High Magic Earth

Chapter 730: After the dark fog

What did Daenerys experience in the magic circle, and her experience let her know what, Yi Chou was very curious about this, because after the black mist is a completely strange world, strange existence, but also a powerful existence . 【No pop-up window..】

And after continually knocking on the road, Yi Chaoduan also got a lot of useful information.

In fact, Daenerys didn’t see much. She saw a world. To be precise, it seemed that after the nuclear war, I didn’t know that in the past few decades, the entire city had been ruined and there were ashes everywhere. And dust, spiders and dust, like a burnt-out world.

This kind of description that often appears in black and white movies, as well as the burnt yellow walls rolled up like burning hell, made Yi Chou unconsciously think of the famous existence on a certain mountain, the world.

Of course, Daenerys does not describe it this way, she just thinks it is a very strange world, some very strange building ruins, even stranger and scary creatures.

With her barren vocabulary, she can't describe the setting of such a world. Even if she sees the vast corner of the second world, her accumulated knowledge has not changed, but her cognition has become broader.

Just like a person who lived in a mountain suddenly came to the city one day, although he was ignorant or even strange to everything in the city, he still knew how huge the outside world was. He used to be a wild boar. How trivial these trivial things are.

Cognition is a very magical thing, it can't be seen, but it can make people suddenly look like someone, because he figured out some things, re-know himself, or re-know the world.

And if Daenerys went to the Red Castle library for a period of time, then she would definitely describe the creatures in the world with a hunt, rather than strange and terrible.

Yi Xiao saw the world in the eyes of Daenerys through her memory. It was so fascinating, Dumbledore's favorite magic spell to play. Although Yi Huo does not have obsessive-compulsive disorder to master everything so as to explore everyone's memory, in some cases, this spell is unexpectedly easy to use.

Without much trouble, Yi Chou easily penetrated Daenerys' brain. But even so, he was careful when he released his magic, trying not to leave any traces, for fear that Dannilis would be alarmed or known to her.

Not because of Daenerys itself, just as this magic succeeds easily. Yi Biao can also use magic to easily trap Daenerys in monster form, but because of the existence of the world.

The creature in the dark mist is obviously some kind of advanced guy. Who knows whether it has any magic or ability, can leave a connection in Daenerys' memory.

Whether it can perceive Yi Shen's quietly release of the goddess and Yi Yao's uncertainty, but if Daenerys discovers that her brain will receive this signal, then if something really lurks in her memory, she will definitely be the first Time is known.

Fortunately, Daenerys's memory was empty, and Yi Chou didn't seem to notice the existence of other magic.

So he saw it. Seeing a complete world, the world after the dark fog, although Daenerys has not existed in it for a long time, just a glimpse, but the exposed information is enough to analyze a lot of things.

Otherwise, with the description of Da Ni Lisi's support and ambiguity, even if the brain is big, Yi Biao can't complete the scene at that time.

That is the inner world, but not just the inner world, at least not just the inner world of Silent Hill.

What is the meaning of the existence of the inner world? There are many descriptions, which are not exact, and there is no unified or recognized setting. Some people say that it is a dark collection of human negatives and y shadows. Very powerful, but not without solution.

Some people say that it is the dark side of the world, the back of the world, and the other side, the world exists, and the world inside will always exist. It cannot be destroyed, nor can it invade here. The world is as strong as the world, but the world is more intuitive and more terrible than the watch world.

These things all make sense. Anyway, who can succeed, that is, a new setting and rules have emerged. When he was a lover of supernatural imagination, he had studied a lot of nature. He even made some supernatural memorials and personally. The demon's calling ceremony.

unfortunately. . None of the little loli named Bloody Mary appeared.

Supernatural circles are also arguing about this, so that Yi Chou can't determine what kind of existence it is in the world. It may be very weak, so weak that those monsters are just looking for strange things, but their strength is unbearable. At least for human beings who have mastered beyond the power of ordinary people, it is not ordinary people who have entered by mistake.

But it is also possible that it is powerful and powerful enough. . It can destroy everything humans recognize.

But what is certain is that the inner world of the second world is definitely not that simple, because according to the habits of the second world, it must be a fusion world, and a world that can be integrated with the inner world, I am afraid that it is not good in itself. world.

What's more, the powerful presence exposed from the flash of electricity is enough to show that the rank of the world in the world is higher than that of any world that Yi has experienced.

And the inner world of Silent Hill is very small, where will the back of the mirror be, and there is not black and white, but colored, only one color, burning red, blood red blood red, like the flames in hell.

Therefore, the ruins after the nuclear war do not belong to Silent Hill, so it remains to be discussed where they belong.

Unfortunately, Daenerys didn't see any representative creatures. She only saw these two scenes. She didn't even see the nurses at the Silent Hill Hospital in Yi Chou's expectation. She didn't even have a triangular head.

It's just some nasty insects crawling on the ground, and some sneaky ghosts are hiding around. They only have a very blurry figure that can be felt, but the eyes can't catch it.

The memory of Daenerys gives Yi Huo the feeling that Daenerys was a bystander of the world at that time, just like when Constantine Dante's soul went to **** Yi Jiao did not catch the journey, and he still regrets it.

The world has been repelling Daenerys. If there is not an unknown force protecting her, she will not stay in the world for a second, even if it is not the body, she will not break the shackles of the magic circle. Looting so many forces from other worlds that are not true dragons.

The only good news is that the powerful existence that protects Daenerys, gives her world power and changes everything. She saw it.

A strong existence, an existence that Yi Chou cannot match.

But now Yi Biao still recalls the scene at that time, the scene in Daenerys' memory.

It's hard to forget, and it can never be forgotten.

The air is red because the sky is burning. The earth is yellow, because the hot waves are scorching everything, there is no sign of life activity around, except Daenerys herself, and she can't find it.

There are no reptiles, no strange monsters, not even little monsters who like to follow outsiders. The surrounding desolation, even the air exudes despair and the savage atmosphere of ancient times.

Daenerys seemed to be standing on a high platform at the time, or maybe on a cliff. Or the platform of a skyscraper, because the mountains appear in the ruins of a city is really strange, but there is the world, there is no common sense.

These are not the key points. With instinct, shortly after Daenerys entered, she turned around to find the existence that gave her strength, she found its place, and then turned her head.

She saw it clearly, also at that moment. Daenerys began to burn from her eyes. She knelt halfway down to the ground, and the whole person turned into a ray of light, as if instantly burned by a hot flame. From inside to outside, it turns into ashes.

Fortunately, it was not the body, and it was not intentionally hurt, so Daenerys left the world in the next moment and returned to the song of ice and fire.

then. . She saw the culprit, two. One of them is innocent.

Rage value is full.

"As we are all people from other worlds, don't you think there is anything weird?" When the group quickly hurried, Yi Chou suddenly asked Daenerys.

"What's strange." Daenerys froze for a moment, and then replied, "I've already seen your weirdness, and you don't seem to hide this from me."

Daenerys’ attitude was much easier than before, and even her tone changed. “Just like I even had to worry about whether I would become a slave and become another’s plaything a long time ago, who knows that I will become queen."

"So who will control what can happen in other worlds, and what impact it will have on me, the one who will come will always come, that is recorded in the fate, until then, I only know that you can help my people. "

She turned her head with no expression on her face, and looked at Yi Chou very flatly.

Well, Yi Chou withdrew what she said before, she is still a slightly serious dead fish face, it seems that trying to make herself a qualified queen has become a habit after a long time, this is also a success.

This exchange did not attract too much attention from the group of people. They were still rushing their heads, and the direction was also very clear. It was the Twin River City, located under the neck, in the south of Westeros, guarding the narrow area of ​​the continental center. A big city.

As for the large area of ​​land and many small cities and small towns below the Baikang camp that has fallen and the Twin River City, they were directly ignored by the pedestrians. The strange ghosts must go by land. They have not evolved to go by water. Ability, so they have to get there in advance.

If the ghosts had already slaughtered the Twin River City and went down all the way, they would continue to chase. If not, Yi Chou would use magic to block them here, and not let it go to the next step!


For the gossip on the road, Yi Biao used to cover up the way he read the memory of Daenerys. He knocked sideways along the way, even consciously guiding Daenerys's thoughts, but Stark did not say anything.

Because whether it is Stark or Daenerys, for the Second World or Yi Chou, they should belong to the aboriginal people of the world. They do not know how big the outside world is, how the real world exists, and themselves. What does it look like.

Maybe I will know later, but now. . will not.

Yi Biao has regarded Daenerys as the power of her future world. Although there is no way to take her out of the world of the song of ice and fire, as the shadow channel gradually increases, there must be a way to bring her back. After all, Winnie can cross multiple worlds, so can Daenerys.

I just don't know if the passage of the main world is still the same.

Therefore, Yi Biao can't let Daenerys be such a muddled queen. Even if she is a queen, she must have at least enough knowledge. No matter how easy the world of ice and fire is, no matter what kind of civilization or magic level Daenerys wants to bring Westeros to, she will play as she wishes.

But she herself must not follow Yi Chong like a native to enter and exit other worlds.

Since the success rate of making magical creatures is too low, then the help will be pulled one by one.

In fact. After gaining power, Daenerys has already changed, and has become a lot.

If it was her before, in the face of the nearly complete extinction of the gray bug Misang Dai, the Ballistandario, and the Legionless Army, even if you did not fight hard with Yi Huo immediately, the accounting afterwards was absolutely indispensable.

Daenerys is a very smart person. She learned very quickly, and has learned a lot of human life methods from Yi Huo and Stark and then dealt with them.

But now, she only mentioned it once, and then she didn't say much, not even caring.

She has changed and become indifferent. No matter how beautiful her face is now than before, she is no longer a human being. She is a humanoid monster. Ontology is really a dragon-shaped monster that really comes from the world, not only looks strange, but also has a strong fighting power.

Soul changes appearance, and appearance also changes heart.

The human heart is a very unreliable existence. When dreaming, anyone is very firm, but when change really comes, there are very few people who stick to it.

Unfortunately, it was the magical power that changed Daenerys, and what her mind could not resist.

Fortunately, it wasn't her arrogance that Yi Chou liked. It was her strength, which was better indifferent, and at least there was no pressure to start.

Daenerys, who turned into a dragon, could definitely crush Stark in power, let alone Captain America. Although Captain America can evade Daenerys' attack like Parkour by virtue of his strength, facing a monster of this size, he is not careful, and the only thing that awaits the captain's ending is death.

Maybe he could hurt Daenerys, such as attacking the eyes or other vulnerable places, but that chance is too small.

Captain America’s strength is almost the pinnacle of most civilian heroes. For example, the night monsters Jessica or Luke Cage and Green Arrow, which means that in the ordinary superhero world, Daenerys can walk sideways.

As for the more advanced heroes, lightning green lights and the like, they all have their own abilities. To defeat them, they can't blindly rely on strength to crush, and they must be restrained in front of their abilities. Daenerys is still very difficult to do.

But with her super strong defense, losing is not a thing of a half past.

Not only is Yi Miao's magic most of her immune, even Stark's hot weapons can hardly hurt her hard scale armor, and grenades below the medium size are useless. Only the larger ones can hurt her, or Make her feel shocked.

As for Barry Allen's full blow after running, he almost didn't snap back his arm.

I have to say that Daenerys has gained a lot this time, and Yi Biao even feels that she jumped from a block level lower than ordinary werewolves to a war level, or even higher.

The power is strong, but the knowledge and experience need to be rich. Yi Chou suddenly felt that the world of Song of Ice and Fire, which had no value at all, became important.

Then ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ solve the problem of aliens as soon as possible. Yi Chou used magic to adjust the direction of several people, and then speeded up again to the Twin River City.

Because of the development and exploration of the new world, Yi Chou can't wait a bit.

By the way, about the scene of the last scene in Daenerys’ memory, Yi Chou still hasn’t forgotten. He has been reminiscing and replaying along the way, until now.

It was a huge shadow, bigger than all the buildings and even the whole city ruins. In front of it, the city ruins were as unremarkable as dust.

The bottom of the dark shadow seems to be deeply grounded. It has countless tentacles, like the whiskers of a big tree waving around, like a demon, each waving tentacle looks as thick as the sun.

It sits on the dry, cracked grayish yellow ground, with the burning sky above its head, as if supporting the whole world.

Do not. . No, it does not prop up the world, it. . Is the world. (To be continued.)



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