High Magic Earth

Chapter 451: Nesten Conscious Body (4)

"So. ШШШЫЁ. Tell me." Yi Xiao held the plasticizer and quietly hung over the Nesten consciousness, while drawing a strange figure on the ground with his feet without leaving traces, "Or, choose death."

The molten surface of Nesten's conscious body rolled up and rolled, and a handful of flaming tongues seemed to vent like clamor, but in mid-air, it fell back weakly, and the liquid of Nesten's conscious body was not dangerous.

The surrounding ruins are quiet, the intersecting ruins of buildings are like a dance of demons, Nesten consciousness is the lord nearby, and no other creatures dare to come here.

A red pool of liquid is like a hot stove, glowing red around, and Yi Chong slightly tilts the test tube in his hand, further forcing Nesten to make a decision.

And just at this moment, a huge burst of sound came from behind him, boom! boom! Two sounds, like a thunder burst in the flat.

Yi Xiao turned his head and saw two velociraptors all in human skin color jumping out of the surface, and there were holes in the ground that were shuttled through the ground. At the same time, several earth-like mud appeared on all four sides. There are staggered hills and valleys, apparently there are creatures shuttled underground.

"Whether they are dinosaurs or pangolins." Yi Biao sighed, and the plastic angel also caught up. She appeared above the two, her wings fluttered down slowly, and the shadow on the ground grew bigger and bigger as she fell.

With a thud, the plastic angel lightly touched the ground. All her skins were made of plastic. Her head cut off by the sword of Marsala also grew back. The velociraptors around her were obviously made of plastic. Some unlucky velociraptors were swallowed by this Nesten consciousness.

After being swallowed, the creature not only looks like it is covered with latex from the outside, but also seems to become plastic even the entire body and inside, as can be seen from the mouth and the non-rotating eyes.

The plastic angel shook her neck. The boneless neck turned a large circle. Her right hand turned into a sharp sword directly, and the existence of holding the sword handle was also eliminated.

Yi Chou takes a step back. Standing next to Winnie, the two were behind the stove of Nesten's consciousness. He didn't want to fight with the plastic angel, because he was not a rival to the plastic angel at all.

When plasticizer and organic molecular coagulant are put into Nesten's consciousness. It can stop the plastic angel, but Nesten's consciousness may not survive, and Yi Chou still wants to use it.

Therefore, Yi Xuan intends to talk to Nesten consciousness again, "Is this what you said did not attack me?" Yi Xuan said while looking back. "I think your definition of attack seems a little unclear."

Just looking back, Yi Chou's expression was a bit puzzled.

"What's wrong?" Winnie noticed this and asked strangely.

Yi arrogantly opened his mouth, and once again emitted sound waves that humans could not hear. This kind of sound waves was not directly uttered by Yi arrogant, but was all converted by the energy of the hourglass.

So Winnie's curiosity could not be satisfied again.

"Why don't you answer me?" Yi Xuan asked, Nesten lying there quietly, surging from time to time on his surface, like a lazy cat.

But it seemed to have no intention of communicating with Yi Piao, Yi Piao's eyes glanced at the plastic angel in the back. She had already intentionally rushed up, and at the same time, Yi Chou seemed to vaguely notice that a rectangular wave pattern appeared on the surface of Nesten's conscious body.

"Throw it in?" The plastic angel and the five velociraptors around them began to accelerate, and Winnie asked aloud beside Yi Chou, his voice trembling.

"Throw it!" Yi Biao roared, and the plastic angels and velociraptors were very fast. From the original position to less than a few seconds, they already came to the two with a pungent plastic breath.

When Winnie heard Yi Chou's answer, the two of them threw out the potion at the same time, and four test tubes rolled in the air. The crystal clear liquid swayed back and forth in the test tube.

The transparent test tube seems to be able to refract the remaining sunlight in the sunset, the outer skin of the test tube is very fragile, and the surface temperature of the Nesten conscious body is very high, once it falls into it. The test tube will break, and Nesten's consciousness will die.

The test tubes were swirling in the air, slowly sliding one by one towards the center of the furnace, it seemed that the time had slowed down, and at this moment, the figure of the plastic angel suddenly appeared under the test tube. She reached out and grabbed a test tube firmly in her hand, then grabbed the remaining three again.

"She's too fast." Winnie noticed this immediately. The plastic angel's speed is very fast. It won't take long before she will stop all four test tubes thrown in. "We need to leave here, the plan has been Failed."

"I know." Yi Chou's face was very calm, as if he had expected it the same way, "but we have to solve them first."

The plastic angel just now didn't stop. After passing by the two of them, he ran directly to the test tube that fell into Nesten's consciousness, and the remaining velociraptors ran to them.

The skins of these velociraptors are plastic materials like plastic angels, but they do not have the ability of plastic angels to swallow and deform. They can only use their instincts to bite and bump.

But even so, their power is amazing.

The completely plastic body is as terrifying as a Barbie doll~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They mechanically leaned their heads down, their clawed, dull heads rushed towards the two, and the huge claws left deep marks on the ground. Even if you see the red silk bullfights, they are not as crazy as they are.

The speed of the plastic velociraptor is almost impossible to catch. Even if Winnie was reminded by Yi Chou in advance, she had no time to make a counterattack, and she could only lay the sword on her chest in a sudden.

Creak! squeak!

The velociraptor's hard skull collided with Winnie's long sword. The combined power of ancient behemoths and alien life forms collided with Green's innate superiority. Winnie's magic long sword was overwhelmed between the two. Bending sound.

Fortunately, the magic metal material of Neverland is tough, even if the long sword is almost bent at a right angle, it does not immediately break, and it is still hard to support.

The fastest velociraptor rushed onto the long sword, and with inertia continued to advance for several meters, the long sword with Winnie was rammed back a few steps, almost falling into the liquid of Nesten's conscious body bingo. (To be continued.) xh118

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