High Magic Earth

Chapter 1962: The basic operation of the villain

"It's been so long... Are you still playing Magic Mirror Magic Mirror tell me this trick?"

Seeing Yi Chou holding the crystal ball on a purple cushion, Athena leaned against the door, his expression lazy.

"Power doesn't need to be formal or formal."

Yi Chou straightened the crystal ball without looking back.

Now he has mastered countless magic, especially the silver tongue, this ability has almost brought him unlimited possibilities.

If you want to divide it carefully, you can still divide it into three categories, that is, the Harry Potter spell system that Yi Xao was exposed to as a novice, as well as the mid-term energy magic, and the silver tongue now used.

In theory, the silver tongue can do everything, covering the first two, but the use of the silver tongue is very troublesome after all, even if Yi Xiao uses the silver tongue to create many convenient ability branches, such as rapid alchemy, silver tongue special magic Pronunciation, tales of silver tongue mantras, etc. . But it is still very cumbersome.

Many things can be done by some other means. There is no need to be unconstrained and linguistic. Flexible selection is the only way to make sure. . There is no point in competing for strength.

For example, in life, Yi Piao prefers the magic of Harry Potter. They are not very strong in combat, but they have natural convenience in life. The road of the world is originally a bit biased. Battle magic occupies half of the country.

And now. . Yi Xiao needs to use the combined magic of the silver tongue and the other two.

A positioning technique.

Combined with the dark magic mark of the Harry Potter world, the real name curse, and a kind of magic of the prophetic magic of Oz.

As the name implies, its role is to locate, but it is different from reading the name of the Dark Lord by the Dark Lord. . This kind of magic only needs to be in contact with Yi Xiao. Any contact, whether it is visual or real, will be instantly noticed by Yi Xiao.

It is a forward positioning, not a reverse positioning.

Of course, it is not easy to improve similar magic. Although Yi Chou can do it, I am afraid it will take a few weeks or even half a month, just like scientific research.

Waste time on auxiliary magic like this. . Obviously not suitable.

But the appearance of the silver tongue has changed all this. It does not take a few months, no long research and experiments, and as long as a perfect story, everything is completed.

So it is a combination of silver tongue and three other magic.

This magic can help Yi Huo locate the two witches and succeed in positioning. No matter where they flee, even if they leave this world, they will be sensed by Yi Huo. Of course, the premise is that they have some contact with Yi Huo, any form of contact .

So what I want to do next is. . This condition is fulfilled.

Gases began to appear inside the crystal ball, and the lilac gas slowly rose like steam. They wandered inside the sphere, colorful and like a mist in the forest. From the outside, it had a psychedelic color .

The mist quickly began to spin quickly, forming a small vortex in the middle, and countless black shadows flashed in the vortex, as if it was a horse-drawn lantern. . Eventually it stopped quickly.

Two blurry black shadows appear inside the crystal ball, as if the lens is zoomed in, they are getting bigger and bigger in the crystal ball, but they are still very blurry, but at the same time, the purple mist that is rotating is also Like finding the pool water of the catharsis outlet, he rushed towards the two shadows instantly.

They seemed to be transformed into a patterned satin, and they twirled into the dark shadows. After a while, the entire crystal ball became completely clean again.

Not to mention the purple mist, even the two shadows are gone.

"It's done."

Yi Xiao said.

"Then I should say congratulations?"

Glancing at the increasingly skinned Athena, Yi arrogantly said.

"Action tonight, you go with me... the others stay here."


Athena performed a nondescript rite, and then turned around and left happily. . Probably to inform the rest.

Yi Xiao was left with himself in the room. He knocked on the transparent crystal that had turned into an ordinary crystal ball, and fell into contemplation.

Initially came to the mutant world, mainly to submerge and assimilate Loki. . She occupies a very important position in Yi Chou's future plans.

And this Rocky is still a woman. Although women are more fickle and moody than men, Yi Chou is not about to fall in love with her. These issues are not a cause for concern. In any case, women are more emotional than men. Compared to other evil **** Loki. . Better deal with it.

But recently, he seems to have neglected questions about Loki. . Because the mutant really deserves to be a mutant, a big shot is a big event!

In addition to assimilating Loki, Yi Biao’s second purpose is to find enough mutant helpers, that is, the experimental materials of the God Creation Project, the Magical Girl, Magneto, and even Professor X and so on. . In the end, Yi Chao will not let go.

Experimental fate cards and data collection are secondary, but for now, not only does he reverse the primary and secondary, the mutants' rebound and confrontation also seem to be greater than expected.

The former is an arrogant mistake, without Lucy reminding and assisting him, he is still as easily distracted as before, while the latter. . There is no way for the latter to be arrogant. Who would have thought that the mutants would restart the timeline and reverse the future without saying a word!

And it also involves witches, wizards and mysterious sides. .

Hell, isn't this the home of the new human beings? Why are there other wizards appearing? Yi Chou is biased that some kind of wizard has got the ability to freely travel through the world like himself, and hope so.

After all, if it were other possibilities, things might be more troublesome.

But no matter what, we must understand things now.


A clue suddenly came from the record library of Destiny Card, awakening Yi Chou from contemplation. He picked up the book of New York created by the Silver Tongue to record all information, and turned to the Destiny Card Company. One page.

"Is there finally a golden card?"

Yi Xiao looked at the number of golden cards in the record library from 0 to 1, and sighed. Without moving for so long, he would think that there are too many ordinary humans in this world to be able to give birth to golden cards.

Fortunately. .

Yi Xiao put the book away again. The card is not important. After all, he created it. Although the golden card has a lot of magic and even comparable to the rule-level power, his silver tongue can also do it.

It's like the first golden card, the one that was born in the Age of Apocalypse, it's a book, a book that can be answered by asking questions.

Not to mention that it seems to be somewhat similar to the Dark God Book, Yi Yi's silver tongue can do this by itself, whether it is to use the silver tongue to get the answer to the question, or to use the silver tongue to directly create a similar book.

It's just that using the silver tongue will be very troublesome, and you need to rewrite a set of stories, and fate cards. . It is equivalent to a silver tongue that already has a complete story, and will save a lot of time.

You know, even with the help of Lucy, creating a qualified silver tongue story to use the various power branches of silver tongue figuration is quite time-consuming.

Lucy spent most of her time on it.

This is also one of the main functions of Destiny Cards. . But there are also disadvantages, that is, it is uncontrollable, and Yi Chou cannot determine what fate cards will be born, so he does not care about those golden cards, they are just reserves.

Now, it is better to care about the two unknown witches.

La Nina woke up from her sleep.

She didn't sleep well last night, or since the apocalypse arrived, she and Sammi Keiko had to share some of their energy to guard against the apocalypse.

Charles and Eric are actually naive. . Especially Eric’s good old people are different. Apocalypse is really a true variant of the main battle group, or the kind of strong action, direct hands-on.

They had to beware.

As a descendant of the bloodline of Benu Bird, La Nina has better physical fitness than the average human being. Although there is no ridiculous strength, it is enough to support her for a few nights, not to mention, she is not without rest.

Even so, she was a bit tired, not mentally exhausted, but a little bit tired.

Pushing the door open, Charles and others didn't get up. Only Logan sat on the sofa drinking sullen wine. As an undead, he was equally energetic.


La Nina said hello.

Logan lifted a beer bottle to La Nina and considered it a response.

After taking half a box of unfinished pizza from the refrigerator, La Nina was about to put it in the microwave, and the blood of Benu Bird began to send dangerous signals to her in bursts.

In the next moment, La Nina felt that her head was pulled away from the chaos, as if she was pulled out of the pumping washing machine. The whole person had never been sober.

She paused, looked at the pizza in her hand, and then asked.

"What about Stryker."

"Who is Stryker?"

Logan hiccupped.

La Nina raised her head again and glanced at the strange and familiar environment around her. Almost instantly, Occlusion closed her completely.


She shouted loudly.

The entire mutant school seemed to be awakened by her, and there was commotion in various rooms, but listening to La Nina's ear was like a devil's whisper.


She shouted again.

"what happened."

Keiko Yamami walked out of a room beside him silently and asked coldly.

La Nina didn't say a word, hit her with a crush of her bones, Shan Mei Keiko frowned, the spell had been bounced back by her again, La Nina stroked her wand again, the spell did not have time to explode in the air, just a turn, Fly again to the next Logan.


Logan was hit by a spell and turned into a cloud of black mist and disappeared.

"Brain closure, fast!"

La Nina shouted.

Yamami Keiko responded quickly. As a monster, her bloodline power is not as advanced as that of La Nina Benu bird, and it belongs directly to the bloodline branch of a god, so at first, she did not notice the abnormality.

Half a minute ago, she still remembered that she and La Nina entered the world of X-Men 2, trying to find the leech at an earlier time point, get his blood and genes to go back to research, and now the two are On the timeline of Stryker's team raid Xavier Talent Academy.

Although she vaguely felt something was wrong. . But specifically, she couldn't tell.

Although the bloodline of Yamami Keiko is not the same as La Nina, warning her of danger and even helping her break free, but her combat experience is very rich.

Hearing La Nina's warning, no, even before La Nina had the time to warn, she immediately started her own closed brain surgery.

In the next moment, she had recalled everything.


"First battle!"

She and La Nina spoke two keywords that were booked in advance.

"Damn illusion."

La Nina muttered, but Yamami Keiko said.

"No, not illusion, but dream."

Yes, it is a dream.

This dream is very real and very clever. Even if it is not her and La Nina's bloodline that have prophecy, and the related abilities of the soul and soul, they may really be successful.

The creator of this dream is very clever. It silently bypassed the two people's closed brain surgery and used their own thinking to create a dream.

Hank's inhibitory agent ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Apocalypse's potential to stimulate the ability of leech mutants to human genes and cells. . These are all secrets within the origin meeting, and no one knows it except their own.

But the founders of this dream have used their own memory and thinking to create a dream that has reached the point where it is true and true and false.

I am unaware of my mistakes. . This is the most common sentence that people say when they shirk their responsibilities, and the concept of dreams is the same.

I didn't realize that this was a dream I forged, a dream.

And if they do not realize that they are dreaming, then they are in danger next.

At this time, although the closed brain was bypassed by the other party, it is still functioning. It is like a cage. The outside world can use some means to drill in, but it does not mean that you can drill out of the cage because maybe Being able to drill into the cage is only because of its small size and ability to pass through the gap.

And the things in the cage. . Obviously, it is impossible to pass through the gap, otherwise the cage will be meaningless.

But if they do not realize that they are dreaming, the cage is likely to be opened by them before they realize it, let alone secrets at that time, their brains are completely exposed, and life and death are only instantaneous.

Closure of the brain is indeed a layer of protection, but for this attack, it is obviously not enough.

Thanks to their blood power.

Bloodline power reminded La Nina that she fully turned on Occupational Brain surgery, which was equivalent to switching Occupational Brain surgery from autonomous defense mode to active defense mode in her sleep. When the intensity of the closure increased, she immediately cut off the dream. contact.

The other party's method is very clever, but apparently did not expect that she and Yamami Keiko will have such blood power. . Can make them wake up and break free.

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