High Magic Earth

Chapter 481: Plan pass

readx; A lighting magic fired down the deep tunnel of the ladder. After circling a few times in the passage, it fell to the end of the passage and made a noisy sound on the dirt ground. + Apex novel,

There was no rotten mermaid waiting for Yi Huo to eat, and no four turtles popped out of it. The lighting spell burst out the only light in the dark passage, and the body detected no threat below.

Dancing the old magic wand in the right hand, a spell was cast out from inside. The guarding of peace and the banishment spell closed the space again. "Are you going first or am I first?" Yi Biao asked quietly.

"I'll go first!" Winnie said eagerly. She also saw the scene of the tunnel just under the lighting spell. There was no danger. Then this narrow channel is totally worthless to Green's flexible skill.

Yi Xiao nodded slightly, he didn't know if Winnie had completely detached now. . The mental control of the unknown creature, but anyway, he already knows the existence of the other party, so be careful of Winnie, just do whatever she wants.

Actually, Green's movements are faster than her head. When her words just fell, Winnie's body had jumped into the passage. She stretched her hand and grabbed the ladder, and she slid down the ladder almost flat. Go down.

The distance that the lighting spell can detect for a few seconds is only about two minutes for humans. After about a minute, Winnie stood under the channel and waved excitedly to Yi Chou, "Dear, the following is very Safety!"

"Quiet." Yi Xiao frowned, making a booing gesture to Winnie below, although he already knew there was a monster that could control his spirit. But there is no guarantee that there is nothing else.

Be aware of the darkness. Monsters are the easiest to breed. Mutant murderers, triangle heads, little nurses, ogre monsters, etc. Oh, and Bogut.

After hearing this, Winnie quickly covered her mouth, and then listened around with Green's sharp sense of hearing. Then she put her hands on her mouth and posed her mouth one by one.

Yi Xiao rolled her eyes helplessly, as she can see from the mouth, she said, "Come down...it's safe here."

After looking at the surrounding environment, there were no threats or things that might close the passageway. Yi Chou finally jumped into the passageway at the end. At the moment before falling to the ground, the floating spell silenced him up silently.

With both feet on the ground, Yi Chou felt the depression from the passage. Although the walls around it were all very solid dirt, there was still a burst of cold wind in the promenade in front of the ladder.

"Do you know where this leads?" Yi Xiao knocked on the dirt on both sides. It sounds very full, it seems to be a channel dug out manually, fixed with things like bricks and stones.

"How do I know." Winnie rolled her eyes innocently and said very irresponsibly, "You said that although the technology of Oz is very dark, the development of biased technology is very fast, and the overall level is not high. It won’t be the gateway to their energy core."

"Not like." Yi Xiao shook his head. "The ruin style seen on this road is more like the product of the failure of the transformation from the Middle Ages to the Industrial Revolution. Oz should not have large underground buildings, and their energy should be placed on the ground. Magic energy."

"Like the core of Neverland." Yi Chou added.

The reason why I am so sure about this is that Yi Huo has also successfully used magic energy. In addition to the hourglass, Neverland also has two magic towers, one tall and one low. The tower can’t live, but it can provide energy. A building similar to the Eye of Sauron can use resonance to gather a lot of energy to control the four seasons and temperature of Neverland.

The wizard releases magic by resonating with the world. The same goes for the magic tower, but of course it is not possible to bury it underground. It needs to be on the surface of the ground.

"Then maybe it wasn't built by Oz?" Winnie, who was next to him, came up with a key word, which made Yi Chou stunned.

"It seems... indeed... it's possible." He said uncertainly.

But in any case, the channel has already appeared, and the two came to detect Oz. They can't just go back without success, so Yi Chou quickly left these problems behind.

The channel is surrounded by dark mud, only a narrow path extends from the front, and there is a faint coldness in the path, which feels directly cold to the bottom of the person's heart.

The strange atmosphere permeated all around. I don’t know if it was the reason for pumping oxygen outward. Yi Chou seemed to still feel a fresh smell inside.

After patting the soil wall with the dregs falling down next to it, Yi Chou decided not to squeeze in this small space. "We continued along the corridor." He said.

This time it was replaced by Yi Xiao in front, because the magic wand is needed for the lighting spell, and Yi Yi Xao's strength is higher than Winnie. In case of emergencies, the wizard can also make a better response.

Yi Xiao himself is at war level, but he didn't pay much attention to Winnie. Now he wants to take a look back, but Oz's eye accidentally loses contact.

The long passage seems to be endless, but Yi Chou has encountered such a situation many times, the nutcracker dungeon, the fantasy island's skull rock, so after he is fully prepared, he is confident to lead the way ahead .

The mental power has been specially strengthened by Yi Huo, because the thing that prevents Winnie is controlling him, knowing that there is a creature with outstanding mental power here is not ready, it is absolutely dead.

The magic that can destroy the environment, such as evil detection, has also been continuously released ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For the two of you to not fall into a magical illusion inadvertently.

But the preparations made by Yi Chou didn't seem to come in handy at all. After the two of them advanced for more than ten minutes, the passage came to an end, or said. . No way.

At the end of the passage is a quadrangular room, which reminds Yi Biao of the panic scene. The upper and right are closed stone walls, and there is only an iron door that can be opened on the left and below.

"Which one to choose?" Winnie asked aside.

Yi Xiao's fingers tapped gently on the wand. From this point of view, the organ of the underground passage should be a labyrinth. The enclosed underground space around it, there is no hint of clues, whether it is to escape or find the correct way, it is almost An impossible thing.

Not to mention how unbelievable it is to see a curvy, ventilated underground maze in the world of steamy technology like Oz, that is, the physical strength required to explore the maze alone is not affordable for ordinary people.

Fortunately. . The wizard has more choices. (To be continued...)


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