, of course he was afraid, and normal people would be afraid, which is why he followed Cassei to run out immediately.

Fortunately, Ilya succeeded now, and finally there is a successful example, otherwise if Ilya fails again, Kevin really does not know what to do.

Defiance... Certainly you can't resist, otherwise if the first two companions fail, then you are going to die or try your luck.

Although in Kevin's eyes, there seems to be no difference between these several options, that is, none of them end well.

Fortunately, there is no worst case.

Kevin stared at Ilya for a few more times... presumably trying to observe whether he was still a human, or some kind of monster disguised, for example, there was actually a tail hidden behind him.

But none.

Ilya is still the same as before, with the kind of exaggerated smile that looks like a beating. Although it may seem unpleasant, it is ultimately a human kind.

Kevin was slightly relieved.

But obviously... Ilya did not intend to let him go so easily.

While Kevin stared at Ilya, Ilya had been watching Kevin, but there was no other expression, just like a very friendly communication... This made Kevin not aware of anything strange.

It was only at the next moment that Ilya suddenly gave Kevin a grin, and then...

"Run! Kevin! Run!"

Kevin froze for a moment.

This is Cassei's voice, and Kai Wen can turn his gaze to Cassei, only to find that it is not her that seems to make the noise.

She was standing next to Yi Chou, her mouth closed deadly... It can be seen that she did not seem to close her mouth voluntarily, but was closed by Yi Chou by some means, even her whole person, Maybe they were all imprisoned... from the expression that she stared at Yi Ao as if she could not wait to tear him up.

But Cassei also seemed to hear Cassei's voice... This description is very strange, but in fact, her eyes began to roll in the next moment, desperately staring at Kevin.

I looked at him for a while, and then looked at Yi Chou, or the direction of Ilya, anyway, my eyes kept squinting.

Kevin took a corner of his mouth.

To be honest, he didn't see the meaning of Cassei, but this is not to blame him, I am afraid even the old couple with a tacit understanding will not understand what it means to behave like an eye cramp.

Not to mention him...

Well, even so, Kevin actually figured out what Cassei wanted to express because he realized the problem from another angle.

Cassei... didn't seem to speak, nor could he speak.

So who is speaking?

"Kevin! Where are you looking, look here!"

The voice said again.

Following the direction of the voice, this time Kevin finally found the target... but it might as well not.

Because he saw with some horror that the person who made the noise was not Cassei, but it was not anyone else. It was Ilya who came out of the black box! ...

The atmosphere fell silent.

Yi arrogantly flicked his wand, reinforced the surrounding fire ring wall, and let them re-raise up to a height of two or three meters. The sputtered tongue of fire instantly detected the four meters high of the group of soldiers outside. The instrument instantly burned to ashes.

Well, it's quiet.

Inside the ring of fire, Kevin stared quietly at Ilya again.

Just like when the two of them looked at each other... but this time it was replaced by Kevin's inexplicable expression. Of course, Ilya was still the sloppy smile.

Kasai’s voice came from Ilya, or Ilya imitated Kasai’s voice.

It's not just listening to the imitation like it, but it's wonderful, almost exactly the same, it's fake, it sounds like Cassei is talking!

Similarly, Ilya is staring at Kevin's reaction, as if expecting him to be angry, unacceptable, etc.


Kevin's expression was a little weird. He was not angry, nor did he have an unacceptable reaction to the collapse of the three views, but he looked at Ilya...and Yi Chou slightly hesitantly.

"So the seemingly dangerous transformation...is that you can learn to talk to women?"


The wand in Yi Chou's hands, and even the spell that imprisoned Kasai's spell, let go of the effect, causing Kasai's direct laughter without giving face.

And Ilya was stiff.

"No, this is..."

For a moment, Ilya did seem to panic...but he deserved to be a loyal superhero comic fan, and in the next moment, he calmed down again.

This kind of misunderstanding, and then the bridge section of the self-exposure ability appears in the story of the superhero is not too normal, it is just like to adjust the atmosphere.

But he, he would not go the comet route.

So... Ilya stopped her mouth decisively, and then replaced her with an unpredictable and exaggerated expression.

"Okay, my countrymen...you don't understand this power yet."

"But it doesn't matter, you will know soon."

Ilya regained her original voice and said leisurely.

"It's up to you next."

"Hopefully you will succeed."

"Otherwise I am the only one...but I will be alone."

Kevin didn't know how to respond.

Now he is not as cowardly as before, because the power will bring courage, at least in bullying the weak is undoubted.

Kevin really can't beat Yi Chou, even a lot, but that is compared with Yi Chou. For ordinary people, he can still bully, which is the so-called bullying weak.

What's more, Kevin's cowardice is not a mental illness. Although he is a typical mental illness with split personality, cowardice is not.

Although Kevin is much better than when he was bullied as a child, he is still introverted, not speaking or not speaking.

He had very few words. When he met a guy like Ilya, he didn't know how to communicate. He wasn't a beast. His IQ was only nine.

Kevin and Ilya soon fell silent.

In fact, Yi Yao probably knows about Ilya's ability. The reason why he knows it is because every external appearance **** created by the God-creating plan, what his ability is, will be known to Yi Yao.

But the reason is probably... because the ability can be continuously tapped.

For example, Yoshioka Nobuko’s ability is a bone. This ability may seem simple at first glance, but as long as you think of it as being very similar to a certain blood-border limit, you can imagine how many kinds of abilities it can be developed. .

This is not something Yi Biao can control. The same kind of ability will be different in everyone's hands. The ability and strength of the development ability depends solely on the appearance of the god.

Of course, the appearance is the power of arrogance. He naturally cannot let them cherish their brooms as if they were Gu Gu, and do not communicate with each other. If there are similar powers, the developed things will definitely interoperate, but even so, the ability is also It will vary.

But it is clearly not a good time to discuss what Ilya is capable of.

Seeing that Ilya and Kevin's narrative seemed to come to an end, Yi Chou waved his wand, and the black box not far away reopened the cover, facing Kevin.


"It's your turn."

Yi Huo said...

Outside the ring of fire, the colonel was somewhat impatient.

At first, the tragedy of the soldier really scared him and calmed everyone around him and the command center, but after a few minutes, after briefly expressing condolences to the warrior, they began to move.

The simple flame is obviously not frightening them.

But only one person was burnt to death... The number of people who died in a war may be several tens of thousands of times now. What can they withdraw and fear?

Human beings are originally creatures with honey and self-confidence. They are greedy or progressive, and they will not always be safe and contented with the status quo.

It didn't take long for them to stop fearing the ring of fire and toss their sacrifices away, and began to try to find a way...to cross this flame line.

But this is obviously not easy.

They tested many conventional physical methods, such as liquid fire extinguishing, sand and fire extinguishing, or other chemically-made flame retardants.

But there is no doubt that they all have the same ending, that is, they are completely burned out, and no trace of ashes is left.

The same applies to the water sprayed from the high-pressure water gun.

The exhaustion of conventional physical means immediately brought things back to a deadlock. At the beginning, they did not expect that all physical means would have no effect... Of course, not all of this world, but at least they are known, And can do it.

They admit that it is undoubtedly a very stupid choice to let people directly explore the path at the beginning, but it is that they have obviously been stunned. After calming down, they will naturally choose other methods to extinguish the fire.

Indeed, the strange anomaly of this flame, and can not feel the temperature, or even feel the burning, it is not something that technology can explain, but the physical means... there will be no effect at all.

Certainly it will still work.

They naturally know that they need to be mentally prepared for the worst, but people are like that. There is always a fluke, so with such thoughts, they are not very alarmed.

Unfortunately, reality gave them a punch.

Physical means are completely ineffective, this thing is not like a flame at all, just burn everything, and everything else is ignored, even if it is some kind of supernatural power... It is too much to explain.

They admit that the supernatural existence cannot be explained by scientific and technological theories and known logic, but it does not mean that it cannot be explained at all.

The known logic is insufficient, and there is still unknown, but this...

Well, the existing physical fire extinguishing methods are ineffective, and they dare not continue to let people venture into it, which has long caused the collection of valuable data, and furthermore, there is no other good way.

As time passed, the colonel began to become more and more irritable, and the command center was almost the same. The only thing that was not in a hurry was the soldiers nearby... they had nothing to worry about, as long as they did not let their faces look at the flames, they would not Panic.

Sighing in exasperation, the colonel walked around the wall uncontrollably.

"There is no other way?"

He stopped and asked several researchers who had just been mobilized.

The colonel didn't know what they were doing at this time. It seemed to be collecting parameters around all kinds of strange instruments. It was like a wizard in his mouth.

But obviously...

Hearing the Colonel's inquiry, one of the talents was reluctant, and he seemed to take the time out of his busy schedule, and he didn't get angry.

"No, maybe you have any good suggestions to mention!"

After talking about it, he continued to lower his head and tinker with the instruments. It seems that the machine in his hand is more important than the fire extinguisher... it is indeed more important.

Their mission is to cooperate with the colonel’s actions, but it is impossible to spend precious time here when the actions are obviously blocked. It is most important to collect some of the data that is available~www.wuxiaspot.com~The colonel has After so many action experiences, he can probably see that he didn't lose his temper with these people, but his face became worse.

Although the command center is also looking at the situation here and is fully aware of the current predicament, but the chief person in charge of this operation is him, then the responsibility is his!

Until now, it seems to be in a state of nothing...this is failure!

No, it can't continue like this.

But what should I do, this **** wall of fire keeps them from the outside, I am afraid that it is useless even to fill it with human life!


But when the colonel was at a loss, the ghost fire wall that blocked them outside suddenly shook a bit, and rose up two or three meters high, and then the clusters of tongues of fire seemed to evaporate themselves. In the blink of an eye, just Disappeared without a trace.

Between the colonel and the others staring at each other, their front turned into an empty space without obstruction...a smooth road.

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