High Magic Earth

Chapter 2033: 2nd Battle of Destiny (32)

Dalstein is special. He contains information from the future. This is a secret that has not been thoroughly interpreted by Yi Chou. He is very important, so he can’t have trouble, at least he can’t die, he can’t die now.

Seeing Dastan appear in the battle, Yi Chou immediately rushed over, even because the Black Phoenix is ​​still entangled. Even if he dragged the Black Phoenix forcibly, he would fall together and rush over as soon as possible.

Not long ago, in the old timeline, the black Phoenix Qinlei in the blackened state was still entangled with Yi Xuan. Although Yi Xiao could easily repel her, the Qinlei in the blackened state had almost endless power of Phoenix . . This level of assault wasn't terribly hurt for her.

She was lingering on Yi Chou, regardless of her injuries, as if she was crazy, just like a dog skin plaster.

Of course, Yi Chou is not without a way. . Just like now, it is really facing an important situation, he will also forcibly break through Qin Gelei's blockade.

It's not so easy, maybe what will be paid.

Yi Xiao did not choose to continue to confront Qin Gelei, or continue to face conflict, but grabbed Qin Gelei, countless energy gathered in Yi Xiao's hands, and turned into a complex magic array in the blink of an eye, attracting Qin Gelei in On it, and then took her to fall to the ground.

In this way, she can't catch Yi's footsteps.

Of course, Yi Biao didn't choose to do this in the first place, which naturally has a reason, because although this method can get rid of Qin Ge's entanglement, it will obviously face Qin Ge's attack.

Qin Gelei is not good at melee, but in fact, the power of the Phoenix is ​​essentially indistinguishable. It is an energy attack, a turbulent, and endless energy.

so now. .

The falling black phoenix was stunned. Obviously she did not expect that the enemy would use such a method. The magic circle spread by Yi Chou's hands bound her in front, and the huge energy pushed the two together to fall.

There was a grin in the corner of Black Phoenix's mouth.

In her mind, the obscure and hazy idea is to be against Enyao, but apparently, the Black Phoenix did not get any benefits from Yichao. In this case, she instinctively has to deal with Yiyao.

Yi Xuan wants to fall, she will not let, Yi Xuan wants to leave, she will have to struggle.

But this is not what she really wants to do, her real goal is only one from beginning to end, Yi Chou, the enemy.

Seeing that Yi Chou seemed to be anxious because of something anxious, he stumbled his hands and feet and even ignored his own defense. How could Qin Gelei miss such a good time.

Before Qin Gelei blocked Yi Chou and dragged him down, it was because her attack hardly hurt Yi Chong. . After all, she will be easily hit by the other party.

But now, it is not necessarily.

Black Phoenix did not continue to stumble on Yi Chou's footsteps, but the power of the whole body of Phoenix surged, and the flame of the Phoenix exuded the hot heat, and it overwhelmed Yi Chong.

Also like a meteorite.

But this meteorite is not falling, but the rising Qin Gelei exudes a flame aperture formed when the meteorite crosses the atmosphere. The flame of the five elements seems to be pulled by some force, detaching from Qin Gelei, blooming, Then a brain wrapped Yi Chou.

In a blink of an eye, the two became a huge fireball.

. . .


Below, the crisp cracking sound is like a silver bottle, space. . It seems to be cracking.

No, it's time.

Around Qin Gelei, countless black cracks emerged, like the whole world turned into a mirror, she was in the mirror. . And now, the mirror is broken.

The bound time is collapsing.

Qin Gelei did not want to reach Stan's sudden attack. . No one can think of this, not to mention, Dustan still has the power of time.

Perhaps a guy like Logan, after possessing Qin Gelei's fighting power, would avoid and even counterattack with the instincts and fighting experience that he had trained in life and death.

But unfortunately, although the high-intensity battle has made Qin Gelei greatly improved, but this is only said in the heart, not her fighting experience.

Combat experience cannot be compensated in a short time, even if it is hone in high-intensity combat. . The same is true.

But although Daztan was beaten by surprise, he was suppressed, but with the delay of one breath, the power of Qin Gelei's Phoenix soon began to move, even in a moment, Daztan's time was imprisoned. Just cracked.


At the same time, Yi Chong soared into the sky, turned into a fireball, and instantly smashed all the floors down. Of course, this is not a problem for Yi Chou or Qin Gelei.

Flying is already their instinct.

Yi Xiao was surrounded by smoke. Although he didn't seem to be injured, he was very embarrassed. . Such a good opportunity before~www.wuxiaspot.com~Of course, Black Phoenix will not give up. She vigorously tried to burn Yi Chou, but the effect is not as good as she imagined.

But at the same time, the power of the phoenix burning in the new timeline Qin Gelei completely burned out the **** around him, accompanied by a long whistle, a terrifying flame rose, and Daztan spouted a blood, Magneto Waiting for Qin Gelei, they returned to normal instantly.

Qingelei phoenix surging flames, instantly want to emerge towards Dalstein, but at this very moment, Yi arrogantly inserted between the two.


Yi Chou said calmly.

Although only a moment, it is enough.

The spell was instantaneous, and an invisible black hole appeared behind Dastan, instantly attracting him. At the same time, Yi Biao ignored the fast opening teleportation, and took other mutants to escape the apocalypse, grasping Qin Grei with one hand.

These variants of Apocalypse are unfounded. The two phoenixes in front of us must be resolved first.

Therefore, Yi Chou finally decided to use some extraordinary means.

He, who also did not keep his hands, was indeed able to beat Qin Gelei. . But that was killing, it was not so easy to seal Qin Gelei.

Of course it’s okay to give Yi Xiao enough time, but this group of mutants will obviously not be so peaceful, so if you want to seal Qin Gelei quickly, you can only

If Yi Chou didn't want to kill it, he would be in danger.

The magic circle appeared again, but this time, it did not appear anywhere, but directly appeared on Yi Chou's body. He used himself as the carrier of the magic circle, and the light burst instantly. . Qin Gelei and Black Phoenix were both shrouded in at the same time.

Behind him, Tian Qi and others were running away, and Yi Chou didn’t pay attention, but instead trapped Qin Gelei. On the other hand, Black Phoenix didn’t need him to worry, because this guy was trying to attack himself all the time, so even Yi Chou didn’t Trap her and she won't run away.

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