High Magic Earth

Chapter 601: The First Battle of Destiny (17)

Although the building in front is the inner fort of the Wind Breeze Castle, it is no different from other places. It is nothing more than a medieval fortress. It may be stronger and more complicated.

The shape of the inner castle is more like a tower, which is intricately linked with buildings such as the city wall and the suspension bridge inside the castle, which makes the wind breath castle more dangerous and complicated. The top of the tower is thick and heavy, looking out from the cliff outside the wind castle , Like a fist rising into the sky, with a majestic momentum that cannot be broken.

There is nothing bells and whistles inside and outside the fort, because this is a pure military fortress, not a post-modern viewing castle on the earth, and even the soldiers live in a very compact and scarce place, almost used Any free space.

Outside the walls and the inner fort, there are undulating corners of wall-tooth flocks, and the dark mouths of the black holes protrude from various inadvertent corners, burying dark arrows and crossbows that do not know where to shoot, but Barry has used His swift force swept through the outer periphery of the inner fort, and most of the threats were removed.

But the fortress itself is a maze-like structure. There are a lot of dangers in the dark that can not be taken down just by the speed. In many places, Barry can’t even see it, even if he can breathe the whole wind in the blink of an eye. The fort ran a few laps, but he could not solve the invisible dark whistle.

"Farling may be there." Stark reached his finger in one direction, and dark red sights appeared on the walls of this medieval inner fort. "Jarvis' information library contains a lot of information about the castle, their command post. Most of them are installed in the center of the inner fort, and it is easy to enter and exit. It is backed by the wall and there should be a dark road. Now it is the third day of our siege of the wind fort. According to the efficiency of the Middle Ages, he should not be outside."

Yi Biao and others looked down the front sight, which was a humble corner of the inner castle. Facing the southwest, that is, facing the plain outside the Wind Breath Castle, the field of vision is very wide, and you should be able to see the army of scaleless people outside the city.

Behind it is the towering city wall. Connected with the inner fort, outside the city walls are high cliffs and the sea. If there is a secret road, then there must be a secret to the bottom of the cliff, and there are boats stored there in advance.

Although Fengxibao is said to be difficult to break through the barrier of Junlin. However, the actual height is not high. Without the Green Prophet’s magical assistance, it is extremely rare to reach 100 feet high with human power alone, so although Farin may be on the third floor of the inner fort, the actual height is only about six. Floor around.

"Is everything okay?" Yi Xiao asked Barry next to him. He wasn't worried that Barry's speed would alarm the guard. Up to now, there was no chaos in the castle. This is the best proof. He asked if there were any strange things in the castle, such as The existence of large crossbows or wizards.

After all, this is an era of cold weapons, and there used to be magic. Large-scale defensive equipment will still cause some trouble for several people, and it is still in the shadow of the devil, and Yi Bao has to guard.

"No." Barry shook his head. "It's all soldiers. I saw a few large crossbow arrows, but they were all fixed on the west wall and could not move."

"There are no wizards, nor the werewolves we saw before, just ordinary soldiers, and some of them even look tattered. I just stun them." Barry thought about it, "the soldiers nearby More sophisticated, I also saw several well-equipped knights. It was cool. I could hardly find a place to start."

Barry's voice was a little childish, and even trembling in the open night, he could see that he was still a little nervous. Among the few people, Barry was the youngest, Stark needless to say. It must be much older than Barry, maybe four or five years older than Winnie, and Yi Chou, if you count the time that Neverland’s youth stays forever, he may have been more than thirty years.

When he was in Midtown, Barry was just a three-year-old student who had not graduated from work for a long time. He unexpectedly gained the power of supernatural power. He didn’t know how to use it at all. Fortunately, he had a group of technical house friends behind him, and The enemy is not a terrible guy, otherwise he must have died long ago and do not know how many times.

Until now, Barry’s masterpiece is still running. He beats everything with speed. In the face of this backward and fantasy-filled medieval, Barry is interested in more than crisis. He is curious about everything here, curious about what he saw on TV. How did the world of TV dramas become real, and how do the people inside live.

So he faced an armed knight in heavy armor, the first reaction was cool, this is a medieval knight, and then he thought about how to stun this iron can.

Barry pursed his lips under the red mask. At this time, he still couldn't see the flash of the kind of one of the strongest heroes in the Justice League. He was more like a hairy boy, who would be a slave to the werewolf. Excited by the encirclement of the wave, he was excited to sneak into a strong fortified defense.

"Well... that's good, you completely helped us clear the trouble ahead." After thinking about it, Yi Ao suddenly thought of something like that.

The brows under the mask in the bar couldn't help but wrinkle a bit, but no one could see because of the mask, he was not dissatisfied in his heart, but felt that Yi's performance was a little weird, it seemed. . It's not so normal, but he can't tell the specifics, just think there is something wrong.

"Don't do it easily." Yi Chou said to Stark next to him. "Once we are alarmed to everyone, even if we are not afraid of them, there will be death and injury. Then the unmarked will have a big battle with them. Many people died."

"I understand." Stark said impatiently. "I'm not suitable for a quiet raid. I don't understand what you asked me to do. Just to find where Faring is, you should know Jarvis's. The calculation is not very reliable."

"Sir, Jarvis's computing power is..." His housekeeper and helper immediately expressed his dissatisfaction in the system, but Stark was not at all concerned.

Yi Biao thought for a while, "Yeah, you are right." He said, "I actually don't want to see you being so idle in the camp, but when you wanted to rescue Westeros, you always have to go out Just do it."

Stark's face mask lifted upwards, and immediately glared his eyes to quarrel with Yi Bao, but at this time, Yi Bao no longer ignored him, but grabbed the shoulders of several people, and took them to disappear instantly.

Wizard magic is very convenient. Whether it is in the wild or in the convenience of life, otherwise why so many people envy wizards and magic, not because of the strong attack power, but other incomparable magical uses and abilities.

The figure of the four people immediately twisted. Because of their invisibility, they didn't even set off a few waves. When they appeared again, they had entered the inner castle, which was the position of Stark's mark.

Yi Chao's phantom migration has long been very skilled. Space energy is arguably one of the energy he is most familiar with, so naturally there will not be a situation where half of the body is stuck in the wall, and at this time they are already in the wind breeze, the hidden spell power is engraved in those walls , Can not have the slightest impact on Yi clamor.

This is a warm room with a row of small ventilation holes at the top, which also serves as a window. An extra bright oil lamp is the only light source here, and a small fireplace on the wall is exuding residual temperature.

The vicinity of Junlin can't be called cold, but the Wind Breath is backed by the sea. The perennial sea breeze makes the temperature here much lower than other places, and now the winter is slowly falling, and the temperature is gradually dropping.

It's just that even if the outside temperature is so shocking, there is a burst of comfortable warmth in this room, and there are rows of bookshelves in the corners, and the oil lamps that are not extinguished on the table are also very delicate. Not a place where ordinary people live, but a room for important people.

"Sir Gilbert Faring." Yi Biao said softly. "This is his room. That's right. But he is not here."

Stark put his hood down, looked around with narrow electronic eyes, and finally fell on the fireplace. "The residual temperature is... the temperature of the flame burning... the cooling time... about four minutes," he said. "He just left four minutes ago."

"And will be back soon." Barry added to the unlit lamp on the table.

"Are you waiting for him here?" Winnie stood beside Yi Chou, and after entering the inner castle, the actions of several people were led by Yi Chou.

If this operation is mainly about killing people, such as killing the city owner or nobles of the Wind Breath, then any of the four can do it. As long as Stark’s explosive bombs are thrown in, half of the city’s soldiers will be killed or injured, but their purpose is not this.

Both Barry and Stark disagree with killing, and although Daenerys wants to win the Windbreak, she does not plan to die too many people. The civilians of Westeros are all her former citizens. , Not conducive to her future rule, she wanted a relatively complete wind breeze.

Therefore, the only way to change the minds of others is to be a shaman.

Yi Xiao took out a crystal bottle from his arms. The bottle was filled with some crumbs that looked like oatmeal. It was the soldier who was collected by Yi Xiao after the soldier had turned to ashes. The **** is constantly decreasing. Although the speed is very slow, it is still visible to the naked eye.

Although Stark and others do not know what this is, they can see that it is decreasing. No matter what it is, it is not a good thing to reduce it.

"There isn't much time," Yi Huo said. "Let's go find him, Stark, can you follow him."

"What do you think of me?" Stark said angrily. "I didn't put a tracking facility."

Yi Xiao nodded. "Then you scan the fault in the castle with a thermal sensor, and I try to resonate with him." After that, he put his hand on the long table in the room.

Stark released the detection micro-robot that comes with the steel armor. With the assistance of Jarvis, he began to scan the situation inside the castle layer by layer. An image of the temperature of the human figure appeared in the virtual interface.

At the same time, Yi Ran's mind flashed some scattered pictures in a flash.

It is a person who looks quite majestic. .

Did not shave. . middle aged. .

Very calm and orderly managed by Fengxibao. .

It didn't make me panic because of the siege-free, but it seemed to be furious because someone in the castle was grabbing food. .

Just left. . The stairs on the left. . It's in a hall on the lower floor. .

Yi Biao opened his eyes instantly and looked at the screen projected by Stark. There were dozens of rooms above and below, and there were about a hundred people scattered in it. After looking carefully, "Here." He Pointed to a small house not far below a few people.

"Are you sure?" Stark asked.

"Anyway, you are more certain." Yi Xiao smiled.

The passages and corridors in the castle are much smaller than the outside. Many narrow places can only allow two people to pass through. Most military fortresses of this era have no windows, which are almost sealed and very dark. They are carried out only by the torches hanging high on this wall. illuminate.

It makes no sense to release the invisibility spell in the narrow passage. Although Yi Chou can also transform several people’s bodies into transparent forms, he doesn’t want to waste his magic here. Since understanding the magic principle of Oz, he Pay more attention to the cost and balance of magic.

Although many of the magic he released still has no cost, these things are actually inevitable. The cost of magic is hidden in it. When one day the accumulation of less is more, it is a huge trouble.

Anyway, there is a Stark’s miniature robot, and it is no problem to avoid these mobile patrol guards in advance, not to mention the Flash Barry Allen.

The stairs inside the castle are very steep, but it is not a problem for several people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yi Chou's feet are slightly suspended at a position not far from the ground, he feels that the floating spell is more convenient than walking.

Stark is staring at his screen at any time. His task is to avoid these guards and minimize collisions.

"Wait," Stark said suddenly. "There are two teams of guards coming here. It seems that they can't avoid it. There are about eight people. It's impossible to rule out the possibility that there will be more calories overlapping."

Yi Chou turned back to look at Barry Allen, and at the same time, Barry had disappeared in place instantly, the golden flash like a meteor crossed the inside of the castle, and the team of guards from the right looked at Stark’s screen, It seemed to fall softly to the ground at the same time.

It's a pity that the remaining time is too late, the guards on the left still came, but their luck is even worse, because the crystal bottle in Yi's hand seems to need a new batch of supplements.

"Grab them." Yi Xiao put his left hand on the wall, and the silent magic spread out. The cold wall instantly became boiling. Several people were firmly fixed by the suddenly softened stones, and even the sound could not be heard. (To be continued.)


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