High Magic Earth

Chapter 1965: Just like dawn. .

In addition to the key figures such as Tian Qi and Rui Wen, the others were almost here, including Stricker who got the news the second time, and Kennedy who was awakened by his men. . No one like Alex has been able to take care of them for the time being, but there are also those with lighter sleep who hear the sound and come out in a hurry, such as Darwin.

"what happened?"

Rui Wen was called in a hurry, his face still a little dazed.

But Emma's eyes swept and her complexion changed, and she realized the reason for the matter.

"The situation has changed, and you will start now."

Apocalypse as the mainstay of the presence, this time deservedly stood up.


Rui Wen is still a little confused, but the battle-hardened Asazo and Emma are ready. They made eye contact with Xiao and saw that Xiao nodded at them.

"Wish you guys good luck."

The three people in the original plan were all ready, and the apocalypse did not say much, nodded directly at them, and signaled that they could act. They did not speak at all.

. . Of course, Raven as a rookie is probably not ready yet, but now there is no time.


Standing on the spot, Charles looked at Raven and seemed to want to say something, but after a slow shot, he finally realized what was the situation now. Raven was also a little flustered, but unfortunately she hadn't waited for her to talk to Charles. As a blessing, Assazo next to him had already grabbed Emma and her arm.


The next moment again, a red mist burst on the spot, and the three of them had disappeared.

"..be careful."

Charles took a deep breath again, but still put his worries in his heart, hope, everything went well.

Dawn is approaching, and the murderous opportunity appears.

. . .

Outside the base, the dawn is spreading out from the horizon.

"Sir, will anyone really attack us?"

"be quiet."

After three seconds.

"Sir, are those unwilling polar bears?"

"be quiet!"

After three seconds.


This time, without waiting for him to continue asking questions, his chief turned around.

"Rookie, tell me how you were selected."

"Reporter! I have improved the latest model of the T550's communication station to make our encryption..."

"So, communication soldier, right?"

At the forefront of the base, on the second floor, a control room that monitors all outer defense circles, a total of fifteen technicians and defense personnel stay in their respective positions.

It was the highest person in charge here, a sergeant, and a recruit who had just been added in less than half a day.

To be precise, he shouldn't have joined them. They are the special department that Kennedy ordered Stryker to be responsible for and set up to deal with this mutant event.

And this unlucky egg reported. . It should be this base, not them.

It was just because the enemy raided the last base that they immediately moved, temporarily moved here, and took over here. . Then the unlucky egg ran up.

So he stayed indifferently.

He does not belong here, nor should he fight with them.

"Uh, I'm not a communications soldier, sir. To be precise, I am a technician and a research team."

"Technical communications soldier."

"Sir, I don't..."

"Good boy!"

The sergeant interrupted the hapless conversation.

"I am your chief, what I say is what."

"Now, don't explain what an idiot you are. If you open your eyes, the enemy may attack us at any time!"

"Trust me, the enemy is not the crazy polar bear, nor the Vietnamese, it is a hundred times more terrible than those bastards."

"If you still want to see your beloved girl, then open your eyes and pay attention to the enemies!!!"

The sergeant's Tumo Xingzi flew to the hapless face. . The latter was deterred by the former's momentum for a while, and he was speechless.

And after a long paragraph of spraying, the sergeant took a deep breath and let himself slow down.

But he hadn't evened out in one breath, and the hapless egg said weakly again.

"Yes sir, but sir, I don't have a beloved girl..."

"To shut up!"

"And... stay away from me."

The sergeant almost didn't come up in a single breath, shouting at the unlucky egg angrily.

The others in the control room were snickering secretly. They were all Stryker holding Kennedy's orders, and they were tuned in various elite departments and teams. Each one was an elite. . Even technical talents.

They have been monitoring the peripheral defense warning for more than 20 hours. Although they changed their shifts once, but because this is a temporary base, their working hours are still very tight because of the shortage of manpower.

This makes them very tired.

The conversation between the unlucky egg and their chief clearly brought a witty effect to the atmosphere. . It can make them have a bit of joy in their suffering.

I really hope that time can continue like this.

It is a pity that only five seconds passed. . The unlucky egg said again.

"Sir, I heard you said it just now...not her and him."

Because these three personal pronouns are pronounced differently in their language, it is easy to tell.

The sergeant was rarely silent.

Here, including him and others, only belong to Stryker, following Kennedy's order, they are very clear what they will face, and even some people have already experienced fighting with the enemy.

But this young unlucky egg. . he does not know.

He shouldn’t have been here. He didn’t come to report to them, but to the people who were originally stationed in this base. He was just mistakenly involved, and he was not a combatant, but a technician.

"Yes, it is."

The sergeant was rarely serious.

"They are a group of monsters, you don't need to hesitate to encounter them, just attack directly, but if it's you, I suggest you run directly."

"The speed of this group of monsters is very fast. In fact, you can't make a counterattack when facing them... it's better to run away."

"Escape is not shameful, because your opponent is not human at all."

"Because of their speed, you don't have much time, you only have enough time to do one thing, and that may be the last thing you can do."

Yes, there is only one thing at a time. The sergeant has seen the enemy's information and vague combat video. In the information, the enemy has shown an amazing speed of inhumanity.

It is even faster than the top athletes, and even bullets are difficult to lock and hit it, so the soldiers actually have no way to take it.

But although the enemy is fast, it hasn't reached the level of despair. . If you are decisive enough, you can still squeeze out the last moment before the enemy notices yourself.

Used to fight back, or run away.

"So don't hesitate, attack or run away...choose one."

"But I personally recommend that you choose the latter."

Although the sergeant should not abet the people under his command as deserters, the sergeant did not seem to care about talking about these things with the unfortunate man.

Because he can see that this guy is not a combatant at all. As a technician, he should choose to protect himself. Fighting is their business. They can't keep the technical staff in front of him. . And the bad luck egg was mistakenly involved.

but. . Sergeant Barbara said a lot, but the bad luck didn't seem to be heard, because he was weakly pointing at a monitoring screen beside him, expressing it in his body language, he just wanted to ask a question , But did not expect that the sergeant would throw himself a long story.

Finally, while the sergeant stopped and stared at himself, he quickly said again.

"Uh, sir, I just want to ask what they look like, because I see that there are two suspicious people in the No. 2 surveillance area... people?"

The sergeant raised his head instantly, and after a pause of half a second, he could not explain, and sounded the alarm.


. . .

"They found us."

Athena heard the alarm sounded from the huge base hidden in the shadow in front of her, and said slowly to Yi Chou.

"Then what are you waiting for, solve them."

"Follow your orders, dad."

Half a minute ago.

Yi Huo, who had locked the two witches and mice, grabbed Athena's hand, and the next moment, the two came to this hidden base in the suburbs of New York with a flower in front of them.

Less than half a day later, they could not run far enough to run, and could only choose a foothold nearby.

Feeling the feedback from the mark, "This is it." Yi Xuan was very sure.

"Ah, yes... I have smelled blood."

Her double-edged scimitar emerged from the waist of Athena next to her, posing in a somewhat middle two pose.

Yi Xiao frowned.

"speak politely."

"Uh." Athena snapped, "Well, I didn't feel anything, and there was still a bit of darkness around it, don't you think I should add a night vision ability?"

"To shut up."


When the two were calmly talking, the base hidden in the dark in front of them was like a beast that was suddenly awakened, and the whole base was caught in a huge restlessness.

The alarm was triggered. . They were found.

However, it does not make sense, because the next moment, Athena, who received Yi Chou's order, has disappeared in place.

"Enemies! Enemies!"

"Be careful!"

"Boom Boom Boom Boom! Boom!"

"what is that?!"

"Smoke bomb! Smoke bomb!"

"Don't shoot indiscriminately! Be careful of accidents! Be careful of accidents!"


There was a series of riots in Yi Ao's ears, and the base that was suddenly awakened in the dark had no time to prepare, because at the same time that the two Yi Ao arrived, the **** named Reality was already staring like a demon. Got them.


These annoying guys naturally have Athena to deal with it, and Yi Chou does not need to worry.

Raising his foot indifferently, Yi Chou stepped into the depths of the base step by step. In his perception, the group of mutants seemed to have no plans to escape this time, and so did the two witches.

remarkably brave.

. . .

The sergeant looked around at the base that was in chaos, and his eyes were wide open.

He wanted to give a few orders decisively, but he moved the corner of his mouth twice, but he didn't say anything after all, because, what is this? . On the monitoring screen, the golden light was rapidly shuttled, and every time a place was reached, a group of soldiers fell.

they. . Do you want to fight against such monsters?

The blood was splashing and waving like a march, a march of slaughter.

He couldn't give a command of rebellion at all. The soldiers couldn't keep up with the opponent's speed. On the screen, he could capture the opponent's action figure, but in real sight, the opponent was just a beam of light. . The sergeant even saw the monster's speed faster than the soldiers raised their guns.

It is impossible to warn the soldiers in a certain position in advance because she is too fast. She was still at the end of the second floor the previous moment, and she may quickly appear in the middle of the third floor the next moment.

This is a massacre.

The sergeant closed his eyes.

But his duties have been completed, he sounded the alarm throughout the base, so that people in the back will be notified by the alarm. . This is his duty, as long as the early warning is completed, his duty is completed.

How to deal with the latter is not what he needs to care about.

Of course, in addition to early warning, he also needs to snipe the enemy here, which is the outermost defense, but now look at their sniper operations. . Perhaps it makes no sense at all.

But even so, they can't retreat.

The sergeant opened his eyes.

He took a deep breath.

"Pass me the order."

"Free counterattack."

The control center suddenly became busy. . However, this order is issued, in fact, it is not the same, because in the face of such enemies, they can only do free counterattack.

But after giving the order, the sergeant was relieved, at least the level of his own heart passed, and then he paused again, turned his head and shouted at the hapless egg looking at the screen.

"Communications! Report the situation here immediately! Go to Area A2!"

Zone A2 is inside the base. Unlike the outer defense circle, it has penetrated into the core of the base. The structure of the building is complex, and it is easy to get lost without a map.

"Sir~www.wuxiaspot.com~ me... we have encryption lines..."

"The command center has never received a response! I can't make sure that the encrypted line is still safe! Don't talk nonsense, you just have to obey! Communication soldier!"

"Sir, I... I'm not a newsletter..."

"I said you are you! Now! Immediately!"

The scream of the sergeant seemed to cause a wave of anger and hit him **** the face, as if deterred by sound waves. The unlucky unconscious feet were close together.

"Yes... yes! Sir!"

He hesitated and decided to obey the sergeant's orders. . The duty of a soldier is to obey.

Then he turned and walked away quickly.

Watching this unlucky egg leave, no one spoke or stopped, including other technicians around and the sergeant himself.

Because this is not where he should be.

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