High Magic Earth

Chapter 413: Before going (2)

Listening to the banana mud figurines answering the questions one by one, Yi Biao suddenly laughed, "Has it been destroyed?" He asked with a smile, "This is really unfortunate news, oh yes, banana mud figurines can't speak, You know it."

In front of him, the little banana-clay man in a white coat suddenly froze for a moment, then pushed away the table in front of him and ran out violently, growing slowly while running his body.

Outside the room, there is a kind of imprisoned magic, derived from Fan Haixin's magic hunting notes. Of course, this magic was slightly changed by Yi Chou, not only the devil, but also blocking other things.

It's just that the little guy in front of him didn't understand this. When he saw Yi Biao coming in, he certainly thought that the things that had blocked him for many days outside had disappeared, but unfortunately, they didn't.

The little banana figurine burst into an unstoppable breath, like a tiger going down the mountain, his short legs and feet slammed on the ground, and his body was already leaning forward and was about to rush out of the room.


At the next moment, his cylindrical body was blocked in the air, his face crumpled together, as if there was an invisible plastic film, and he was cruelly wrapped around him, and this This kind of plastic is still elastic.

Boom! Sure enough, within two seconds, the body of the banana figurine was bounced back again, and the barrier at the door of the room was like cotton or rubber, returning the impact of the banana figurine.

The banana figurine was thrown back by huge inertia. The small body flicked a few times on the ground. It seemed that he was also elastic. With a moan, he slowly got up.

In the process of getting up, the body of the banana-clay man seemed to be unable to support it. Start to slowly deform and collapse. Like loose meat. It's like a soft and plastic gum.

The yellow cylindrical body slowly faded and gradually changed to the color of human flesh. The limbs began to full and swell, showing five knuckles and sweat hairs. In a short time, the barbarian Iji from the northern border was again in front of Yi Chou.

Iggy looked up and tried to stand up by the iron bed, but he hadn't waited for him to touch the iron bed with his hands. A wand pointed under his nose.

"Congratulations." Iggy saw the owner of the wand, Yi Xiao looked at him, and said with a smile, "It seems that your luck has been maintained."...

The Eyes of Oz system is very conscientious and lists a long list of data panels. As it comes into contact with more and more information collected, the classification and classification of data are more and more detailed. I believe that when Yi Xiao finds ways to contact the real data of angels, the eye of Oz system will get more useful. information.

No system can get all the intelligence of the enemy and the enemy and give information as soon as it is obtained. The integration of the panel data requires statistical collection. This is a long process. After all, even if it is easy, it cannot be guessed by angels or gods. Information, and then let the eye of Oz count.

Although he represents the center of the second world, the second world only controls the data of the people of this world, such as the vampire Meimi werewolf Jamie or the Spartan priest Habens, and it is the most basic data, strength and other abilities. It takes a lot of comparison or analysis of the Eye of Oz to classify.

Instead of belonging to the second world, the new human beings who belong to the angelic paradise of the two poles, Yi Chou will not be able to obtain information. So far, he has only known Eve’s name and ability to never die.

But the Eye of Oz is worthy of the last machine left by the country of Oz. The black technology contained in it is extremely complicated, and the evolution of the Eye System of Oz is also progressing at a rapid pace.

"Why are you alone?" Yi Biao, who was originally smiling, frowned suddenly. "There is a banana-mashed man near here who is responsible for recording data and delivering food to you?"

The laboratory is still very busy, because some high-level potions take a long time to cook, even for a few months or a year. Although they do not need constant supervision, daily fixed-point appointments test people's perseverance.

Many banana-clay figurines are responsible for supervising this advanced potion in the laboratory, so there are banana figurines in the laboratory almost every moment. Although they are somewhat off-line, they are indeed good assistants for Yi-huo. Before entering the despicable world of mine to get supplements, Yi Xiao valued these little guys very much.

Yi Chou estimates that this emphasis will continue, because the possibility of entering the despicable my world... is not great.

Of course, cloning is also possible, but Yi Chao's magic is not yet able to simulate cloning.

The cabin responsible for the recovery of the experimental body is far away from the vicinity of the laboratory. Although the distance between the two is almost visible at a glance, people do not pay much attention to the banana puree in the laboratory.

Ikey was dared not to move by Yi Chou's wand, his eyes rolled slightly, and he flicked in one direction, then said tremblingly, "over..."

Although it was said that in the face of the strange ghosts, Iggy ran away with the villagers very quickly, but this does not mean that he was brave, only that he was very decisive when facing the crisis.

Every group has a different kind~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Not every barbarian is brave, for example, Iggy, his character in the barbarian tribe, is one of the more mediocre, mediocre, or knowing Current affairs, but these two are divided into cowardice in the barbarian tribe.

Yi Xiao glanced at him, the wand in his hand shook, the chain on the iron bed flew over like a snake, and bound Iki's wrist and ankle firmly together, fixed and dead.

Putting his wand away, Yi Xuan turned around and walked out of the room. The barrier that blocked Iji's escape seemed to be non-existent for Yi Xiao.

After searching carefully around Iki, Yi Biao found a little banana-clay man with a golden star underneath an experimental table. It was lying there softly, and his white coat covered his body.

"I just changed his face in front of it...it became like this..." Iggy said weakly when he saw Yi Chou's banana puree in his hand. (To be continued...)

Chapter 413 Before Moving Forward (2:


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