High Magic Earth

Chapter 408: Daenerys and the laboratory (2)

"Is it just a corpse?" Daenerys was a little strange, "What can I see."

"You will find the answer." Yi Xiao stood up and led the road again.

A group of six people walked to the lower level in a mighty way. The dungeon was next to the place where the destruction was concentrated. Like the dungeon, the smell of death and despair permeated the perennial.

It seems to be a matter of material. The walls near the dungeon are extremely dark, and the **** blood seems to ooze, but Daenerys is also the man who married the barbarian, and this atmosphere cannot scare her.

Stopping in front of an empty dungeon, Yi arrogantly raised his chin, "This is it," he said.

All four of them looked into the probe, including the gray worm, who was very serious, and wanted to see what Yi Biao was doing in the city for a month, but they didn't see anything.

The cell was empty, with only a small stone bed, some weeds and a wooden barrel stacked next to it, and a blanket-like thing on the stone bed.

"What is it?" The first one asked was Daenerys. "There's nothing here."

"Yes." Yi Xuan said, "It's just that you didn't see it." He opened the door of the cell and walked inside for two steps. Then he picked up the blanket on the stone bed and turned it upside down in his hands. It seemed very weighty, and then tossed to Daenerys.

Daenerys hadn't waited to see it carefully after catching it. When it was strange, Yi Chou continued to say, "This is Experiment No. 63. That's the woman you gave the son of the Hawk Harpy yesterday morning." He pointed to a blanket-like object in Daenerys' hands, "but she is dead."

Daenerys froze for a moment, her expression slightly dumb. It seemed to be thinking about the meaning of Yi Chou's words, and when she understood it, she looked at the meat pad in her hand subconsciously, then her hands shook and fell off, "You mean... Is this a person?" She asked with a trembling voice.

"Yes." Yi Biao's eyes were quick, and he bent over to copy her up before the meat pad had landed. His hands shook, and he spread the meat blanket in front of Daenerys.

"Look." Yi Xuan pointed to a part of the meat blanket. "This is her eyes and mouth, but it can't be opened anymore. This place full of folds should be shoulders because of the skin. It should be under the hips, and there are many folds in the feet."

"... originally she was very full, but suddenly in the afternoon began to shrink, her skin tightened together, so it is what it is now."

"Enough!" Daenerys suddenly interrupted Yi Chou's long speech, "Okay, stop talking." She closed her eyes and seemed to calm down.

Yi arrogantly pouted his mouth, as if he was quite helpless. He smiled at Daenerys' little maid, but the little maid looked away in horror.

And the meat pad in Yi Chou's hands began to shrink again, and the sound of blood flesh squeezed like water. It sounds heavy, a very thick feeling, it may be a special reaction, a place on the meat pad suddenly collapses, and some obvious * flesh and blood chunks fall out.

And Daenerys just opened her eyes at this time, she forced her eyes away from here. Then asked on some other topics, "How did she become like this."

"I don't know." Yi Huo shrugged. Very simply.

Daenerys, who had finished listening to the long story, was also stunned, but she then asked again, "How did she die?"

"I don't know." Yi Chou shrugged again and shook his head again.

"Then what do you know?" Daenerys' state has been adjusted back, avoiding her eyes and not looking at the things in Yi Chou's hands, she will not think about what this strange existence used to be, and what changes it has undergone. Into this way.

"I know she is dead." Yi Huo thought for a moment and said.

"How are you..."

Before waiting for Daenerys to finish her speech, Yi Xuan interrupted her. "I don't know if she actually died or not." Yi Xiao said, "But even if it doesn't die, I need to destroy her."

Raising the meat pad in her hand, "You think in this state, even if she is not dead, what's the use? As a blanket when the army is marching, let alone the temperature, she is a little too heavy."

"Perhaps it can be worn on the body to resist Awada." Yi Chou suddenly froze for a moment, "Well... this is the first time I think of this usage."

"You still destroy her." Daenerys finally couldn't help it. "Even if she isn't dead, I don't think she wants to live anymore."

Yi Xiao nodded, and the expression on his face was filled with the queen as the master. He snapped his fingers, and the house elf appeared out of thin air, and then he threw the meat pad to it.

After the elf disappeared, Yi Biao glanced at Daenerys and asked, "Do you need to continue reading? There are some specimens that I have made into specimens because they are of great reference value."

"No need," Daenerys flatly refused. Although she didn't know what the specimen was, she thought it was enough. "Let's go up."

The little girl's glass heart, Yi Xiao shook her head behind, and then returned with a pedestrian.

This visit obviously made Daenerys very satisfied, or very silent, she no longer chattered about the experiment, but still had great curiosity about the labyrinthine building.

The house elves brought a lot of food, delicious roast chicken, exquisite desserts, and many specialties. Yi Huo invited them to eat very friendly, but the four people who saw the meat pad obviously had no appetite.

So only Yi Biao was left to eat~www.wuxiaspot.com~I have just been experimenting with Iggy. Yi Biao has not eaten this day.

Watching Yi Xuan silently eating the food on the table, Daenerys also stared at him very calmly. Unfortunately, Daenerys was armed with a dragon girl and stared at him for a long time. Yi Xuan also had this kind of vision. Immunization.

Seeing that the other party was not responding, Daenerys decided to speak, "We are allies." She said.

Yi Xuan nodded while listening, listening to what the Dragon Girl intended to ask curiously, but unexpectedly, Daenerys' next sentence almost made him choke.

"Allies should help each other." Daenerys pondered the language, "Mirin's management also needs your help, so..." She took a deep breath, "I decided to exchange positions with you, You helped me to act as a city owner for a while, and I managed the superstructure."

Yi Biao stayed there, holding a bite of cake in his hand, "Are you kidding me?" he asked in return.

"No." Daenerys thought about it, shrugged like Yi Huo, and replied. (To be continued) r655


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