High Magic Earth

Chapter 479: Ladder passage

Green's physical quality is better than Yi Huo. Wen Ni is just physically exhausted, not mentally exhausted, and she has not faced the plastic angel directly, so her recovery may be faster than Yi Huo, but this scene in front of her is definitely not Wen Ni Wake up normally.

At this time, Winnie's face was no longer confused. Although her eyes were still dull, she revealed a strange breath, so strange that Yi Chou seemed to have some impressions.

Then under the influence of unknown creatures, Winnie walked out slowly, and when she left the tent, the record of the crystal ball ended.

Seeing this, the sound of the mirror in the crystal ball disappeared like a stream of water without a trace, Yi arrogant thought for a moment, then put the crystal ball away, got up and left the tent, and quickly packed it up.

"Why so slow!" Winnie in the distance complained with dissatisfaction.

Yi Xuan showed a gentle smile, then shrugged and walked towards her without any hassle, no matter what the creature was, but what it did, regardless of whether the channel was a conspiracy, it was all about Winnie and Yi Xuan. Take a trip.

Anyway, I already know about it, just need to pay more attention to Winnie during the action, for example, she may not have escaped the control of that thing, but in this way, the matter of returning to Neverland will have to be delayed again. Thinking, Yi Xiao used magic to illuminate under the ladder passage.

"Let's take a look at the $长$风, w⊙↖⌒t." Winnie was still so adventurous, eagerly looking at the ladder of the black grommets in the underground, and said excitedly.

Yi Chou nodded his head and did not object. Unknown creatures Creatures have abacus of unknown creatures. Yi Chou also has his own ideas. But sometimes, the truth of the matter may be far more complicated than imagined...

The clear sunlight swayed from the sky, accompanied by an almost flawless breeze, an environment free of human and other industrial magic pollution. After countless years of recovery, it has already reached the extreme. On the originally empty slate floor, a burst of light appeared suddenly. . Then Winnie slowly walked out of it.

The invisibility spell can only reverse the light and cannot make the object transparent, so this large tent is theoretically still in place, just because of the relationship between the invisibility spell and the expulsion spell, people can't see it and subconsciously don't want to see it.

Flicking footsteps knocked on the suspected concrete floor, and Winnie's boots continued to move forward in an orderly manner, but her expression at the moment was not as cheerful as before, but instead appeared a dignified calm.

Winnie is not a serious person, living day after day in the closed, monotonous space of Neverland. It prevents Winnie from contacting the outside world and other peers. So her growth has not been disturbed, it can be said that she has not grown.

So this expression should not appear on Winnie's face, because it does not belong to her mind.

However, Yi Xiao was very familiar with it, serious and vigilant, because he was like this. At this time, Winnie was not like Winnie, but more like her former teacher, the solo-trained Green, Of course there is another person, that is Eve who has also lived for countless years.

Wen Ni's expression was a little hollow, but she was not walking aimlessly. After leaving the tent, she went straight to the place where Yi Chang was just fighting the plastic angel.

There they fought against the plastic raptors and plastic angels, and in the end Yi Chou absorbed them all into the half-world sand table prison in Oz.

But it seemed ordinary there, just like the desolate ruins surrounding it, and there was no difference at all.

This piece of ground is obviously anomalous, but this anomaly has not been discovered by Yi Chou. Obviously, Winnie knows this very well. After a toss on the ground, a virtual stereoscopic screen was raised above the ground out of thin air.

After successfully entering the password on the top, the ground began to vibrate slightly.

In less than three seconds, the vibration disappeared, and the flat ground was no longer there. Instead, a ladder passage to the depths of the ground was still exuding a cold breath and some terrifying breath.

Obviously, the maintenance work of the aisle is very good. After closing for many years, there is still a lot of oxygen. It may be a facility with vents or oxygen input, but this does not matter, because Winnie has already climbed down.

The ladder is not long. It closed about ten meters down and soon reached the ground. At the end of the ladder is an underground promenade that is only one person wide. The height is only about two meters, and there is only this road.

But Winnie didn't continue to follow it. It seemed to be listening. After a while, Winnie started tossing again. Behind the ladder was a solid mud wall, but it was beaten by Winnie. Next, a virtual stereoscopic screen as before was quickly displayed.

Entering the correct code slowly, the mud wall cracked to both sides, revealing a passage in the opposite direction of the promenade. Winnie calmly lifted her foot and stepped in. After she left, the gate of the passage slowly closed and fell. The dirt on the ground was disguised like time flowing backwards, and then it was re-attached one by one.

After the gate, it seemed to be a new world. The dark dirt corridor disappeared. Pieces of metal-like steel constructed the walls on both sides, and some transparent crystals were fixed on both sides of the wall to play the lighting effect.

After coming here, Winnie didn't seem to know what to do next. She faced the only passage, she hesitated, and then moved on.

The channel is very long, but there is no amplitude of tilt. I don't know how long it has passed, a gate appears again at the end of the channel.

The gate made of ferrous metal looks like the technology of the future~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but some of the rudimentary institutions and strange lines around it make it return to the small workshop of black technology.

Standing in front of the door, the metal gate made a creaking start sound, accompanied by a sound of steam erupting, the black metal stretched slowly up and down.

Winnie hesitated for a moment, then walked in gently holding the long sword in her hand. Her posture of holding the sword was strange, but if Yi Chou was here, she would feel very familiar, because this was when Eve used the sword Hands-on style.

Entering the gate with some vigilance, it did not close as expected. What was displayed in front of Winnie was a large empty operation space. Numerous warning lights and small screens scattered in it were dazzling.

At this moment, the ceiling and several screens in the middle suddenly light up at the same time, and then project an image of a person in front of the open space according to the staggered light. He turned around and said slowly.

"Welcome to the Atlantis core backup startup area, east area, unknown life projection." (To be continued...)


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