High Magic Earth

Chapter 2049: Come again?

Destiny is always so repeated!

This sentence came out of Qin Gelei's head. A few seconds ago, she vowed that the situation could be reversed, but unfortunately, although the situation was reversed, it was not the situation she wanted.

Still her enemies have the upper hand.

Qin Gelei feels that the current picture has an inexplicable sense of sight.

But having said that, she lost to the opponent before, and now she still loses to the opponent, so she made a turn, but in fact the situation did not reverse at all. . For her enemies. . Qin Gelei felt that she could understand it this way.


The Phoenix Fire dimmed a bit, but Qin Gelei’s fighting spirit was still high. She knew that she was doing useless work. She destroyed Yi Chou much faster than Yi Chou’s rebirth, no matter how many enemies she destroyed. The ghost image, this large net woven by golden light still exists.

She was firmly trapped in it.

But even if Qin Gelei knew she was useless, she couldn't give up, because if she didn't give up, she might have little hope, but after all, there was a ray of vitality, and once she gave up, it was true, and it might not be at all.

Above, countless Yi Chou's faces are calm, without any expression on his face, except for the initial mocking of Qin Gelei, he is silent at all other times, just like all Yi Chou are unconscious and cannot speak The unreal doppelganger, and the real body, have long been hidden.

Yi Biao now just wants to seal Qin Gelei, and does not want to get out of the way again.


As Qinlei struggled uselessly, the scope of the golden wire mesh became smaller and smaller. Soon, the whole body of Qinlei blocked off had only a small space of less than one person, let alone let her continue to rush left and right. By the way, even the simple floating in the air seemed a bit restrained.

Especially after her arm accidentally touched the silk thread, but it seemed that the butter sizzled like a hot knife and the boiling pain, she kept her position carefully, and no longer had any brash movements. .

Soon, the golden net finally converged, completely winding the Qinlei inside, but it let go of the particle flow of the power of the phoenix wandering around, and countless dark red particles flowed in the air, like a sea . . And this quirky net is like a real fishing net. After catching the fish, it does not take away the sea water.

Qin Gelei became immobile.


These countless Yihou avatars burst into the air, and the gold thread in their hands quickly gathered together, and finally merged together. . Turned into a golden rope.

In the same way, the very complicated gold wire wrapped around Qin Gelei also twisted and deformed quickly, and finally turned into the appearance of a golden rope, simply tied to Qin Gelei, the rope just wrapped around her arms and body Wrapped around a few times, it looked crude and weak. . But Qin Gelei tried to struggle a bit, but found that he could not move at all.

Even the power of his own phoenix seems to be much weaker.

"It's useless."

Yi Xiao floated down from above, he hovered quietly in front of Qin Gelei.

"This is an artifact... Although there is no name and a distinguished experience, I did create it according to the standard of the artifact."

"It can only be used once, unfortunately, it is used on you."

Qin Gelei looked up.

"Are you trying to say that you are a god?"

"If that would make you cooperate, yes."

Yi Huo looked at her calmly.

He didn't tell lies, and this time he restrained Qin Gelei so easily because he used one of his back hands and created an artifact using the silver tongue.

It is these golden rays.

It's inspiration and away from the mantra lasso in Wonder Woman, but obviously, it is much stronger than the mantra lasso.

Silver Tongue's setting for it is that it can easily bind targets that are close to the user's strength, whether it is slightly stronger or weaker.

Very powerful, because it sounds almost unsolvable.

But again, the more powerful things are, the harsher they are to use, so that it fits the rationality of a story. . Then realize it with a silver tongue.

It can only be used once, only once. After the target is restrained, as the rope is untied, it will be permanently useless and cannot be used a second time.

Even recreating one with the silver tongue will not work, because it is the only one with uniqueness.

Of course, this is not absolute. Yi Chou also found a loophole that can be exploited, that is, instead of copying the same rope with the silver tongue, he recreated a similar one. . This is feasible.

But the requirements for the rationality of the story are even higher. Without Lucy's help, Yi Huo's progress is slow. So far, no second artifact has been created. . Whether it can even be copied or not may be an unknown.

This thing is used here, even if it is easy. . Well, Yi Chao is not really distressed. After all, this thing only needs to say a few words to get it~www.wuxiaspot.com~Although it is the only one, in Yi Xiao's eyes, it is actually not so precious.

Sure enough, the more easily you get things, the less you will cherish them.

Artifact. . A word that is not unfamiliar, often accompanied by a lot of epics, legends of many heroes, full of magnificence, grandeur, blood, and. . Coercion.

But Qin Gelei was obviously not so easy to get, she responded to Yi Chou with silence.


Yi Xiao didn't care about Qin Gelei's reaction, he seemed to be doing business, and said lightly.

Although a pseudo-artifact was used, Qin Gelei was finally caught. This time, she had no way to escape.

There are not too many reasons, not too many reasons, because this is an artifact, it's that simple.

Of course, this does not mean that it is absolute, but if Qin Gelei really forcibly breaks free of this artifact again, it is not easy to let Qin Gelei seize the opportunity again to escape. . It is her existence, which is probably more than Yi Chou's existence.

The trouble in that case is not that Qin Gelei escaped again, but whether Yi Chou could escape.

Therefore, he is still very comfortable with this pseudo artifact.

Sure enough, Qin Gelei still tried to struggle a bit, but unfortunately the effect was not obvious. She found that she could not regenerate the power of the Phoenix again. She was the host of the Phoenix. . But he couldn't even perceive the endless power of Phoenix.

Yi Xiao smiled and grabbed her collar with one hand.

The black portal opened, but at the moment when Qin Gelei was about to be thrown in, she continued to contact the power of Phoenix, but she suddenly showed a smile.

"You're right."

She looked at Yi Chou with a certain determination on her face.

"It's time to end."

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