High Magic Earth

Chapter 824: method

"Almost, but we go to Palau."

"You made a mistake and the island will sink today."

"They are not here."

Four people quietly surrounded the TV and watched this two-hour movie Mysterious Island in their original form. During this period, only Buduozu had eaten aside snacks, and the other three people did not speak.

After all, their every move was shown in the movie, this feeling is really strange.

They sat in front of the TV and watched their adventures inside, while Yi Chou stood in front of the Nautilus and watched them watch their adventures.

"It feels really strange, really." Yi Xuan gave a disgusted expression, and then whispered to Alimond next to him, "You said no one would look down at us now?"

"How is it possible, Master." Alimond said, "No one can spy on your magic... here! It hasn't been copied here, my master."

Yi Xiao quickly moved the wand over, as if the dazzling light of the welding flashed over, a submarine that was almost identical to the Nautilus was slowly copied under the magic of Yi Xiao's magic, just like a pair of twin brothers.

In addition to not having the ability to travel through time and space, the copy mantra copied everything about the Nautilus. Of course Yi Chou was not reserved as a souvenir. He had other plans.

"I should go see them." Seeing the TV began to pop up subtitles, Yi Chou put away his wand and opened the door to the library.

From the laboratory to any room in the castle, such a little magic can't be easier for Yi Chou.

"I told you not to enter this door long ago, it seems that you haven't listened." The four people in a daze suddenly heard a voice coming from behind. When they looked back, they saw that Yi Chou was walking from the ceiling to the door. Climb down the ladder that sticks out.

At this moment, when they see Yi Chou again, the four people have different looks.

"Hey, sir, I seem to be more handsome on camera than usual, do you think." Buduo laughed first and then looked at Yi Chou.

Yi Chou just nodded his head coldly, and then set his sights on Sean and Hank, as the protagonist, these two people are still the most important of them.

Seeming to know the meaning of Yi Huo, Sean shook his head, "I should have thought about it." He said, "The house-elf who looks like et, I wonder why it looks familiar, now I want to come, it is The house elf in Harry Potter."

"Are you also a person in the book?" he asked, looking at Yi Huo.

"I don't know yet." Yi Huo shrugged, showing a calm smile.

"I still can't believe it." Sean said to himself, "I even doubt if these are all illusions, this island is magical, right."

Yi Chou is still very calm, "You have the answer in your heart, you can deceive anyone, but you can't deceive yourself."

Sean took a deep breath and stopped talking. It seemed that he was very tangled about his relationship with the movie.

"You already know all this, why." Compared to Sean's entanglement, Hank seems to be very open. He is an adult after all, and his mind is much tougher.

"What do you think." Yi Huo said, "I don't even know if I should tell you, I don't know if you want to know the truth of everything, but it doesn't matter now...you know."

Hank language stopper, he is also very confused about all this reality, why all his experiences will become a movie, even know more detailed than he himself.

If he is really the person in the movie, then what is he, a short life? A life under control from beginning to end?

It was terrible. Suddenly, Hank even felt that everything around him became strange.

"You don't need to doubt anything," Yi Biao said suddenly. "The movie was also played by people. After the movie, the actors still have their own lives. You are also the same, but it is nothing more than a real appearance."

"It's you who influence the movie, not that it is affecting you."

Hank was taken aback, but then the key question came to him, "Are you sure, do you have the next one, I mean..."

"I understand what you mean." Yi Huo said, "I don't have the next one, but... do you really think your future has been fixed."

"If you know your future, then it has been changed. Obviously, it has not been manipulated, but if you don't know, every choice you make will have a cause and effect, then the future is not accidental. "

"No one knows whether the future is manipulated, because you can never know the future, otherwise it will not be called the future."

"Sounds a little bit wrong." Han Keqiang smiled, "But thank you."

"If you are some medieval people, maybe I will tell you that these stories are like legends, but the protagonist of the legend has become you, but unfortunately... you already know what the movie is." Yi Chou shrugged.

"What are you going to do next?" he asked.

Hank glanced at Sean, who bowed his head silently, and the other two glanced. He said, "We're leaving here, I'm not talking about the library, I'm talking about this island."

Yi Huo nodded, and Hank then asked, "Do you know how to leave?"

"If you want to go, you can do Nautilus." Yi Xiao said, "I will fix it. The fastest will be tomorrow. I will use magic to open the way to your world, and then you can leave. Now."

"Take everything here as a dream or a special trip."

Hank thanked Yi Biao again, and then took Shawn and others to the outside of the library. "The banquet is still going on." Yi Biao shouted as they were about to step out of the library. "But I believe you may not Appetite."

"By the way, it's a pity that it can't be announced here, because this is really not your world."

The gate of the library was closed again, and Yi Chou saw several people return to their rooms through the crystal ball. As to whether they will have a good night tonight, I don’t know.

Yi Xiao showed a smile and returned the disorganized book to its original position again. The biting book was also thrown to its original position by Yi Xuan, and it would be stepped on as soon as he entered the library.

Sean entered the library as Yi Busan thought, and knew his truth by the way, but it seemed that the Second World did not respond to it. Even if there was something abnormal, it was the mentality of these people themselves.

It seems that the second world does not interfere with the operation of the sub-world, even if some people have been exposed to the nature of the world.

"Interesting..." Yi Huo whispered softly.

. . .

Sean and Hank and others only stayed in the Red Castle for one day. In the evening of the next day, Yi Chou kept his promise and repaired the Nautilus.

In addition to its special ability to travel through time and space, this thing is not difficult to repair other places. Although its material is very special, it is not a problem for the rich magic materials of Neverland.

The new Nautilus floated on the water, even brighter than before.

"It feels like returning to the factory..." Buduo murmured as he watched the Nautilus gleam in the sun on the water.

They walked silently, and even Caroline, who loved it here, didn't have any meaning to stay. After all, this is just an island, and even if it is beautiful, it is not their home.

The frozen unlucky egg was thawed by Yi Chou, but because of the long time, I am afraid that I need to lie down on the bed for a long time after going back. This time their journey is not very pleasant, and the few people left No body was found.

But Yi Xiao was quite sure that they were dead. Even the curses left were swallowed by the shadow creatures in the Black Valley as nutrients. Fortunately, there were still two survivors who went back to explain everything, otherwise Captain Buduo and Deputy Captain Hank will definitely be listed as the number one suspect. At least the suspicion of murdering passengers cannot be removed.

Everyone boarded the submarine one after another, and Hank stayed at the end. At the last moment before entering the submarine, he said to Yi Chou, "Anyway, thank you for your help."

He found that Yi Xuan didn't seem to like physical contact, so he didn't pat his shoulder or even hold his hand, but just stood in front of Yi Xiao and said, "This journey is very short...but absolutely unforgettable." He smiled bitterly. Said.

Yi Xiao understands him very well. After discovering the truth of the world, especially when his own experience appeared in a movie, the blow he got was definitely the destruction of his outlook on life.

Finally, Hank also boarded the Nautilus, the hatch closed, and the Nautilus began to dive slowly.

Inside the Red Castle, invisible to Hank and others, the command room operated by the little yellow people quickly became busy. They cried out words that no one could understand, and then quickly locked the Nautilus.

"The space has fluctuated the host." Alimond's response came from Yi Chou's heart. At the same time, Yi Chou saw a faint vortex in the deep sea not far from Fantasy Island.

The closer the Nautilus is, the larger the vortex becomes, and the moment the Nautilus is about to enter the vortex, the entire body of the vortex has a magical fluctuation of space energy.

"It's now." Yi Huo said quietly, "Let's start."

The little yellow man who got the order immediately pressed a certain button in the control room. Almost instantly, the Nautilus lost all its power. Its lights, engines, and even Hank and others in the submarine fell into a deep sleep.

The unpowered Nautilus began to sink to the bottom, but it still drifted towards the center under the gravity of the maelstrom.

But this time was enough for Yi Chou. He quickly used the energy of the flying spell to pull the Nautilus out of the water, and then took another already prepared replica from the shadow.

The existence of the maelstrom seemed to start to weaken, but Yi Chou's speed was faster, he threw all the people on the original Nautilus into the replica in less than a minute, then closed the hatch and enabled the autopilot mode .

The replica began to descend slowly. When it reached the position of the previous Nautilus, Yi Chou once again awakened all the people above, just like a group of stunned, and when they had not noticed any abnormality, the maelstrom The remaining gravity instantly pulled them in.

However, at this time, Yi Xuan had replaced the original version of the Nautilus with a copy, and successfully packed these people back. "Successful." Yi Xiao said lightly.

Not only did he get the Nautilus, but also the coordinates that lead to a world. Although this coordinate may not be able to be opened again, it is still a gain. The most important thing is that without the Nautilus, these guys will not be casual. Then came to Neverland.

"It's a very unexpected harvest." Yi Xiao picked up the miniature Nautilus, which was like a model, and after Alimond rushed over, the two left the beach of Dream Island at one time.

Yi Chao was in a good mood, because it was a windfall that fell from the sky, and he didn't even go out.

. . .

But again, there are a lot of bad things waiting for him. For example, after Yi Biao went back, he got the research results that Xiaohuang people were not happy about.

There is still no progress in the large number of space channels. Not to mention where they lead to each other, even opening the weakest channel is impossible.

Yi Chao can indeed travel to various worlds through the shadow, but it is the same as the first crossing of the Second World, and neither is controlled by Yi Xiao. As the strength continues to grow, Yi Xiao needs and must be able to master the different shuttles. The power of the world.

But now it seems that it is impossible to count on the Xiaohuang people.

After the Xiao Huangren failed more than 130 times, Yi Chou decided that he could not continue like this. Relying on the Xiao Huangren, he might not be able to crack the secret of the space channel for a lifetime. . I had to use that thing.

Soon, after Yi Biao made a decision and made up his mind, the entire Red Castle was running quickly, the village of Flying Monkeys began to close, the materials in the Red Castle began to be stored, and the little yellow men and house-elves returned to their positions , And Yi Huo is also ready to go far.

And after all this is done, it is only bad. . How to enter the new world.

Standing in front of a huge light curtain, Yi Xao looked up at the screen above. The screen was black, and only dozens of light spots were flashing densely. This is where Dornting used to be the main control room. These light spots It was also the spatial coordinates it searched at that time.

With the disappearance of Dornting, this place has long been abandoned. Although Yi Biao has found some low-level magic intelligence in Oz, he dare not use it easily, and the ability of low-level magic intelligence is far from Dornting. There is no way to deal with these things.

Yi Xiao can only rely on the Xiaohuang people, but unfortunately after so long, the Xiaohuang people still have no progress.

This is not to blame them, because their abilities cannot exceed their masters, and even Yihuo has no way, let alone them.

At this time, Yi Biao was surrounded by Alimonde, the house-elf, who was wearing a cloak and had become the new steward of the Red Castle after the mysterious disappearance of Levine.

"Everything is ready for the owner." It whispered, "You can go at any time, if you really want to do this..."

Alimond quickly stopped talking, because it saw Yi Xiao reaching out to take out the magic lamp, which could satisfy all the wishes of people.

Rubbing lightly a few times, the wish elf Aria floated out of it.

She condensed into a solid, and then stretched a lazy waist, "Although it is boring... but this sleep is really good, this is the hundreds of times I have slept well in the past few decades, I thought You forgot me."

"How can I forget you," Yi Huo said, "I could have promised to let you out."

"But it's hard to do." Alia continued, "Almost no wizard can break the spell on the magic lamp. You... found a way?"

"No." Yi Xuan said.

Alia's complexion fell suddenly, "That's a wish." She said in a careless tone, shrugging, and she smiled, "Although you didn't find a way, you must have worked hard, thank you You, you are a good host, and I am very happy to fulfill your wishes."

She couldn’t find a way and called her again. Obviously there was a desire for her help. This was the last wish left. After the three wishes ended, it meant that Aria needed to wait for a new owner. That's why she thought the difference was imminent.

However, Yi Xuan did not make a wish immediately, but remained silent for a long while before slowly saying, "In fact... I really think of a way to break the magic lamp spell."

"What?" Aria immediately opened her eyes and even raised her voice by several decibels.

She was not surprised that she was trapped in the magic lamp for hundreds of years. There have been many people who tried to release her. There are ordinary people and wizards, but without exception, they have not succeeded.

Yi Biao is obviously not like a non-targeted person~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and his magic is almost stronger than any wizard that Aria has experienced, but he has never moved, naturally because Yi Biao understands the magic lamp The power of the spell is just that he said it now. Obviously it should have been grasped, which made Aria trapped for hundreds of years not excited.

"Why... what?" Aria asked with a trembling voice.

Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes and said softly, "It's very simple, wish."

Alia was shocked, and even heard it by herself. "This is impossible." She immediately fell down again, "Wish is impossible to release me, I told you long ago." She was like a pierced balloon , Disappointment under hope is increasingly desperate.

But obviously, Yi Chou could not have such a low-level error. He shook his head and continued, "No... it doesn't mean your wish."

Squinting his eyes, Yi Xiao looked at the lost wish elf in front of him, "You have never heard of such a magical existence, it can regenerate decay, can make the moment into eternity, can make illusion into reality, it It’s called...silver tongue." (Unfinished.)

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