High Magic Earth

Chapter 423: chronicle

Burning the corpse can be used to prevent a certain kind of lesion. If this kind of lesion is aimed at humanoids and is lurking in the body, then the source is less destroyed, which is the only option.

In the retrospective magic just now, Yi Biao did not see their respect for the dead, nor did they have any ceremonial rituals at all. All he saw was contacting the corpse with weapons, silent and not touching this corpse. Deeply alert.

So Yi Biao naturally thought of this.

"Variants...Variants..." Yi Xuan murmured softly in his mouth. Is it the mutated virus that they passed, so that the angels guarded so deeply, and even made them unable to resist.

But no matter what, this is the only clue. The two of them must be traced. There are still many creatures in this world, but those big dinosaurs without great wisdom are not good communication objects, so there are only angels.

They just left in the north and south directions, they should choose the north, because there is their own. . Fortunately, you can't take off, be careful of the sneak attack of the hunter dragon, and there is. .

"Look there..."

While Yi Xiao was thinking carefully, Winnie suddenly reached out and pulled La Yi Xuan's sleeve. He gently waved his hand and said, "Wait, I am thinking about the plan."

"Look there..." Winnie raised her voice and brought a touch of strength.

Yi Biao was not a dull person. He suddenly understood what Winnie meant. Sure enough, when he looked up, he found that the two people were surrounded by strange creatures somehow. They quietly surrounded the two of them.

. . .

The panel appearing in the void began to beat frantically, and only the data that could be seen on the panel was swiped.

"Not dying... what does it mean." Yi Biao looked at the panel dumbly, and it was no surprise that the mutant found him. If the other party was chasing the angel, then the one who followed the angel might indeed be blocked.

What does it mean not to die. Yi Xiao looked at the ugly and weird group of humanoid creatures in front of him. He felt familiar for a while but could not remember where he had seen them. What they mean by immortality is not death without being blown into powder.

Another group of zombie-like guys, but without the weakness of their heads, Yi Biao thought bitterly, first Eve. These guys again, he hates immortal things!

"Ten thousand years ago, there was a non-stop machine." Winnie leaned on Yi Chou's ear and whispered the story.

"What are you talking about?" Yi Xuan asked with his teeth clenched.

"You don't know the origin, but I remember it very clearly." Winnie looked at Yi Biao in surprise, and continued to chatter, "It can create an immortal mutant human. Later, this machine was killed by several swords. Seal it..."

Yi Chou nodded and listened, and apparently the tacit understanding of the two had reached a feeling of wit. Winnie had reminded her that she just couldn't remember something.

"But." Yi Xuan couldn't help but interject, "Human history is not ten thousand years..."

"Shut up!" Winnie glared at him. "Listen carefully."

"Until later... A war liberated this machine, and then in only six weeks, the mutants of this machine ruled the entire earth."

"Then the next story is that the protagonist took his buddies and the actresses who were abominable because of insufficient budget to save the world." Winnie continued, then she shrugged, "Now.. What did you think of? "

"The Chronicle of Variation..." Yi Xiao looked at the strange creatures in front of him, "A piece of garbage is almost to the extreme. A movie where all the boring dog blood defies the audience's IQ and other factors are brought together."

"Yes." Winnie snapped her fingers. "What now?"

Yi Xiao looked at her. "Run!" Then said loudly.

In this failed movie, the only ability of these mutants is to move forever without being cut into pieces, and then chopping, hacking, killing and killing, and it is also very infectious.

Whether it is a scratch or a bite, or even splashing into the blood, there is a certain chance of infection. Yi Chou does not want to use a cracking spell to blow them into a powder, but at the same time, he becomes such a person who is not a ghost.

Mutants don’t think so much. They bow their heads, run in small steps, and rush with their terrifying right arm. Their right arm is the kind of dark sword that can be used to attack the enemy by nature. And very sharp.

This group of mutants should have been well in the world of variation chronicles, but came to this Oz world for no reason, but this fashion is not suitable for discussing these things.

Yi Biao pulled out a flying broom from the shadow, and grabbed Winnie without looking at it, and then the two rose into the air.

And Madison likes to feel like sitting on a broom. Winnie feels very uncomfortable to sit on a flying broom~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So she rarely uses a flying broom, and the technology is naturally not much better. I am afraid that Winnie will make a mistake at the critical moment. , So Yi Chou only shared a ride with her.

The flying broom soared up, and soon disappeared from the figure, yelling the popular variants who could not fly but could only roar on the ground.

But before he was happy, Yi Huo was not far away, near a mountain cliff, a hurrying bird suddenly appeared in Hula La, just as Yi Huo was feeling ominous, and indeed, there was a group of black pterosaurs.

"Damn it!" Yi Xuan scolded, turning around like flying away from the north, while taking control of the flying broom, while pulling out an invisibility cloak for her to put on for both of them.

Isolate the odor, isolate the temperature, and then the whole person disappears again. Yi Chou's mouth shows a sneer. Sometimes, magic is to possess a lot of magical abilities.

It is a pity that some anxious couples did not notice the result of the independent operation of the Eye of Oz, and this result did not appear on the panel, giving feedback to Yi Chou.

(To be continued)


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